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Fantasy Indescribable ~Reboot~ (Closed)

Adrian whined at the glare before glancing to the love of his life who'd simply watch him with pleading bear cub eyes with the added bear ears just as a seasoning on perfection, causing him to sigh and pout. "Ohhh, implant a heart in me then rip it out again, why don'tchya?" He then brought his hand to his face, using his index finger and thumb to rub his eyes before pouting further. "I'll... okay, fine. Fine! Throw me a party! Just please, don't be upset..." He'd then yelp once Zuzana stood and rushed him into a hug. A smile on her face in the process.

"Thank you! Y'won't regret it, I promise!" She beamed, Adrian letting out a defeated sigh before having smiled slightly as he'd rest his cheek on his wife's head while having returned the hug as he'd rock a bit with her.

"Th' things I do, I swear. If someone came t' me when I was young and said; 'hey, this'll get better and you'll have a wife and a family that'll throw parties for ya' I'd... Y'know, I'd probably kick 'em where it hurts and steal their wallet, honestly." Adrian blinked, Zuzana snickering as she leaned up and kissed his cheek.
Graham snickered, "it's what happens when you have family."
Graham snickered, "it's what happens when you have family."

Reaver nodded quickly. "An amazing one, at that."

Adrian sighed again, continuing to rock side to side with his wife as he closed his eyes with a smile. "Yeah, I... can't argue with that..."
Graham snickered, "i know. It's crazy, isn't it?"

"A once in a lifetime experience." Reaver smiled.

Adrian rolled his eyes, hugging his wife more to him - enough to pick her up just so he could turn to face the bois and set her down again. He squinted to Graham and Reaver. "Why you do dis?"

"B'cause we can."
"A once in a lifetime experience." Reaver smiled.

Adrian rolled his eyes, hugging his wife more to him - enough to pick her up just so he could turn to face the bois and set her down again. He squinted to Graham and Reaver. "Why you do dis?"

"B'cause we can."
"It's a fun activity that we like to do.' He shrugged.
"Oh you are. Just because we are doesn't make you cruel either."

Adrian gasped, smiling as his eyes filled with wonder. "Y'meaaaaan it!? I'm really cruel? How cruel!? Someone ya just wanna kick off a large cliff int' several jagged spikes, right!?"

Reaver stared at his brother. "Why are you like this!?"

"I strive t' be the best DWD in history. I gotta exceed my dad without being a prick like him, but still cruel in several other aspects that don't include abuse because I may turn around and maul someone with no warning, but I couldn't do that t' my family because of... gross, sappy reasons." Adrian kissed his wife's head gently and Reaver gasped.

Adrian gasped, smiling as his eyes filled with wonder. "Y'meaaaaan it!? I'm really cruel? How cruel!? Someone ya just wanna kick off a large cliff int' several jagged spikes, right!?"

Reaver stared at his brother. "Why are you like this!?"

"I strive t' be the best DWD in history. I gotta exceed my dad without being a prick like him, but still cruel in several other aspects that don't include abuse because I may turn around and maul someone with no warning, but I couldn't do that t' my family because of... gross, sappy reasons." Adrian kissed his wife's head gently and Reaver gasped.

Graham gasped, "he does have a heart! I KNEW IT!"
Graham gasped, "he does have a heart! I KNEW IT!"

Adrian grimaced at the both of them in disgust. "Only sometimes. My chest is nothing but a gaping hole, 99.9% of the time."

"Suuure." Reaver smiled, Adrian squeenting.

"Wipe that smile off yer face, boy."
Adrian grimaced at the both of them in disgust. "Only sometimes. My chest is nothing but a gaping hole, 99.9% of the time."

"Suuure." Reaver smiled, Adrian squeenting.

"Wipe that smile off yer face, boy."
Graham squinted "are you telling him what to do? "
Graham squinted "are you telling him what to do? "

"Why, yes. Yes I am." Adrian squinted in return.

"Y'can't tell me what t' do!"

"Technically as king and gahdfathah, I can."

"We-- Well, I--" Reaver blinked a few times before looking to Zuzana. "Zuzu, may I keep my smile?"

Zuzana raised a brow while holding a smile of her own. "Of course, you can. Better than a sad face."

Reaver went back to smiling as Adrian had pouted from the overruling. His cheek, once more, resting on Zuzana's head.

"I can't win, but at least I come in at a close second place to the mamoso." Adrian huffed.
"Why, yes. Yes I am." Adrian squinted in return.

"Y'can't tell me what t' do!"

"Technically as king and gahdfathah, I can."

"We-- Well, I--" Reaver blinked a few times before looking to Zuzana. "Zuzu, may I keep my smile?"

Zuzana raised a brow while holding a smile of her own. "Of course, you can. Better than a sad face."

Reaver went back to smiling as Adrian had pouted from the overruling. His cheek, once more, resting on Zuzana's head.

"I can't win, but at least I come in at a close second place to the mamoso." Adrian huffed.
Graham nodded, "and i'm glad you like it that way."
Graham smiled, "and the times we're not, it's for good reasons."

"If y'say so." Zuzana smirked, gently flipping a few fish.

Adrian blinked, pouting as he looked to the boiiis. "She doesn't belieeeve us."

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