Indescribable (Closed)

Masaru shook his head. "It doesn't matter, i guess. Come on, let's go and clean you up." Masaru headed back towards his room and to the bathroom.
Dei-Loki shifted, tail drooping as he nodded and looked to the puddle of blood on the floor - quickly making an attempt at cleaning it up before catching up to Masaru. Stumbling a bit in the process.
Once Dei got into the bathroom, Masaru gave him a roll of toilet paper. "Wash your face. Hell, probably your body too since the blood seems to be soaking into your shirt. I'll go fetch you, your clothes and take these-," Masaru gave a tug on Dei's shirt, "in the wash." 
Taking the toilet paper roll with a clean, gloved hand, Dei-Loki blinked from the tug. His eyes slightly wide as that blush still remained present on his face. "Y-Y' don't need t' take 'em, I can do it."
Masaru smirk grew on his face. "Listen, i've already seen you naked before. So give me your clothes or i can rip them off, myself." A growl rumbled in his chest at the last part of the sentence. "Besides, the only thing that probably isn't covered in blood would be your underwear. So stop being so antsy and remove this." He tugged again at Dei's shirt.
Keep them on! That should be fun! Dei-Loki huffed, hesitating before setting the toilet tissue down and removing his shirt. Gloves having come off, as well before he'd then hand them over to Masaru. You disappoint me, sometimes, Mischief Bastard.
"Your pants too," Masaru put his arm out and gave the 'gimmie' gesture with his hand. 
Masaru took the pants, a shit-eating grin appearing on his face as his eyes ravished Dei's body. "And again, you are sooooooo submissive. You better not be like this with other men. No, i'll tear their dicks off and shove it down their throat if you do and then i'll have you punished. I can already imagine it. Your ass as pink as you face. It would be delicious." Masaru growled, driving his knuckles down Dei's stomach until he bunched up Dei's underwear tightly in his fist and moved his hips against Dei's lower body. He bit his lip, hunger flashing in his eyes as he slowly grinded against Dei. A growl slipped through his lips as he gave a feverish kiss to Dei's lips and then just like that, he left, closing the door behind him as he panted.
A new shade of red had been discovered on this day, accompanied by the rising of Dei-Loki's facial temperature. Just the mere words caused him to shutter and, when accompanied by the contact, he'd felt as if his heart was trying to bash it's way out of his chest cavity. As he'd been rubbed against, he'd managed to return the kiss - only to watch as the possessive fox had taken his leave. And, in sync with his Corruption, he thought; 'Mother of God.Before then turning and, while trying not to succumb to the consequences of feeling weak in the knees, he washed himself clean of the blood. Temporarily plugging up his nose to prevent the escape of anymore.
Masaru shooked his head of the thoughts that made his body feel heated. Once he made sure that no tent was formed, he went and put Dei's bloody clothes and began to hand-scrub his clothes until no blood remained. He then came back with dry clothes for Dei and sat them by the chair. He poured himself a scotch and gulped it down. 
Biting down on his lip, Dei-Loki would then dispose of the toilet paper before briefly looking himself over to ensure he'd gotten it all. "I think that about does it." he said to himself as his eyes traveled to the mark of Corruption on his chest. He'd slowly lift his hand and allow his fingers to travel over the warm, tattoo-like mark on his chest before glancing to his pitch-black fingertips (Well, not his finger tips, but the finger print areas at the ends). "Hmmm..." With a huff, he'd soon wander to the door before shuffling out and reaching to grab his clothes. His ears instantly perking from the sound of the scotch being poured.
Masaru turned his head around, seeing in the corner of his eye, Dei dressing back up and the corruption tattoo. He turned back, gripping the scotch tightly in his hands. What is happening to me? Why am i doing this? I have fed. I have never even felt like this and he's driving me crazy. i want to bend him over every single furniture. I'm becoming an animal. I'm derailing back into old habits of foxes; savage, intelligent beasts. To hear his mews as the midnight moon sets upon his tainted skin. To feel his nails in my back as we rut away the hunger of predators. I'm becoming a predator. Yes, a dirty predator once more and he is my tempting prey. Why? Why am i fighting to keep my control. I should fuck him and not even think, but that's not what i truly want. No! It's his loving smile. His admiring gaze. I want it to be perfect for him in every single way possible. I want him to cry of joy as dance the forbidden dance. i want to leave marks on his lushes skin for him to be mine and only mine. I want to hold him as the spasms of ecstasy leaves our body, leaving us tired, sweaty and forever lost in each other's presences. He's not like the others. No. He is definitely not.
Dei-Loki tugged his pants on first before then fixing his shirt and gloves. He seemed to hum in this action before then floating over to Masaru's side - poking his arm before then peeking around him with perked ears and a wide smile. "... Is that scotch?"
"Yes." Masaru poured Dei some scotch. He then handed it over. "I need to be alone for a while." Masaru turned back towards where he was looking, the moon shining through the windows. If Dei didn't leave, he would lose it. He didn't want to. Not yet at least, it felt. . . not right. I can't. I can't. It doesn't feel right. It needs to be perfect for him. Gods, why am i acting like this? 
Gently taking hold of the glass, he downed the scotch with a heavy huff. Though, the smile on his face soon sank as he heard Masaru's second sentence. Slowly lowering his ears, he watched the fox as a gentle, guilty whine escaped him. "I-- This isn't about the nose bleed, is it? B-Because, I'm really sorry about that..." he'd then hang his head. 
"It's. . . it's not that, Dei. I just need to be alone now. You're so close to me and all i want to do is kiss every inch of your body and make love to you like no tomorrow, but i don't feel right about it. I want every-single-thing to be absolutely perfect when i make love to you. Not some hungry animal instinct that makes me think with my lower half rather than my brain." Masaru turned his whole body towards the demigod, feeling hungry to taste and feel and rut.
Dei-Loki, feeling his cheeks heat up yet again, turned his attention to the tumbler glass. His tail curling around his own waistline as Masaru turned to face him. "Oh..." he quietly spoke in understanding. Still, he remained where he was as be bit his bottom lip. What are ya-- OHHHHH yer waitin'! Prepared ta play the part of the couple of animals that y' are~?
Cheshire skulked into the building, making her way to the laboratory. Where a guard stood, er, guarding a man in a lab coat trying away on a keyboard. Cheshire took out the guard with a shurukin to the chest. 

