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Futuristic Imprisoned

Edanra Tilna

Junior Member
[This RP is always open to new characters.]

You wake up to the announcement.

"Please dress in comfortable clothing. Each family member may fill the bag placed outside their door. You may bring nothing, but you must have your ID ready. You have one hour. Do not attack the soldiers. Do not attempt to leave. Do not disregard the instructions provided. You have one hour."

Outside your window, the streets are lined with armed and armored soldiers. With no other choice, your family complies.

Then you are taken.

Everyone goes out into the streets, ID at hand and bags over their shoulder. Some seem to have taken nothing at all, and others have bags bursting at the seams. The soldiers take a look at your ID and direct you into different groups. Each person, excluding infants, are given a pill. Everyone takes them.

Things after that grow cloudy. People are herded different directions. Afterwards, you don't really remember much. But things become clear again once you're there.

Where are we being taken? We are now in a massive facility, ominously being referred to as "the Prison". It doesn't look too terrible; it's very stark, made up of all white and is very clean.

What is going on right now? [This line subject to change.] We're told we're being "improcessed" and that we need to keep track of our work permits.

Your possessions- Each of us was given a bag that looks like the one below. Bring what would roughly fit in one of those. Your clothing will be provided by the Prison. (You can find your own, but know it should be bland and utilitarian. Feel free to look at mine for an example. You can have any "accessories" you bring yourself or whatever.)


: No food items or medicines, excepting inhalers and epi-pens, or what your infant will require. Clothing is optional, but not a requirement. No electronics or time-keeping devices. No batteries. No weapons or tools. Practical items such as kitchen or writing utensils are not forbidden, but are not necessary. They will be provided when you reach your destination. This bag has been primarily provided for sentimental, asthetic, or entertaining items. Small pets are permitted. Dogs and cats that are not well trained will be detained.

The Prison-

Floor One: A glass ceiling that you can't see out of, but lets in a lot of sunlight. Everything is open, and it's roughly 8000 football fields big. All will be maintained by the prisoners.

Park- Gently sloping hills. The grass is strangly white, and it's dotted with trees and small flower gardens. One section has a park (swings, slide, etc.), but most is just open field.

Farm 1- Grains. Largest.

Farm 2- Fruits and vegetables.

Farm 3- Medicinal plants. Smallest.

Floor Two: This floor holds 10,000 people.

Living areas: There are roughly 1,000 living areas. Each has six bedrooms, holding eleven people each; two prisoners per bedroom, plus one room for an Overseer. And one bathroom per living area. Have fun with that. The living areas are made up of cloth cubicals, so lots of visual privacy, but none for sound and such. Each room has a decent sized bed with two bedstands and a closet thing. Living areas will be divied up by family in the improcessing stages, but later you can rearrange where you live by age, friends, gender, etc.

Dining Units: Basically a large, clean cafeteria. It's mandatory for breakfast and dinner, but for lunch you can eat in the park.

Kitchen: Massive kitchen. Go figure. Worked by prisoners.

Leader Units: This is where the people who run the Prison live, eat, sleep, work, etc. They oversee the Overseers, they're who you go to with complaints, and they make the important decisions.

Medical Unit: Injuries, illness, braces. It's all here.

Floor Three: Darker, often a bit dirtier than the stark top floors.

Mechanic Unit 1: AC, heating, electricity, running water, etc. Maintained by prisoners.

Mechanic Unit 2: Unknown. Maintained by Leaders.

Ocean: More like a large lake. Algea is grown here for more oxygen. Maintained by workers.

Supply Unit: Kitchen utensils, medicinal supplies, tools, soap, all the things we can't make ourselves. That's all stored here.

Schedule for us teens: (Everyone in the RP will be between the ages of 14 and 20.) We'll be working in the morning at whatever job we were assigned for that week, then go to 'school' in the afternoon. (Basic reading and arithmetic, then the rest of the time devoted to what you want to learn. Look up 7 Intelligences for me cause I don't feel like posting it all here.) The Overseers ensure we get to each place on time and such. They're not allowed to abuse us, and are generally pretty nice. After all, we have no real reason to rebel. But every once in a while you get an Overseer that hates everyone and everything and it just sucks.

What is the point of this RP? It's our job to find out where we are, why we're here, and how, or if, we should escape.

One last note- We all have the same, basic worldview. Shortly before being imprisoned, a mandatory poll was released all over the globe in which you had to state your religion and political worldviews. We won't state what specifically our politics are (I have plenty of those debates in my own household. ( ;) )), but we all have the same one. We figure that's why we were imprisoned; some dictator took over the world and locked us up.





