(IC) Episode 2: Emerald Forest


Cannon Thief

"Would all students please make their way to the Beacon cliffs for initiation? Again, would all first year report to Beacon Cliffs immediately." The unmistakable tone of Glynda Goodwitch sounded from Beacon's intercom system. While most students were already awake and preparing, some were rudely awakened by the announcement. With a groan and a mad scramble to get ready for the day, the newest students of Beacon went about their own ways of preparation whether mental or physical.

Soon, students gathered on their markers at the edge of the cliff. Ozpin and Glynda waited in front as the last few trickled in to take their places. The sun had already risen for the morning, but it was still early in the day. Stories of these initiations varied from taking just a few hours to lasting a day or more. The early start probably had something to do with that fact.

As the final student stepped to their metal plate, Ozpin explained the day's events as he had several times before. 

"Welcome, students. We'll begin your first exam in just a moment." He spoke with perfect clarity and calm, as usual. His head turned slowly, observing each student's face. "Now, I must warn you to be careful. While I realize that you're all very capable of handling yourselves, you will be facing constant danger until the exam ends. All you will have to rely in is yourself and your partner once you find them."

Ozpin began a slow pacing step, starting right and then eventually making his way left in front of the students. His cane tapped the ground methodically and appeared almost as straight as his own posture. "Making eye contact with another student is a binding contract. Look out for each other and work together to bring back your relic. Do keep in mind the Lady Haiqin Yan will be watching carefully as well."

As soon as Ozpin finished his sentence, the platforms under the students flew forward on a hinge, launching the students standing on them into the air over the Emerald Forest.

And so started a new year at beacon and the journey of its newest class.

@CupAndCough @Crimrose @Flip Jester Boy @HighSanguinaryPriest @Vaaxius @Xion136 @Ian Temero @arcaneSentinel @The Unamed Beast @Will @Hange Zoe
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Sora had awoken to find, in her sleep, her distressed bedroll had torn and she was now almost on Radia's. Keeping her surprise to a quiet yelp and scrambling away before she could awaken her new friend, she grabbed her things and quickly absconded, changing in the farthest possible place. Checking over Empyrean Decree, she wiped some grime from the casing and began affixing her greaves, chestplate, and arm...armor. Soon all ready, she locked Decree on her back and quietly followed everyone to the cliffs, looking out for Lillith or Radia. Maybe Vesper...

But she soon was on a metal plate, alone. She didn't know the people around her, and began to breath. Focusing, she lowered her center of gravity as the plates began throwing students skyward - and as she reached the zenith, she twisted and threw out her hand. She landed on an aura ramp, and began to slid down it, like a surfer but just shoes. She didn't take time to see what everyone else was doing - she just focused on the ramp, and dismantling it behind her as she skated towards the forest.

Initiation had begun.
*Before the cliff*

Shin woke up from his slumber, stretching to awaken his muscles. Today was the day of the first test, and he was very ready for it. He kipped up from his sleeping bag and headed towards the showers to freshen up for the day. As he was showering, Ms. Goodwitch's voice rang through the intercom. "Just like Lyle said," he said to himself, taking one final rinse before getting out to dry off and put on his clothes. Shin retrieved the Crimson Twilight from its case, along with several cells of different varieties of dust for extra ammunition, and set off for the Beacon Cliffs at the edge of the Emerald Forest with an expectant grin on his face.

*At the Cliff*

Shin listened intently to Ozpin's explanation, looking to his sides to see his other classmates. Putting on his sunglasses with his headphones over his ears, he got into his ready position with his weapon in rifle mode, getting launched into the air. He paid attention to the ground, searching for the most ideal landing area. Spotting a rather large tree, he fired a few shots at its roots in a way that it began to fall towards him. Using it as a grind rail, he skid down along the side of the tree until he made contact with the ground. Showtime.



