Imagination Is The Limit [RP]


Captain's Favorite
Erika looked out of the warehouse to make sure nobody fallowed her. Looking down she took her hand from her side, the shrapnel didnt get too deep. She pulled the tank shell from her waist and sat down, breathing hard, trying to calm down. They fallowed me.... I just know it, they fallowed me... She looked around, there was nobody in the abandond Sams Club but her. Erika swallowed hard and shoved her hand into her poket to make sure her pensil was still there. With a sigh of releaf she pulled her hand out and waited for night.
Chase wanded the street, his old beat up guitar on his back. he never bothered to imagine a decent one, as it usually got destroyed during fights. he walked by an old Sams Club, broken glass from the shattered windows crunching beneath his dark red converse. he spotted drops of blood on the ground, but decided they were probably old.
Erika herd somone outside. I knew it! They fallowed me! She started crying and jumped to her feet, ready to fight whatever it is she thought shewas fighting. She wiped the tears from her eyes and pulled the her pensil from her poket. "Im ready," she wispered to herself as it echoed around the waregouse "No more running."
Ensine sighed heavily. She'd been dwelling alone among the tall grass for a while now. She slowly got up from her laying position, leaving an imprint on the grass below. "Maybe I should go look somewhere, find out what else this stand still has to offer." she murmured. She ambled to a near-by tree, leaning against it. It was a lone tree. The plain she was on was dead; no life but a single tree and grass. She snuck off into the city and peeped from behind a rubbish bin. "Hope no one finds me." she said quietly, tip-toeing towards a tall building, maybe a complex of some type. She entered a building, turning on a light which seemed to flicker.
se ehard an echo from the building, and gave a nonchalant shrug before pushing open on e of the doors. he spotted a girl, holding an old pencil, and her side. scarlet red painted her hand and part of her shirt. Chase was quite tempted to turn and walk right back out of the building, but he knew he had bandages. although he was cold, he wasnt heartless. he put his hands in the air, "i come in peace. i can help you." he said flatly.
Erika looked supirsed, "How do I know your not one of them?" she said slowly preping her mind to turn the pencil to a lethal weapon, "If you come in peace, what do you have to offer?
Chase set his guitar case down, and reached into his punkish looking messenger bag. he pulled out a roll of bandages, and some rubbing alcohol. "well i can keep you from getting infected. but if you dont trust me i will just leave." he frowned, this is why he prefered to remain alone. if no one trusted him, he wouldnt trust them either. it had been like this for him since before the freeze.
Ensine opened another door, revealing a girl and a boy, one holding a pencil. She gasped and quickly closed the door behind her, although shutting it almost silently, the acoustics in the warehouse were amazing and made it echo through out the entire building. Stupid door! she thought, fuming. She took out Rapsputin; her bunny and petted him anxiously. "Don't worry Rapsy. We won't die" she whispered as it again echoed. Hate this place, she growled mentally.
Erika gasped as she herd a door slam, "Im sorry, i need your help" she started saying to the man, "Its just with the freeze and the anarchy.... I have trouble trusting anyone with a good imagination." She looked down, "or even somone with a bad one..."
Ensine peeked through the broken blinds of a window and saw them. She didn't want to be discovered so she didn't dare open the door. She stared open-eyed at the the two people, watching one of them with a broken pencil; what would that be useful for? She smiled pitifully at the two fro her little secluded room.

Provence cackled as it echoed down the hallway of an old school. He smiled and went into one of the abandoned classroom. "To bad most kids don't have imagination; all stuck in a conformist box of they have to look like a twig but then when stuff gets serious they scream and die." he growled.
Steven tridged through the snow and ice. It's been a while...Quite a long time. When the Freeze occured,he was in Toronto. Now,he was wandering somewhere in the United States. He knew because he crossed Lake Ontario weeks ago,now. He was used to the cold. But this...This was a new breed. He was surprised that the Earth's stopping didn't cause everything on the surface shear off. I guess physics doesn't mean much if some god is angry...If there is a god. Doubt it... Steven was backpacking a device,glowing and huming. A plasma battery. It created a good amount of heat and light...A portable campfire...Or signal flare,depending on who you asked. But,the world stopped moving,always locked at midday;he didn't have to worry about the light giving away his location. Steven was startign to feel hunger. He ran out of food a few days ago. With the world the way it is,farming would have collapsed...He's going to have to find a store that wasn't already picked clean,or to rob someone. He was used to that. After all...He was the man with the bigger gun.

Steven held in his hands a broomstick. He smirked,and in a flash of light,it became something very different. A rifle of sorts. The barrel was bulky,with a distinct brick-like shape. A railgun. He knew he could always imagine up some food...But it feelt hollow to him. Food is survival. Survival in a time of crisis must be earned. He was determined to earn his food.

