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Fandom [IC]The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale


Ruth Valentine
Tags: Azurian Dream Azurian Dream Twist Twist Scatterbrain Scatterbrain

Ruth was relieved. In the midst of the chaos, Jaime remained intact in the real world, yet Ruth was in that tournament in the halls. Kimi was across from them. Did that mean the veil was after certain people? Why? What were they looking for and does it perhaps have an actual connection with hell that it would be so caught up in punishing the sinners?

Kimi had brought up the topic of passing the time with digimon cards and pineapple as a snack. She tilted her head confused why specifically a fruit. Raven had pointed out that perhaps the teen just wanted to battle. It would be a nice change of pace at the moment, and all of the injured are technically dealt with. Though that went out the window as Kimi bolted out like the wind. Their cards somehow forgot and fell into the hands of Mei, the rude lady with a fancy dress. She wondered if she survived or helped in the middle of the chaos. Probably not with how she perceives herself. Then again, the digital world has been performing miracles and bringing out the unexpected within them.

That only left Raven and Wormmon. Their partner finally recovered to their old self. Ruth glanced over to Alex as Raven suggested asking about the card. ”Oh…yeah, I guess now would be a good time.” The other part of her begged to search for Impmon. It can wait, right? It’s not like he left the fort. Her eyes grew alight seeing Alex and Cutemon stir a little. Hopefully, they were feeling better.

Meanwhile, Impmon was lost to the confines of his mind, strolling through with no compass on where to go or what to do. He wondered if he was better off sticking to the group he knows or just leaving all together. He knew he couldn’t survive without training or even evolving. He was doomed without Ruth, but what is he supposed to do? It’s not like he hasn’t tried.

The burning flames have caught his attention. The way they encircled him while a voice spoke up. Raising his head, he found a purple fox sitting on the ground. Impmon noticed he was no longer in the settlement, but a cavern from the wreckage. His guard immediately up and ready to fight back. ”Huh? I’m not a kettle. I’m an imp.” He had no clue what that meant, but listened to her rant. She mentioned Ruth, the one known as the crystal bearer and the only one who has one in their inventory. The resemblance? Impmon clicked his tongue. ”I am nothin’ like that crazy broad.”

Impmon crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. ”I don’t need ta feel anything. Now you’re just makin’ stuff up, furball.” Impmon’s stern demeanor dropped as Youkomon began to remind Impmon the true meaning behind Ruth’s dislike for Virus type digimon. It was more than just an attribute. There was something more behind it. Yes, he somehow knew why and it was dark and complicated. He wanted to prove himself so badly he was not like the bad guys, that she was not bad. He felt her heart closed off, but not entirely. Inside was a scared girl, and he wanted to drag that child out of the dark. Whether anyone noticed, Impmon was not just a reflection, but Ruth’s personal demon locked in a closet. Hidden behind the door she can never muster the courage to open. Evil is to blame for everything in her life, and that was that.

”You keep your mouth shut, ya lousy fox! If she doesn’t want me that’s fine. I can find a much better partner and I’ll get stronger without her. Simple as that.” He huffed, certain that nothing could go wrong with his decision, and if by the end of the day, Ruth still opposes him, he will have to find his own path.

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The roar of the stadium crowd echoed in Ace’s ears as he stood at the starting line of a relay race, his team, all dressed in white racing gear, lined up beside him; Cutemon, Ruth and Dr. Tanaka. Across from them, the opposing team smirked maliciously at them. The three Shamamon, decked out in track shorts and their signature vests, limbered up while Cyclomon loomed at the end, his enormous frame clad in black, the number 100 emblazoned on his chest.

The teams took their positions, Cutemon, Ruth and the doctor were pitted against the three Shamamon while Ace found himself opposing Cyclomon. The starting gun fired and feet pounded against the track as the baton (or specifically bone) passed smoothly from Dr. Tanaka to Ruth then to Cutemon. The fairy Digimon dashed forward, their little legs moving with surprising speed, reaching Ace just as a Shamamon passed their own bone to Cyclomon.

Ace gripped the bone tight and sprinted. At first, he was ahead and for a brief, exhilarating moment, he felt like himself again, like he was back in his prime, leaving the competition in the dust but then, the familiar sting in his leg struck like a bolt of agony. His pace faltered, his leg buckled and he crashed hard onto the track. Cyclomon gained ground, his massive strides effortlessly closing the distance but Ace clenched his teeth and dragged his body forward with his free hand. The finish line was just ahead, a thin ribbon stretched across the track, but as he neared it, something shifted. The white ribbon twisted, transforming into the same ominous cloth that had dragged him into this digital nightmare, and lashed out towards him.

Ace woke up with a groan and he could feel the familiar numbness from his leg, reminding him that the race was nothing but a dream.

"You're awake!" Cutemon was sitting by his bedside, their eyes fixed on Ace. The young athlete exhaled, rubbing a hand over his face before groggily pushing himself upright. The effort made his muscles whine in protest but at least he was alive. His gaze drifted around the medical tent, taking in the disks, sprays and array of odd contraptions that littered the shelves and tables.

"Where are the others?" Ace murmured, as he turned to his partner.

"They're okay." Cutemon reassured him, though there was still worry in their voice.

Ace nodded. He was too fatigued to say much else. His mind still lingered on that finish line from his dream, the one he never crossed...

Azurian Dream Azurian Dream Pumpkid Pumpkid
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Staring up at the Gryzmon, Ji-Su and Commandramon, half wondered if he was offering the pineapple to the latter, in which case, as he would say till a Gazimon would speak up in turn. Both had their own thoughts to voice in regard to the D Brigade's commando's opinion on the matter.

Staying passively still, the cyborg locked a curious gaze at the Gazimon, as if pondering, what exactly? "Two Agumon? I am superior to such organic compounds."

For her part Ji-Su smiled after studying the two digimon and the work crew with them, deciding to accept the offer and to fish some more information out of them in regard to how the world became such. It was a curious state of affairs.

"I was wondering, why do you all help the humans? I don't mind the help, but the relationship between the factions here seems fairly, interesting. Do you know of this world before we came into it? I'll take what your are offering as well, Pineapple is nice, though it raises more questions of where we are."

Accepting the pineapple slice, Ji-Su waited for answers before adding on; "I will learn where they are soon enough, I plan to investigate the island, plus with the digi-cult taking an interest in most of our group that went out there, it is likely better that we keep moving from here, so more trouble doesn't come down." Her declaration did not seem to be in jest, she was fully serious on the situation. There were answers out there and she was intent on finding them.

Interactions/Mentions: Azurian Dream Azurian Dream

She was really not herself. Every little reply, snide remark, better-than-thou attitude, it would have made her boil over by now, vicious, and if not already, preparing to knock someone out. The little twinges happened at first, but eventually they faded to the back and she just felt, drained.

"I wish pretending like that would work sometimes." She mumbled, absentmindedly looking through the fabrics again before Lopmon got her attention and pointed at a few little pieces of sewing equipment.


It wasn't much...from the way it looked they seemed to be more a sort of strange floppy-disks, but the sight of some normal looking needles and thread was enough to show that some things had to stay the same, even in a digital world.

"Oh....what the hell...Excuse me? Could I...?"

The stall owner, and numerous bustling Digimon with her, were busy getting Mei's order as Róisín motioned to the little pile of items, and seeing as pretty much everything had been cleared out by the woman there seemed to be little reason to hold onto a needle and, as luck would have it, black thread.

Some of the other stalls had already taken the chance to get their wares ready and gone, to make use of Mei's order on behalf of Gabriel, of course, and to get dutifully compensated by said leader of the fort before anything can be stopped, of course.

Mei approached some of these empty stalls as she spoke, again higher-than-thou, to Róisín about the fault in not caring what others thought and the pushing away of everyone in return. The kettle and pot looked at one another before Róisín finally placed her hand to her chest to mocking shock.

