Indescribable (Closed)

JayJin said:
Masaru stood up, fire lit in his eyes, anger boiled in his veins until he heard his mother's voice.
"Be good, my kogitsune. Be my strong, brave baby, okay?" She pushed the snow onto Masaru's fur, hiding him under a tree from the hunters. He yelped and whimpered. "Shush, be good. I'll be back, I promise. They won't find you if I distract them." She left the small little Masaru in the snow. A few hours after, a small crunch came far away from him and a vixen's scream. He waited, hours went by and more hours until it was midnight and he knew.

"Be good, my kogistune. Be good, my kogistune."

Masaru looked at the man and gave up. He never wanted blood on his hands again. "Get the Hell out of my sight."

(Sorry to disappoint, but Masaru is a complicated creature.)
(-gets Bambi/The Fox and the Hound flashbacks-

;w; )

[QUOTE="Raven Daniel]Raven kept his look out, hoping nothing too bad was happening. He had leaned more into his horse, getting slightly tired.

Whatever was occurring ahead continued to pique Dei-Loki's interest, even with the power the group ahead of them had given off. But, even with the desire to help, he made sure to keep his distance.

Malvo watched Dei-Loki before releasing a yawn and a huff. "What do you think is goin' on?"
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Doni looked upset and irrited by masaru being so passive."you're afraid of me, you have no pride or back bone you should be ashamed of yourself, I'm sure your parents are ashamed of you as well to raise someone like yourself." Doni turned to the man with the glowing eyes. "You can't strike fear into me, unlike your little friend hear you can't scare me, so please go back to whatever hell you came from." Doni was a master antagonist and wanted to see what these supernatural would do somewhat for entertainment, but mostly to see there powers. @JayJin @CERBERUS177
Kirara looked at Masaru for a moment. She knew or could guess why he wasn't trying to fight. But Doni was pissing her off. "shut your fucking shithole you call a mouth!" Kirara's glamor hiding her ears and tails broke, causing them to be visible again. Her twelve-tails all aimed at Doni and seemed to harden like steel. "quit trying to start shit with Masaru, if you want a fight. Then i'll gladly kick your ass."

@JayJin @Comet @CERBERUS177 @Aaron775
Aaron775 said:
Doni looked upset and irrited by masaru being so passive."you're afraid of me, you have no pride or back bone you should be ashamed of yourself, I'm sure your parents are ashamed of you as well to raise someone like yourself." Doni turned to the man with the glowing eyes. "You can't strike fear into me, unlike your little friend hear you can't scare me, so please go back to whatever hell you came from." Doni was a master antagonist and wanted to see what these supernatural would do somewhat for entertainment, but mostly to see there powers. @JayJin @CERBERUS177
Terricus growled like lion and summoned his swords and stood his ground, "Just give me the order master, and I will fucking rip this Mans spine out and beat him with it. " he said, voice now a dark growl, he was waiting for Nick to authorize him to kill.
"I know. I know that they would be ashamed of me and my past actions. I know that I have no backbone, but i'm not afraid of you. Not in the slightest." I'm afraid of myself. Masaru gazed at the boy, Masaru's eyes were dull as if the fire was snuffed in his soul. "Kirara. . . no. He wants you to do it. He's getting into your head."

@Shiro kurogane @Aaron775 @CERBERUS177 @Comet @Heir of Dalania
Dania took refuge in a tree, sleeping. Before she rolled over and landed on the ground near the others. "Ow..." She groaned, having the worst timing ever and weirdest sleeping place, realizing that she just dropped into a potentially bad situation. Her eyes were still bright magenta, as they were slowly turning red. "Uh... Who the hell are you guys?"

Aleena was hiding in another section of the forest, not really caring.
Doni was surprised by kirara but knew this was the perfect opportunity to see something. "Kuro fight her for me, and don't say you aren't supernatural because you wouldn't still be here if you weren't."