Vermillion watched Headmaster Ozpin walk by him, while adjusting his gear. The small, mechanical gauntlet strapped to his side glistened at his side. He pulled on his glove that allowed him to use his weapon, a black leather glove with a metal plate on the back of the hand. On the fingertips, however, a shiny black metal could be almost distinguished. It seemed to absorb the light that shone on it, instead of glistening like other shiny metals. Vermillion pulled the glove tight down on his hand, making sure it was secure. 

He then pulled off his scarf, the thin fabric almost see-through. He proceeded to wrap it around his upper arm, making a secure knot so it would not fall apart and he would lose it. If what Proffesor Ozpin said was true, then that meant that they would be fighting something. He didn't want to have his scarf fall off during an encounter. As he finished pulling on the knot, he looked over the students around him. He noticed a few he had seen yesterday, or that he had slept near last night. However, the one he noticed the most was Lavahn, who was only a little ways away from him. He smiled, lifting his arm to wave to the man. 

However, as soon as he waved to him, he felt the ground below him lurch, and he was suddenly flying through the air. He soared through the sky, processing the situation that had presented itself to him. He snapped out of his confusion, realizing that he would hit the trees if he didn't do something. Sunsinger wouldn't do anything to help in this situation. He was going too fast to hook safely onto the branches of the trees. The bow part was useful for climbing, but not stopping a freefall. And Stormcaller was primarily used as a damage source to his opponents. However...

Holding his hand out in front of him, he splayed his fingers out while his hand stayed aligned with his arm. "Spirits, come!" As soon as he spoke, spots of fire appeared along the length of his arm, and from other points of his body. The flame balls soon took shape into small butterflies, and they proceeded to circle around the Faunus. In total, there were about forty of them, encircling their master. Quickly, Vermillion willed them under him, to which they bundled and became a small platform Vermillion could stand on. As his feet touched it, he felt his fall begin to slow, and he was soon gliding downwards to the forest floor beneath him.

Once his feet touched the ground, he unlatched the gauntlet from his leg, and put it on his free hand. As soon as it was over it, the three metal rods on the front of it began to spin and whir, the electricity in it beginning to come to life. He had made sure to charge the weapon to it's maximum point the night before, as was the teen's habit. He clicked a small button inside the space for his forearm and hand, and his weapon soon transformed into it's bow form. Once it had finished morphing, he clicked another button on the inside, and a concentrated string of heat energy appeared where a bow string would usually be. The glow wasn't very bright, but it still shone with a warm energy. He pulled on the string with his gloved hand, the heat not harming him in the slightest. Once he was sure it was all set, he deactivated the heat energy, and held his bow at ready, steadily walking through the forest.

At the Cliff

Jet hadn't truly slept the night before, if anything it was more of several naps. She normally slept that way, and she preferred to never go into deep sleep anyway. Stretching as Ozpin began his short explanation of what was to occur, she did notice him mention some degree of danger, but life itself was dangerous anyway. Worst case scenario, there happened to be some sort of Grimm down there. Second worst, would be getting a stuck-up partner. 

As he concluded his briefing, she had a slight clue as to what was to occur next, and prepared herself accordingly. Her plan was simple. Find a tall object, create a tether, rappel down from there. Unlike many other students, she didn't have much in terms of semblance until she gathered some aura from others, reducing her overall effectiveness.

Well, her plan would've been fine... If there was a mountain nearby. As the platform launched her forward, Jet couldn't really see much but forest below her. She'd have to improvise, and rather quickly. Her only choice was to go for a tree, which had seemed a bit taller than the rest. Thickness didn't matter much, just whether she would be able to get one of her blades into the side. It seems luck was in her favor and Jet was successful in lodging To Take in the trunk of the tree, which now that she had time to get a better look at it, was much larger than she had thought. The only way from the tree was down, and that wouldn't be too hard to accomplish.

Adding as much stickiness as possible to the aura coating her right arm and both legs, she removed the blade, and began to climb down the tree.

(Kinda rushed this post, I could've done better...)