"Oh, that must be why you're surrounded by friends right now. Oh pardon me...excuse me...!" She said as she made her way through the imaginary crowd towards Mei, the wannabe starlet already making their way off again after Black Gabumon snatch some lunch for the two of them.

Róisín already followed in turn even before Lopmon began to stir, picking up a piece of fruit for the two of them from the nearly empty stalls. As Mei called after 'Rosey', the red head couldn't help but shake her head with a small smirk, and with nothing better to do, followed after the 'heiress'. The sparse location of the market grew to a much louder and busier throng once they reached the crowded streets of the fort. Repairs were still going on, digimon and humans alike helping one another with fixes or bandaging one another, it was good, it was...loud...painful...

She winced a little before holding her head for a moment, Lopmon giving a worrying tap of her paw.

"You okay...?"
"Yeah...yeah, I'm fine!" She lied as she started marching ahead, towards and past Mei, clearly looking for anywhere, any place, where it wasnt full of noise.

"Look I don't mind continuing...," She briefly motioned a finger between herself and Mei, "whatever this is..? But...can we go somewhere less...loud?"

The crowd seemed thinner towards one end, and as she all but bulldozed through them, a large construction area of the fort opened up before her. There were materials, and scaffolding, and most of all no one around. Taking the moment to decompress, Róisín made her way over to a small stack of logs, letting Lopmon leap free as she lazily rested against it.

"Also...never been a big fan on that dog story...always preferred Setanta's." She said, changing the subject and mood, anything to get away from that familiar growing tension.

Mentioned: galvanismgal galvanismgal Mei / Black Gabumon
"Free Period" SkyFaller Group

Pumpkid Pumpkid (Ruth/Terriermon/Impmon) Scatterbrain Scatterbrain (Ace/Cutemon), RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun (Ji-Su/Commandramon)

Explore, Interact...



"I mean, if you want, I could go ask Gabriel about it, and you go find your little purple boy,"
Raven offered, seeing the hesitant concern clear as day in Ruth's eyes. Raven wasn't sure if it was a good idea to leave Ruth alone with her mom, but at this point, she wasn't screaming bloody virus murder at Wormmon yet... so maybe the virus phobia had taken a seat for the time being?

"Right over here, big guy," Raven called out to Ace, hearing him mumble his question as they weren't that far from him. The Hut he was left in, having its entrance wide open, helped since he was in the first row of the table inside near the shelves.

"We heard you slayed a demon," Wormmon chimed to Cutemon excitedly, clearly referencing their victory over Cyclomon.

"Also heard you inspired a lot of people with this pretty lady," Raven complimented, giving Ruth a friendly elbow as she watched the groggy movement of the athletic boy. She had wondered what the doctor had told them about his leg, remembering how Ace had crashed pretty hard off course when they had arrived yesterday... that was a wild thought... they had only been here two days so far. Shaking that out of her head the beanie wearing girl sighed rubbing her head.

"Were thinking about looking for Impmon, or talking to Gabriel about that weird card Ruth apparently got from the satellite you guys dealt with. Wanna join?"

Youkomon(Present)(Get actual hex code later)


"Hehehehe, it's a human saying, dear child," the Youkomon mused easily at Impmon's first reaction as she watched the rookie raise its dukes, ready to brawl without hesitation. She did, however, go a bit overboard with the laugh that escaped her fang-filled maw as she laughed while Impmon tried to defend himself of any relation to Ruth's personality. Funny... she wondered if Ruth was that way to Impmon in turn. Clearly, so given how the Imp acted now.

"Then how are you different? Oh, am I the one making stuff up? I wouldn't dare to challenge the Imagination King after all," she asked in counter to his denial, but then she shifted to a mocking jab of her own, making her opinion very clear on the matter. He crossed his arms and rolled his eyes like a child in defense against anything that hit too close to home.

However, amid the silence, Impmons stiffness started to drop... the gears in the brain were now turning. Youkomon sat up, stretching her front shoulders as she yawned.

"I speak with experience, little one. I had a partner who once barked and talked just as violently. I told her I didn't need her, so I left her to burn away with the shadows,"
the voice was not amused nor teasing anymore. No hint of motherly tones, just an ominous echo in the little cave as she watched him with piercing eyes.

"But there is such a thing as hubris from solidarity; That which comes from pride itself, they learned what's really in the dark... the monster under the bed of the mind," she stood up on all fours, her leg arching. It looked like she was about to strike, but a heavy piece of debris collapsed on the left before anything could follow. However, before Impmon could look back, Youkomon was utterly gone once again.



"Okay, okay, my bad, hot stuff," Gazimon chuckled half-heartedly, holding his hands up at the cyborg's reaction to the group of variants he belonged to, clearly a touchy topic. After that, he pulled out some plates to offer to the two, and with one efficient slice, Gryzmon caused the pineapple to topple onto them in pieces. It was a neat little party trick; however, the big bear having such finesse of control with his slash clearly pointed to long-time experience.

"That is a highly complex history. The short answer is that I used to belong to a group known as the Royal Knights, and we shared the duty of protecting the humans of a particular group who had taken care of and saved us from the original natural order of violence here. Unfortunately, we eventually failed that job; not many of us royal knights left, nor humans from that group. Forgive me if I am not willing to recount the actual happenings," Gryzmon spoke, giving an honest answer.

"However your following questions I am very able to answer. 35 years ago, we came into existence in a blink of an eye. Chaos from sentient confusion quickly overtook many. Many fought over the limited resources on this island, and then, five years into that madness, came the first group of skyfallers. You were strange creatures to us but too small for a food source, so they were ignored," Gryzmon munched for a moment on a pineapple, giving a breather before continuing.

"As such, those humans set out to survive, and suddenly, things started to grow; resources started to fall from the sky and burrow out of the ground. More humans brought more bountiful gifts to our land each year, but it wasn't just that. The humans started cultivating, taming, and adapting to places where everyone fought for scraps. Suddenly, living without warring was an option," Gryzmon expressed.

"Thus, a group of Digimon who realized the importance of humans to the ecosystem dubbed themselves the Royal Knight and protected them alongside the Bio-Digimon they had. However, eventually, something went wrong. Something started to pick the humans off one by one. Eventually, humans turned their swords to the Digimon around them, cutting off the supplies and resources they garnered. As you can imagine, that caused things to go right to square one. There was chaos, and eventually, things would settle down. Yet, lots of lives on all sides were lost. By then, even the humans had broken apart amongst the biomes. Things, though not as good as they once were, settled down," Gryzmon gave a burly yawn as he pulled out another Pineapple, slicing it to perfection and splitting it amongst all the plates present.

"Mind you, I was born in the year 13, so much of that I can confirm, but elders told me of my kind. However, in that same year, a unique human came to the island. The first to be labeled as a Digi Destined: Isagani Davidson. He would lead the royal knights and any human willing to attempt something that had never been done before boldly... lead an expedition to escape the island. I joined the royal knights around then, and for five solid years, I watched humanity get a chance to go home," Gryzmon paused. Unlike last time, when it was for food, this time, he was clearly thinking about what he should say and what he would share with Ji-Su. He scratched his belly, holding off the answer, trying to find a way to say it without the brutality that would come with it

"Boss, come on. Can't hurt anything. She has a right to know like any other human," Gazimon spoke up mid-bite, causing the bear to sigh heavily.

"In the year 20 they took a stab in the dark... and the expedition of humans who tried to leave were widdle from many down to only three survivors. Isagani was one of them. He never told anyone what happened, nor did the other two. All they would say was escape was impossible. After that, what was built back of Isagani's faction was lead for a more accessible goal... safety. Yet in the year 25, what transpired shattered the royal knights and human will to attempt to make anything good of this island. Now its just what you see as a balancing act of survival," Gryzmon finished his explanation

"I help cause, honestly, that's all I know to do anymore. Humans treated me well, especially during Isagani's lead. I feel bad knowing we couldn't help you leave this place or find peace... So ,I stand tall for humans that want to coexist. Sorry for the "bearingly" long short story,"
The bear chuckled at its own lame joke.

