• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Idol Academy


Lollipop Gumdrop Unicorn Princess


Welcome to the group

You have been scouted by our representatives from each of your schools to become Idols! We hope that you will all come together as a group and create beautiful music together. Please take a look at the instructions below and arrive at this place at the time recorded.

We wish you luck on your journey here at
PHILOMELA, and we hope that you will rise up to be stars!



Welcome to the group

You have been scouted by our representatives from each of your schools to become Idols! We hope that you will all come together as a group and create beautiful music together. Please take a look at the instructions below and arrive at this place at the time recorded.

We wish you luck on your journey here at
APOLLO, and we hope that you will rise up to be stars!


Each of you have gotten the same letter but one group is all females the other all males. Each of you arrive at the place that you were instructed to go to and found other people holding similar cards to you. One was purple whilst the other was gold. Each of you are aspiring to be singers, some of you (or maybe all) will get the chance to become actors as well. Romance is forbidden at the academy but maybe you will meet someone that will make you want to change this? Work hard to make your dreams to come true!

Okay now for more house keeping things:

~ Make sure to read the rules!

~ I am needing some teachers/ company roles filled out please: All taken

- I can't think of anymore but if you have other teachers please tell me!

- Also make sure that teachers make contact with me (the company head) before making any decisions and we shall do it over PM so that the decisions can be a surprise as they are suppose to be in these cases.

~ Idol spots all taken

~ Make sure to only make one Idol and if you really want to you can make one teacher. And I am only allowing people to make more than one idol if there is still vacancies and they haven't been filled quick enough…

~ Also you will be dorming all together with your group so yeah! :3


Birds Eye View of the school... Couldn't get a pic with golden gates but yeah...


Your dorms but there are more beds so that all five members can sleep in the same room!


Cafeteria! Yummy food always served! Just call out for Rune and she will tell you what you are going to have for the day~!


General classroom! This is where you guys have your classes with your General Classroom teacher!


Dancing classroom! This is where you practice your routines!


Singing Lessons are here! It looks a little bit more fancier that this but you guys can have a little image now!


Okay recording studio...

This is the side you will be on when not recording anything...

and you will be on the other side when you are singing

You also have a meeting room and just try to image a u shaped couch in the centre of the room and there is a tv opposite to the middle of the couch and there is also a small coffee table placed in the middle of the couch.

~ Normal RPNation rules apply

~ Please write in third person sorry my own preference, I am really picky about this so please and I am really sorry if you don't like

~ No one liners please! I would like to keep the story going so make sure to write a little more. Two - three sentences is fine but I just don't want it clogged up with one liners!

~ Please don't join unless it is not full and don't ask for character positions that have already been filled!

~ When creating your characters they have to be unique! Idols don't just become Idols due to the fact that they good at singing. They need personalities! It could be a split personality or they have a unique obsession! Please make sure that they have that!

~ When filling out the Character Sheet in the personality section write down what the characters most favourite animal is and please do not follow the last interaction as well this just lets me know who has read the instructions and who hasn't

~ Also don't be afraid to allow your character to grow and mature and change from their original character sheet we can just get you to update it every time something changes!

~ When falling in love make sure that it goes over a course of several days. And because this is a romance RP make sure that you are ready to have romance and fight for it! (-_0)

~ When you are OoC make sure to be nice to others nobody likes a bully!

~ Make sure to have heaps of fun and address me if you have any troubles at all!

~ Make sure to colour your character sheet! Make it look pretty!

~ There will be a schedule for the characters to follow so please follow it!

~ Also with romance please blank out once things get a little heated if they do… If you want to take it to PM do that…

~ I will be reading each of these carefully!

~ And also lets try to get different nationalities! Hehe I have noticed that everyone is portraying american characters in their RPs and I don't have a problem with that but I want to see some other nationalities in this one! I don't mind if you don't want to though it really is up to you!

~ At the end of your character sheet write down IDOLS so that I know that you have read this!
Ignore all of this! haha Rosie Chan just wrote on the wrong page! ( ^_^
Wait what is this roll dice thing?
EternalMusic updated Idol Academy with a new update entry:

haha hello my friends! The first update to many!