Sequoia Tern 


      Sequoia had spent some of her day yesterday merely observing and writing down in a small leather-bound book about the wonders she had seen. A good deal of Faunis had came this year, and the green-haired girl had to physically leave the area so she didn't give into temptation to touch their ears and tails. Some how, she had remained relatively anonymous to the public, as Bisector, her pink chainsaw had been tucked under a jacket she had wrapped around her waist. However, most of the day was spent in awe of the school's initiation, the princess, well queen,  from far away, and the people. The people varied as much as the clouds in the sky, and their personalities were like candies in a candy store, there were simply to many flavors and types to pick from. 

      Sequoia, as she walked to the cliff face amongst a good number of other students after the announcement, found herself pondering what her future team would look like while twisting one of her pigtails in her hand. She had even dressed nicer than she would have normally just to make a good impression. Hesitating for only a split second, she stepped onto a metal plate with Bisector drawn and loaded. 

      As the professor spoke, explaining what was to be done, she found herself looking over the gathered students, and noting that people of the Vale had quite a strange accent compared to her own from Vacou. However, as the man spoke placidly about the test, she smiled when he spoke the word danger. Danger meant unpredictable-ness, and that meant it would be fun. In addition, since Sequoia was from the desert, there were no trees to really speak of (ironically her name is a tree XD), and she took a moment to take in the magnificent view from the cliff-face before accepting the challenge internally with a nod. Though, she wasn't agreeing to what the Prof was talking about at all. 

     Words finally sunk in, and she side-stepped in excitement, is was almost as joyful as the prospect of getting a puppy or something. A partner. Her comrade in battle. A companion to help withstand the trials of Darkness. A.... For a brief moment, she lost in her head, filled with fantasies of glory and legend. 

      Once again, she pulls her head from her thoughts just as the metal platform launched her through the air. Her heart nearly leapt from her chest, but not out of fear, but exhilaration. The wind on her face was glorious. Suddenly, she remembers she is still in fact falling out of the sky, and turns Bisector back towards the cliff, launching a grenade. Just like she anticipated, the force of the explosion takes out some of the momentum as she falls, and she activates her Semblance briefly. After crashing through the canopy of various trees, she lands feet first on the ground- unscathed. 

"Heh, like a BOSSSS!" she declares, pumping a fist in the air, her pigtails swishing in her face.

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Aureolin rolled to his right and reached apathetically to his scroll as it chimed to wake him for the day. Unlike the first year students he had arrived at school with, he had slept in his assigned dorm room. Having already completed a year a beacon he had also been assigned a team and a room. Unfortunately, he was the only member of his team to return for their second year. Due to that unfortunate turn of events; Ozpin had asked that he attend the Emerald Forest Exam in the morning to be assigned to a new team. The decision was made much to his protest. After having a night to sleep on it, however, he understood and accepted the outcome. The four unit team was essential to the curriculum at Beacon. It also didn't help the reputation of 'the boy who was left behind' to have his team leave him behind only a year into their journey.

The his title didn't sting as much as it used to. Anyone that used it was usually speaking in a hushed tone and was easily ignored. The fact that his goal was redemption from that stigma helped as well. Throughout his first year Aureolin had been presented with challenges, including the one that had shattered his team. Through all of it he was still standing and proud of it. His day would come. He knew it. One day they would call him 'the boy that made his own destiny'. They wouldn't speak his name or title in hushed tones and snicker at his passing. They would know the story of his trials and that he had made Beacon, as well as his family, proud to list his name as a Huntsman. One day.

Today, though, was his first step for the second time towards becoming a Huntsman. He would fight his way through the Emerald Forest for the second time with a new partner. Afterwards, he would fight alongside his new team until graduating. This time everyone would make it. This time he would devote himself even more than before to watching their backs and supporting them to their fullest capabilities.

Aureolin rose from his bed nd dressed himself quickly for the day. As he turned to face the room, he paused and took note of the three empty beds that held his previous teammates. Even though he would have a new team, he had a promise to fulfill for his previous team as well. Reaffirming his loyalties and soon to be bonds, he headed out of the room to face the day.

