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IC For Me And FollowTheWhiteRabbit


Junior Member

Adam | 21

This fiery pain...It was unlike anything Adam had ever experienced before. God...The man clutched the right side of his neck where Adam had been bitten. The young man swallowed hard, his free hand clutching his chest. It felt like Adam was slowly dying from a burning fiery heart attack death. Blood pumped from the two puncture marks that marred the man's neck. As the man hurried from the bar, Adam stumbled out into the sheet rain, panting, the heavy downpour washing the blood from his neck and long blonde hair. A long groan escaped from Adam as the man stumbled out into the streets as if Adam had drank to much. Panting, Adam got out into the middle of the road before collapsing, the rain pouring onto his body and melting his white t-shirt to his torso.

Corena "Corey"



22 Years Old

Ever heard the saying curiosity killed the cat? In the same instance it was true wwith Corena Crawley, she'd recently moved in town good for research as a young Historian for school. In a town full of legend, lore, and history she found it ripe for her studies. One day while looking over an abandoned home with some friends she'd made who also studied in history...they had decided to pull a prank and leave her alone in the home. Corena, being young and reckless decided not to care otherwise that they'd ditched her and continued exploring.

As she walked upstairs she quickly realized she wasn't alone. She felt her knees go weak as a large figure stood over her, a lust and urge to hunt could be seen in his eyes and she quickly came to terms she most likely would not make it out alive.

Making a break for it she ran and her will to live nearly had her make it to the door, yet he'd grabbed her, thrust her arms between his jaws and drew in precious ruby life from her.

From there...it at wen't black.


(ooc: So er...Is from your character's past? 'Cause I'm very confused...Your writing is good honest, I'm just trying to understand what's happenen'.)
((Yes, I just did how she got bit because I saw that's what you did xD You're writing is amazing as well!!!))
((Oh...I might have misunderstood your message! Crap. I thought she gets bit right off and then finds your character as a vampire and then he sort of shows her the ropes? Was she supposed to not get bitten yet? Or is she bitten but it isn't transformed yet?))
((I can go with that! I apologize, I seriously thought you meant you'd be teaching my character. My bad! I'm totally fine with the other way around though as well. I can handle that ^~^))
((If you don't mind starting us off you can? We can have it that she brought him to her home. I'll probably change how she got bitten. I'll make it like it happens many many years ago, maybe even in the 20's? Maybe.))
(ooc: Well...Only...Your character is HUMAN...Mine is the VAMPIRE...Your character is the HUMAN that teaches my character the VAMPIRE... ...)
((Okay, so she is human...Jeez I'm so sorry I was off apparently. Alright so Corena is human, not vampire. Your character is a vampire and she is teaching your character about being a vampire? Or helping them along?))
((I LIKE THAT BETTER ANYWAY! I wonder how she knows what to do...perhaps she has studied mythology instead of history? Maybe she's just trying to figure it out...I do like that better now that I get what you meant lol again my bad))
(ooc: I'm glad you still like it. :) As for how your character would know, we could have them be a supernatural specalist in lore & legend.)
((That works perfect for me! Alright...well you want us to start with her coming across him and finding him? How long do you typically write again? I typically write 2-6 depending on inspiration.
((Okay! Last questions before I begin...if he knocked out? Or is he awake during this transformation? Just so I know how to.go about writing?))
"Hey! Corey! Where you going?" Her group of college friends, half wasted called after her.

She raised her hands defensively as she excited the bar, "Relax, I'm going out to take a drag." Corena said calmly smirking as she shoved her hands in her pockets. The cold night chill sunk into her bones and her breath came forth between her lips in little clouds floating into the sky. Then there was the rain as well...adding to the typical "Dark Stormy Night" theme. She shook her head as she opened her umbrella before balancing it between her arm as she took out a cigarette and attempted lighting it.

Once lit she held the umbrella over her head taking in long drags to soothe the nerves of dealing with her drunk friends for the night.

For a moment she closed her eyes, the sound of passing cars and rain of the pavement was relaxing as the glow of her smoke shown a dim orange every time she allowed it to "poison" her lungs. It was a bad habit, but god did it ease her stress.

Suddenly her attention was drawn to commotion near her as the door swung open and a seemingly "intoxicated" young man stumbled into the street, he panted holding at the side of his neck. She squinted her eyes slightly so she could see through the sheets of rain falling before her umbrella.

Corena watched as he stumbled into the middle of the street and collapsed in the road.

She quickly through down her cigarette and ran into the middle of the road head lights shown over her and she held her hand out for them to stop. They slammed on there brakes and drove around them.

She held the umbrella over them and knelt down beside the boy.

"Hey...hey...you okay? Should I call the-"

She paused seeing his neck, two very odd and peculiar punctures there-forth.
The young man groaned and licked his lips. "No...Don't..." The youth whispered, not wanting an ambulance. "Get...Get away from me...Please..." Adam attempted to sit up but couldn't. The boy groaned pitifully for a second time, the eighteen-year-old falling unconscious. Adam's head rolled to the side, revealing the strange puncture marks to the young woman. Blood continued to roll out of the puncture marks and down the boy's neck, staining the collar of Adam's shirt.

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