Infernal Previews!

Bees are more in proportion with his other arm.

Furthermore, bees fly.

(But seriously though, if you could have gotten a swarm of flies or something like that as a helltech prosthetic it'd be awesome.)
Slayer caste? :roll:

Unless they mean the band, in which case the book will be way more awesome than I expect it to be.

Megadeath caste... GWAR caste...
wordman said:
Slayer caste? :roll:
Unless they mean the band, in which case the book will be way more awesome than I expect it to be.
Well, that grimcleaver is pretty metal.
Also, if they really wanted some kudos. The Zenith equivalent must look like the Judge from Blood Meridian. I accept no others.
I just found out that the Caste names which people have been complaining about... are actually the house names of Demon: the Fallen.

I thought they dropped the references. D:
There's some doubt at to whether it's intentional. A lot more discussion on what House would be appropriate to each Caste, and so on.
Apparently it is intentional. :|

Talk to me again after April and I'll tell you of long, bitter battles over the names we eventually chose, with the permission of the other authors.
I don't know a thing about Demon: the Fallen, but still. While the names make more sense, they don't really feel Exalted enough.
I wonder why they didn't just use the derogatory Caste titles from the Core book. They might not have been new titles, but I think it would have made sense.
The one pic of the Infernals looks like they're about to have a heavy metal concert.

And, nifty Alchemicals. Even an Adamant Caste signature character, it seems.
Great now nuns. That's...I dunno. Seems like something they'd have shoe horned into old Vampire. Kind of...stupid for Exalted, even by Exalted standards. The Malfeans are Catholics? That explains it all!

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