"The year here is 35, by the way... not sure if that helps, but ya said any info right," Gazimon added, offering Ji-Su a current time stamp.

"Ah you belong to Kimi's group then. Wonderful, I expect good things from you... seems an air of difference between you skyfallers and that past... seem to have come falling with some fire in your bellies," Gryzmon smiled.

"Really? Do you plan to go full commando on them? Neat," Gazimon nodded at Ji-Su plans to handle the cult.

"You'll have to air some caution then. We have never heard of a group like this before, nor of this goddess, they speak of. For the longest time, we Digimon didn't know what to make of the instance of what brings you here, but this group seems to dare say they know it well... something like that, even if unlikely, can be very dangerous if true,"
Gryzmon pointed out.
Interactions: Anorgos Anorgos Róisín
Location: construction site that should have a bear warning

Róisín finally decided to take the lead asking to go somewhere quieter. Mei selecting a couple last minute items simply motioned for her to make on with it like a queen asking her troops to clear a path through the peasants least she catch their poor. Two things stuck out to Mei as they traveled to their destination.

One, that Róisín might as well be whatever Dinomon Kimi faced like the energy was uncanny.

Two, not only had Róisín not blown up at her yet which was unexpected since everyone seemed overjoyed by Raven’s show of force but also wanted to continue to hang out with Mei…something was very wrong with this situation.

Mei brushed off Róisín’s comment about her not having any friends since if she wanted them, she could just buy them? Ignoring the fact she had not needed them for a long while and the fact they were a poor investment for her Róisín realized that not too many people existed here? Sure, she could try and get some Digimon to follow her but that was like saying your only friend was your pet.

While the others had strengths that let them access the power of friendship easily Mei’s only strength was her wealth. Unfortunately, her fortune did not transfer with her she only had what a couple diamonds and a large Melo Melo pearl so she had nothing of value to offer. So, using the precious time they had before the group got kicked out, right now an angry mob seemed unlikely but she could hope, what else was she to do but try and earn some digital currency.

At least the snide comment showed Róisín still had will to engage with the world around her.

While the final destination for their picnic lunch would not have been her first choice it was…acceptable. The lack of people was perfect since if Mei slipped out of her persona and was too nice, she could just gaslight Róisín later over it.

“Cú Chulainn? It figures you would like a story where the dog dies,” Mei said as she chose her own log to sit on. It was no abandoned set of pipes but it would have to do.

Black Gabumon had finished their crepe on the way over decided to sit below Mei to sneak in a nap. Idly Mei tore into the roll.jpg swiftly reshaping it to have a horn, two arms, and feet by carefully rearranging it. As long as you knew this simple trick you would never have to eat a meal alone. She then proceeded to feed bits of bread Gabumon to Black Gabumon while the later tried to drift into sleep in this gentle little corner of the world.

“I can’t say I share your sentiments but it is popular for a reason both in mythical fantasies and drama. Everything people love to romanticize can be found in the raw story be spun into a new retelling to suit the era. Are you more attracted to it because the power or having multiple partners?”

There was judgment in her eyes but it was only the default level. Mei had few qualms about who others chose to be their partners. If she did there would be quite the issues forming with the other sky fallers. She looked at the fruit by Róisín and once it seemed like Lopmon was settled in she looked at the food they had chosen. Cannibalism? Apparently, the digital world was at war with scurvy given how populous fruit was. Maybe digital pineapples couldn’t dissolve digital coding like they could flesh. It would be a good choice for Chel's parfait.

Ah. Speaking of pineapple before they got talking too in depth about Cú Chulainn Mei should warn her that things could get noisy with this choice of location.

“If we tarry here for too long, you’ll get offered a pineapple by Kimi’s new friends,” Mei said stressing to hint at maybe some potential partners,” Both Bearmon and Michikazemon make a lot of faux pas but you’ll be in safe paws with them if you find your self pausing with what to do. The eight paws between the two of them are greater than the variety of puns Bearmon makes.”

Mei made a face that by greater she meant one. Not that only having one pun structure was bad in every case but just this one.

While the conversation progressed Mei took off her stole to repair it from the fight. Swiftly and deftly, she used the needle she did not offer at all to Róisín to fix the little patch work thing. That pair seemed to want to handle everything on their own so why not let them while they still could. Maybe something they could fix together now would distract them from whatever it was clear they were struggling with. Mentally of course since physically they could just have beat it to death.

Ara? would Digimon be jealous of how her little stole clung to her with how cute it now looked? It may be the first time the two of them were away from home for this long but for all their scuffles it was still pretty exhilarating. With her something old fixed it was time for something new.

Pulling out the cards she kept close to her chest because she lacked pockets elsewhere Mei was going to make a fan. It may not be her biggest fan but every villainess needed at least one to play their role well. Paper, treated wood, and glue she bought from the market in case she came across a Ducken doll.


Mei forgot she had some of Kimi’s cards. Whoopsies. She was glad they were still safe after all her tumbles. Just like the cards Mei made with everyone she hoped to be friends with on them it was easy to tell Kimi’s well-loved cards were important to her. They were worthless to Mei compared to the value and feelings Kimi placed into them.

She should return them but luxury goods should be ripe for the buying soon…

A perfect opportunity had fallen into her lap.

Cool Kimi was not part of the forest exploration group and had a non-punch able personality. Her goodie goodie nature would allow her to ignore the boundaries Róisín gave off to get the heart of the issues plaguing the other girl. Plus, her equally energetic partner could keep Lopmon busy if it was something Róisín didn’t want her to here. Róisín would be kept company and Mei wouldn’t need to drag her back into the busy market where the prices were low but not as low as Mei’s ethics to get what she wanted. The little gift she bought with the bit of money she earned could be a secret then~ The trio of them could be the three friends of winter. The digital world should have something plum for her, pine for Kimi, and bamboo for Róisín.

Mei stood up with a delicioooous stretch it was time to put her scheme into motion.

“I stole these but they might as well be trash to me. Do yourself a favor take care of them Rosey.”

She tried to be nonchalant about passing them to Róisín but her limp wrist was a bit too limp and the cards began to scatter from her hand.
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Ruth Valentine
Tags: Azurian Dream Azurian Dream Scatterbrain Scatterbrain

Alex had come to after Cutemon. Ruth did not answer Raven, distracted by the rising man. She was relieved they were alright. It was a given as no injuries were located on him, but he definitely gave her a scare. Raven too was distracted, calling out to them.

As they approached, Raven and Wormmon began to console the pair. Raven was perplexed by Raven's comment. She was called pretty for the first time which did make her blush lightly. It was short-lived as her thoughts were once again clouded by the memory of her parents scowling.

”Alex, you're awake. Thank goodness. The doctor said you would be fine. I think a lot of rest is in order. You two did a great job dealing with those digimon. You took care of everything. I'm just sorry I didn't help as much.” Even after being congratulated for her efforts, Ruth was stubborn about not being able to have much assistance. In her eyes, she failed. She could have given Alex a hand with Impmon, but it was all a chain of events that has led to what happened. She knew the only way to avoid it is to force herself to embrace it.

Ruth glances at Raven, inviting Alex to witness Ruth argue with Impmon or talk to Gabriel.”No, we are just going to visit Gabriel.” It was clear she did not want to see Impmon, yet as that is for another time. Right now, there were more important things.

Impmon balled his fists, shaking and growling at Youkomon like an angry child being called out. ”I don't need ta tell ya nothin’.” He barked. His eye twitched at her mockery. ”You are gonna regret that, mutt.” He clicked his tongue and turned his back on the fox.

He stopped as she told her story. ”It sounds like ya livin the life.” He saw no flaw in her decision. They were a champion level which to him proved he could grow and make it without her if he plays his card right. Though it is a tragedy some digimon go on without a partner. If given no choice, would he end up like Youkomon?

