Indescribable (Closed)

"You're right. They made you talk to me again. They clearly hate me." Masaru shook his head as he mumbled to her.

Nicholas looked to Masaru for an answer. "Absolutely not. That's too much attention. We are not helpers." Nicholas looked back to Mia. "Sorry Mia, but Masaru is right. It's better to be out of the public's eyes."

@Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx @Shiro kurogane @Comet @mewbot5408
The dragon let another cry and charged forward head butting at the men only to be grabbed by the neck and mounted by one where he shook like crazy to get him off even rolling over only to get tied up again in rope. This time rope even ensnared his jaws as he could be seen wiggling around trying to get out of the heavy restraints. "Now,now behave yourself!" One of the men said patting octavus on the neck who let out a displeased chirp. His tail swished side to side to show he was very irritated by this point. "Octavus, you must behave won't get sold with that attitude.." Another said knowing the dragon's name due to having heard the witch say it. Octavus screeched a shook himself craizly snapping the jaw restraint and bit at one of the men's hand chasing it to bleed a lot. Another man then kicked him in the side. "Bad! Behave you stupid pup!"

Shiro kurogane] [URL=" said:
@Heir of Dalania[/URL] (they aren't inside the inn yet, the others. xD )
Comet said:
Mia followed behind him, looking around inside of the inn with awe in her eyes.
(They're inside)
Mia Roquell Mia sighed, "I guess I understand that." She looked into that direction, hoping that who ever was making the noise was okay.

"So out of the publics eye.. How do you guys do that?" She asked, looking between the two boys. She wanted to learn about this world as much as she could.

She heard more screaming from outside and she tried to block out the screams, putting her hands up to her hidden ears and closed her eyes shut. The sounds were getting to her head, and not helping is so unlike her home.

She whimpered and waited for the two to take her to the bedding areas.

Dei-Loki would blink following the information given, a nod to follow. "Necromancers, eh?" He would speak in a quiet enough manner for only his two current companions to hear. "Haven't dealt with something like that in a while..." as he spoke, his energy search continued, blinking as he turned his attention in the direction of the inn.

@Raven Daniel

Malvo continued to rush over, quickly stopping as he cleared his throat.
"Pardon me, but... Did I hear that right?" He would speak up, gently resting a hand on his coin pouch as he smiled a bit - trying to come off as friendly, despite his aura. He wanted to help the creature, and, hearing that coin would be the solution, he continued to speak. "Is this dragon for sale?"

Terricus made it to an inn for a quick bite, he went to a waiter and asked for something to eat, "We have venison, fresh from the hunters, I can go cook you one." she said, "No, I can cook it, just hand me a slice." he said, the waiter shrugged and gave him a small slice, and cooked it before her very eyes, and paid for the meat, he took a seat and signed a bit, "I hope they're alright..." he said, thinking about the nobles and knights at the manor.

@Jay Jin Everyone at the inn right? If so, mind if I join you guys?)
CERBERUS177 said:
Terricus made it to an inn for a quick bite, he went to a waiter and asked for something to eat, "We have venison, fresh from the hunters, I can go cook you one." she said, "No, I can cook it, just hand me a slice." he said, the waiter shrugged and gave him a small slice, and cooked it before her very eyes, and paid for the meat, he took a seat and signed a bit, "I hope they're alright..." he said, thinking about the nobles and knights at the manor.
@Jay Jin Everyone at the inn right? If so, mind if I join you guys?)
(Most of us, I believe.)
Nicholas waited for another scream or yelp, but nothing came. "Mia, it's okay. I believe it's done. Come on, let's go eat." He said after he pulled Mia's hand away from her ears. He then pulled her to a table. "Sit here, i'll go get our food." He then headed to the bartender. Masaru sat down on one of the chairs and sighed, ignoring Kirara.

@Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx @Shiro kurogane @Comet @mewbot5408
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"pffft, your just pissed because you need to get laid." Kirara retorted, smirking despite Masaru not being able to see it.