With his Kama flowing behind him, Aureolin arrived to the cliffside at a jog. He knew how the exam worked already and took the same place he had the year before. He crossed his arms standing just right of the center in the line of platforms that would soon launch the students head first into their exam. It was a slightly nostalgic experience, although dampened by the fact that his first time hear was only one year before. The feeling of excitement, however, carried more weight than before. Perhaps it was the adrenaline of knowing he would soon soar through the air and do combat with any number of Grimm had heightened the experience. Perhaps it was his own mental pep-talk earlier that had raised the stakes to succeed this year.

In any case, his time to prove his worth had come once again. At Ozpin's signal, the platforms threw their occupying students forward. Just like before, his Kama created an amount of drag that caused him to have to fight for balance in the air. The first time he took this exam, he tumbled through the air for most of it. This time, he had control. He managed to keep himself upright by focusing on his center of gravity.

His body soared over the trees as his percieved landing point became deeper and deeper in the forest. Soon, he reached the apex of his flight path and began descending. This was where he began to realize that he had no landing strategy last year. Luckily he had been able to think quickly and land safely. This year, it was just a review.

As he descended, he readied himself. He waited until his feet began to brush against the tops of the trees before rolling his body forward into a diving position. His body disappeared into the canopy as he broke through the lighter branches that were typically at the highest points of the trees. As he noticed the branches gaining thickness there further he fell, the second part of his plan began. He cocked his arms back and threw them forward suddenly, unleashing the wires that comprised his weapon. The weights at the end sought out one of the heavier branches and wrapped themselves tightly around its length. As the wires pulled taught,  Aureolin began to swing forward and the upwards. At this point, he had lost enough speed that as soon as he swung himself upwards, he fell back down again onto the same branch he was anchored to. After freeing his wires from the branch and stowing them away, he methodically climbed from branch to branch until he hit the forest floor.

It was exactly as he remembered it. The scenery was peaceful and full of natural beauty. So much so that one could easily be disarmed by becoming lost in thought, entirely forgetting about the Grimm that lurked around. Aureolin was focused, however he did take a moment to turn his head and observe his surroundings. Now that he had completed his landing it was time to find a partner and then claim a relic. 


Emerald Forest (Above it)


Vesper sailed through the air as the springboard launched him high over the forest with bone breaking force. Thanks to his aura, and his training, his body was able to handle such force. Sailing through the air, he spotted several students landing into the dense canopy. Following their example, he activated his semblence and spotted a branch to land, his body moving automatically to the information his mind was absorbing. Grabbing a hold of a thick branch, he proceeded to swing from one to the next, slowing his descent. Upon touching the ground, Vesper once again activated his semblence but for a second, his mind taking in the information of the area. "Now the hunt begins..." he said to himself, slipping his hand into his duster and pulling out his uplink monocle. Pressing it to his right eye, the device attatched with a click. Without ny further delays, he made his way north, in hopes to link up with another student. "Let's hope I can find some one competent..."
Shin wandered around the Emerald Forest, looking for a clue as to where the relics were. The quiet forest made him calm as he walked around, listening to the ambient birds until he heard some low rumbling a short distance away. Going to investigate, he climbed over a few bushes until he came upon a den of seven sleeping Beowulfs. Trying to back away slowly, he snapped a branch under his foot, which caused the slumbering Grimm to wake up. Using his semblance to render himself invisible, he remained in place as the Beowulfs woke one by one, sniffing around for whoever disturbed their sleep. Shin kept his gun at the ready in case they ever found him, which they were getting closer to doing because his semblance couldn't conceal his scent. Well, this is a pickle, he thought to himself as the Grimm converged on his position. "Alright, let's go," he exclaimed, dispelling his invisibility as he snapped his fingers, creating a bright flash which dazed the monsters momentarily as he struggled to get out of the bush, only for them to shake off the bright light seconds after he got out. Shin began firing at them as he retreated, dodging swipes as they got close.

