In Character

"I got you, maybe a minute more and you'll be in good hands. Sorry I can't heal you but these injuries require magic that I don't have." Dru said keeping her close. Then Dru saw the buildings coming up and changed his stride to be less safe but much stronger denting roofs with each push off and traveling further. Dru then landed before the building leaving a small crater. He then pushed her sand coffin into the building. The sand would then gently set her down on the bed. 

She groaned as she was laid down, Mei just staring at her granddaughter's broken body. "My god....she was tortured...." was the only thing the old woman said, before she took a deep breath to steady herself. "Dru, your sand may be the gentlest way we can move her. I need to take off her tattered clothes....thankfully, her undergarments seem to be intact so you can help." Mei said, looking at the one who retrieved Kage fro  the forest. Kage could barley open her eyes, only able to see her grandmother, and maybe a familiar figure behind the elder woman. "Suo, water, Asura, towels, now!" @Shirochankun
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Dru inhaled and exhaled slowly creating a gentle breeze to lift her clothes and then the sand tore them before gently removing them. Dru opened his eyes "like that?"
Dru inhaled and exhaled slowly creating a gentle breeze to lift her clothes and then the sand tore them before gently removing them. Dru opened his eyes "like that?"

"Thank you Dru," Mei said softly, now gently moving Kage into a more comfortable position, before her hands started to glow a soft greeen. Kage whimpered, but fell silent, only squeezing her eyes gently as some of her internal wounds healed. The internal bleeding, broken ribs, and collapsed lung first. "Could you grab a blanket from upstairs for when we're done?" 
Dru nodded and quickly went upstairs grabbing the first unused blanket he could find and quickly bringing it back down.
Dru nodded and quickly went upstairs grabbing the first unused blanket he could find and quickly bringing it back down.

Mei gave him a smile, "Letting her sleep in just undergarments once we've healed and cleaned her up, would be a bit rude don't ya think? But seeing as how she needs rest, a blanket will do I stead of a night slip."
Dru nodded and set the folded blanket easily within reach of her and nodded this head "is there anything else I can do for you?" 
Dru nodded his head and quickly began to gather bandages of any kind he could find. He took a few minutes but still came back with a hand full.
Darmani had walked up to them, and found Kage injured, being helped by Asura, Suo, and her Grandmother. "Is there anything I can do to help? I will do anything that is needed." he said, afterall, she had been through a lot from the looks of her injuries. "What exactly happened to her?" he asked. @Shirochankun @FireMaiden @Drumonkey
"I know my people aren't the greatest." Alas said, his face expresses concern of his people's lives for a moment. He then shakes his head, the truth is hard to accept. Isn't it? 

"Listen, words can say a lot by how can you confirm all of this by just words Blake? You could've been making all of this up through the whole trip." Alas then tries to make a new idea, but the puzzles to fit it is too far fetch to make sense. 

"I don't know Blake, I honestly don't know what to do." Alas' voice changes, it sounds like a tremble in his voice. He wants to break down and call for help, but he is a Sonne-feld. A brave family, honor and the truth conflicts which causes many mixed feelings to arrive. 

"Remeber she was taken by Chaos. She's been tortured...maybe worse, I won't knuckles until I get water and clean her, so if you want to go get a bucket of a water, I'd appreciate- Thank you Dru," Mei said, moving her hands twoards Kage's legs, fixing the fractures. 

@Shirochankun @Emperor Of Embers @Drumonkey

"Maybe try being a little more open minded. I know it's a bit hard for you, but trust me, I'm not lying. Out of everything I could do, lying isn't something the just do often," Blake said with a sigh.

"Remeber she was taken by Chaos. She's been tortured...maybe worse, I won't knuckles until I get water and clean her, so if you want to go get a bucket of a water, I'd appreciate- Thank you Dru," Mei said, moving her hands twoards Kage's legs, fixing the fractures. 

@Shirochankun @Emperor Of Embers @Drumonkey

"Maybe try being a little more open minded. I know it's a bit hard for you, but trust me, I'm not lying. Out of everything I could do, lying isn't something the just do often," Blake said with a sigh.


"That's right.... I remember now. Anyways, I will return with a bucket of water." He said as he turned, and walked off into Whitemoon, in search of a bucket to fill with water. 
Alas looked up and gave a face as if he was in pain, he wasn't actually in pain. Yet, he has to now accept the fact that he has to accept Blake. Alas usually is hot headed and close minded, changing may be difficult for him, but the words come out of his mouth as if he was debating over it.

"I'll try," Alas said as he looked down back at Blake, he looked around, "I think I've calmed down a bit, so what's next?"


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