Indescribable (Closed)

Dei-Loki followed him in and watched, smile on his face as his tail curled a small bit. "Congratulations, you guys."

Akumu's brows lifted as he watched her disappear, only to feel her leap off of his shoulders. The unexpected action caused him to stumble slightly before he allowed his eyes to cautiously track her circling movements.
Cheshire stopped circling aand drew both her sai with a twirl, causing both of them to do several revolutions in her hands before stopping in her hands. As she rushed at Akumu, hands at her side as she then lept into the air, done a 360 and delivered a kick in the same manner. Once she landed on her feet, she did a back handspring to back up.
A knock came at the door, Masaru left the kitchen to the living. He opened the door to Yuki's smiling face. "Hey Ma-" the door slammed in her face as Masaru turned around back. "How does that bitch know where i live?" Nicholas looked down, "I don't know, but she was here when you  .  . . not you." Masaru growled, "how could you? Especially in my vulnerable state? You know how much she irks me." Elizabeth glared to Masaru, "quit that. I understand that you left you in the dust all those years ago, but she wants to make amends. She's not asking for money, for you to call her sister, she came because she heard that you were dead." Masaru barked out a laugh, "Ha! Her caring for me? Listen, Ellie, i don't know if you haven't noticed, but she was the last to leave my side. So let her stay out of it. I do not care about her just like how she didn't care about me. Nicholas, get the bitch away from my property, since you willing let her in." Nicholas stared at Masaru's form, Masaru's shadow seemed to cackle and break its body as if it was possessed. "Of course, Masaru." Nicholas gave a single nod and left the kitchen.
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Dei-Loki watched the scene between the siblings rapidly unfold in front of him, his ear slowly lowering as he'd slightly shift in place. Tough. 'Yes, and at the same time I can see both sides... Surprisingly.' With his ears low, he slowly approached Masaru's side once more - gently poking his side upon arrival. "Mr. Grumpytaaaaiiiiiillllllsssss."

With clenched teeth, Akumu narrowly avoided the kick with the smooth action of jumping back. Once his feet returned to the ground, he narrowed his gaze and leaned forward as a smirk crept up his face. In an instant, he quickly darted in her direction. Keeping his sword at his side before lifting it - swinging in a crooked ark.
Nia used both her sai to block, then twisting her hands pinning Akumu's blade in between the blades of her own and their prongs. Using the leverage to hold the blade in place. "you know, if I kept twisting. I can break your sword." she emphasized this by twisting her blades in opposite directions, causing the sword to bow slightly.
Masaru turned his head to his lover's voice. "Don't try to cheer me up nor make me accept her in. I won't, Dei. She doesn't deserve it."
"Come on, Masaru..." Dei-Loki whined as he watched him, lowering his ears. "She came all this way after hearin' about what happened t' ya... Why not at least let her make sure yer alright without a door t' the face? And, if she starts anythin', I'll show her out m'self."

Pausing as his blade was caught, Akumu lifted his brows as he watched the thin blade bend. Clenching his teeth a small bit he then looked to Nia. "Please don't..."
"Dei, i'm saying this once and never again. I don't care anything of how she feels. She left me. She abandon me in the fucking wilderness to live on my own. Now, drop it. I don't want to hear anymore shit. I'm suppose to be happy. I'm going to be an uncle. I don't need her to ruin this great day. I have you and being an uncle to care for." Masaru looked to Dei.
Raven, after somehow shuffling all the way to the house, walked through it, bored out his mind. Also, his skin started to return to its normal, not as pale, color. Why are you acting like this? You've even got me down.... Shush... He stated in his mind simply, as the voice did so. "I hate life and everything involved with it.." He mumbled under his breath.
She smirked and, still holding Akumu's sword as she then released the blade taking a single step to the right and she then did a low sweep kick, attempting to knock Akumu onto his back by taking out his knees.
Dei-Loki blinked and pouted, a gentle whine escaping him. "Alright, didn't think it would have ta come t' this..." puffing his cheeks slightly, a small poof of black smoke engulfed the demigod, followed by a 'popping' noise. The smoke had cleared and, in the shadow pup's place stood a chibi Dei-Loki - whom had quickly hopped onto Masaru's shoulder, sitting there like a dog. Soon lifting a stubby, chibi arm, he poked his cheek with a tiny finger. His emerald irises trembling as he pouted again. "Pweeeeeeeeese, Mr. Gwumpytails?.."