He listened to her warning, too young to care, inexperienced to understand. When he turned around, the fox was gone. He stood in silence trying to decipher whatever riddle she had left behind. Is he the monster or a ray of hope to hold on to? Impmon glances at his fist for a while before leaving the area. There was still Arii who needed help. Maybe they would take them as they have no partner.

Eliam sighed as he walked with Salamon, they had no idea where they would find Gabriel but they were sure that he had to be around the camp. They stared at the camp’s base of operation, where he had learned about being a skyfaller as they call them. But he didn’t see anyone there, so he started to think of where Gabriel could be. In his opinion being in the center of it all and dealing with it was smart business. But at the moment, he wasn’t sure if there was a lot that could be done. If Gabriel had gotten reports on what happened on the mission, he would come to the same conclusion. Wouldn’t he?

Eliam thought about it for a moment before he left the spot, glancing at Salamon, “Maybe he went for supplies?” Salamon suggested. That was an idea, Eliam sighed, but with the information about the mission being incomplete, since one - the puzzle they found was not open, because he would not be sharing that information with people he didn’t trust. Two - he had not gotten a report from each member, which would prove to be invaluable in the long run. Three- was the fact that if he was aware of these zombie digimon, there was no telling if there was going to be a good time to leave, depending on how much he knew about it. Lastly, was the fact that without solid proof, going outside the camp was going to be dangerous. There was not guarantee that the danger was something Gabriel could handle. And since it was a trap for someone like Gabriel, leaving camp was dangerous for more then just Gabriel but the camp.

As they walked towards the shopping area, Eliam figured that he had a lot to think about when he was done getting information from Gabriel. For one, he didn’t have anyone’s trust and they most definitely didn’t have him. Which meant that he would not be able to get the information he needed to make his next move without the puzzle in his position. Another thing was that Salamon hadn’t digivolve, there had not been a reason to digivolve for her yet. No matter the situation, Eliam learned to step back and to avoid being the target in most attacks. For now, he needed to figure out his digivice and the trigger of digivolving.

As they started to reach the shopping area, he took his device off and noticed that it was marking a long distance again. He had noticed before that his device was the only one that had signalled digimon inbound, before the others. He figured that the distance was something special to his device, but if he had distance, what other tricks came with the digivice and what was everyone else’s special device skill.

He looked at the sound of his name, as he placed his device back into his pocket. Salamon had been looking around as they had walked, and seeing Gabriel and Arii made his tail wag for a moment. “You.” Eliam stated as he started towards Gabriel and focused on what he had to ask about. He would normally just be honest and blurt out his question, but he was not sure who to trust, which meant that he had to watch the words he used and what he did.

As they closed the space between them and Gabriel, Salamon smiled wider, “Gabriel, are we glad to find you. Are you free?” she asked with a bit of volume in her voice, so that she could not only be heard but it was almost as if she was announcing them.
Ace was shaken from his despondence by a familiar voice. He looked in the direction of it and saw Raven and Ruth approaching him.

Cutemon averted their gaze upon hearing Wormmon’s praise, not quite sure how to respond. Everyone was celebrating their victory but the truth was… it didn’t feel like their victory. The battle had been terrifying and even though Unimon had been strong, powerful, unstoppable, Cutemon wasn’t sure they liked being any of those things. The wild, untamed ferocity that had surged through them felt alien but maybe it had always been there, buried deep inside, just waiting for an excuse to surface?

Meanwhile, Ace was processing Raven’s words. Inspired a lot of people with this pretty lady? He glimpsed at Ruth out of the corner of his eye, wondering if Raven was trying to imply something but he decided to push it aside and focus instead on Ruth’s words. "Come on, Ruth. I spent most of the battle either getting beat up or on my butt." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's you and Cutemon who deserve most of the credit." Ace glanced at his partner with a grateful smile but could see that Cutemon was uncomfortable with being the subject of attention so dropped it.

When Raven asked if he wanted to tag along to see Gabriel, Ace nodded. To be honest, he didn't like the idea of being left alone with his thoughts right now and accompanying the two young ladies would be a welcome distraction."Yeah, I’ll come." He replied, climbing slowly to his feet. "Beats sitting around here."

Pumpkid Pumpkid Azurian Dream Azurian Dream
Listening to what the pair had to say, rather by and large, that the bear like digimon had to say, it seemed at least this wasn't an Isekai like in the all-too-common manga and manwha of the same genre. But it was curious, they were so certain of when it started, and for all intents and purposes she had no reason to not believe them as she munched on the pineapple slice.

The story was akin to a fantasy story, the bonds between man and digimon. Though it was curious, supplies were brought in, even if the people were brought in unwillingly. Did that mean a corruption of the system? A nefarious plot? A change in command? Some lost knowledge of the system? The problem being if it really was 35 years ago that this happened, well, that problem as far as Ji-Su saw it was simply that the computer technology of the time could not support something like this, broadband was considered state of the art. The idea that technology from then could lead to this was absurd. Yet it was, what it was.

"Hmm... So, they wouldn't speak of it? And I understand your reasons, duty is a powerful motivation for many. And I don't promise I'll find those answers, I would just rather be proactive with it all. And I'm starting to wonder if the cult was just formed by those who were angry at the "natural way" of things being around here was changed. Though it could be any of a number of reasons. Another answer I hope to find." Pausing to consider all of this she turns her head to face Commandramon who seemingly had no interest in joining in on the conversation.

Interactions/Mentions: Azurian Dream Azurian Dream
They offered a wry, awkward smile to Gabriel, the points of a few of their teeth poking out from under their lip like they'd been chewing on it. "My nerves are the only thing keeping me alive."

They were tired, though.

Really tired.

They couldn't say it wasn't tempting, like an unrealistic fantasy floating around in the back of their brain as they listened to Gabriel talk about Relics. Coolcoolcool great that was. Okay. Mental note, avoid the Cursed Objects. And maybe for good measure, the Cursed Locations. "We'll see how long that will lasts," they grumbled to themself, picking at their fingernails. "Raven already took a hit."

But then there was another, and they glanced over their shoulder, expression... soft. Somewhat. Softer. "Glad to see you survived. Raven was going to sacrifice the lot of us to come get you if it weren't for my dead weight," they said, something like humor in their tone.

Something about the way Salamon was talking made them cock their head to the side. Hm. This felt too much like one of those shitty romcoms where the protag wanted to be alone with whatever love interest. Whatever. "I can go," they offered, eyes pinging between Eliam, salamon, and Gabriel almost like an assessment. "'S really all I wanted to ask, anyway."

The sound of crowds and heavy working didn't go away, but just getting out and someone relatively quiet push the noises into the background. Róisín finally relaxed, decompressing against the pile of logs as comfortably as possible, while Lopmon sat to the side snacking away on their fruit.

"The many partners? Not so much." She replied with a slight groan as she stretched her arms into the air, a tiny wince as she forgot for a moment about the pain from after the heavy beat down. Other thoughts were racing through her head, but it was time to push them aside, give her a moment to just...ignore and relax...

"I guess their strength? More the journey from child to adult and how they continually rage against the odds against them even though it ends in their death. I like that kind of perseverance in a character." She continued as she closed her eyes and let the cool breeze and lingering light of the setting sun wash over her.

The story of Setanta's rise to Cú Chulainn and their tale into adulthood was something she was deeply familiar with, loving the story as a child and finding times when even older to try and use it in essays or art projects. Like a great many things it fell to the wayside once in her late teens, but the story was still there.

As she heard Mei rummage around after sitting down, Róisín took a moment to squint open an eye and watch as the rich girl produced a needle and thread to work away on their slightly battered neckwear.

"Ohh, you little bitch..." She whispered to herself with a little laugh, going back to try and relax for as long as the setting sun stayed visible. She still listened though. The soft chewing of Lopmon, the vague little puffs of air as Black Gabumon tried to sleep, and the continued rustling coming from Mei as she made mention of some pun-obsessed digimon that Kimi and her were acquainted with.