Alexander Wright: The Emerald Forest



[SIZE= 18px]It seemed like a nice day for a fresh breeze as Alex was up and about on his way to the exam at Beacon cliffs. The flight here wasn't too bad as it seemed quite peaceful as he surveyed the new students, hoping to find what he is looking for here at beacon. He walks up and stands on the metal pad which appears to be a launcher of sorts according to his readings. Alex took a lot of time changing his identity before transferring here as a new student, he plans to keep his true identity a secret for as long as he can manage, he truly hopes that he can enter and leave without a trace. It sounds a lot simpler than it is.[/SIZE]

As Alex arrived at the cliff, he quietly listened to what professor Ozpin was saying, paying attention to every detail and hoping to make a first good impression at this new school. He would need to do that if he is to complete his main objective and mission.

[SIZE= 18px]"Welcome, students. We'll begin your first exam in just a moment." He spoke with perfect clarity and calm, as usual. His head turned slowly, observing each student's face. "Now, I must warn you to be careful. While I realize that you're all very capable of handling yourselves, you will be facing constant danger until the exam ends. All you will have to rely in is yourself and your partner once you find them." Alexander made a silent nod with a serious face to the professor as he walked passed him.[/SIZE]


Ozpin began a slow pacing step, starting right and then eventually making his way left in front of the students. His cane tapped the ground methodically and appeared almost as straight as his own posture. "Making eye contact with another student is a binding contract. Look out for each other and work together to bring back your relic. Do keep in mind the Lady Haiqin Yan will be watching carefully as well." Alexander remembers that she is apparently some sort of royalty from another country. This could certainly work in his favor if he was to prove to her that he was a formidable fighter. "I should make my moves carefully, who knows what kind of trouble is below there...it's possibly just a few Grimm. Nothing that I can't handle but I shouldn't get too cocky." he thought to himself.


[SIZE= 18px]As soon as Ozpin finished his sentence, the platforms under the students flew forward on a hinge, launching the students standing on them into the air over the Emerald Forest. Alexander prepared his landing as soon as he launched into the air. While up high, he calculated his trajectory and continued downward by landing between 2 trees and immediately crushing the ground below him as he landed. He walks away leaving behind a large crater where he landed.  [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"I'm beginning the mission!" [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he said loudly as he ran through the forest with one arm up ready for any ambushes. Soon, his expectations were true, Beowolves and Ursai came charging in at first hand. Alex jumped up into the air as three Beowolves charged at him. He charges up an energy sphere and shoots, the sphere hits with contact creating an explosion that annihilates the trio, leaving nothing but "dust". Ursai came from every corner, Alex prepares a furious onslaught of energy spheres, shooting them at every direction with non stop force [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Burn Burn! Burn!! Burn!!! BURN ALL OF YOU TO DUST!!!" [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he shouted as he continued firing and the explosions left devastating results on the trees and ground leaving nothing but silence. Alexander took a quick survey around the area before running off further into the forest. As he kept on running, he attracted more attention to himself as more Beowolves, Ursai and even the King Taijitu follows him along the path. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Why you son of a-" [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he said before getting interupted by a Beowolf which leaped from a tree and managed to get a swipe on his arm in the process causing it to bleed out from the claw marks made on his shoulder. "Damn it! I'm seriously sick and tired of having to buy new clothes because of you Grimm!" he said as he continued to run. The King Taijitu lashed out and tried to bite him however he jumped at the last second and landed back on his feet running away.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]Alexander was sick and tired of playing these games, the only way to succeed was to finish it all in one move, he continued along the path until he was a clearing in the woods. He calculated his blow and sees a young green haired girl who has just landed. Immediately he instinctively tries to grab her by the hand "Quickly! This way!" he says as he tries to lead her away from the oncoming mob with over a hundred Grimm. He jumps behind a rock and tries to use his left hand to grab her by the hips, bringing her closer to him while using his back as a shield against the rock. His right hand began charging an energy sphere the size of an exercise ball and shoots it at the mob. "GET DOWN!" he shouts and...[/SIZE]



