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Fandom If you must go, I wish you love

Max smiled happily and nodded some "I'm so happy we're able to have these moments now." She said happily before raising an eyebrow "I wonder what he needs." She said before setting the timer. She gasped when she saw the puppy and smiled widely at Eddie "For me?" She asked before letting out a squeal of happieness "Oh thank you!" She exclaimed before picking up the basset hound puppy.

Jamie smiled as he got into the kitchen kissing Carmen's cheek "Your present should be here soon." He said happily as he wrapped his arms around her.
She smiled and leaned back into him. “Oh yeah? You want a coke?” She asked quietly and went to pour herself a drink.

He chuckled and watched them both. “You and Aaron. But lord knows he won’t do half the cleaning up.” He murmured kissing her head and went to refill his drink staying in there while he watched carmen run after the sound of a puppy. “So have you asked her about this arrangement you’ve made?”
Jamie smiled as she ran off when she heard a dog. He looked over at Eddie and shook his head some "Not yet, its a surprise. Though, it looks like their flight has been delayed and won't be in until tomorrow." He explained giving a heavy sigh.

Max smiled widely as she held the puppy close to her "Oh look at him Carmen! Isn't he precious?" She cooed before letting her friend take the dog.
Eddie frowned some, "You are walking a thin line there man. You're either in the good books for life or even further in the dog house." He pointed out, grabbing a beer and stepped outside for a quick cigarette, happening to glance down the side of the house and caught Aaron sat on the garage roof just outside his window with some girl, soon looking away and just smiled to himself before finally heading back in to Max, "You happy?" He asked her quietly.

Carmen had gone to set the table up with plates and cutlery, looking up when Jamie walked in "You okay?" she asked frowning a little seeing he just looked a little stressed now "You need to go home?" She frowned some knowing they both still struggled a little sometimes being around so many people for long periods of time when everyone else was still drinking
Max smiled widely as Eddie came back over to her a little later and nodded "I think this is the happiest I have ever been." She said softly before giving him a loving kiss "And once everyone has left and Aaron is in bed you'll get your last gift of the night." She said happily

Jamie walked into the dining area after his talk with Eddie and gave a heavy sigh. He smiled softly at Carmen and shook his head some "No, no we can stay for food. It all smells amazing." He said softly before going to her and kissimg her temple "I uh...your present won't be here until tomorrow, but when we get home I'm going to tell you what it is okay?" He said giving her another smile.
She frowned and leaned back against him, "Oh yeah? You're kinda scaring me now." She told him quietly, her hands shaking a little from the exertion of the day.

He chuckled quietly and kissed her back, "Oh yeah? I think our son is getting a gift right now on the garage roof... Blonde girl with an Iron Maiden t-shirt.... No don't go telling him off." He pulled her back to him and smiled "Let him come to us." He murmured, kissing her head and just swaying with her until the timer went off
Jamie shook his head and took the plate from her hand "Nothing to be scared about love. Sit down okay? Rest and I will finish this up." He murmured before kissing her a gentle kiss

Max gasped and almost went out but stopped as Eddie stopped her "Oh no....no he is supposed to be my baby forever." She pouted before swaying with him. She went to get the rolls out of the oven "Eddie go get Aaron tell him to come eat!" She called before she brought the food into the dining room thanking Jamie and Carmen profusely for setting it up.
She smiled and thanked him quietly, taking a seat once things were ready just quietly playing with her hands and sighed a little. “Hey we’re gonna head home after food.” She told max quietly.

Eddie nodded and went up to Aaron’s room, leaning out the window and giving him a loud whistle. “Hey, sorry to break up this little shin dig but food is ready…. Hi.” He waved at the girl sat next to Aaron “be careful getting down… Aaron. Dinner table.” He chuckled seeing them both going bright red at being caught.
Max smiled softly as she sat down and gabe a small nod to Carmen "Let me know if you want leftovers, I'll bring 'em over tomorrow." She said happily watching as Aaron came down with Eddie bright as a tomato. As the night progressed the people started to thin out and around ten o'clock it was just her and Eddie sitting by the fire watching Christmas Vacation. She looked up at him and smiled some seeing his eyes getting a little droopy "Don't fall asleep on me now. You still have one more present to open."