Okay this is important so you need to read all of it! ALL OF IT!!! And there is going to be loads of updates and such. It will be kind of the notice board for the idols and what they are suppose to do! Okay here you go...
Hey guys! Thank you everyone who has joined already and I give each of my home made chico biscuits! ( ^_^ ) Okay I wanted to talk to everyone about the characters and their roles. Okay so the idols are the main characters so I am going to ask everyone to make a idol before a...
Read the rest of this update entry...
EternalMusic updated Idol Academy with a new update entry:

Nearly time to start (^///^)

Hey Everyone! We are nearly ready to get started and I am getting so pumped! Okay this is the final post and once you have read this we can start or I will post the first post. Remember that they don't have to be long paragraphs just a good three - four lines. Also like this Update so that I know that you have read it!
Okay so we have our Idols from America and now I am going to put up some big name bands that are from overseas! Also they are situated in the countries mentioned but they are...
Read the rest of this update entry... 
Sorry but please read! It will give a little information that is important!

Looking around with her large child like purple eyes, Rune scanned the area for the "to-be" idols. APOLLO and (change to greek goddess), they were "to-be" famous idols from the company "Zeus". She had high hopes for these children, she had taken a lot of time to find teachers who understood music talent and sent them all out to find students. Humming one of Aria Neko's songs Rune made her way to the grand academy entrance. Maybe they haven't been able to find it yet… But you would think it wouldn't be that hard with these large golden gates in front of the school. Despite the fact that there were many people who have come out of this school only small groups at a time had gone through together. This was the largest group that was coming through the school at the same time. There were older students above them but these kids wouldn't have the time to ever talk to them. They are going to be trained really hard. She smoothed down her cat maid outfit as she noticed a girl on a bike arriving to the school grounds. Ah our first idol! Quickly she tried to make her presentable as much as she could with cat ears and a maid outfit.

Angel looked around as she rode her bike from the orphanage. It had been a teary good bye due to the fact that they wouldn't be able to see each other for a month. Her crystal blue eyes had become less blue and her cheeks had returned to their no-puffed state. Her silver-brown hair flew with the wind that pushed against her face and she managed to find school. Looking up she saw the tall golden gates and found herself feeling intimidated by the gates. No. Be strong this will be a big opportunity for you and everyone else! She hopped off her bike and quickly linked it to the bike rack and made her way towards the entrance but stopped as she saw a young looking girl in a maids outfit complete with cat ears. …She is like a little cat! Her love for animals and little kids kicked in and she knelt down in front of the child and ruffled the girls hair whilst smiling at the child cheerfully.

"Are you lost? Do you know where your mom is?"

The child looked up at her with purple eyes and smiled happily, "Welcome to Zeus, I am the company head here! Also I am not lost and my mother is sleeping back at my place due to her lack of ability to pay her rents."

Angel blinked her eyes several times and looked at the child. Company head? Zeus? Taking a moment she realised that this person was her boss and she took a step back and bowed down.

"I am so sorry, Ms Kalypso!"

The girl in the maid outfit looked at her and smiled, "Please just call me Rune."

Angel nodded and looked at the outfit that Rune was in. A maid outfit? With cat ears? Well… At least she looks good in it… Looking around she noticed that there was no one in sight.

"Has no one else arrived yet?"

Rune shook her head and looked at Angel, "You are the first person, also I just realised that I don't know your name…"

Angel smiled and looked at Rune, "My name is Evangeline Rhett but you may call me Angel."

"Okie dokie!" Receiving a thumbs up Angel watched as the company head smiled happily and looked around for others.

Well… at least it will be fun… Angel looked around her and quietly waited for the others to arrive.
Claire grabbed her bags and started out the door to leave "bye mom, dad is taking me!!" She called into the house as she walked out. "Wait!" Her mom called back as she came running to the door and grabbed Claire in a big bear hug. "Mommm!" Claire yelled as she fought her mom off of her. Claire finally got her mom to go back inside after another ten minutes of being smothered and got into the limo, where her father was waiting for her in the back. ...

Pulling up to the big gates claires heart started racing, she was so excited and ready for this. She gave her dad a big hug and climbed out of the limo, where the driver was waiting with her bags. She smiled, grabbed her bags and walked up to the two girls standing outside. "Hi, I'm Claire" she said, looking at the both. She wasn't sure if the girl had brought her maid with her or what was going on but she didn't much care.
Rune smiled at the girl, "Hello Claire my name is Rune. I am the company head of Zues."

Angel looked at the girl and smiled shyly. She wasn't sure what to do in this situation, where they to be friends or enemies?

"Hello my name is Evangeline but you may call me Angel."
"Oh wow, I ummm .... Nice to meet you rune. Claire caught herself from saying anything about the outfit and turned to angel and smiled "are we the first to arrive?!? I'm usually late!" Claire laughed at herself.
Angel sighed with relief glad that the girl seemed to be very easy to talk to, "Yes it does seem like it."