Rei looked at a group who entered the inn whilst Cristina was playing. "the piano too? cool."

@JayJin @Comet @Heir of Dalania @Comet

"your not human? then what are you? your race?" Kuro asked, ignoring his comment about thinking she wasn't human.

xXLittleLokiXx said:
Dei-Loki would blink following the information given, a nod to follow. "Necromancers, eh?" He would speak in a quiet enough manner for only his two current companions to hear. "Haven't dealt with something like that in a while..." as he spoke, his energy search continued, blinking as he turned his attention in the direction of the inn.

@Raven Daniel

Malvo continued to rush over, quickly stopping as he cleared his throat.
"Pardon me, but... Did I hear that right?" He would speak up, gently resting a hand on his coin pouch as he smiled a bit - trying to come off as friendly, despite his aura. He wanted to help the creature, and, hearing that coin would be the solution, he continued to speak. "Is this dragon for sale?"

Naomi nodded. "Yeah, real tough." She continued her explanation, as she then left the searching to Raven. "One would summon a legion of the undead, whilst the other would attack using black magic, and they would change shifts." She looked to Raven, as he was looking directly to the inn, as Dei-Loki was. "'s your name?" She asked, as Raven didn't tell her.
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Levan and Zaylia had fled from their home, Hyrule castle, due to a danger they knew they couldn't defeat. Before they left, they found extra servant clothes and changed into those, They traveled for at least 3 months before they lost track. Eventually they found the town, Freyhaven, they stayed in to train before they could return to take on the danger.

6 months later (present time)...

"Come on Zaylia! You can do better then that!" Levan said while dodging her practice arrows, since they are saving the real bow and arrow plus the sword and shield for any danger.

"You know I'm going easy on you!" Zaylia said to Levan, who had a wooden sword and shield.

After a little while, they finished up and headed to the inn, where they were staying until they could return.
"I'm not one race, I'm two, I'm a half breed. The powers I got and any other supernatural far out weighs the power that any human has, so don't you think there she be some kind of ladder established, like who shouod be on top and who's at the bottom." @Shiro kurogane
Mia Roquell Mia sighed and nodded as she was pulled towards a table. Nicholas left to go get some food, leaving her with Masaru. She didn't talk to him much, but he seemed busy with a conversation with someone she couldn't see.

Her head snapped over when she heard laughing and looked at the person who it was coming from. She gave them a curious then shrugged. "People laugh for odd reasons here." She mumbled, keeping her hands in her lap as she proceeded to silently waited.

@JayJin @Shiro kurogane @CERBERUS177
"Sounds like an entertaining fight." Dei-Loki would smirk in response as he then slowly began in the direction of the inn. An ear flicking under his hood, he glanced to Naomi. "Dei-Loki." The foreign prince would introduce, brow having been perked.

@Raven Daniel
A man exhaled deeply."Yeah. Though he's kind of pricey....that and Octavus isn't completely trained."he told malvo. Octavus was digging his claws into the ground and his tail swished irritated. He let out a snort and rested his head on his paws his ears lowering as the woman from earlier came around with his collar. "Oh we have a buyer?" The witch asked and put the collar around the dragon's neck and held up his chin. She looked at malvo holding out her hand. "Or were you just looking?"

"Price won't be an issue." Malvo, Dei-Loki is drawing near. Cease your off-putting attempt at helping and run. The Corruption voiced in Malvo's head, and Malvo ignored it. The prince then turned his gaze to the witch, glancing to her hand for a moment before shifting. "Yes. I'm willing to buy Octavus."

CERBERUS177 said:
Terricus burst out laughing when someone said that someone was mad because they needed to get laid, "By the Gods that was funny!" he said in between a laugh, it was so random that it was funnier.
@JayJin @Shiro kurogane @Comet @Heir of Dalania (did I add anyone that wasn't supposed to be added?)
(Kirara is invisible. is to you the voice (if you heard it) would be coming from nowhere.)

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