...the Story Teller
This is an alternate universe where humans that were abandoned in the alleys and sewers of the world have been kidnapped from where they sleep and taken to an underground laboratory and experimented on to try and create the perfect soldier to use in wars but your character has not turned out how they wanted. You were given powers but the side effects caused your sanity to slip, some of the subjects managed to retain their sanity but others were not so lucky. How did you turn out? These scientists torture you every day to find your breaking point and use painful methods to keep you under control to try and find a way to create the perfect soldier. Now you are sick of this life and want to escape but will you try alone or get your fellow experiments to escape with you?
The room is cold and damp as Angel sits soon her hard spring bed. A collar with a tag around her neck with her cereal number on it and a gag with a lock on it so she could not use her new power to free herself. Her green eyes were filled with despair as she thought on her life before this horrid place. She was on her way to be a performer on Broadway but because of these new mutations forced upon her her dream would never come true. These thoughts made the young girl shed soft tears as she lay there helpless and trapped.
Another day another inch closer to the perfect soldier. "The key has to be in one of these rejects. We've managed to isolate the physical mutation with the non, but the side-effects are such set-backs. There has to be a way to make the perfect human, and I WILL find it." She told herself as she looked over files of various experiments and their sanity level. There was only one she regretted doing but she didn't intend for it to effect one of her subordinate, now she has to watch her own people. It was a pain but she took care of it anyway. She called in her two favorite scientists to give them a briefing on what they would be doing and the information they had to get for the day.
The room is cold and damp as Angel sits soon her hard spring bed. A collar with a tag around her neck with her cereal number on it and a gag with a lock on it so she could not use her new power to free herself. Her green eyes were filled with despair as she thought on her life before this horrid place. She was on her way to be a performer on Broadway but because of these new mutations forced upon her her dream would never come true. These thoughts made the young girl shed soft tears as she lay there helpless and trapped.
Another day another inch closer to the perfect soldier. "The key has to be in one of these rejects. We've managed to isolate the physical mutation with the non, but the side-effects are such set-backs. There has to be a way to make the perfect human, and I WILL find it." She told herself as she looked over files of various experiments and their sanity level. There was only one she regretted doing but she didn't intend for it to effect one of her subordinate, now she has to watch her own people. It was a pain but she took care of it anyway. She called in her two favorite scientists to give them a briefing on what they would be doing and the information they had to get for the day.
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