Infamous: Repercussions

[QUOTE="Saruwatari Tomohisa]Lol Mine is nothing like any of yours xD

yeah i saw well while your taking the time would you wind if you went and checked out my RP

i actually made a Godzilla RP HAHA xD
[QUOTE="Saruwatari Tomohisa]Lol Mine is nothing like any of yours xD

Yeah but you got to admit mine is not that bad


[QUOTE="Saruwatari Tomohisa]Lol Godzilla

also the Godzilla rp is on pg2 of fandom


[QUOTE="Saruwatari Tomohisa]Lol Godzilla

should stop commenting here and go onto the out of character chat


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Name: Noyeh

Age: 14

Gender: Male


History: Unknown

Personality: Quiet & Shy, but Reckless.

Inventory: Dagger and a Phone with a Charger.

Faction: Neutralized

Powers/Abilities: Video

Video Emerse- Can create objects/people from Video Images.

Goal: None
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Yeah, I was searching up some Pokemon crap, and I saw Assailant on here so I decided to check it out. GGO's community lowered down, I wanna try to get it back up but cant.
Noyeh said:
Yeah, I was searching up some Pokemon crap, and I saw Assailant on here so I decided to check it out. GGO's community lowered down, I wanna try to get it back up but cant.
yeah, i know what you mean
Have you made a CS on here before? I just started and I need to get Accepted.
Noyeh said:
Have you made a CS on here before? I just started and I need to get Accepted.
i have one but it is not complete you can still check it out though it is Kaiju ( a godzilla based RP)
My god... Do you know when the Owner will come online? I want to start roleplaying!
I did, your a living Dream Catcher! I'm just a Video person, look on Page 6.

GTG, Wedding I have to go to.
Name:Twilight Sparkle

Age: 15


Appearance: (What your character looks like. Pictures are fine.)
without the horn.

History: (What all has your character been through?) Twilight Sparkle originally came to the city to study more on science and nature, but when the Blast happened, something happened to her as well. She got powers and started shooting beams out of her hands. Not just one type of beams, different types. When she walked around the devastation, searching for survivors, she was attacked by some gang members from a nearby section of the city. She thought she was done for until she was saved by Dax. She eventually became his close friend and companion. When they would get the chance, Twilight and Dax trained together wherever they could, finding ways to better themselves an help the ruined world. In one battle, Dax got separated from her, and she's been looking for him in the city ever since. She's really his companion, not assistant.

Personality: Twilight is a bookworm and very organized. Ever since she learned how to control her powers better, She's started acting a little more bold than she was. She is also very kind and caring. She is also very intellectual all the time.

Inventory: Glasses, gloves, 3 books on science.

Faction: Neutral, Twilight goes wherever there is something new to be proven or discovered!

Powers/Abilities: Beam Emission: Twilight can shoot different types of power beams from her hands. She has to touch the substance or solid to be able to use the beam though. (Ex. if she touched Felix, she'd be able to use a shadow beam only.) possible different types of beams include: regular(pinkish purple-ish beam), light, ice, fire, electricity, shadow, earth, air, sound, water, and video.

Goal: (What does your character strive for?) To find a purpose and better the ruined world around her and to make new friends along the way.
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[QUOTE="Son of Crota]
Name:Twilight Sparkle
Age: 15


Appearance: (What your character looks like. Pictures are fine.)

History: (What all has your character been through?)Twilight Sparkle originally came to the human world to study and learn more than she could in Equestria, but when the Blast happened, something happened to her as well. The portal to Equestria was destroyed and her powers stopped working temporarily. When she walked around the devastation, searching for survivors, she was attacked by some gang members from a nearby section of the city. She thought she was done for until she was saved by Dax and thanked him for saving her life by staying with him forever. When her powers started working again she and Dax trained together wherever they could, finding ways to better themselves an help the ruined world. In one battle, Dax got separated from her, and she's been looking for him in the city ever since.

Personality: Twilight is a bookworm and very organized. Ever since she came to this world and learned how to control her powers better, She's started acting a little more bold than she was. She is also very kind and caring to Dax. She owes him for how he saved her so long ago. She is also very intellectual all the time.

Inventory: Spell books, Glasses, Elements of Harmony

Faction:Neutral, Twilight goes wherever Dax goes and only wants to protect him.

Powers/Abilities: Magic: Basic magic like levitation of objects or herself and spells that allow her to fight like her magic laser spell or her signature move, Elemental Shot: Harmony's way. But these are the only powers she has really. When angry or filled with hatred or despair, she can use dark magic which makes her stronger.

Goal: (What does your character strive for?) To protect Dax and stay by his side at all costs, till the very end.

Are you serious


im done not coming here
[QUOTE="Son of Crota]why?

why did you even think of making that character
[QUOTE="Son of Crota]just felt like it, I had to go back and edit some stuff though.

Read my character and the that one got to admit that is very opposite

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