Indescribable (Closed)

"O-kaay?" Nia's right ear twitched. She was not sure what to do with this information. She felt butterflies in her stomach, and heart rate increase. She had thought of herself and Elizabeth being "together-together" considering she just said "I love you" but Nia pushed these thoughts back and returned the hug.

@xXLittleLokiXx @JayJin @Comet
Elizabeth sat down in her seat, taking another cookie and biting into it. "Big brother, where shall we go now?" Nicholas scratched his head. "I believe that there are some entertainers little bit away from here. We can go listen to stories, music, play some games, or we can go home and see everyone home." Elizabeth perked her eyes up at that. "Can we go visit Tervance and Luis?" Nicholas looked to Elizabeth. "You can go seem them once we get home."

@Heir of Dalania @Comet @xXLittleLokiXx
Nia would sit next to Elizabeth and now happily share them. Loooking at Malvo, more specifically neil as she enjoyed one of the sweet circular food disks.

(Thats what I'm calling cookies from now on: circular (chocolate chip, sugar, etc) food disks)

@xXLittleLokiXx @JayJin @Comet
"Who're Tervance and Luis?" Malvo asked in a rather curious tone. Her gaze shifting from Elizabeth and Nia over to Nicholas and Mia as she slightly tilted her head.

Neil clicked in a calm, happy fashion. Glancing to Nia after a few moments of looking to Nicholas.

@Comet, @Heir of Dalania, @JayJin
"The two of the many ghosts that live on the top floor of our home. They're not the friendliest ghost when they meet strangers. They love to play pranks on that floor and try their best to scare you. If you want to meet them, go on ahead, i'm just telling you." Nicholas looked to Malvo. "They are really nice when you get to know them, but being stuck on one level of a house makes them bored and agitated for company."

@Heir of Dalania @Comet @xXLittleLokiXx
"Who were they? When they were alive." She asked curious. The supernatural always made her curious, well, everything new made her curious, but she had a soft spot for ghost. Plus she wondered what a ghost would feel like to her magic.

@xXLittleLokiXx @JayJin @Comet
"I could imagine." Malvo spoke in response to Elizabeth's comment as she'd then nodded in understanding. Continuing to pat her dragon as her brows remained perked. This whole idea seeming to keep hold of her attention - also desiring to know the answer to Nia's question.

@Comet, @Heir of Dalania, @JayJin
"The usual. Farmers, wanders, leaders, blacksmiths, knights, all of that. As for time, well I would tell you that if I knew. Their not voluntarily staying there for shits and giggles. Their stuck until they realized how they died and what time they were in. We've been able to get a few ghost around each century to be freed. It takes a lot of effort, even Masaru can't see how they died since he can't touch their skin."

Nicholas finished the hot pot, staring at the wooden table.

@Heir of Dalania @Comet @xXLittleLokiXx
[QUOTE="Raven Daniel](I know this is random, but, do any of you have Chat Gum?)

(Is that some sort of gum?)
(im finally home again!!! *falls on the floor* now i have a shit ton of stuff to reply to.)
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"I can touch them... probably" her magic gave her a sixth sense when she uses it allowing herself to interact with the world however she pleases, shes already proven she can interact and manipulate sound, as proof of her translation spell. She might be able to "touch" or at least see the ghost in their entirety.

@xXLittleLokiXx @JayJin @Comet
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[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](im finally home again!!! *falls on the floor* now i have a shit ton of stuff to reply to.)

(Get off the floor, I just cleaned! Now, go and do your homework on replies.)
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](im finally home again!!! *falls on the floor* now i have a shit ton of stuff to reply to.)

(Cristina, Rei, Kuro, and Meara are buried in replies soooo)
[QUOTE="Raven Daniel](No xD it's an Rp chat app, but it's called ChatGum.)

(Oh xD never heard of it.)

[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania](Cristina, Rei, Kuro, and Meara are buried in replies soooo)

(Just summarize for Shiro if you remember at all.)

(Kirara's in her room. Done.)
JayJin said:
(Get off the floor, I just cleaned! Now, go and do your homework on replies.)
(unfortunately, i was away at three different jobs today. not school... yet.)

[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania](Cristina, Rei, Kuro, and Meara are buried in replies soooo)

(i saved their replies awhile ago. is its good.)

JayJin said:
(Oh xD never heard of it.)
(Just summarize for Shiro if you remember at all.)

(Kirara's in her room. Done.)
( xD i know. what i don't know is whats been happening while im gone but i'll skip that stuff.)
(I'll summarise this the best I can.-clears throat-

Masaru exposed to Mia what to do in a relationship. Nia has met (nearly) everyone in the house. Malvo had nightmares - which is something Nightmare creatures don't normally have. Dei-Loki is being stubborn and not telling anyone about his problems. Raven and Naomi spoke to Jacob and he assured them both that no one is going to get hurt.

Mia, Nicholas, Elizabeth, Nia and Malvo went clothes shopping and they are currently in a restaurant. Nia and Mia teased Nicholas. Nia tackled Elizabeth after Elizabeth stole Nia's cookies... But Elizabeth gave her the puppy eyes and Nia shared her cookies with her. (Possible shipping, now).

Now, they are talking about a couple of ghosts that live upstairs of the place they're all living in.

... Did I miss anything? ouo)

@Shiro kurogane
xXLittleLokiXx said:
(I'll summarise this the best I can.-clears throat-
Masaru exposed to Mia what to do in a relationship. Nia has met (nearly) everyone in the house. Malvo had nightmares - which is something Nightmare creatures don't normally have. Dei-Loki is being stubborn and not telling anyone about his problems. Raven and Naomi spoke to Jacob and he assured them both that no one is going to get hurt.

Mia, Nicholas, Elizabeth, Nia and Malvo went clothes shopping and they are currently in a restaurant. Nia and Mia teased Nicholas. Nia tackled Elizabeth after Elizabeth stole Nia's cookies... But Elizabeth gave her the puppy eyes and Nia shared her cookies with her. (Possible shipping, now).

Now, they are talking about a couple of ghosts that live upstairs of the place they're all living in.

... Did I miss anything? ouo)

@Shiro kurogane
(Nope, it's all good I believe. You have dedication. I like that. Good job, Lokes.)

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