Akumu had attempted to leap once more to avoid it, though Nia's leg sweep caught him at the heels. This had thrown off his balance and, upon unwillingly giving into the pull of gravity, he'd landed in a sitting position - only to quickly attempt to spring to his feet once again.
Seeing an opportunity, she quickly turned invisible waiting for her chance to deal a solid hit or pin him.

"sorry, but I dont fight fair"
Masaru felt his walls fall into rumble at the sight of something so fucking cute. He whined, "why!? Why do you make me like this!? Fine. Just let me hug you." Masaru took the tiny chibi Dei off his shoulder and held him closely with his hands. Masaru felt as if he was floating in Heaven from being able to hold something so small and adorable in his  hands. He shooed Nicholas away back to Mia. Nicholas went willingly and Masaru opened the door to his sister. "What?" Yuki looked surprised to see her brother. "You seem to have gain your memory?" Masaru nodded. "Can i come in?" Masaru shook his head, "no. I rather set my balls on fire than let you back in my life. I'm only telling you that i'm okay because i was force to. Now, please get off my property before i call the police on you." He slammed the door once again.
Dei-Loki let out a soft squeak from the hug, wagging his tail as he cuddled into Masaru's chest. His gaze would then shift to Yuki - listening until the door was slammed shut before he then moved up to Masaru's cheek - rubbing his cheek against his with a smile on his face. "Thaaaaank chuuuuu."

Gaze rapidly darting around, Akumu perked his ears as he squinted. Holding his sword out in front of himself with a single hand. "Well, if it's really an unfair match that ya want..."
"Yeah, yeah. Gods, you are just the cutest thing ever." Masaru rubbed his cheek against chibi Dei's own cheek. "Welp, now you know my weakness and how to get me to do things. Don't abuse it, cutie." Masaru hugged Dei closer to his chest, careful not to squish him.
Cheshire, appeared behind Akumu quickly placing her sai to his throat. "thats not the only thing I want~" she pushed her foot into the back of his knee, making him fall. 
Tail continuing to wag, the chibi Dei-Loki would then nod before reaching up and gently poking the end of the kogitsune's nose with his finger. "Boop."

Tensing, Akumu glanced to the blade before falling once he took the blow. Stifling a yelp of surprise once he fell to his knees.
Masaru felt as if his heart burst at the small finger touching his nose. His whole badass aura shattered as he stopped breathing, fell softly to the ground and curled up in ball as he hugged Dei just a bit tighter. "I CANT LIVE! MY HEART, MY MIND HAS BEEN TOUCHED BY THE CUTEST THING THAT THE GODS HAVE EVER GIVEN MEEEEEEEE!"
Cheshire stepped around him and pushed him onto his back. She'd then straddle over his chest as she pressed her sai into his cheek. Killing intent in her eyes as she, raised her sai for a killing blow. But they ended in the dirt next to Akumu's face as she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pull him into a kiss. 
Dei-Loki's ears would slightly twitch  from the yelling, kissing Masaru's chin gently as the chibi would cuddle into him. "You have to wiiiiiiiv!"

With wide eyes, Akumu watched the sai, flinching and wincing his eyes shut only to pause and tense when he felt the contact on his lips. In an instant, a dark blush painted his cheeks as his glasses fogged.
"My heaaaaaaaaaaaart! You have my heart! Ahhhhhhhhhhh! You're sooooooooooooooooo cute! Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I am under your coooooooooontroooooooooooolllllllllllll!" Masaru curled up more.
Cheshire held the kiss for a time before breaking it "Congratulations lover boy, because this cat has your sent. And it. Is. Lovely.~" she got up and sheathed her sai. "however for now, I need to take a rain check. I have some.... business to take care of in town" she then slipped into the shadows, teleport to her room, and dawn her mask...
Dei-Loki would soon giggle in response, softly patting his face. "I have vanquwished tha mighty fox!"

Akumu blinked a few times as he tried to watch her through the fog on his glasses. Laying back after she had vanished. 'Holy shit...'
"Alright, Dei. Don't kill my brother." Elizabeth said as she went from the kitchen and to her room. Masaru continued to mumble incoherent phrases as he seemed to be broken.
Dei-Loki looked up after hearing Elizabeth, giggling once more before huffing and popping back into his regular self again.

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