Infamous: Repercussions


Arthur Patton

Age: (You're character's age)


Gender: (Male/Female)


Appearance: (What your character looks like. Pictures are fine.)


History: (What all has your character been through?)

Arthur was the son of General Patton, a founder of the DUP. Upon the general discovering his son was a conduit he hid him away for his safety. Two years after the blast Patton was KIA and his property and monetary assets fell too him. Arthur quickly claimed all of these and used his father's money and contacts to move his way up in the DUP. It was Risky idea but as they sustained heavy losses at conduit hands Arthur came before the board. He told them of his plans to use conduits rather than fight and kill. Use the enemy to kill the enemy, study them. The board was desperate at this time and a majority vote carried the plans to set in motion Arthurs rise to power. Since then Arthur has been sweeping across the west coast, turning the tide against the conduits in key locations. It is at this time that he plans to move onto New York.

Personality: (How does your character think/act?)

Cocky but with the ability to back it up, Arthur used fear and power to get to his position. And then he used the position to become idolized amongst the DUP.

Inventory: (Whatever your character keeps on them)

A single pistol modified to shoot metal slugs rather than standard bullets. Each slug is created from surrounding metal rather than carried.

Faction: (Who does your character work for? Optional of course)


Powers/Abilities: (What your Conduit character is capable of)

Metal Manipulation

Goal: (What does your character strive for?)

Control over the conduits.
Name: Mariota Manda (Most call him M)

Age: 19

Gender: Male


History: Mariota was a high school dropout with a future ahead of him. He had his life panned out, and was landing a job at the most prestigious stock brokerage firm. He was an instant millionaire. The day of the blast he was at work, in the heart of NY, but was forced to leave, because his mother had been sent to the hospital due to shortness of breath. On his way to the hospital, the blast hit and Mariota was left unconscious for eight days.

Personality: Mariota has no tolerance for children, and tends to think he's always right. He is very self entitled but has a legendary work ethic.

Inventory: iPhone 5s, ID card to job, wallet(600 Cash), 7 quarters, car keys.

Faction: FFA

Powers/Abilities: Mariota is able to shape shift. This doesn't boost his stats in any way. (Only into living things, plants;people;animals etc.,

Goal: To lead the FFA, and eliminate anyone who sits in his path.
Name: (Your character's name, as well as any alias he goes by) Saruwatari Tomohsia. Alias would be threlm Peixes

Age: (You're character's age) 20

Gender: (Male/Female) Male

Appearance: (What your character looks like. Pictures are fine.)


History: (What all has your character been through?) He was a old reaper but he was turned into a member of the shadows during a fight. He grew up in a normal family when he discovered his powers his parents were shocked and kicked him out at the age of 13. Soon after he joined the reapers and is now with the shadow.

Personality: (How does your character think/act?)

He is mostly emotionless and doesn't care about who/what he is killing. He is usually nice if you know him.

Inventory: (Whatever your character keeps on them)

His phone.

Faction: (Who does your character work for? Optional of course)


Powers/Abilities: (What your Conduit character is capable of)

He can Shoot ice crystals from his right arm meant for long distance fighting and on his left arm he can blast fire out of it meant to be a flamethrower like weapon. Flash step and is stronger than your average human.

Goal: (What does your character strive for?)

Absolutely nothing. If he would have to pic something it would be killing, Please his master or women.

Name: (Your character's name, as well as any alias he goes by)

Ryu Kenshin



Age: (You're character's age)


Gender: (Male/Female)


Appearance: (What your character looks like. Pictures are fine.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Crow.png.89442108e8dcca3ed3cab2232532390d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40025" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Crow.png.89442108e8dcca3ed3cab2232532390d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: (What all has your character been through?)

Crows parents died when he was about 14. He had to live on the streets. Crow took interest in birds, mainly the crow, he attempted living like the birds. He lived on the rooftops and jumped around stealing food. When he was about 17, he was found by the reapers and they had a battle against the shadows, where his shadow was taken by the leader. He is currently 19 and with the shadows.

Personality: (How does your character think/act?)

Crow is a quiet guy who obeys orders, but he doesn't let people push him around. The last guy who tried messing with him, lets just say, he wasn't seen again.

Inventory: (Whatever your character keeps on them)

A backpack with basic materials, water, matches, and his phone

Faction: (Who does your character work for? Optional of course)

The Shadows

Powers/Abilities: (What your Conduit character is capable of)

The ability to shoot electricity form his fingers, he can fast travel when near electricity, can fly when near electricity


To have sempai notice him, oh... and destroy humanity, but that's minor.



  • Crow.png
    172.9 KB · Views: 41
[QUOTE="Ryu Kenshin]

Name: (Your character's name, as well as any alias he goes by)

Ryu Kenshin



Age: (You're character's age)


Gender: (Male/Female)


Appearance: (What your character looks like. Pictures are fine.)

View attachment 97527

History: (What all has your character been through?)

Crows parents died when he was about 14. He had to live on the streets. Crow took interest in birds, mainly the crow, he attempted living like the birds. He lived on the rooftops and jumped around stealing food. When he was about 17, he was found by the reapers and they had a battle against the shadows, where his shadow was taken by the leader. He is currently 19 and with the shadows.

Personality: (How does your character think/act?)

Crow is a quiet guy who obeys orders, but he doesn't let people push him around. The last guy who tried messing with him, lets just say, he wasn't seen again.

