Indescribable (Closed)

Aaron775 said:
"You seem to always be hungry kuro." His stomach growled. " I can go for some food to be honest. If you don't mind me asking why do you seem to have such high morals but steal from innocent people without a second thought." @Shiro kurogane
"well if you'd pay attention more. you'd realize the people i steal from were previously flaunting their money. so even if i steal from them, they have more." Kuro answered and laughed when Doni's stomach growled too.

JayJin said:
Nicholas looked back to his brother. "What's wrong?" Masaru huffed, adjusting Kirara more on his back. "That nuisance that showed no respect to his elders is here. I swear, I can't keep this good guy routine anymore, Nick. I've dealt with one prick today and I don't need another one. I listened to you and I didn't fight last night, but I am not you. I am a bastard itching for blood on his hands." Nicholas sighed and patted Masaru's head. "Just not here, there are so many folks here that they'll see."
@xXLittleLokiXx @Comet @Shiro kurogane @CERBERUS177 @Aaron775
Kirara also patted Masaru's head. "your not blood-thirsty. if you were, you wouldn't have shown sadness in your eyes when you nearly fought the guy before." Kirara said firmly.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Comet @CERBERUS177 @Aaron775

@xXLittleLokiXx[/URL] @Shiro kurogane
Rei saw the tower in the sky and breathed out a wow-ed sigh. "i didn't realize it would be so huge..."

"Yeah, it looks impressive" she said looking over the river. "The elves are probably on their side of the river. They usually stay away from humans. But they could have changed their minds" she scanned the river bank looking into the elven lands. She urged Mouse forward once more keeping a steady pace.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Shiro kurogane
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Meara nodded in agreement to Rei's words, looking from the tower, back to her companions. Lightly tapping the sides of her horse, she let him follow Cristina at the same pace as before.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane

Malvo had listened, disposing of the meatless bone he held in his hand before soon returning both hands to his pockets. From what he saw prior to meeting this group, he hadn't liked the male, either. But, figuring the things he had to say about said disrespectful male were mostly bad, he remained quiet - just in case the two had decided to approach the group.

@Aaron775, @CERBERUS177, @Comet, @JayJin, @Shiro kurogane
"So i'm guessing we're heading their?" Ravens horse dissapeared, leaving him on the ground. He stretched, but tried not to do it so he's pretty much flailing his arms.
"Don't pat my brother's head, you lustful woman! Why are you on my brother's back anyways?" Nicholas asked. "I am a rogue killer, both of you need to stop patting my head and she's ill, so I gave her a lift." Masaru whispered the first part to the two. "That's impossible. Your kin can't get sick. You are tricking my brother to touch him! You are sick! You vile, voluptuous woman!" Masaru laid a hand on Nicholas mouth. "Stop yelling to the skies."

@xXLittleLokiXx @Comet @Shiro kurogane @CERBERUS177 @Aaron775
"It would appear to be so." Dei-Loki would nod, yawning gently in the process. The lack of sleep was weighing on him, but he'd just barely show it. He was used to going without sleep for extended periods of time. Especially nowadays.

@Raven Daniel

Meara looked to Cristina and smiled a bit, sitting up on the saddle. "I'm fairly good at using magic, if that's what you mean." She would then shrug. "My skills are mostly based around ice and fire, but I'm working on learning about using different elemental spells, as well. Other than that, I'm also skilled with a blade." She wasn't too sure about coming out as a Kitsune just yet, so she held that information back for now. "What about you?"

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane

Blinking, Malvo smirked quietly whilst watching Kirara, Nicholas and Masaru. Hands still in his pockets, he stretched his back a small bit.

@Aaron775, @CERBERUS177, @Comet, @JayJin, @Shiro kurogane
Doni turned around and spotted his subject of revenge. "I can't believe I'm seeing him again the very next day." He said to himself before getting up to see what they were doing and where they were going. He was now following them. @JayJin @Shiro kurogane
Comet said:
Mia Mia shook her head when he asked if she wanted anything. "I think I'm good." She giggled.
She looked to where they pointed, seeing the people who started a fight with Masaru the other night.
"Why are they here?" She asked, clinging to his arm.
@JayJin @Shiro kurogane @CERBERUS177 @xXLittleLokiXx @Aaron775

@JayJin I'm sorry, but I'm gonna try to ship them. xD Just to see)
(No reason to be sorry. Ships can be beautiful things.)
Cristina patted the bow on the left side of her horse. "I've got an enchanted bow, and am a crack shot. I've got some magic of my own, I can create and control fire but I'm not very good. Aswell as gylphs that I can put anywhere and they have a variety of effects." She smiled and looked forward. "I can also sing and play violin and piano." She said checking to make sure she still had her violin attached to her horse.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Shiro kurogane
xXLittleLokiXx said:
Meara listened intently, smile remaining on her face as she'd watch her - perking up even more at the mention of music. "You can sing, as well?" She would ask, her head slightly tilted.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
Cristina nodded and smiled out of embarrassment "I sure can. Or at least thats what people say, I'm kinda shy about it though" she said rubbing the back of her neck

@Shiro kurogane
"lustful? if i was lustful i'd be half-naked and trying to dry hump Masaru." Kirara pouted, "im not a whore. and besides, im a twelve-tailed kitsune that there can only be one in existence at a time. im both stronger, and weaker then my kin." She huffed, steadying herself on Masaru's back as her anger made her nearly faint.

Kuro saw the group than followed Doni. "Doni, don't follow them.." Then uder her breath, "why are you so eager to die?"

@JayJin @Aaron775 @Comet @CERBERUS177 @xXLittleLokiXx

Rei got a bit pouty at how well Cristina and Meara seemed to be getting along. It made her feel jealous. But she stayed silent since she didn't know how to jump into the conversation without being rude to Meara.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania

(also, @xXLittleLokiXx i feel like Kuro and Meara's backgrounds are similar.... somehow.)
(Sorry, I just came back from food shopping.)

Malvo stuck close to the others, being mindful of the fact they had been being followed. His hands rested on his blades as he stayed silent.

@Aaron775, @CERBERUS177, @Comet, @JayJin, @Shiro kurogane

"It's nice to meet a fellow lover and contributor of music. And, I'm sure you sound wonderful." Meara complemented Cristina before then glancing to Rei and pulling her into the conversation. "What about you, Rei? Any special skills?"

(Are they?)

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
"I still don't trust you. No one is going to hurt my brother again." Nicholas growled as stared directly into Kirara's eyes. "Stop threating people, Nick. I'll be fine. Especially since I have you around." Masaru gave a lazy smirk. "Masaru? That's nicest thing you have ever said to me. You love me, you truly do!" He rushed to hug Masaru, but was immediately blocked by Masaru's hand to the Nicholas's face. "I am nice to you and this is how you react? Stop trying to hug me! I am attracted to females!"

Nicholas laughed until he felt a tug on his sleeve again, a telltale sign of Mia. He looked to where she was pointing at. "Probably to eat like the rest of us. Don't worry, Mia. They won't act in front of the crowd of humans. It's a stupid decision."

@xXLittleLokiXx @Comet @Shiro kurogane @CERBERUS177 @Aaron775
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](what, Kuro and Meara's pasts? kinda yeah. xD )

(I guess I could see some similarities.)

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