[SIZE= 18px]As soon as the energy sphere hits contact, it explodes in a massive explosion. Big enough to attract anyone who saw it or heard it. As soon as the smoke cleared, Alex looked around to see if any Grimm reminds. He angrily clenches his teeth as he surveyed the area, nothing but a massive crater along with burned trees, terrain and dust, just the way he liked it. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"That was a close one...um..." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he said nervously as he realized that he clutched onto the girl's hip a bit too tightly. He immediately lets go and walks a few inches back to give her some personal space. An awkward way to meet someone but it must mean that this is her new partner. He looked at her, she seemed to be a petite older girl with green hair and eyes. This was certainly an awkward moment since he did touch her without any consent but hopefully she didn't mind. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Why, sorry about the privacy invasion..." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he apologized embarrassed with a bit of fluster in his face "But I'm surprised that I ran into such a gorgeous young lady." he said complimenting her and hoping to make a good first impression. "I'm lucky to have someone like you as my partner, it's nice to meet you. My name is Alexander but you can call me Alex and who are you?" he said while holding up a hand for her to shake. Alex hopes that she'll be able to help him in the future so it's important to give a good sense. However that didn't stop the bleeding coming from his arm.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]@SolistheSun[/SIZE]
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[COLOR= rgb(47, 79, 79)][SIZE= 18px]Sequoia Tern [/COLOR][/SIZE]

"You personal space invader you..." she growls, narrowing her jade eyes, but she reveals her façade by lightening up with a laugh, "my favorite kind!"  Her eyebrow gives a playful quirk as he compliments her, but she merely smiles in return, "My name's Sequoia, please to meet you, Partner~"

Partner. Yes, she liked the sound of that. Alexander was determined and strong willed so far. He was obviously strong, and he was probably head strong too. Hmm, maybe... She was just taking in the male's presence and picking straws. Nothing was certain here. Specially on a a battle field. 

       Sequoia returns his hand gesture with a firm shake. She gives him a look-over, and is immediately drawn to his blood seeping down his shirt at a great pace. Sequoia peaks at the wounds through the shredded fabric of his shirt, and visibly winces. It looked gnarly. Deftly, she removes a decorative sash from her waist and lashes it tightly around the wounded shoulder to slow the flow before he could protest that it was nothing. A lot of her mining family had died because of a 'little' scratch. 

      Biting her lip at the return gesture of personal space-breaking, she pauses to survey the damage. The smoldering trees, the drifting dust, oh, and the oncoming wave of Grimm. Goodie. The moss-haired girl had transversed across a good mile of forest and then, without warning, the entire world was blowing up. Like. Beaver dam. Then this, Alexander, he... saved her? Not that she couldn't save herself but still. His touch was surprisingly cool really. She already forgave the accidental intimacy of his touch, and his actions earlier by simply choosing to ignore it. Though to be honest, her cheeks were slightly warm with embarrassment.

      "You know, with all these Grimm, you must be a bundle of negative energy, or you pis---- " Before she can finish reprimanding him, the black head of the King Taijitu burst from the remaining green of the forest around him. However, she was more than ready. Sequoia whirled around and brought the revving chainsaw cleaving horizontally through the Grimm's long body, leaving both halves flailing. Thoroughly ticked, the white half of the serpent's body whirls around, hissing, and exposing it's long fangs at her. Sequoia gives it a small wave from her fingers, "Aww, did I kill your friend?" 

       The Grimm lunges forward, and Sequoia pulls the trigger. Oh yes, the Bisector wasn't just a chainsaw. The barrel of her startling pink weapon blasted out a Dust grenade--a fire type at that. The grenade flew through the open maw of the snake-beast and exploded on contact. The explosion left just a long length of diamond-patterned flesh and a severed head falling to the the ground before dissipating into a wave of smoke. 