"Oh jokes? I like jokes!"
"Puns aren't really jokes."
"Are they funny?"
"Sometimes, mostly they're bad."
"Ohh...so sometimes they can be funny!"
"Please don't start with puns, Lop..."

At the mention of something stolen, Róisín opened her eyes to watch as Mei stood, stretched, and proceeded to cause a small amount of cards to cascade out of her hand and scatter over the dirt ground. Lopmon already hopped to the ground and approached the pile forming at Mei's feet, though Róisín waited for them to finish before finally pushing themselves up and away from their rest.

"Stealing, huh? I wouldn't have thought you to do something so common." She said before knelling down to help the bunny pick up the remaining...digimon...cards...

She shouldn't have been surprised, she remembered Kimi was using them the other night in the cave, but actually holding them right now brought home a feeling that poked and prodded at her memories again. Taking the rest from Lopmon, she placed the batch inside her jacket pocket before standing and dusting the dirt from her knees.

As she looked up to face Mei again, she stopped momentarily as she found that Mei was still holding onto a number of cards, though much different to the well-made, official production, that belonged to Kimi and other fans of the card game.

"...if you took these, what are those cards then?"

Interactions/Mentions: galvanismgal galvanismgal Mei & Black Gabumon
"Free Period" SkyFaller Group

Pumpkid Pumpkid (Ruth/Terriermon) , Scatterbrain Scatterbrain (Ace/Cutemon), RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun (Ji-Su/Commandramon), Matreania Matreania (Eliam/Salamon), ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon (Arii),

Explore, Interact...

Pumpkid Pumpkid Scatterbrain Scatterbrain


"Well, definitely not a simple friendship, it seems," Raven mumbled, a bit humored under her lips as she watched Ruth show her concern for Ace and his condition as the prior question was treated as if it didn't even exist. Though as the religious girl started to blush at the simple compliment Raven chalked it up more to Ruth being a genuine goodie good. However, that raised many questions about her animosity toward Impmon...

Wormmon kept an eye on Cutemon, but awkwardly, nothing of a response was given, placing the easily spooked silkworm into a strange freeze, not sure how to continue the conversation. Though she did notice her fellow mon's hesitance to talk, very similar to how they felt after being Witchmon..., it seems she wasn't the only one who had been overwhelmed by the personality difference.

"Slow down, girl. Let his brain engine get turning first. He isn't dropping again anytime soon... hopefully," Raven chimed, happy to see Ace up and about too, but Ruth was throwing a lot at the poor boy who was still no doubt in a state of disorientation. To Ace's credit, he also tried to cheer up Ruth for her actions being just as important.

Though as things moved on, Ruth made it clear... well, more so deemed it without question that they would go see Gabriel now. Raven was surprised by the bluntness of the statement, even blinking a little wide-eyed at it as Ruth started to take off. Ace made his own stride, clearly not wanting to sit around either.

"Fair enough," Raven mulled as the two started to get ahead of her as she patted Wormmon as the ability to play with Cutemon was clearly not in the cards at the moment.

"I have a question how do you two know each other... you seem so friendly like," Wormmon asked causing Raven to follow up in curiosity.

"Oh, that's right. Did you guys mention something about penpals? Or something akin to such? I mean, since we are going to be trapped with each other, we might as well learn about each other, right,"
Raven spoke up, remembering Ruth had said something akin to recognizing Ace in one way or another before they came here. It would be a few minutes before they would reach Gabriel so some friendly banter to see who she was with wouldn't hurt all that much.

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun

"There is a strong possibility that is the case. There are still many Digimon factions that haven't forgiven or yearned to "Bear" work with humans," Gryzmon smiled as he scratched his belly. The work would drown out the day as sunlight started to etch away. Gazimon, noticing the sun nearing setting, turned to the mon with the gun.

"So you're going to rip and tear out there? Boss and I were thinking of joining the Cool Kimi. So sounds like we might be joining forces," Gazimon chimed, though a chuckle escaped Grzymon.

"Truth be told we would like to head out with you as soon as possible, but we will be staying here until the repairs are done. As you said duty bond. Though more likely than not, we will head out to join you on your adventures. Your group seems willing to look for trouble and "bear" the world's problems on your shoulders. Naught more nobler a group to join,"
Gryzmon chuckled giving Ji-Su extra slices to share with Commandramon. After a few munches of his own, he pointed to Ji-Su.

"You have an air about you, and your clothes seem distinct, like a uniform. Pray tell, are you a soldier of sorts as well?"

Matreania Matreania ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon


"Ah I can only imagine the energy to live you have accumulated in your first two days alone,"
Gabriel tried to joke with Arii, but he to could tell, and feel the awkward nature of this conversation. Arii was not accustomed to entirely socializing, it seemed, and unfortunately, given Gabriel's own richer content of social etiquette, he was overwhelming Arii in conversation it seemed.

Yet it really came down to the peep, who was exhausted, and rightfully so. Gabriel wouldn't force a push to get rest but hoped he wouldn't find the gentle soul's face on the ground sleeping outside later. That's when Arii pointed out that it seemed luck would be against them not running into trouble, given the group's higher-than-usual moxie not to stand still.

"I noticed she dropped pretty hard upon arrival. She wouldn't rest until the woman she brought was taken care of... Roisin, I believe she also looked like she had been taken through the proverbial ringer," Gabriel spoke never to no the irony of his choice of words matching Roisin's profession. That was when both Gabriels and Arii's senses were alerted to one another. A more adorable voice called out, causing the purple-sweeter wearer to turn back to the fellow he had called over.

"I very much am Salamon," Gabriel nodded kindly. He was curious about the urgent nature shown by Eliam as Salamon seemed to announce their arrival strangely. That was when Arii added to Raven's antics about being unwilling to leave another. It seemed that girl with the green beanie clearly had an unrelenting spirit to care for others. That reminded him of someone from way back... just like how Arii had another from the past.

"I wouldn't see a reason why you couldn't stay Arii. Unless you need my undivided attention, Eliam," Gabriel spoke peacefully, not wanting to shoo Arii off unless Eliam thought it was necessary.

Eliam looked between the two as he came behind Salamon, Salamon smiled at Arii, before glancing between Arii and Eliam before she said, “No.” Eliam nodded to Arii, over all the others Arii was the one he trusted, he was honest. Because he was the only one who would give him information that sounded important, he figured Arii would be the perfect person to be part of the conversation he was about to have. “It is fine, we don’t mind.” she smiled up at Arii before she turned around and jumped up, as Eliam lowered himself just enough to catch Salamon.

With Salamon in his arms, Eliam stood to his full height, “I wanted to ask you what you know about this zombie digimon.” Eliam mentioned to Gabriel before motioning and glancing at Arii, “The ones you mentioned.” he stated.

Salamon nodded, “Yes, you never mentioned them before, but Arii mentioned that they faced them on the way to the camp.” she looked at him with her big eyes and listened intently.

Eliam had a few things going through his mind, as he watched Gabriel and Arii’s expression and reactions. He needed to understand what was going on if he was going to effectively understand how he was going to get out of this world and back to his own. He had no intention of being crafty with his words or having some hidden meaning. He was going to be direct and use the information he gathered to help him.
As Gryzmon went on with a few observations and puns of his own, Commandramon looked at the pineapple slice and, did nothing with it for a while, before offering it to Ji-Su. Yet offering an explanation of why. "I eat very little, if at all, mostly nutrient paste. My suit harness processes various organic matter into what I eat. Citrus acid is counterproductive to this."

Shrugging at it and taking the slice, Ji-Su gave a nod. "Coming with us eh? Thats fine, more the marrier they say. Though, yeah, I planned to stay till the repairs were done and I don't think all of the group is wanting to go, they will, but wanting is another thing altogether."

At the remarks on her clothing and how she carried herself, she smiles and snorted a little as if dismissively. "I am indeed a soldier, though not a combat sort, I mostly did technical support work and R&D in the Army of the Republic of Korea, or South Korea as many call it. A human nation on the other side. I can fight, but I do not specialize it, luckily how Commandramon and his evolutions have worked so far, suits me very well."

