Indescribable (Closed)

"You're going tm hahve to get yoush toh it" she said with a mouthfull of cookie before she swallowed "sorry, you're going to have to get used to it if you ever want to get to that point in your relationship Nicolas" she said with a sly grin as she started putting cookies into her pockets.

@xXLittleLokiXx @JayJin @Comet

Nia squinted at him and kept her sly smile "you know. Exactly, what I'm talking about.." she said as if he committed a crime. She would then giggle innocently and cover her mouth with a hand before she would then start munching on another cookie.

@xXLittleLokiXx @JayJin @Comet
Malvo watched the others eat as she, also, had ate. Her eyes soon returning to her food as she curled her tail around her waist. She wasn't too sure of what to say. But, after bringing up the issue, she seemed to feel a bit more relaxed about it.

@Comet, @Heir of Dalania, @JayJin
"Nope, I d-don't know what you're talking about? I'm an innocent child in a man's body." Nicholas looked down at the hot pot. He began to eat slowly, trying his best to get rid of the blush that was forming even deeper.

@Comet @xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of d
Raven and Naomi both looked to Jacob, somewhat shocked. "You've heard of them?" Naomi asked, she knew it was rare that non-acolytes even heard of a Stalker.


"We, hopefully, killed one, before we got here." Raven told Jacob, hoping no more slimes were on/in him.
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](my replies will be up later. busy again today.)

She decided to tease him more. "Of course I do." She lied, "Masaru told me everything." She pouted, crossing her arms over her chest. Of course, Mia was a great liar, it went along great with her calm aura. She listened in on Elizabeth, but she didn't get to finish what she was saying since Nicholas shut her up. She pouted more up at him and said, "why wouldn't go let her finish??" She asked, pushing his shoulder lightly. "Nicholas you were so open yesterday, why stop now?" She pouted more, giving him a cute look so he could give in. @JayJin @xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania
Cleaning her mouth, she kept a small smirk whilst continuing to listen. After setting the napkin down, she hugged her own waist as her tail curled around herself. A bit amused with being able to watch the whole thing. She wasn't going to get in on it, however. She'd been on both sides and, with that experience, she decided to remain neutral.

(I'm debating on whether or not to include Dominic and (Malvo's) Lucian in this RolePlay. ouo )

@Comet, @Heir of Dalania, @JayJin

Dei-Loki observed Alec with a small smirk as Alec flew in the skies. Hungrily, the little dragon scouted the area before dive bombing and taking out a nearby rabbit. Tearing into the small creature to end it before it could comprehend what was going on. He was always kind to his prey. He never enjoyed toying with it, he just wanted it to be over as fast as possible so they couldn't feel it.

Dei-Loki pocketed his hands, glancing to the lantern on his belt before voicing a spell - causing it to appear on the nightstand in his room.
"Alright, ya hungry dragon. You almost finished?" However, Dei-Loki would then wince and cough. Spitting a bit of black tinted blood onto the ground. "Damn this curse... Damn it to Helheim..." As he whispered, Alec landed on his head. A concerned look on his face.
Nicholas almost believed her. "Oh really? Then, what are we talking about?" He looked to Mia. Elizabeth watched the scene unfold in front of her as she took three cookies and began to shove them in her mouth.

xXLittleLokiXx said:
(I'm debating on whether or not to include Dominic and (Malvo's) Lucian in this RolePlay. ouo )
(if you want, but you'll have to shorten down your words when you write if you want to put that many characters in.)

Jacob nodded, "of course I know of them, Masaru use to tell us stories when we were children. He told us about all of the creatures that he's seen with his own eyes. As for the Stalker, I can only smell your scent."

@Comet @xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania @Raven Daniel
(Also, I apologise in advance if my replies today are a bit... Spotty. I found out some bad news late last night and it's kind of got me worked up and distracted.)

JayJin said:
(if you want, but you'll have to shorten down your words when you write if you want to put that many characters in.)
xXLittleLokiXx said:
(Also, I apologise in advance if my replies today are a bit... Spotty. I found out some bad news late last night and it's kind of got me worked up and distracted.)
(Understood, do whatever makes you feel better.)
"Ah..." Naomi nodded. "We're just hoping we don't have to deal with another one..." She became slightly pale at the thought of it. If it had captured Raven, he'd be more than mutilated by now.


Raven looked all around himself, for any more traces of the slimes, and if he found one, he'd have to see which color it was, each color represented how strong it was.
Mia's smug attitude faltered. She was going to say something until she growled. "You didn't answer my question!" She whined, hugging his arm to her as she looked up at him. "Tell meeeeeeeeeeeeee! Either tell me now or tell me later." She told him, smiling at him. @JayJin @xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania

(Him telling her then she just agrees with it for him.
xD )

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