Shed then run up and grab the man by his shirt, holding a sai to his cheek. She glanced back to the computer to see the upload was complete. "it seems you finished your work, thus eliminating the need for your elimination" she'd pull him closer, staring into his eyes through her mask "but not the entertainment value..."
"You need to leave. Let me handle this on my own. Now." His breathing becoming heavier as if he was drowning, intoxicated from Dei's presence. He could feel his lower half grow as Dei was too close. Heat rushed to his face as his blood rushed down to his nether regions, making it almost unbearable to wear pants and underwear. He hasn't even touched me! Why am i getting so worked about this!? I need to get him out. I'll hurt him like this. I'm too rough, i'll bite his smooth skin too hard. I'll lap up his demigod blood. I'll taste his sweat, his tears, his screams and cries of pleasure! I'll make him mine and have the world know who he belongs to when he calls my name in the heat of the passion! WHY AM I FIGHTING THIS!?  Masaru slammed his fist on the counter and looked back at his lover. "Get out, now and let me handle this alone!"
Raven soon woke up, sighing immediately. "Burn it...Burn it all down..." He got up, but hadn't decided where, or what he wanted to do.


Naomi curled up into a ball, not wanting to accept reality. I-I can't believe it...
Dei-Loki stifled a flinch from the sudden brute force exerted against the counter top - watching the scotch bottle slightly jump a few centimeters off of the surface. Still, though, The demigod would remain where he was. Gently setting the glass down as he turned his head in Masaru's direction with half-lidded eyes and a fate-tempting smirk that indicated he'd known exactly what he was doing. All the while allowing his tail to curl in a bit of a mischievous manner.
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Cheshire left the scene, blood covered the walls and her blades, but not a drop on her person. 

She took a step back, admiring her handiwork. 

She'd then return to the manor, going through the trees to do so. She'd then pause, look to a window to see Masaru and Dei. About to get get very familiar. She'd make just her mask visible on her person as she lurked outside the window, mixed into the foliage. Making sure she'd be spotted, before then disappearing completely from veiw. 

She'd then circle around the outside of the manor. Her eyes landing on Akumu. 'lets have some fun'  she'd position herself on a tree branch, making her whole self visible as she'd tilt her head and stare through her mask at him. "Now what's a handsome man like yourself doing out here all alone hmmm?" 


Oliver came out of his room, now fully dressed "who's having a kid now?" He'd ask, scratching his head.
Izzy huffed at Nicholas and jabbed her finger into his chest."no, I will not have that puny dick inside her stabbing that poor unsuspecting baby. Don't fuck a pregnant woman." She then turned to Oliver and answered. "the not-so-innocent-anymore-cause-Nicholas-can't-keep-his-thirsty-dick-outta-her deer girl."

Mia sighed, giving up from trying to get on the counter and looked at Izzy. "oh my gods, Izzy."

Ash chuckled, "Don't be a fool darling, I'm just going to be a mess you don't want to fix."
Masaru looked from Dei to a girl outside his window, yet he was filled with lust too the gods damn brim. She could slit his throat and he wouldn't even notice. He clenched his fist and pushed Dei to the ground and straddled his waist. "Tell me to stop, Dei. I need to relieve myself on my own. I could hurt you. I don't know if you fucking realized this, but I'M A GODS DAMN SADIST! And i hunger to see you cry and scream my name. I will leave scars and bites so bright and noticeable that you won't be able to leave this room from the look. Tell me to back off. Tell me to stop before i hurt you."


"First of all, chihuahua. I am not. I REPEAT. NOT. Putting my dick in there when something is trying to grow and live inside her. HELL NO. And second of all, chihuahua, it was your best friend who wanted this dick inside of her in the first place. So. Fucking. Ha!" Nicholas bent a little to be eye leveled with Izzy, a smile appeared on his lips. Elizabeth shoved popcorn into her mouth as she watched Izzy and Nicholas go at it.
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