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Futuristic Imprisoned

"Awesome." Weslie walked out of the cubical, feeling a bit uncomfortable at the Overseer's pointed glare. She jogged towards the staircase, waited to see if someone yelled at her, then made her way up.

The second floor blew her away. It was just as massive as the one below it, if not bigger. Where she came out was a large, grassy park, with farm fields bordering the edges. It was all inside, with massive windows stretching overhead.
Jake was quickly jogging behind her. When he made it up the stairs he was in shock. This place was much bigger than Jake have ever been in. He could smell the fake air and feel the difference that was the only downfall he thought about.
"It's...." Weslie was at a loss for words. Massive? Alien? Unbelievable? "Big," she finished weakly.

She moved with hesitant steps into the park, grass rustling under her boots.
Just as she started moving, Jake ran forward and picked up Weslie. He started to run but tripped over his shoe lace. He fell down but kept her from touching the grass. "ouch not what I had in mind there"
Weslie looked at him with wide-eyed. "...not what I had in mind either...." She scrambled to her feet. "Clumsy move for a free-runner," she added jokingly, feeling more light-hearted than she had since being taken.
"yea yea yea. Everyone makes mistakes every now and then. So much for trying to flirt" Jake's face instantly became red when he said that out loud. "Uh hey look there's a tree over there, I'll race you there!" Jake took off running.
Weslie hesitated, then shrugged it off. There were more important things to worry about. She ran behind him at a much slower pace, looking up at the weirdly wavering sunlight filtering through the windows and the strange, biosphere-like atmosphere.
Weslie approached the tree, speeding up as she did so. She ran up the tree a few steps, grabbed a branch, and pulled herself up, then twisted to sit down.

"Glad to know all those skills won't go to waste," she commented.
"I'll let it slide. Once." Suddenly, an announcement went off overhead.

"ALL PRISONERS UNDER THE AGE OF 20 MUST RETURN TO THEIR LIVING AREAS. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR WORK PERMITS." A crackle of static signaled the end of the announcement.
Jake sighed at the sound. He was enjoying spending time with Weslie. I" guess be better go then. My permit is on my bed." Jake jumped down and held his arms out. "Jump and I'll catch you"
[sorry! My mom took the computer for the night.]

Weslie shook her head. "No thanks. Gotta work on my landings anyways." She fell to the ground in a crouch, then took off running for the second floor.
"Hey wait get back here" Jake turned and tried to take off only to trip again. His face turned bright red. He hoped she didn't notice. "Screw it I'll run without my shoes." Jake took his shoes off and put is legs into overdrive trying to catch up.

(No worries I went to bed shortly after I got home)
[Oh, thanks! I gotta fix my settings or something.]

Weslie skidded to a stop by the Overseer.

"Good. I hated to lock someone up just after they got here," the Overseer said. "Where's your friend?"

"He's coming," Weslie said, heart pounding. Where were they going?
Jake was quickly behind. "I'm here, let me go get my permit" Jake walked into his room and grabbed his permit he walked over to the overseer.
The Overseer nodded brusquely.

"You two are assigned to the Kitchens today." She pointed to a door at the far side of the floor. "Go there, show your permits to one of the people in uniform. The others will come along when they get here."
The Overseer sneered. "Sure, pretty boy. You just try eating."

Weslie moved away, then jogged towards the kitchens. "She thinks she's having a bad day..."
Weslie went into the kitchen door, coming into a room to rival any of the restaurants back home. It was a vast kitchen, filled with several uniformed chefs.

Weslie went up to one, then showed him the stamped work permit.

"Oh, ****," the man said. "I get the kids. 'Course I do. Alright, stand here, stir this." He looked over her shoulder at Jason. "And you, chop these," he ordered without even looking at Jasons' permit.

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