Idol Academy

GreenSea said:
-rolls back into the OOC-

My stomach pains never left me x.x'..

Though I did see interesting things! New sheets, and Winter (which will confuse me probably), Cyan can make some pretty cool pictures~
AbraxasNine said:
-rolls back into the OOC-
My stomach pains never left me x.x'..

Though I did see interesting things! New sheets, and Winter (which will confuse me probably), Cyan can make some pretty cool pictures~
Get well soon Abraxas ^-^!
I'll get over it eventually, haha.

Still attempting to find a better vocal sound for Atryom though. Kind of sucks when basically all I know are female artists, haha..

At any rate, no matter the side of the world you may be on, or what time it may be when you see this. How has everyone's day been? You all excited for the RP?
I'm assuming Atryom is the final male idol? :D Can't wait to see the CS.

My day has been well ^^ Nearly got bitten by a dog (the volunteer job I talked about earlier is animal-related), but other than that, it's been great. And yes, I'm very excited for the RP.
As for me same boring regular day,

I wasn't an outgoing person so I rarely go outside my house.

and Yes, I can't wait!

(merely suggestion: Try Nero or Faneru- (nico nico douga= a website that's similar to youtube but you could search it on youtube) ^-^)
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Actually his sheet is already up, it is at the bottom of page two~

Run Hikarii, run!! The dog may be rabid! Well, unless it was a lot like my dog. He really loved to gnaw on people when they didn't play with him.

Hehe, neither am I Green! I just kind of tuck into my hiding place~

Hmm, I will look those up, thank you very much for the suggestion! ^^
Ah *mumbles and sits in a corner* I knew that.. *goes to read it now*

He was a Scottish Terrier, and he looked so innocent! He often doesn't want to eat, but he finished his food today, so whilst taking the empty food bowl out of the cage I attempted to pet him, but he bit me! Well nearly did, I pulled my hand back in time, but his teeth still grazed it ._. Never again will I trust an innocent-looking small dog. Never again.
Yes! I've learned my lesson! xD

Ooooh, he looks pretty badass, Abraxas-chan ^^ I really like the vocals you chose for him, too.
Small dogs, the betrayer of trust everywhere O.o '.

Hehe, thank you! If you like the vocals I may just keep them then, I keep on questioning myself, haha. Bad traits, bad traits~
Good Morning, though I'm assuming its still night time for mostly everyone else or really early in the morning ^ ^;

Also thank you Abraxas-kun, used a website to make those pictures ;p. Hopefully you don't have anymore close calls with that terrier Hikarii ^ ^;. And you and me both Sea-kun. I prefer staying at home instead of going out in the weekends. Too many people and crowds tire me out easily -.-"
Thank Key hyung!! ^. .^ Ne what voices are you using for your character? I'm looking for some duets that mine has with yours :3
Well my vocaloid voice bank is basically the Kagamine twins ^ ^ And the irl is a mix of the utaite ShounenT (male) and Wotamin (female). But your voice bank is Clear right? (I like how were both doing Utaite's XP) So when we duet my voice can be Nero (since they do so many collabs with each other in irl ^ ^)
Waaahhh!! Key hyung knows about Utaites?! *glomps* Clear is my voice thingy!!! I really like his voice :3 Heres a good collab vid with Nero and him -^ ^-


Ahahaha thats some good 'cleanero' ;p I agree. Clear does have a very good voice ^ ^ Speaking of which I just found another one that suits my Key (my idol character I mean ;p) well. -sighs- Okay I think this is my complete voice bank right now... (excluding wotamin and nero)

(New one: Utaite's name is Riseha [female]. They say she can make her voice slightly boyish which makes it perfect for Len K. songs ;p)


(This one is ShounenT ver. He mostly does acoustics which again goes well with Key)


(And the main star, Len Kagamine ;p)


I used the same song to make it easier to tell how each of them sounded ^ ^
I really like Riseha's voice!! It really does sound like the real life version of Len-kun~ What about your teacher character Key Hyung? :3
I was think maybe Soraru (male) and Valshe (female) for Zero ^ ^ So your voice bank for your idol is Clear and the one for the Apollo manager is Luka right?
Oh! I know those two utaites especially valshe ;3 Yup~ Those are the two voice Im gonna use -^ ^- Hehehe I'm gonna be Key hyung's noona in the RP ^. .^

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