Pulling her cardigan sleeves up slightly she looked around, her silver brown hair blew against the small breeze and her crystal blue eyes scanned everything around her.

Rune looked at the two girls and smiled happily, "May I see both of your invitations?"

Angel nodded and pulled out a purple invitation.

"Nice that looks all good and what about you Claire?"

Rune looked at her with her purple eyes, her red hair bobbing up and down as she jumped about.
Celestia walks out of the limousine that brought her into the academy, as an butler opens the door for her. She looks around the new school and smiles, it was a great to continue on with what she was doing, it was her passion after all. The butler neatly gives Celestia her bags, as she takes them out and throws her guitar case over her back. "I can carry it on my own. You just go back and enjoy your holiday," she said with a smile as the butler bowed and went back into the limousine without another word. Celestia turned to see a rather young looking woman in a maid outfit and cat ears, along with two other girls standing around. She put on a nervous smile, approaching them as she tried her best to walk as calm and collected as possible. I can do this... I can do this... There's nothing to think about... Celestia thought to herself as she met up in front of them all.

She raised her hand and waved to them and smiled to them.
"Yo. The name's Celestia. Cece for short," She introduced herself as she looked around, but it seemed as they were the only ones that had shown up. She fixed the black tie around her neck and moved her long ponytail behind her back, as she was hoping that she left a good first impression, but she also knew she did good on her own, she had all her life as she was not only a guitarist, but a model and designer for her father's company. Luckily, she wouldn't need to listen to his nagging day in and out from now on.
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Claire looked over at rune as she jumped about asking about her invitation. 'Odd person to put as a head of a business' Claire thought to herself. "Yeah, here it is." Claire grabbed the invitation our of her back pocket of her pants and handed it to Rune. "You're a very pretty angel" Claire couldn't help but tell her. She was almost jealous of her pretty complexion, blue eyes and beautiful hair. Claire had always wanted blue eyes.

Claire turned around hearing a voice. "Oh, hello!" Claire said to the new girl. "How many of us will there be?" Claire asked to the group.

@CrystalTears @EternalMusic
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Rune looked at the new girl and smiled happily fixing her cat ears and her maid outfit.

"Thank you Claire and hello Cece I am the company head please call me Rune! Would you mind if I see your invitation?"

She knew that each of the girls had already received the letters she knew a lot about the students already but she just wanted to use it as a precaution.

Angel looked at the new girl and went over to help her fix the tie, her motherly like actions shining through.

"My name is Evangeline but you can call me Angel. It is nice to meet you Cece."

Rune turned and face Claire and smiled happily she wasn't suppose to tell them but she could give them clues.

"There is a couple of more people to come."

@katelynn @CrystalTears
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Cece smiles as Angel suddenly comes up to help her fix her tie, it was easier since she only had one free arm. She smiles to Rune and figures the 'kid' is probably some sort of staff working there. "Sure I got it right here," Cece said as she rummaged through her bag and gives Rune her invitation, as she smiles and look quickly around one more time, curious of where and when the others were coming. "May I ask... why you're wearing the maid outfit and cat ears?" Cece asked as she found it incredibly cute, and she wanted to wear something like that too, but her pride was in the way of her ever wearing something like that, especially in public.
Rune looked at Cece and smiled happily giving her a twirl.

"It's cute isn't it? I just like to wear clothes like that. Most people tell me to wear more appropriately because I am the head of the company but I find these clothes more comfortable."

Angel finished the tie and pressed it down smiling softly.

"All done and I think that I like Rune like that, she looks like a little kid..."

(I have to go now be back in an hour!)
"This is it Alex Nakashima... you can't go back once you've decided to be an Idol.. After all it's for "her" right?"

Alex talking to himself after he packed his things into a large Luggage. He went out and bid farewell to his parent for the very first time as he left his house. Alex wasn't sure if he took the right decision, of course he's bored with his regular days that goes like a wheel but he thought that being idol was out of his league.

"Snap out of it Alex! if I give up on being an Idol right now then how could I steal her heart!"

Once he again he talk to himself, "Huh... her heart? who are you talking about Lex?" (minor appearance) Alex was surprised that in front of him was Alex's crush which didn't even know that Alex talking to her just now. "Ah... pretty much just self motivation before I made my introduction in the academy..." he blushed. "Well if you meet any handsome guy don't forget to send me a text message!" she joked although for Alex it's a let down, he sighed with dissapointment, "Okay... anyway it's time to go... Take care Mary..." "Bye Alex!" she waved her hand while Alex walked away towards the nearest bus stop.