After an interminible time of hiking through the cold,Steven arrived at a school. "Shelter...And close quarters..." Steven's railgun glowed,and became something shorter. It was still oviously a futuristic weapon,but it had a pump,and when he moved the weapon,it rattled from within. He pumped the weapon,loading a round into the chamber,then picked up a fistful of snow. It glowed,and became a large metal shell. He slid it into a port on the underside of the weapon,and walked into the building,as silently as he could. Sadly,it wasn't very silently;schools made their floors from tiles that squeaked at the slightest amount of moisture. He heard laughter...

Laughter meant humans. He brought his weapon to bear,and removed his shoes by stepping on their heels. He walked,sockfoot,and therefore silently,through the building. He was determined to get the drop on these people.
Chase sighed, "make up your dang mind." this dark haired girl, she had as little trust as he did. in a cold baron world where it was eveery man for himself, it made complete sense. Chase aproached her with his roll of bandages, leaving his beat up old guitar where it was. he unrolled the bandage with one hand, and moved her armed hand away with his other. as much as he didnt care anyone, he had to admit it felt a bit awkward as he lifted her shirt only slightly, and wrapped the bandage around her stomach, and firmly tying he end to create a bit of pressure. he made no effort to apologize if it had hurt, as he figured it wouldnt make a difference. he went back to his guitar, and stuffed the remaining bandaging back into his bag.

Serenity listened to the crunch of the glass beneath her feet as her breath puffed in white clouds in front of her. the windows of the school building had been broken from some brawl that had long since passed. she was, as usual, walking with a book in front of her face, pistol hidden on a thick garter that was wrapped around her thigh. there was a pair of leggings between the garter and her thigh, protecting her from the cold of the freeze, as she had decided she would continue to wear her favorite teal dress, with her winter coat, mittens, scarf and boots. since she had no family, she had taken three of her favorite books and a bit of supplies from her home before leaving. as normal as she looked she had already killed a group of 3 men who had approached her with intent of doing unsightly things. she figured if she possibly could, she would try to continue the normal, loner type existance she had lived before the freeze, to include her love of books and apparal such as dresses. as much as she had wanted to freak out about the situation, her short amount of law enforcment training had left her with strength that had kept her calm. her boots clomped down the school hall, her focus completely on the one book she managed to retreive from the frozen hallway. she often stopped at such buildings in pursuit of literature, as it had no value to many of the other survivors and was usually left untouched.

Kai whistled as he walked. the snow crunching beneath his feet, blue scarf just covering his chin, brown coat warming him as he went. he had a smile on, as was normal of him. even in the freeze he was an upbeat person. he had helped a handful of people along his way, as the freeze had taken a tole on many. none of them had desired traveling companions, so he simply moved on. he normally wasnt the loner type, but in the case of the freeze, he had no choice since no one was able hold even the slightest bit of trust, despite his friendly banter and means of traveling unarmed. the only time he felt he needed his imagination was when he needed to defend himself, or felt the need to help someone who was defenseless.
Erika flinched as the boy was helping her. Despite him helping her she refused to ease her mind from turning her pencil into a knife. "Thanks," she said trying to stay calm, "Its not that bad, you dont need to aply so much preasure"
Chase shrugged. "if you want to bleed out then be my guest. the pressure will stop the blood faster so you don't get light headed." he motioned towards her pencil, "your already light on weaponry so i figured you might like all you brain function in tact." he hoisted his guitar onto his back. "oh and your welcome" he said in a sharp tone. he walked a few paces in a different direction before looking to the side. "you can stop hidding. i just helped a person, so its safe to assume you wont get hurt. as for her, all she has is a pencil, so i think you will be fine." he shouted. her turned towards where the newcomer was hiding.
"Ware are you going?" Erika asked him. "There's barely anyware to go so leaving safety is almost compleatly pointless." she sighed knowing she wouldnt change his mind, "Thanks..."
Ensine opened the door slightly, peeking through the small gap she'd made. She took a couple of steps out and closed the door behind her. She still snuggled Rapsputin for a sense of security. Ensine looked over at the boy, taking Rapsputin and placing him back into the bag, feeding him something. "Sorry, I was just kind of nervous." she shrugged, taking a couple of paces forward, but not too many, making sure there were still a reasonable amount of space between her and the strangers. She looked at the girl with the pencil and back at the boy. Ensine sighed and leaned against a wall. She saved one of the blades of grass for Rapsputin and fed him with not even a smile on her face.
Steven drew closer to the source of the laughter. He heard conversation. Bleed out...? First aid. One's been injured. At least...Three? One's hiding...I'll have to be careful. Steven approached the doorframe,ear to the wall. They were in this room. Steven rounded the corner,but didn't enter the room. He swept his vision,and the barrel of his weapon,across the room,from right to left. "No sudden movements. Open your hands,and keep them well above your head. Turn to face the door." He backed up so his backpacked plasma battery bumped against the hallway wall opposite the door. "How many are here?"
Provence heard the distant thunk of boots. He stepped out of the classroom and into the hallway. Provence waltzed nonchalantly into the building next to him with was the library. He walked behind a shelf in pursuit of not being seen, by simply pretending to grab books at random. "Inkheart?" he whispered. Provence hadn't seen this book in years. He grinned and sat down, completely forgetting his situation as he was completely infatuated by the book.
Chase looked from the new girl, to the man, and back to the the girl. he opened his hands, unfazed by the mans weapon. he shrugged, waiting for the mans next move, and his gazed drifted to the small rabbit in the girls bag. it was.....adorable. as cold hearted as he was, Chase had a soft spot for small animals. he watched its nose twitch as it nibbled, his attention held quite firmly. not only were small animals cute, they were smart, and quite fascinated the scientific part of Chase, he often wouldn't let anyone see.

