Indescribable (Closed)

Aaron775 said:
(Will someone interact with me please?)
(Where is your character at?)

Masaru huffed, giving up in trying to get rid of her. "Don't touch my nose, woman." He clasped his hands behind his back.

Nicholas spotted the town a lot of miles out. It would take till morning, especially since they had a non-shifter with them. He set Mia down onto the soft forest floor and then shifted, walking to his brother. "We won't be making to town anytime soon. Let's rest here and head out again once morning rises." Masaru nods his head in agreement, soon finding a place next to Mia, making sure that she was protected. Nicholas popped down on the other side of Mia.

@Shiro kurogane @Comet @CERBERUS177
Mia Mia felt herself being sat down, but she was so tired she didn't really care. The feeling of grass was the best feeling to her, the feeling of home. A smile came to her face, her body curling up in a ball as she fell deeper into her sleep.

She only lifted her head up once when Masaru and Nicholas both got on each side of her. Feeling their presences and heartbeats soothed her and calmed her even more, the small doe falling back to sleep.
@JayJin @Shiro kurogane @CERBERUS177
Aaron775 said:
(So no one wants to interact then, that's fine do y'all own thing)
(I mean, we're all in the forest or heading to a different town, if you want to, move your character.)
(I guess)

Doni left the Inn after talking with the two little kids and turned to the girl that's been following him since they first randomly met. "I'm going to the forest to see if I can get some wood, you can come if you want." Doni said already positive on what her answer is about to be. @Shiro kurogane
Kirara giggled, "well I could have kissed it~" She half-joked. "And besides, it's kinda too late to say that after the fact."

@JayJin @Comet @CERBERUS177

[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania](AHHHHHHH noooo not the boop!)
Cristina continued to ride in silence, looking off at the group of travelers that were a considerable distance in front of them.

Rei looked at Cristina, then to the group. There were way more than three people. A fearful came over her face.
Hey Raven, check these words out, Sher Ga Lxy! It'll make the horse run, very fast... What was that last bit? It'll make the horse run, that's all. Ok...won't hurt to try. Raven hesistated, waiting a bit before testing it.


Naomi down at her horse, as she was already on hers too. "Hmm..." She saw Raven shift uncomfortably, wondering what it was.
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[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]Rei looked at Cristina, then to the group. There were way more than three people. A fearful came over her face.

Cristina saw Rei's worried face and leaned over in her saddle, grabbing Rei's hand. "We'll be socially awkward together little bird" She said reassuringly/jokingly with a smile, releasing Rei's hand after a moment, focusing again on the road ahead.
Doni made the walk to the forest, which wasn't really that far to him, only reason he made this trip the forest was for firewood. "A lot of crazy things happened today, I hope that's the last of it." He says to himself, as he continues to walk he hears then sees people walking in the forest. "Now what could this be all about." He muttered to himself. He decided to see for himself so he caught up to them and for whatever reason decided to make his presence. "Get out of my forest!" He knew it wasn't his forest, He said that just to see how they would react. @people in forest
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Masaru looked up from his spot, staring at the man for a long time, right in his eyes and then closed his eyes. "Shut your damn mouth. A lady is trying to sleep." Nicholas looked up from his position and glanced at the man for a brief second. "Please be quiet. The forest needs its rest."

@Shiro kurogane @Aaron775 @CERBERUS177 @Comet
[QUOTE="Raven Daniel]
Hey Raven, check these words out, Sher Ga Lxy! It'll make the horse run, very fast... What was that last bit? It'll make the horse run, that's all. Ok...won't hurt to try. Raven hesistated, waiting a bit before testing it.

Naomi down at her horse, as she was already on hers too. "Hmm..." She saw Raven shift uncomfortably, wondering what it was.

Dei-Loki kept his gaze turned ahead, lifting the reins and tapping his black and white horse on the sides before leading the way once more. Gripping the reins in a somewhat tight manner.

Malvo followed on his horse, looking to Dei-Loki before blinking and glancing back to see a couple of people following them. Brow perking a small bit.
Doni looked confused by the remarks of nicholas and decided to ignore what masaru said. "What do you mean the forest is sleeping, and what are you all traveling through the forest for, are you trying to kill someone or something? and are you all super naturals?" Doni said sounding uncharacteristically animated. @CERBERUS177 @Shiro kurogane @Comet @JayJin
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Raven and Naomi both took their presumed 'stations.'


Raven looked around, making sure no one else was around, besides the group in front of him. He hesitated again, he couldn't always trust Toma.
Kirara looked at the new guy who approached. She impected the new arrival with a unreadable face.

Kuro looked out from behind Doni's back at the group.

@JayJin @Aaron775 @Comet

[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania]Cristina saw Rei's worried face and leaned over in her saddle, grabbing Rei's hand. "We'll be socially awkward together little bird" She said reassuringly/jokingly with a smile, releasing Rei's hand after a moment, focusing again on the road ahead.

Rei gave Cristina's joke a small half-grin. She still stayed close and gripped the other girl's hand, taking some bit of comfort from Cristina being next to her. "Y-yeah..."
"What the Hell is with all these questions? Get lost. I have enough with strangers and I don't need another." Masaru growled, still keeping his eyes closed. "Don't worry about my brother. What I meant by 'the forest is sleeping' is that the forest is in peace at the moment. The crickets are chirping, the trees are swaying and the moonlight hits the ground, cascading an enchanting light to a magical place. And no, we are not trying to kill anyone or anything. We are just trying to head to Pine Valley. And yes, we are all supernaturals. Does that answer all of your questions?"

@Shiro kurogane @Aaron775 @CERBERUS177 @Comet
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]Rei gave Cristina's joke a small half-grin. She still stayed close and gripped the other girl's hand, taking some bit of comfort from Cristina being next to her. "Y-yeah..."

(Connection going to be spotty again)

Cristina sighed as they got closer to where a group had stopped. "We can just go past them." She offered to Rei.
Doni didn't like being disrespected, even if masaru was a supernatural he wasn't one to just let him get away with that disrespect. " you should learn to have some respect before I'd have to teach it to you." Doni said, while ignoring the comments of nicholas. @JayJin
xXLittleLokiXx said:
Turning his gaze away from the two females behind them, Malvo then glanced to Raven. "Y' alright? Ya look like yer questioning something."

Dei-Loki listened to them, but still continued to look ahead. Shaking his hood from his head as he gripped the reins even tighter.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
"It's nothing." He reassured Malvo as normal as possible. He held his hand out to the side, and his cloak appeared in his hand. With ease, he swung the cloak around, and it landed covering him, as a normal cloak should. He decided to wait, until the whole group was at least in a trot.

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