~Vibing along the cosmos~
Ruth was relieved. In the midst of the chaos, Jaime remained intact in the real world, yet Ruth was in that tournament in the halls. Kimi was across from them. Did that mean the veil was after certain people? Why? What were they looking for and does it perhaps have an actual connection with hell that it would be so caught up in punishing the sinners?
Kimi had brought up the topic of passing the time with digimon cards and pineapple as a snack. She tilted her head confused why specifically a fruit. Raven had pointed out that perhaps the teen just wanted to battle. It would be a nice change of pace at the moment, and all of the injured are technically dealt with. Though that went out the window as Kimi bolted out like the wind. Their cards somehow forgot and fell into the hands of Mei, the rude lady with a fancy dress. She wondered if she survived or helped in the middle of the chaos. Probably not with how she perceives herself. Then again, the digital world has been performing miracles and bringing out the unexpected within them.
That only left Raven and Wormmon. Their partner finally recovered to their old self. Ruth glanced over to Alex as Raven suggested asking about the card. ”Oh…yeah, I guess now would be a good time.” The other part of her begged to search for Impmon. It can wait, right? It’s not like he left the fort. Her eyes grew alight seeing Alex and Cutemon stir a little. Hopefully, they were feeling better.
Meanwhile, Impmon was lost to the confines of his mind, strolling through with no compass on where to go or what to do. He wondered if he was better off sticking to the group he knows or just leaving all together. He knew he couldn’t survive without training or even evolving. He was doomed without Ruth, but what is he supposed to do? It’s not like he hasn’t tried.
The burning flames have caught his attention. The way they encircled him while a voice spoke up. Raising his head, he found a purple fox sitting on the ground. Impmon noticed he was no longer in the settlement, but a cavern from the wreckage. His guard immediately up and ready to fight back. ”Huh? I’m not a kettle. I’m an imp.” He had no clue what that meant, but listened to her rant. She mentioned Ruth, the one known as the crystal bearer and the only one who has one in their inventory. The resemblance? Impmon clicked his tongue. ”I am nothin’ like that crazy broad.”
Impmon crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. ”I don’t need ta feel anything. Now you’re just makin’ stuff up, furball.” Impmon’s stern demeanor dropped as Youkomon began to remind Impmon the true meaning behind Ruth’s dislike for Virus type digimon. It was more than just an attribute. There was something more behind it. Yes, he somehow knew why and it was dark and complicated. He wanted to prove himself so badly he was not like the bad guys, that she was not bad. He felt her heart closed off, but not entirely. Inside was a scared girl, and he wanted to drag that child out of the dark. Whether anyone noticed, Impmon was not just a reflection, but Ruth’s personal demon locked in a closet. Hidden behind the door she can never muster the courage to open. Evil is to blame for everything in her life, and that was that.
”You keep your mouth shut, ya lousy fox! If she doesn’t want me that’s fine. I can find a much better partner and I’ll get stronger without her. Simple as that.” He huffed, certain that nothing could go wrong with his decision, and if by the end of the day, Ruth still opposes him, he will have to find his own path.
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