Interactions/Mentions: Azurian Dream Azurian Dream
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Kimi's footfalls were more hurried than she would have liked, scanning the ground for any signs of her cards. She had retraced her steps, back to where Tuskmon had ended its rampage, keeping one eye to the ground as she held the hand of her partner. "I want a broom like Wormmon, Kimi. It sounds so cool!"

"When your older, Tentomon" replied Kimi.

"I'd be all like, whoosh! Bang! Krakaslam!" she exclaimed, waving her free claw about. "And id have a cool catchphrase like... like... Ummm..."

The red rookie placed her claw to her chin in thought "What does a broom do Kimi?"

"You use it to sweep up things. It's for cleaning"

"Wow!" said Tentomon with great excitement. She paused "What's cleaning?"

Kimi didn't reply, looking under a piece of fallen debris. "Tentomon, could you give me a light please?"

Tentomon let go of Kimi's hand, and concentrated for only a fraction of a second, her antennas crackling with electricity and a small bright spark appearing between her two yellow appendages. The lightning bug crouched next to Kimi. No cards there which was both a relief and agonising at the same time.

However it was surely for the best. Card sleeves would help little against heavy debris. Mei had picked up her cards, or maybe Gryzmon or Gazimon or perhaps Bushi-Agumon. She was down an Agumon variant card so maybe he had them. That would be neat if he did. However he had left so abruptly after the battle Kimi had no idea where he was...

Maybe Gryzmon or Gazimon could help in that regard. They were both knowledgeable and kind. She bit her bottom lip for a moment. So maybe they had her cards. She was definitely planning on visiting her new Digimon friends once she had checked on everyone. Still odds were Mei had her cards. "'Its time to clean up your act, evildoer!' That's what I'd said" exclaimed Tentomon "Or prepare for a clean sweep bad guy, haha"

Kimi and Tentomon passed the construction site, a yellow cordon blocking its entrance. Maybe her cards were in there? Kimi looked both ways doing her best to peek inside. She could see two people a short distance away. Tentomon swung her arms around, still playing make believe as Kimi passed by the barrier, the little ladybug following after her and going easily and unaware under the yellow wood. As she got closer, Kimi realised she was looking at the back of Roisin who was talking to a sitting Mei. "Mei! I've been looking for you" she stated, her expression brighter. "Oh! Sorry to interrupt. You two were talking weren't you?"

She took a step back, but the action was awkward as the 'Cool Girl' wanted to talk to Mei. She took a breath and exhaled, her hand slipping to her Wargreymon pendant under her blouse. "How are you feeling Roisin? I'm hoping a little better?" she asked, a little more centred.

galvanismgal galvanismgal Anorgos Anorgos

Ruth Valentine
Tags: Azurian Dream Azurian Dream Scatterbrain Scatterbrain

Everyone was on board with taking a trip to Gabriel’s office despite Ace forcing himself out of the infirmary. Worried, though understanding, Ruth assisted Ace to his feet. She wouldn’t want to be stuck in bed either. As an upcoming doctor she was failing to keep her patient down and have them rest, yet at the same time they were allowed to reject help. Ruth sighed and carried on with the others. The fort still seemed like a typhoon had come and wrecked everything in sight. Some parts seemed damaged, but the people were in good condition, lending a hand on rebuilding. Some homes were destroyed in the process and maintenance was important. Ruth felt guilty for not dealing with the enemies efficiently. It all could have been avoided had she been quick. Oh well, no use in going back. Nothing will change the unfortunate outcome.

As the three navigate through the settlement, watching the amount of destruction left behind by the invasion, Raven asks a question. The last time they mentioned their connection was back in the cave. The way Raven seemed to emphasize like there was more to it than friendship. Ruth didn’t quite understand, as they were indeed nothing but friends. What else was there? Ace has been there for her since they met years ago and she was there for him. She had been alone in a large house with nothing to do except school work. Artistry, digimon and the internet have been comforting to her. ”Yeah, you could say that.” While she didn’t use a pen to write Ace a letter, it was still objectively the same concept. ”We met online over our love of digimon and have been friends ever since.” It was plain and simple. ”I would share art, discuss our favorite digimon, but eventually we became too busy to talk. I was focused on college and tried to reply as much as I could.”

Something clicked for Ruth, realizing why she and Alex seemed close. They coincidentally fell into the same boat. This would be considered their first in person meeting. How she found out the boy was her online friend was what he said and his voice from the countless times they have voice chatted. It was a shot in the dark, but Alex seemed to recognize her as well. ”Why do you ask?” The office is closed now, she can see three figures up close. Ruth stopped. Gabriel seemed to be busy. She couldn’t make out who it was, but she also didn’t want to storm in there in case there was an important meeting going on. ”Oh, it looks like Gabriel is busy. M-maybe we should wait? We can’t just barge in if they’re busy, right?”

Interactions: Twist Twist Anorgos Anorgos

Mei looked at Róisín.

It was a look that was worse than the haughtiest look she could muster

“Do you think people get rich from hard work?” Mei asked as she looked at Róisín with genuine concern.

Stealing was as natural to the rich as breathing. In fact, due to the structural systems in place you didn’t even need to breath so even a corpse could earn more money than Róisín could in her lifetime.

Mei was so caught up in her concern that she missed the chance to make a snide comment about Lopmon picking up the cards or how kneeling suited Róisín. Second only to her concern about the heroine score tanking thought Róisín let slip was the fact Setanta fucking Setanta was the character she liked for their perseverance. SETANTA? When Cinderella was right there??? Was yogurt the only culture to be found within Róisín? Just like how Cú Chulainn was the better name to refer to Setanta by Cinderella was the better character to chose for perseverance.

AND Strength mind you.

If Setanta was asked to do chores after his rivals destroyed the dress his friends made for him would he dip down deep into inner emotional strength? NO. Clearly the many tales indicated he would go ham and like stab them. Forget the stroke of midnight the stroke of a blade would be the only thing causing murder on the dance floor. Like Mei could excuse her choosing a character who dies because death comes for all but Setanta over Cinderella? Cinderella with her quiet source of strength in the face of adversity? Cinderella who never lost herself despite the years of neglect she suffered? Cinderella could have done everything Setanta did but he could never sing so this is love.

“You should know to respect people’s privacy,” Mei finished back to her tone after the microscopic pause where she decided to show mercy. Rosey was probably a worse player than cool Kimi who almost lost even though Mei was trying to give her the win so it wouldn’t matter if she knew the deck Mei played with but she felt like in light of how Róisín wielded that stick during the cave slumber party it would be best not to show her magnificent drawings to Róisín with her already fragile mental state.

So Mei sat back down and stuck them in her bra since if Róisín dared reaching for them the level of inter group dynamics unleashed would leave Lopmon to turn emo and fall prey to an unlicensed therapist scheme. Speaking of things being unleashed it felt like someone unleashed their gaze upon her. The last time it was that cult.


Wait never mind it was just Kimi approaching behind Róisín tee hee.

If Mei was a terrible person she might bring up how those sort apologies could be seen as being done to make oneself feel better than for forgiveness depending on someone’s culture especially since someone here was choosing Setanta over Cinderella.

“Ara? Are you apologizing to seek our forgiveness or to make yourself feel better? It would be harder to accept your apology the next time you let your…excitement get the better of you.”

Based on Kimi’s brighter expression Mei was starting to think everyone went through some sort of trauma if they kept approaching her over their better options.

“Our conversation was going to turn to you anyways,” Mei continued to show she too could interrupt a conversation,” Lopmon found some cards on the ground and Rosey here has been keeping them safe in her jacket. Given the…circumstances of the play area you chose they are most likely yours Ms. Cool Kimi.”

Tada~ Her plan was being put into motion right away. This could be just the connection the two needed to form a symbiotic relationship. Róisín could have someone better to share her problems with and Kimi would have someone to ground her to make sure she didn’t split away from the group in favor for her new friends.