Friends on board:

Living Area:

Life before being Imprisoned:

Items you brought with you:

Type of intelligence:
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Weslie Kirk looked around for her family in vain. Were they taken to a different part of this... facility? she wondered.

Weslie was standing in a line, so she moved forward as it grew shorter and shorter. Before long, she was standing at a desk.

"This is your work permit. Do not lose it. Doing so will prevent you from making any changes to your situation and you will be unable to work. Infractions will result in loss of this permit. Go to living area T-50, show the permit to your Overseer, and more will be explained there." The woman at the desk stamped a laminated pice of paper and passed it to Weslie. The girl took it, bewildered.

"Where is T-50?"

"The rows are alphabetical, fifty areas to each row," said the woman in a bored voice. "You're all the way at the end."

Clutching the permit, Weslie walked with rigid movements to the T row.
Jason looked around as he was standing in line. "Eh I could climb up there if I wanted to." After listening to the lady at the front desk, he walked off down the long hallway that seemed to never end. Looking at the paper, I noticed the T-49. "I guess that is where I'll be then." I walked down the hallway not knowing what to expect.
Weslie gazed around at the massive, stark building. It was one huge room, only broken up by cloth cubicles.

Will we be living in those?

Not paying attention to where she was going, she felt someone's shoulder dig into her own with sudden force.

The next thing Weslie knew, she was looking up at Jason. She stammered an apology.

"I- sorry. It's all... big," she said weakly.
Reading the numbers at the top, I felt someone bump into me. "Hey watch where y.. Oh sorry I wasn't watching where I was going. You Okay? Indeed this place is giant. Where are you staying? I'm in T-49."
"You're awefully cheerful for someone who's just been yanked from their home and... and put in a prison," Weslie said without thinking. "Uh, T-50. All the way at the end."
"Well I think this place is better than where I was originally". Looking down at my papers I noticed my name and work permit is on a different piece than the room number. looking around, I quickly change tickets without the other person knowing. "I guess I read wrong, I'm in room T-50 as well. I guess I'm lucky, the first person I meet has the same room as me."
Weslie kept back a grimace. Co-ed living areas were a far cry from her previous life.

"I guess so," she echoed, continuing on her way to T-50. Standing outside of it was another woman in a uniform. Her face looked like it was carved out of steel, permanently fixed in a grumpy expression.

"Work permits," she barked at the two young adults.
Jason noticed something about Weslie but couldn't quite tell what it was yet. Jason thought to himself "Hmm good think I learned interpersonal intelligent. (out loud) Hey this might actually be kinda fun. Here is my work permit." Jason calmly handed over his permit eager to find out what was the next step.
The woman took Jason's work permit, glanced at it, then handed it back. "First room in the living area. You'll be sharing with a kid named Gavin." She then snatched Weslie's, and directed her to a different room in the same area. "Feel free to drop off your junk, but be back here shortly. We've got a lot of ground to cover."
Weslie stared at him flatly, then walked into the room she was pointed towards. She dropped of her bag, then sat on the floor beside the bed.

Everything is gone, she thought. We're in a prison. And he's excited.
As I walk in, I toss my stuff on the ground and start flexing because I saw a mirror. lol I look around and see absolutely nothing. "There's nothing to do here man"
The Overseer barked roughly from outside the living area: "That's because it's your prison, Jason. Not your playground." Her voice carried easily through the cloth cubicles.

Weslie moved into Jason's room. "I'm Weslie, by the way. If we're going to be here... who knows how long, you should probably know that."
If this is prison then what did I do wrong? You have to get in trouble to go to prison.

A smile grew across Jasons face as he saw Weslie walk in his room. "Hmm Weslie, I like it. If you didn't hear, I'm Jason."
She sat gingerly on the edge of his bed.

"I only wish I knew what we'd done. And where my family was." With a frown, she reached out and began to prod the fabric walls of the cubical, then their steel support. "These aren't sturdy enough to climb... I was hoping to get a better view."
Pulls out cape "Look at this, i know its nerdish but that game was the whole reason I started free running."

(no worries)
"Sweet which way do you want to take first? I don't know where a single thing is in this place."

(It's all good I was just wondering. In 2 hours I go into work for 4 hours.)
"Neither do I," Weslie confessed. "But when I was looking around for my family I thought I saw a stair-case all the way against the wall. I think there's more floors.

[Good to know.]

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