Jamie ate happily with everyone and soon said goodbye after they had finished. He took Carmen home and kissed the top of her head gently "I say, we have a nice relaxing bath and then head to bed." He said quietly giving her a small smile
He grumbled a little and looked over at her, stretching out. “Mmm we better go do that then cause I’m falling asleep beautiful.” He told her quietly watching her get up to go get it, already drifting off again by the time she got back, “I’m up I’m up.” He grumbled looking up at her.

She nodded and smiled “sounds good to me.” She murmured going to get them water for the morning and locked up downstairs while he went to run them a bath, going up to meet him soon after and started stripping off. “I miss my energy.”
She gave a small smile and nodded happily rushing to go get it. She gently shook his awake when she got back and handed him a small skinny box "I hope you like it." She said softly before biting her lower lip. She watched intently as he opened the box and revealed the pregnancy stick inside with a pink plus sign on it "Well? Do you like it?"

Jamie went up to their bathroom and started them a bath after she agreed. He gave a soft smile to her and nodded softly before stripping down "You'll get it back soon love. It's just going to take a while." He murmured before getting into the tub with her. He watched her softly wrapping his arms around her body as she lay between his legs "Do you want to know your present now?"
He opened it and spent a couple minutes just staring before he turned back to face her again. “Is this yours?” He asked her quietly, beaming when she nodded. “We’re having a baby?! How far along are you?” He asked her quickly and pulled her straight into his lap, kissing all over her face. “Oh I love you so much”

She smiled tiredly and just shook her head. “Let it be a surprise.” She told him quietly, resting her head back against his shoulder and just enjoying being in his arms in the peace and quiet.
She smiled widely and nodded happily. As he pulled her onto his lap she couldn't help but giggle some "I don't know yet. I only took the test three days ago. I have an appointment next week to find out for sure about everything." She explained before kissing him lovingly "I love you too. I'm thinking after my appointment we tell Aaron that he is going to be a big brother."

Jamie gave a small smile and nodded "Alright love." He murmured before relaxing further into the tub. They got out once the water was cold and they were nice and pruney, drying off to get dressed and go straight to bed.
He smiled and kissed her happily. “I get to be there this time.” He murmured excited, getting up to turn everything off and go to bed with her after their movie, just holding her close tightly, happier than ever.

Carmen got straight into pjs and went to curl up on her side of the bed waiting tik he had joined her and rolled in closer. “Mmm I love you.” She mumbled yawning a little.
Max woke up the next morning smiling happily as she watched Eddie sleep. She jumped slightly when he told her to take a photo and laughed lightly "Maybe I will." She murmured before pecking his lips gently.

Jamie woke up and smiled softly seeing Carmen already awake "Hey beautiful, what time is it?" He asked softly as he sat up kissing her cheek gently "Did you sleep well?"
He groaned a little and rolled over to bury his face in the pillow. “I drank too much.” He grumbled hearing aaron playing with the new dog downstairs.

She frowned and looked over at him. “Jamie there’s been a car parked outside the house for like 20 minutes. No one’s got out either. But they’re blocking the drive.” She mumbled.
Max gave a small laugh and rolled her eyes "Well I'm going downstairs, don't sleep in too late." She murmured before kissing the back of his head. She made her way downstairs and smiled seeing Aaron playing with the puppy "He needs a name, what do you think it should be?"

Jamie went wide eyed and quickly got up seeing the time "Oh its early!" He exclaimed before he rushed to the bathroom getting himself ready "Get ready love! It's your Christmas present!" He said excitedly.
She raised an eyebrow and watched him, getting up slowly and getting dressed letting him go down and frowned hearing a couple extra voices, eventually making her way down and froze at the bottom of the stairs seeing her ex stood there with a young girl who judging by her age was her daughter. “What the fuck is this?” She asked both the men quickly, seeing Johnny sneering at her.