Mei’s interjection would also give Róisín and excuse to deflect Kimi’s questions and in turn take some pressure off of Kimi from interrupting them.

Plus, Mei figured the two could deepen their bonds by complaining about her later. Her OHOHO about the situation would have to wait though as Mei went to gently nudge Black Gabumon awake in case she needed to excuse herself from the situation rather than startle them awake with her ohoho's.
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As Ruth explained their history to Raven, Ace couldn't help but feel guilty. She made it sound so simple and sure what she said was true but there was another side to it. One he never really talked about. He had been the one who started replying less first. Athletics had taken over his life; training, competitions, the constant push to be the best; better, faster, stronger than the rest.

At first, it had been easy to juggle everything but as he climbed the ranks, expectations grew heavier and something had to give. Friends? That was just extra weight and, if he was being brutally honest with himself, he had always been the type to keep people at arm’s length so it wasn't especially difficult. Not because he didn’t care but because caring too much meant being vulnerable and in his world, vulnerability was weakness. Losing meant failure. Failure meant people looking at you differently and he hated the idea of someone seeing past the version of himself he worked so hard to maintain.

Ruth had been the exception. Maybe because she had never pushed, never asked for anything he wasn’t ready to give. She had her own world, her own struggles and that made it easier but even then, he had still let distance creep in. When Ruth turned the question back on Raven, Ace forced a smirk. “Yeah, you seem real interested.” He teased, hoping to shift the focus off them.

As they reached Gabriel’s office and Ruth peeked inside, Ace took a moment to check on Cutemon. He glanced at his partner and nudged them gently. “You good?” he asked quietly, sensing something was off with them.

Cutemon hesitated before nodding. “Mhm.” Ace didn’t believe them but he understood the feeling of not wanting to talk about something so he let it be.

Ruth told them that it looked like Gabriel was busy and asked what they should do. "Let's give it a few minutes." Ace responded, getting into a more comfortable position. "What about you?" He asked, turning his attention towards Raven. "You know a bit more about us now. Anything you want to share?"

Pumpkid Pumpkid Azurian Dream Azurian Dream

The strange cards disappeared as quickly as they showed up, Mei promptly shoving them back down into her bra as she went and took her seat again beside Black Gabumon.

"Privacy...fair enough." That attitude was something she definitely didn't miss being around when younger. Thinking you're better than everyone else, and 'popular', and no one can comprehend the limitless imagination and drive only you can have cause you're 17...just a dumb bunch of 17 year olds. And judging by Mei, it just seemed like for some people it never really grows out of them.

As she reached down to let Lopmon return to her shoulder perch, Róisín was startled for a moment at the approaching figures behind her. Mei was definitely Kimi's reason for being out here, only noticing the red head after calling out and promptly landing herself in the awkward silence between the three women now.

"Feeling a little better...sort of at least, no worries." Lopmon held onto Róisín as she caught sight of Tentomon on the ground next to Kimi, the bunny giving a little tired wave of her ear as both Digimon and Partner mirrored their tiredness.

It wasn't too long until Mei, with all the subtly of shoving someone in front of a train, broke into a spiel about how Lopmon and Róisín found and protected the wayward lost cards that now could be returned to their rightful owner. Róisín could only glance at Mei for a moment with a, 'what the fuck do you mean?', before turning back to Kimi and fishing out the bundle of cards from her jacket.

"These yours then?" As she approached Kimi to hand them back, Mei already busy with the dozing Black Gabumon, the red haired whispered as she placed the cards back into their owner's hands.

"I don't know why she's lying, but she had them till now."

She gave a tired stretch and groan before taking her rest by the pile of logs again, Lopmon hopping down until able to sit and finish eating her fruit on the lowest rung.

"So...what's going on with the others anyway? We planning on heading off anytime soon? Another surprise suicide mission by that Gabriel guy?"

Interactions/Mentions: galvanismgal galvanismgal Mei, Twist Twist Kimi
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"Free Period" SkyFaller Group

Pumpkid Pumpkid (Ruth/Terriermon) , Scatterbrain Scatterbrain (Ace/Cutemon), RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun (Ji-Su/Commandramon), Matreania Matreania (Eliam/Salamon), ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon (Arii),

Explore, Interact...


Pumpkid Pumpkid Scatterbrain Scatterbrain


As they neared the area where Gabriel was last seen, Raven could tell Ruth had rarely been teased before as she seemed to overthink the small comment from earlier, which caused Raven an amused but soft smile... she was definitely a goodie two shoes girl; Ruth was. The damage was pretty evident, but it seemed it had been pretty well prepped for as most of the housing was built to be torn down quickly, meaning building it back probably wouldn't be the rough part, but the gate would take some time, no doubt.

"A future doctor with a penchant for drawing that's pretty dope," Raven commented, listening to Ruth as they started to near the market area. Though as pleasant as the friendship sounded from what she could gather, it puttered out a bit lately with Ruth's college taking the forefront. Nonetheless, it was nice to know they had a known friend between them, which probably made the shock of it all a little easier.

As Raven turned to Ace, she noticed something odd. He had already had a face of melancholy when they had left the medical hut, but now... it seemed a hint of guilt had snuck in... what was that about? However, as he teased back with Ruth's question, Raven gave him a smirk.

"I'm more interested than anything. What are the chances of two people being snatched from multiple locations to have a connection, ya know? It's just interesting to hear the luck of some guys; hmmm," Raven shrugged, teasing Ace back but having no real alternative motives for the question. As Ruth revealed, it seemed Gabriel was busy.

"Ah, not much to me at the moment, a future astronomer in the works, college sufferer just like Ruth battling for grants and all that jazz. There is some other baggage that I want to take care of, but I won't bore you with that right now. I love dragon fruit and blueberry drinks, but I doubt I'll see those happening anytime soon. Other than that? Give me a Saxophone, though, and I can lay down some chill jazz tunes," Raven said, feeling better than she had a few hours ago. Playing music would be great now, as it was her go-to cool-down method. She didn't regale her plight with her brother like she had with Ruth and Kimi, yet that more came from not wanting to lose the chill she was gaining. She could tell him about that another time.

Wormmon watched Cutemon the entire walk, wondering what had happened. Her experience with Witchmon seemed to have slapped Cutemon equally in the face with Unimon. Without rhyme or reason, she blurted out to the pink bunny. "WASNT FLYING AMAZING," It was a little louder than she had meant it to be, even causing Raven to put a hand over her poor ear, looking a bit wild at her wormy partner. Raven was about to suggest they do something else before another voice made one for them.

"What do you desire with my partner," the monotone, deadpan voice could only belong to one critter they knew. As Raven turned around, the blank, lifeless eyes of Palmon X stared at the five traveling group members.



RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun


"Okay, sour lizard, gotcha," Gazimon mumbled, a little defeated in trying to make friends as he chewed on the pineapple Gryzmon had offered to Commandramon, not wanting it to go to waste. Gryzmon, though, just laughed, evidently having experiences with such personalities.

"I'm Glad you agree. Besides, the forest realm is the calmest of all the other biomes... they can indeed be treacherous, each in their own way," Gryzmon explained as Ji-Su took the pineapple slice offered.

"Ah, then we are comrades in arms, sister, hahahahaha. Information and knowledge are just as important as power and force,"
the bear bellowed heartily at Ji-Su's confirmation of his assumptions. He listened to her stature, not knowing what Korea was, but judging by how she spoke of it, he clearly knew it was a nation of sorts before she labeled it as such.

"That's usually the case with bio-partner digimon; they seem to fit what you humans need. It always seemed that way to me, even if the human doesn't like how it goes sometimes,"
Gryzmon said.

"Miss Ji-Su... I was asked to let you know Gabriel is asking all Sky Fallers to meet at his office later tonight,"
one of the gate guards approached the woman with a quick message before running off to find more of them.

"Hm, seems like you guys got a lot going on," Gazimon mumbled, curious about what that could be about.