Doni looked at masaru and terricus. "I don't even want to fight you I want to fight this one." He points to masaru." But if you want to we can fight to." @Shiro kurogane @JayJin @Comet @CERBERUS177
Aaron775 said:
Doni was surprised by kirara but knew this was the perfect opportunity to see something. "Kuro fight her for me, and don't say you aren't supernatural because you wouldn't still be here if you weren't."
Doni looked at masaru and terricus. "I don't even want to fight you I want to fight this one." He points to masaru." But if you want to we can fight to." @Shiro kurogane @JayJin @Comet @CERBERUS177
(the biggest cop-out ever!)
Raven sped up, just quick enough to be in front of Naomi. "You want me to check it out?" He asked Dei-Loki. He was referring to his eye magic, as he pointed to his left eye.
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Kuro watched Kirara, she noted the kitsune's tails and the fact that Kirara hadn't even displayed any power yet. Now she looked at Doni, "no. you started the fight, you deal with it. im not helping unless your life is endangered." She answered.

Kirara looked at Masaru, hearing his words. "but this prick..." She pointed at Doni. "is starting shit with you!" She half-growled, wanting to bury the jerk.

@Comet @JayJin @CERBERUS177 @Aaron775
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Cristina continued to travel, her gaze went to the sky, it was getting dark. They were near a small rock cliff. "We should camp here for tnight" she said dismounting

@Shiro kurogane
Mia Roquell Mia grumbled in her sleep at all the noise, sitting up sleepily and looked at everyone. "Why are you guys arguing?" She asked that soon ended in a yawn. She gave everyone a tired and annoyed look before laying her eyes on the new people in front of them.

"Who is that?" She asked, looking down at Nicholas's excited face then Masaru's mildly annoyed one. She groaned, not wanting to deal with it. She laid back down, touching her hand to the grass and made it softer, before curling back up and tried to go back to sleep.
@Shiro kurogane
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[QUOTE="Raven Daniel]Raven sped up, just quick enough to be in front of Naomi. "You want me to check it out?" He asked Dei-Loki. He was referring to his eye magic, as he pointed to his left eye.

"Go right ahead." Dei-Loki encouraged as he looked to Raven. A sense of eagerness in his tone, followed by a hint of desire towards the idea of knowing.

Malvo watched. He also desired to know, but he didn't show it as much as his other companions. Neil climbing onto his shoulder as they watched the other members of his group.
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"Alright whatever I'll fight her to." Doni said sounding unsure about the decision he was about to make and the words he was about to say. "Fight me if you want to shut me up, since your boyfriend remains silent you may as well step up." @Shiro kurogane @JayJin
Raven covered his left eye. He sooned removed it, revealing his left eye to be glowing an incredible orange. He always used this clairvoyance magic whenever he tried to see thing far away. He looked to the problem. "I believe they are just arguing so far." His eye also allowed him to see what race supernatuals are, if they were hiding it. It also, if close enough, would let him see weak points. "There's two kitsunes, one of them have twelve tails. I can't see the others tails. Two supernaturals that can change forms. And finally, two more, the first one is trying to fight, I believe, by the way he seems to speak down to one of the kitsune." He finished his rather short explanation, trying to keep the details to a minimum, as he had caught himself carrying on sometimes.
Mia Roquell Mia felt him pull her away from the others and she groaned sleeping, opening her eyes to look at him then at the other person who Nicholas was snapping at.

She looked at the annoyed faces with confusion then at Nicholas's. "What is exactly going on??" She asked, sitting up. Her horns glowed without wanting them to, a shield forming around her and Nicholas. She looked at it, confused then at the others who were outside the shield. She tried to get it to go around her, but of course, her powers were being stubborn.

"I tried to put a shield around them too but it won't listen to me.." She pouted, looking at Nicholas. She was still tired, her body aching for sleep, but she didn't want her new friends get hurt..
@JayJin @Shiro kurogane @CERBERUS177 @Aaron775

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