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Futuristic Imprisoned

Jake gave a look. "Eh, whatever" Jake looked around for places he could climb. Jake walked over to the counter and began cutting

(Assuming you meant me. You said Jason)
[Crap. Yeah, I meant Jake. Sorry!]

The chefs mostly ignored the two as they worked. As time passed, more people filed in to work.
Jake just realized they trusted him with a knife. He thinks about keeping to use it as an escape.

Jake throws a piece of food at Weslie

(If not aloud let me know)
A chef grabbed Jake's hand.

"I'd advise you to NOT do that again," the uniformed man growled.

Weslie, bit of potato in her hand, blinked. What would happen to Jake?
The Chef reached into Jake's pocked, pulling out the Work permit. "You will not be insubordinate. This has been detained for a week. You will return to your Overseer."
The chef turned to his station, pressing something in his ear as he did so.

In the living areas, the Overseer marched towards Jake.

"Knife," she said in a bored voice. "Not much you can do with it anyways, kid."
(aw man that was a smart response)

Jake took off down the hallway. He took the first turn he saw and booked it. Weslie he thought. I couldn't leave her. As he was running he thought of a plan to get her.
The Overseer sighed. "Why do they even try... they've got everything they could want." With a grumble, she set off the silent alarm.

Within moments, armed guards had filled living area. Two of them grabbed Jake, then went to a different set of stairs; this one leading to the third floor.
Jake gave up on fighting. There was no point. "Guys guys guys can we just say we were playing a game of tag and you finally got me? I'll be nice and go back to my room now."
One of the guards looked at him. "Until you have your work permit, you have no rights. You may return to your room."
Sweet Jake though I'm not in that much trouble. Jake willingly walked back to his room. With a smile " sup overseer. We're gonna be great friends I just know it." Jake walked over to his bed and took a nap.
The Overseer mumbled a curse word, then went back to scribbling on papers until the work hours were over.

Weslie came back to the Living Area.

"Me," Weslie replied. "Are... what happened? What'd you do?" She crossed her arms, standing over him with a slightly angry look.
Jake shot up. "Dont you think it's a little weird that we are here. One day they captured all of us and brought us here. I don't know about you but something is going on. I don't want to be trapped inside this huge box. I don't want to be a slave!" Jake said angrily high. "I want to go back home. Be free like I used to be" Jake started tearing up. He sat down and covered his eyes. In a low voice "why are we here?"
"I don't know," Weslie said. "But... I don't think it's that bad. We're not slaving for them. All that work is to keep US alive. In this little... biosphere. I like the idea of finding information, but not wasting a perfectly good life."
"Fine whatever" Jake walked over to the overseers room. "Hey can we talk to someone in charge? You know the master of all this?"
The Overseer looked at him lazily. "No," she said. "You don't have a permit. But you can get one of your friends to file a memo."
"what's up with this permit bullshit. Like your rules are stupid" Jake walked back to Weslie "I can't do it but you can if you want"

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