Matreania Matreania ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon


"Zombie Digimon? You mean like a skull, undead, or rust type? "
At first, Gabriel was baffled by the question as Eliam directed his eyes to Arii, who apparently knew something about this Zombie Digimon Eliam was referring to. To Gabriel, at the moment, he thought they were talking about a categorized undead type Digimon, which many did exist. Yet something about the way it was implied felt off. The one in charge looked over the two boys, puzzled, now weary about what was happening.

"Wait over by the Sky Faller shrines?" Gabriel's tired look quickly peeled away to a more complex analytical gaze at Arii. Digimon, in general, couldn't go near the shrines. Only Humans and Bio-Partner Digimon could near them, let alone traverse them. Then something strangely seemed to click.

"Were there four of them? Actually, no, wait, let's move to my office first. " After a short walk, Gabriel locked the door behind them and instructed Arii and Eliam to sit down.

"These Digimon... these zombies you encountered—were there four of them, and by what term do you mean zombie how did you handle them?" Gabriel asked.

Kimi was silent for a moment, her mind ticking over Roisins words "That's good to hear." she replied softly "I was planning to check up on everyone but I got... sidetracked"

The 'Cool Girl' scratched the side of her head a bit embarrassed. Though this minor embarrassment quickly faded when Mei pointed out the location of her cards, her neck craning straight to the fellow red head. Kimi, also, could see where Mei was coming from, the last member of their trio finishing her words with a worthy observation. Having a match outside did come with risks, usually it wasn't dinosaurs however. Still she didn't regret her actions as she managed to play with her deck and share her love of cards with new Digimon friends. "Well thank you Lopmon for finding them" smiled Kimi "And thank you Roisin for keeping them safe.

"Did you guys digivolve too" asked Tentomon, taking a position between her fellow rookies after following Lopmon around. "Wormmon got a broom!!!"

"You don't know how much these mean to me" stated Kimi.

She looked the cards over after Roisin had move towards her, though her whisper pulled her from them. The 'Cool Girl' didn't really know what to say except for "Thank you", speaking loud enough for her friend, Mei, to hear her too.

For a moment everything was still, Roisin and her partner looking tired and BlackGabumon much the same, dozing against Mei. "Well Raven and Ruth were going to grab something to eat" said Kimi, approaching Tentomon and gently taking her by the hand and pulling her away from Lopmon. "Ruth has taken things a little hard but i think she'll be okay. Raven's remaining strong."

Kimi tried to put her the groups feelings so far in a positive light unsure what Roisin herself might have witnessed before slipping out. The 'Cool Girl' didn't know how to answer the rest of her question however. She had not been with or met the others yet except for Raven and Ruth so she couldn't say what they were thinking. Nor could she offer anything to her other questions. "I'd try not to worry about anything" she said, plainly.

She looked at Mei, wondering if she had any answers. "I'm still hoping to check in on everyone, maybe you guys would like to join me?"
Listening to the pair continue on, and watching the interplay between the three via Commandramon, she had very little to say till after the fact, once the bear digimon had said his piece, she nodded along, speaking up at two points throughout it all.

"Yeah, there was one girl in the group this time around that didn't seem to much like her partner, threw him away even. There is another that doesn't seem to have a partner at all, and a few others who I have concerns about, in coping with all this. I still plan to try finding a way out of this, but I've accepted this world for what it is. Frankly, from what all I've seen or heard about till now, I'm more and more certain that this is not a physical location on Earth." Pausing at that and nodding at mention of them being comrades in arms, the Cybernetic lizard snapped his head quickly to an approaching guard, who had been much too quiet for his liking as Ji-Su nods in confirmation of receiving the summons.

Gryzmon's next remark, or comment that was more of a question, wasn't one she could answer in full, but could partially at least; "We were sent to find three of your scouts, at least my group was, and we learned a bit of stuff that directly concerns all of them. I'm sure you'll be told all about it after us, maybe even the same as us. It's that or he has another mission for us to do."

Interactions/Mentions: Azurian Dream Azurian Dream

Ruth Valentine
Tags: Scatterbrain Scatterbrain Azurian Dream Azurian Dream

As Raven replied to Ace, it gave Ruth a curious perspective. If the veil brings people to the digital world at random, why did Ace get dragged into it? Is it a coincidence? The ones gathered were from the tournament. Kimi, Raven, herself, and maybe the others too. Perhaps a nexus soley found in the stadium? It was hard to tell with little information to go by. “That is interesting.” Ruth agreed, beginning to contemplate on the matter. She then clasps her hands together in a prayer motion. “Perhaps the universe's way of blessing us. While this lace is scary, they decided to put something that would be comforting through this journey.”

“Drawing is a pastime therapy. I convey what I feel through art. My parents-”
Ruth paused, biting down on her tongue as if forbidden to speak about them. Ace knew what it was like from her minor details regarding their treatment. The way she would vent to him, but these days she's been holding it in and drawing her emotions away. She froze like a deer caught in the headlights before shaking her head. “I just like art.” She stated.

Ruth perked up when it was revealed Raven was studying to be a future astronomer. She had mentioned her concerns to leave her brother for her future, and it was understandable. One could not be held back from their dream or goal. “A college person? Well, hello friend. It must be fascinating to want to learn about space and travel where no man has gone.” She tilted her head as Raven skimmed through the baggage part like they were supposed to ignore it. If she has troubles, wouldn't talking about it make her feel lighter? The chances are Raven wanted to keep them reserved until she is ready in which case, Ruth comprehends, hoping they will be open to rely on them or even her one day.

Hearing about Raven's interests was random, yet welcoming. Dragon fruit is exotic, healthy too. Ruth felt as though Raven is a mystery over her prefered fruits. It was hard to say why, but even the air around her screamed ‘mysterious’. “Music would be good to enjoy right now. It might soothe everyone. I will be sure to take note and keep out for one.”

Wormmon's comment was abrupt. Ruth had no idea what that entailed. Before she could ask, a familiar voice broke through. The blonde immediately became nervous. The last encounter with Palmon X was harsh. The way she looks over at them as if they were a nuisance or rather…Ruth is. She could not blame the plant digimon. She was not playing fair as a partner. The way she treats Impmon is out of fear. While virus types play an intricate part of the game, Ruth connected the dots that most virus types were evil. Devimon, Skullsatamon, Miotismon, etc. Ruth did not want to be known as evil based on her digimon. It's not like there was malice inside of her when she has been good all of her life. Impmon was a conundrum, her fear coming to fruition like some sort of bad joke.

She gulped hard, and held the strap of her bag tightly. She did not want to be criticized again or reminded of her failure as a digi-destined, yet her objective was bigger than drama. “H-hello.” She greeted timidly, pulling out a black card from her bag and showing it to Palmon X. “W-we’re here to see Gabriel to tell us if they have an idea what this black card indicates. It popped out of the enemies’ satellite/ relic.”

Ah, thought Arii, halfway to the delirious side of stress response judging by the fact that they wanted to cackle like a madman, maybe tell the others it's supposed to be a secret before you talk about them. Still, they listened impassively as Gabriel first threw ideas about. He went so fast that they didn't bother trying to get a word in and shuffled along with the group of four when they were told to go to his office. They tucked themself a little more comfortably into their jacket, and shrugged their shoulders up to their neck, centering their weight so they could stand without actually having to hold their head up.

They watched him lock the door, and ignored the prickle under their skin. They promised him information.

"I don't remember if there were four exactly," they said, crossing their wrists. "Kinda hard to tell being jostled around as I was, but it certainly wasn't normal, all wireframes and cloth, and singleminded determination. Didn't talk, really, not like the ones we saw today." They scratched at their own hand. Hard. Hard enough they left red welts, wiping off the feeling of that helpless weakness. "Shredded basically the whole thing, 'n it kept coming. 'F I was back home, I'd call 'em rabid, but skies above know what that means here."

A breath. Two. Enough to cool the hot coals forming in their chest. "The rabbit, impmon and one other killed it together."

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