Serenity neared the library, focus still obsorbed in the book. she went to enter the door, but missed by an inch and ran into the door, dropping her book on the floor. she cursed under her breath as she straightened out the pages of her paper back copy of "The time Machine" she had always had a thing for H. G. Wells scifi books.
Ensine raised her hands above her head, a startled expression on her face, as did Rapsputin, dropping his grass in the bag. She looked around rummaged in the bag and found it, placing it in its mouth and chewing whilst surrendering. Ensine almost smiled when she remembered when she taught him how to multitask, but she was being held at gun point so it isn't really the time to smile. She was the boy just staring at Rapsputin and looked at the ground and smiled just so the corners of her mouth went up 2 degrees. She stared at the door.

Provence heard a slam and fell out of his chair and stood up, coughing slightly. He looked over at the door and saw a woman there. "You okay?" he asked, genuinely concerned. He'd just about laughed when she's ran into the door.
Erika looked at the man with the gun and tried to stay calm, "Who are you?" she said turning her pencil into a throwing knife. She glanced at the two others, He wasnt one of them... Was he tracking one of them?He she wondered Or is he trying to make humans go extinct faster?
"I said open your hands! Drop the knife,kid,or you're getting a buckshot filling. I'm not unreasonable. Now,how many of you are there?" He glared at the girl,looking lo older than seventeen. "And my name is the least of your concerns at the moment. So,speak when spoken to,and answer my questions when asked." He looked at the others in the room. I have plenty of ammo... He approached the room slowly,and saw the rabbit. "Keeping a pet when every little resource is a miracle...Unless you're fattening it up for soup?" He knelt down,and touched a floor tile. It glowed as he pulled it out,and formed a folding barricade in the doorway,between him and the room's occupants,keeping the gun pointed at them the whole time,with the stock firmly under his armpit.
Chase looked away from the rabbit, "its just a pet. just because the world stopped doesnt mean we cant try to live normal lives outside of this violence, so chill." he scowled, "the names Chase by the way." he said removing his guitar and holding it in front of him. he reenforced the case with steel as he took stray particles from the the ruined building. "i was just helping the injured girl, then iwas going to be on my way" he hated being slowed down. not that he had anywhere to be, he just didnt like unwelcome company.
Ensine growled as Rapsputin hid in the bag. "Excuse me?!" she snarled. "You will NOT talk about Rapsputin that way!" she hyperventilated, baring her teeth. She closed her eyes and tried to over come it. Ensine bit her lip to stop her from saying anymore, stepping back and putting her hands up again. She dug her nails into her leg and hung her head. She leaned against a wall and exhaled slowly, trying to get rid of her rage. She gulped and opened her eyes again, clenching her teeth, not making eye contact with anyone; not the gun-baring man, not the knife-baring girl and not Chase. The bunny peeked its head out and wiggled its nose at the man with the coilgun, but quickly hiding back in Ensine's bag.
Serenity looked up at the strange man,a surge of defensiveness suddenly shooting through her. she got to her feet and and drew her pistol from under her dress, "im fine what is it to you? who are you and what are you doing here?" her officer instincts kicked in and she made an attempt to interrogate, hoping she might not show any of the fear that was also pricking her heart. the man was quite handsome, she noticed as she looked at him over her weapon. she, however, was immune to any sort of physical charm, as she would not let herself be weakened merely by the face of a man.

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