Inventory: (Whatever your character keeps on them)

A backpack with basic materials, water, matches, and his phone

Faction: (Who does your character work for? Optional of course)

The Shadows

Powers/Abilities: (What your Conduit character is capable of)

The ability to shoot electricity form his fingers, he can fast travel when near electricity, can fly when near electricity


To have sempai notice him, oh... and destroy humanity, but that's minor.

How dare you make your goal that!? Only Smokescreen's goal is to have senpai notice him!!
Ryu Kenshin]I'm Sorry sempai!!!!! NOTICE MEEEEEEEE!!!!! [URL=" said:
NO! I REFUSE TO NOTICE Y- God dammit, I noticed you!
Name: Raiden

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Appearance: (What your character looks like. Pictures are fine.)\


History: Raiden discovered his conduit abilities at a really early age. His parents feared him so they called the DUP, but they could never catch him. Raiden lives all by himself in the city and tries to make the world realize that conduits aren't monsters.

Personality: Raiden is kind and funny , but when he is in battle he is really serious and he will sacrifice everything to protect his team.

Inventory: a sword that helps harness his abilities

Faction: he works for no one


demon Summon : can summon 1 video demon

Video wings : minipulates data to turn into demon wings

video sword : surrounds his sword with data making it sharper

demon claw : launches a video demon claw out of his hands pushing enemies back and hurting them

data transformation : can transform into data to escape. and can go inside computers

computer : amazing with computers

video create : can create anything with data

Data absorb : can absorb data and manipulate it

Goal: To make people view conduits as actual people
Name: Dallas, Nicknames: "Psycho" or "Deadman"


Gender: Male


History: Dallas was part of a secret Military/DUP project called "Bending Shadows" which tried to copy his abilities. It was 7 years of torture since he was 13 that he finally escaped. Only few fragments of his Sanity remain in place keeping him alive. When he was 13 his Mother and Father were killed trying to defend him, and his brother was sent off to be observed. The reason why they wanted his abilities was because he could control shadows using them as weapons. DUP wanted that type of power and so did the Military. He was Scarred, bruised, beaten, and mentally broken but still had a salvageable hope and love. But after he escaped he used his abilities during night to level the facility and free more DUP prisoners. He covered himself in shadows so no one could find him again.

Also because of his dark and corrupt memories Dallas remembers his mother's song like this: [media]

[/media] which always gives him a 1000 yard stare and will not respond to the world around him. He mainly remembers the song at night. He may even sing along sometimes.
Personality: Very paranoid and aggressive, he will only calm down if he heard the sound of his mother or was around friends. He is strong as well (without powers). Vengeful and Persistent he will stop at nothing until his foe(s) are killed. However he will treat his allies like family in desperate hopes of the same emotions towards him.

Inventory: a knife, bag, and roughed up Hooded jacket with torn jeans and black and red sneakers.

Faction: None

Powers/ abilities: can bend shadows and smoke to use as weapons and increase Strength, Agility, ETC

Goal: Get Revenge for his family and kill as many DUP as possible.
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Morbuskid said:
Name: Dallas, Nickname: "Psycho"

Gender: Male


History: Dallas was part of a secret Military/DUP project called "Bending the Dark" which tried to copy his abilities. It was 7 years of torture since he was 13 that he finally escaped. Only few fragments of his Sanity remain in place keeping him alive. When he was 13 his Mother and Father were killed trying to defend him, and his brother was sent off to be observed. The reason why they wanted his abilities was because he could control shadows using them as weapons. DUP wanted that type of power and so did the Military. But after he escaped he used the shadows of the night to level the facility and free more DUP prisoners. He covered himself in shadows so no one could find him again.

Personality: Very paranoid and aggressive, he will only calm down if he heard the sound of his mother. He is strong as well. Vengeful and Persistent he will stop at nothing until his foe is killed.

Inventory: a knife, a Recorder, bag, and roughed up Hooded jacket with torn jeans and black and red sneakers.

Faction: None

Powers/ abilities: Power to control shadows and ashes.

Goal: Get Revenge for his family and kill as many DUP as possible.
Moribus, we already have someone who can control shadows and a character who can control smoke as well.
AvidElmV2 said:
Moribus, we already have someone who can control shadows and a character who can control smoke as well.
Okay i will try something else


AvidElmV2 said:
Moribus, we already have someone who can control shadows and a character who can control smoke as well.
Okay i will try something else


Morbuskid said:
Okay i will try something else

Okay i will try something else
That better
Morbuskid said:
Okay i will try something else

Okay i will try something else


That better
I didn't mean that you had to change your powers, only that someone already had those powers. Also, the GM isn't online so you may have to wait awhile until your CS is accepted.
AvidElmV2 said:
I didn't mean that you had to change your powers, only that someone already had those powers. Also, the GM isn't online so you may have to wait awhile until your CS is accepted.
i said i was going to change it back so yeah


[QUOTE="Saruwatari Tomohisa](Hia)[/quote

[QUOTE="Saruwatari Tomohisa]So what is happening?

Not much just making a character here and over looking my RP
[QUOTE="Saruwatari Tomohisa]Ah ok :)
Do we have to wait till ours is accepted cause I don't think mine or my friends is....

I dont know probably
[QUOTE="Saruwatari Tomohisa]Lol i posted it like four days ago :/

i posted mine a little while ago
[QUOTE="Saruwatari Tomohisa]Ah ok well best of luck to ya xD

Probably not even going to make it since my character i s a bit similar to that Psych character. That was really coincidental i did not mean to make him so close to that guy but atleast our characters are different in appearance and personality

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