It took around 3 hours before he could get to the academy's front gate. As soon as he arrived all he could do was dropped his jaw, he never seen a gate this big
"It's normal in urban area I guess". He could also see a few of people had already stood in front of the gate but one stood out of all others, it a girl which he estimated around his age wearing a maid outfit and cat ear as well. He walked toward them and directly gave a huge bow, "GOOD AFTERNOON EVERYONE MY NAME IS ALEX NAKASHIMA BUT YOU COULD CALL ME LEX! I LOVE SUSHI AND I DISLIKE SPICY FOOD! ANYTHING YOU LIKE TO ASK JUST ASK ME!" it definitely caugh everyone's attention but with a cynical looks at him. "there goes my epic fail first impression.."
Key yawned, running a hand through his messy hair. He threw his head back and let out a low whistle as the Academy came into view. It would be a lie if Key said that he wasn't the least bit intimated since the place looked as if it would take him five lifetimes to earn enough money to get into. 'Haaahh well I can't be the only poor guy here' He thought and took barely a step forward when a limousine pulled up to the front of the gates. '"...I stand corrected" Key muttered sarcastically. He looked on as what could only be a butler stepped out of the car with a luggage in hand. At this point Key was just slowly drowning in his own self denial. It wasn't until the butler opened the back door did his mood brighten. He watched with interested blue eyes as a girl came out of the black car. He had almost forgotten that other, apparently cute idols would be joining the academy as well.

Key crossed the street after the limousine had taken its leave and almost did a double take at the the three other girls who had gotten there first. They all already looked as if they had come jumping out of the front page of a magazine. He shifted his backpack to the side and began walking towards the group. He stretched an arm nonchalantly over his head and let a soft yawn escape his lips. He was just about to introduce himself when all of a sudden he was having his ear drums shattered by another guy that had appeared. Key laughed at the food preference information the stranger had shouted out and let an amused smile cross his lips.

"Ahaha nice intro" He complimented before tilting his head slightly and suddenly letting out an abrupt shout. "Ahhh what heck your kind of taller than me..." Key mummered, already crossing the distance between them and was practically leaning against the other boy as he attempted to compare their height.
"... was that bad... I mean my introduction? sorry if it is, I wasn't accustom with the city greetings.. anyway let me start over my introduction... My name is Alex Nakashima but my friend call me Lex. I live just near the end of the city so it's not as crowded as in here anyway nice to meet you!" It was Alex's first smile since he got here. "And thank you for back me up! nice cover!" Alex smiled once more to the guy who's comparing his height.
Rune looked at the two boys and skipped over in her maid outfit bobbing as she did so. PLacing her cat ears back on her head she looked at the boys.

"My name is Rune, I am the company head and welcome you to my company Zeus! Now may I see your invitations?"

Angel looked at the boys shyly and gave them a small nod looking at the boy who had made the grand entrance she gave a bit more of a confident smile trying to give him re assurance. It wasn't easy to get a new start and she knew all to well about it.

@GreenSea @Cyan @katelynn @CrystalTears
"Let me see..." Alex took a piece of folded paper out of his pocket and gave it to Rune "this is the invitation right?" he tilted his head slightly and saw the blonde haired girl (Evangeline)smiled at him which lighten his mood up. He smiled back to the girl indicating that he's not as nervous as before.
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(Just say blonde for Angel and red for Rune! ^///^)

Rune nodded and smiled happily.

"Yep that is perfect!"

Angel smiled again a little bit more shyly this time as the boy returned the smile.
"Heh no problem" Key exclaimed, ruffling Lex's hair though it was rather comical as he was shorter. It hadn't been his initial intention to provide a distraction but meh, anything to help a fellow idol. He reached into his pocket and took out a slightly crumpled piece of paper and turned around to face the company head. "Here you go..." Key said when he realized he was holding the paper way past above the girls head. He quickly lowered his hand and smiled apologetically.
Rune smiled and hopped up as she grabbed the invitation and handed it back to the tall boy.

"All good! That is over half of the kids here... I wonder where the rest are..."

Looking around Rune scanned to see if there was anyone else about to arrive

Angel moved a little closer and gave a small bow to the two boys.

"Hello my name is Evangeline but you can call me Angel..."

Lifting her light brown hand she ran her fingers through her blonde hair and smiled at the with her crystal blue eyes.
Alex avoid eye contact with the girl and shyly introduce himself again

"Guess I'm didn't have a good start... my name is Alex but you can call me Lex..! nice to meet you Angel" Alex shoved Key so that the conversation wouldn't end there.

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