Eddie grumbled a little and got up to take a showed then made his way downstairs. “Don’t bombard me. I’m only down here so your mother doesn’t tell me off.” He grumbled putting his sunglasses on and leaning back on the couch “What name did you guys pick?” He asked quietly.
Jamie gave a wide smile as Carmen came downstairs "Carmen! Uh..Merry Christmas!" He said trying to make things happy "This uh...this is Johnny and Lana...I uh...I found them." He said giving her a sheepish smile watching the young girl give a wave to her mother.

Max rolled her eyes as Eddie came down "Still a grumpy hung over person." She said cuddling the puppy close to her. "We decided to name him Kas, like the character from D&D."
Carmen swallowed hard and just shook her head, "I fucking know who it is!" She spat at him, "You agreed to this?!" She questioned Johnny, glaring at him as he just smirked at her with a nod "Why? What do you gain from this?" She questioned him knowing he would only ever have said yes if there was an ulterior motive. "Johnny don't screw around with me why are you here?" She questioned, sneaking glances at Lana who looked less than pleased to be there anyway "Spill it. Now." She doubted the girl spoke any English anyway.

He just nodded slowly and ran a hand through his hair "I can remember Kas." He mumbled, "What is everyone's plans today?" He asked, rubbing at his face and trying to hold back the headache while he rubbed at his temples
Johnny smirked at Carmen watching her some "Your daughter wanted to finally meet her mother and how I could deny that? Especially after your boyfriend made the call." He said all too sweetly gently tapping Lana "Go on, say hello to your mother." He murmured to his daughter.

Max smiled happily and shrugged "We plan to stay in, play with the puppy, Aaron mentioned practicing guitar." She murmured before pointing to the table "There is aspirin on the table." She said softly
He grumbled a bit and picked it up, taking it quickly with some water and went to lay on top of her, burying his face into her shoulder, "I'm hurting!" HE whined, "Love me!"

Aaron frowned and rolled his eyes "Why is he acting like a child?" He muttered.

Carmen just shook her head and watched them both "You are not going to do this.... I can't.... Excuse me." She muttered, pushing past them both and rushed outside still in her slippers, walking down the street quickly to get away from the house.
Max laughed as she placed the dog down and wrapped her arms around him "Because he has a hang over, he always get clingy when he has one." She murmured kissing his forehead gently "Isn't that right?"

Jamie frowned deeply and looked between them "Just..uh...stay here for a moment." He said before rushing out after her. "Carmen! Carmen darling wait!" He yelled to her.
Carmen turbed ti face him and just shook her head "How fucking dare you! Without discussing this with me?! Do you have any idea what you've done?! Get that man out of my house and his offspring too." She spat at him, turning to keep walking away.

Eddie just grumbled and held onto her tighter "I can't believe you let me get drunk." He mumbled, forgetting that she had advised him against it. "I need to be held and I want back rubs." He mumbled.

Aaron raised an eyebrow "Uh... Mom I'm gonna go out... Promise Jake I'd see him today and we would go check out the new album he got.... I'll see you later." he told her quickly, not really wanting to be ther while his Dad was behaving like that. Plus he did want to see if he could sneak over to his girlfriend's place
Jamie frowned more "Darling! I...I thought you'd want to meet her.." he said quietly before giving a heavy sigh. He went back to the house and rubbed the back of his neck "Have you gotten a hotel yet? I can give you money if you need it." He said before giving a heavy sigh.

Max smiled some and gave a small nod to Aaron "Alright honey, be back by dinner okay?" She said letting him go off. She knew he was probably going to see his girlfriend but she wanted to give him trust for now. She looked down at Eddie rubbing his back gently "So are you still excited for our little bun in the oven?"

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