Indescribable (Closed)

"no, you wouldn't. The mask stays on lover boy. But you can call me Cheshire, you'll find out plenty of who I am in the news tomorrow. Congratulations by the way, your an eyewitness." she started walking backwards into the treeline.
"I won't let it take you. I won't let it. . ." Masaru froze as he remembered his dream. He'll kill Dei, he'll kill them all. He could feel it in the back of his mind, something so sinister and dark, lurking in the shadows. Masaru shook his head. "You're not safe here. You're not safe." He could feel the beast behind his eyes shift as a sick grin, showing the its bright, white teeth in the darkness. "Something has switched inside since i regained my memories. Something terrible. I don't. . . .why can't you just run? Run! For fuck sake, run! You're just like her. Just like my mother. She thought my father was her everything. He hurt her in the end. Emotionally, psychically, mentallly, all of it. And i'll do the same. I know it, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I know. Gods, i fucking know it. Forget me, please. P-Please, run. Find another man, find someone else. Just leave me alone. I want to be alone. Just. . . JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" In a flash of a second, he had wrapped Dei in Masaru's jacket and took him out of his room. He stared at Dei. "I'm sorry, but i was wrong to let you in. So. Very. Wrong. I won't let him hurt you. None of you. It's for the best. I'm too problematic for you. You deserve better. Something way better than  ..  .this creature that you see before you." He slammed the door and locked it. 
Dei-Loki, who's eyes would remain wide as he was taken out of the room, stared at Masaru before flinching as the door was slammed shut. Pricks of tear droplets appeared in the corners of his eyes. Keeping Masaru's coat around his otherwise clothingless body, he reached out and placed a hand on the door while ignoring the throbbing pain and anxiety in his chest - banging on the door as he tried to get through to him. "Masaru, listen to me! It was only a bad dream! I know y' won't hurt anyone because y' have more control than that! I have faith in you! Just... Please!" He'd then lean against the door, wincing his eyes shut as his falling tears showed he'd succumbed to the pain. Sliding down the door, he quietly sobbed as he'd popped into his chibi form. Nearly hidden under the coat. His voice cracking and wavering as it bent to his emotions. "L... Let me in..."

"The news--" Akumu's eyes widened before he then released a growl, starting to follow. "Wait-- What the hell did you do!?"
"Just leave me alone, pipsqueak. Leave me alone for good." Masaru's voice was cold and ridden of emotions. He opened the window and looked back before jumping from the window and softly landing on his feet. He then made it back to his Mother's tree. "I won't let him have that, Mother. You wouldn't run and now look at you. Won't let that happen again. Nogitsunes don't deserve love. No they don't. Demons don't deserve love. Not one bit. Love is bad. Dangerous. A drug." Masaru sat still by the tree, hoping that no one would notice him. He needed to be left alone and forgotten. It was safer for all of them. Especially him. 
"Just leave me alone, pipsqueak. Leave me alone for good." Masaru's voice was cold and ridden of emotions. He opened the window and looked back before jumping from the window and softly landing on his feet. He then made it back to his Mother's tree. "I won't let him have that, Mother. You wouldn't run and now look at you. Won't let that happen again. Nogitsunes don't deserve love. No they don't. Demons don't deserve love. Not one bit. Love is bad. Dangerous. A drug." Masaru sat still by the tree, hoping that no one would notice him. He needed to be left alone and forgotten. It was safer for all of them. Especially him. 
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she put a hand over her lips, doing the 'shhhh- gesture "spoilers" she'd then turn invisible, except for her mask. "don't worry about loosing me, I'll be... around." with that she started to walk into the bushes.
Dei-Loki would wince from Masaru's harsh, cold words. The chibi form of the demigod not moving from his spot as his tears continued to fall. He'd clench his chest, wincing as his tiny fingertips would accidentally graze against the mark on his chest - forcing himself out of this adorably sad, small form as his regular form would curl up broken and on the floor. The Corruption making it's way up the left side of his neck and face. "This... I... What do I do?.. This aches, it burns, I... I can't..."

Growling Akumu watched Cheshire go before looking around. Arms at his sides as he balled his hands into fists. "Dammit..."
Staying put, Dei-Loki curled up in a tight ball under the jacket. Somehow, hugging his knees to his chest gave him enough comfort, as he'd slowly allow his body to sob its way into slumber. It was the only way to escape the pain that continued eating away at his insides faster than the Corruption fueled his insanity. That didn't mean his dreams were any better.
"You think running is the best option? Only cowards run, little brother." Yuki appeared in front of the tired Masaru. "I thought i told you to leave me alone." Yuki smiled, "that's the problem with you. You push and push and push until your demonic fox can slowly exit your soul." Masaru growled. "Shut the hell up, you lying wench!" The black smoke that he usually had turned into flames, surrounding him completely. "What's wrong, lil' bro? Am i speaking too much of the truth? Pushing and pushing and pushing. He loves you. He loves you soooooo much." Her white hair gave a slight purple. "How about this? Let's make a bet, Massy-poo. Since, you like to talk with your fist a lot. If i win this battle and knock you unconscious, then you let him in. You don't have to let me in, but you have to let them all in. And. . . if you win. I'll end your life for you. I know that's what you want because you're so so scared of living and losing your mind. So, i'll pull the trigger that no one else can. How does that sound, lil' brother?" Masaru walked over and shook Yuki's hand. "Deal. I'll let him in if you win and if i win. Take me to the snow. Far from here." Yuki quirked her eyebrow. "Snow?" Masaru nodded, "the snow, it's pretty. Cold, soft, and so very very deadly." 
Cheshire stored all of her equipment and changed into Nia's clothes again.

Nia regained control then. Leaving her room, as she found the form of Dei-Loki, as she gently picked him up and brought him to his room, and tucking him in bed.
"Sorry lil' bro. You'll forgive me when you stay with the people that you love. Open your heart for once. Quit making the walls." Yuki gave tiny laugh and sighed, "ahhhhh, Trump jokes." She grabbed Masaru around the waist and brought him back into his room. She then decided to stay for a bit, looking at the painting and books that Masaru kept in his study. 
Dei-Loki curled up in his bed as he was tucked in. His ears  having remained flat against his head as he quietly stirred in his sleep. The Corruption's veins still having been visible as they'd refuse to recede.
Mia looked at him and shrugged. "Is it too early for the doctor? Actually.. yeah, call him. I don't want to do anything bad." She kissed his nose again, hugging him.

Izzy sat up a little and looked at him. "do I make you awkward?"She asked.

Ash continued to kiss and bite her neck, roaming his hands up and down inside her shirt. "say it Malvo. Tell me that all of this is getting to you. That all of this is making you want me more, tell me everything Malvo." He said against her neck.
"Well, i'll call him tomorrow. It's almost midnight." Nicholas smiled, "we should probably get to bed."
Burying his face in his pillow, Dei-Loki would - every so often - whine in his sleep. Tossing and turning until he, once more, buried his face as he calmed down.

Malvo bit down on her lip with a soft whimper of pleasure as she tried holding back. 'Dammit... It is...'
Raven, just standing outside his door, sighed whilst thinking to himself. I think i'll just walk...I have to do something. He didn't move yet, it was like his body refused.


Naomi felt like she was going to die, just like her patient did. "That has never happened before...It shouldn't have, I don't know what I did wrong..." What is wrong with me... She then remembered, that she did actually have other patients that had died, wether it be mysterious cause or not, it always felt like it was her fault.
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Nia would walk down the hall, and into Masaru's room. "oi I'm uncultured" she said as she walked in "your man is... oh, your asleep too." Nia decided to pull up a chair, found a rag and very lightly cleaned off Masaru's face. She shook her head. "I cant help but feel you brought this on yourself somehow." she said quietly to herself.


Oliver simply nodded in response. "I'm not exactly used to people, much less girls. Being around me"
Mia nodded and climbed on top of Nicholas, wrapping herself around him as she said. "take me to bed."

Ash bit her neck again. "admit it Malvo, admit being a fool and falling for me."

Izzy chuckled. "I'm sorry, I can stop, if you want."
Masaru groaned as he heard a voice and someone clean his face. "No one asked. . . your opinion, dwarf. Get. . .out of my room." Masaru kept turning, the lights in his room adding to his major headache. 

Yuki finally found Dei's room, opening it and frowned. "Poor boy, you fallen right in my brother's arms and you don't seem to wanna get out. I know how you feel. I could use something to drink. That old douche always loved to fight with his big sister, ya know?" Yuki sauntered her way over towards Dei and laid her hand on his forehead. "Poor loverboy. Your heart lays gently in my brother's hands."

Nicholas chuckled, "as you wish, doe-eyes." He carried her over and stopped when he saw Izzy and Oliver. "Goodnight, you two." Then walked all the way to their bedroom and laid down.
"I'm trying to help you dunce" Nia laid the rag over his eyes and pulled up a chair, sitting backwards in it. "how'd you get all beat up?"


Oliver shook his head no, and pulled her close "im not done yet, I really needed this"
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Dei-Loki stirred at the sound of Yuki's voice, slightly waking up from the contact. His eyes, however, would remain shut as he turned over onto his side and curled into the fetal position. His voice tired and quiet with a pain-filled center. "I just wish he'd listen and believe me..."

Weaseling out a quiet moan, Malvo closed her eyes with a slight smirk. "Perhaps I am a fool..."
Mia snuggled against Nicholas and fell asleep.

Izzy chuckled when he pulled her in closer. "and what else do you need?"

Ash finally moved back, but left his hands on her hips inside her shirt. "A fool is correct. I'm going to be a problem for you, you won't want to fix my problems."
Masaru huffed, "the eldest of the Oshiro family always had a mean right-hook. Yuki, how she loves to irk me."

"I know, sweetheart. I have been thrown out of his life so many times. It hurts, but it hurts him more. He has a reason to why he's like this. Scared of the demons that lay in his closet. His enemies that could back and take care of the ones he loves. But, you can't give up so easily. I know, i'll never be able to come back into his life, but you can. You always have a chance. You have to kiss him and break him. It may be different for you, but you have the break these walls down that no one else can. You hold the hammer to smash at Masaru's barriers and hug him so tightly. You're the only one that can make the moron fall to his knees and kiss your feet. You're the only one that can make him cry and feel safe for doing so. No one else can. Please, don't give up on him. I beg of thee, Dei-loki. You are the one that can save my little brother from his demise." Yuki kept rubbing her hand over and over again on Dei's forehead.

-sleeeeeeping Nicky-

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