"Well, we'll talk and stuff later, let's go find our relic, shall we?" she asks expectantly, meeting his gaze as she flicks her weapon's standby mode, so it continues rumbling quietly to itself with no danger of cutting herself in half lest something 'happen.'

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Alexander Wright: Fight or Flight

[SIZE= 18px]At first Alex didn't know what to this lady who seemed offended by his intrusion but it appears that she was just teasing him. She shook his hand and her names is Sequoia which is an odd name for someone who speaks with a funny accent. "I am pleased to meet you too, I just wish it was under more friendly circumstances." he said while smiling completely ignoring his scar which Sequoia took notice to it and decided to wrap it up. "Oh, thank you!" he said smiling and grateful. At least she knows some first aid which can be useful although not necessary needed in his case. However as soon as she started talking, another two King Taijitu came out of nowhere which surprised him and made him jump to the side as Sequoia used her unique looking weapon to finish them off. It appears to be a grenade launcher mixed with a chainsaw, honestly he didn't understand what kind of technology these kids use today. "Yeah, I think we should. I'll follow you since you seem like the person who knows her way around here. Perhaps you know where the ruins are?" he said while following her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]@SolistheSun[/SIZE]
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[COLOR= rgb(47, 79, 79)][SIZE= 18px]Sequoia Tern [/COLOR][/SIZE]

      "Well, I eavesdropped on some third years about their initiation through the forest, and the relics 'n' ruins were north, which is literally straight through the woods on another cliff-face, " Sequoia replies, tapping her chin with a forefinger. She swings Bisector forwards and backwards before toe-turning to a tree and inspecting it carefully. Finding the indicator, she turns and faces to the left, pointing onwards vaguely. 

      "Moss grows the most on the north side of a tree. So... we go this way," the green-haired girl explains, just in case. She didn't want to look like too much of an idiot. Not that she was, she was incredibly intelligent, it was just that she... well, didn't always make the great of decisions. Hopefully this could be kept at bay, just for today at least.  Daintily, she waits for him to come one, and then leads the way, humming softly to herself. To be honest, she wondered who could find them after the wake of destruction they had caused. 

      "So, since nothing is currently trying to kill us, what brings you to Beacon?" she asks, trying to be open. Sequoia didn't want to pry, just to to make conversation to fill the inevitable void of awkward silence. Her fingers roll meticoulsy along the grip of her deadly chainsaw as she steps confidently along the forest floor amidst the small brush and the rippled roots of scraggly trees. Yes, trees... they were so green... so vibrant.. Such color had never been none to her, save for the sea from where she had been raised, and she still fell victim to it's charm. 

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 ||   L a v a h n    D e    M e d i s  ||   View attachment 178385

       [| The Will-Breaker Speaks |]  ||   Lavahn awoke under a tree--Forgetting how he arrived there.. His eyes out-of-focused and dry. He had woken from a dream that haunted him slightly. One of the moment's he saw his father stand bloody and victorious over a white fang member. As if he held no quarrel with the idea of slaying a man. Someone who held life. How warm that blood on the fingers of his father was. They touched his skin in pride for his son, decieved into believe in killing the faunus woman who hunted him down. His father's skin was cold--but the blood he wore was not. 

  Dreams like this did not haunt him often--but once it did, the memories tormented his mind some what. As he held his head--he looked towards the sky. Or what would be the sky. he came eye to eye with a strange woman. The woman from his dream. From his past. From his pact. Her eyes were scolding. His eyes scolded back. 

   "You are late", A dry voice wisped out from the female faunus, "And no. I would have not waked you. You actually caught me spying on you." Her honesty had the boy raise an eyebrow. She was always like this. Very literal. It never ceased to surprise the boy at least. Something that few could hold the gold sticker of accomplishment. An exhale of air cameforth--knowing that whatever input he gave it would be stone walled with a very blunt and literal response. In fact if he dared did, he wold be more shamed than anything with the retort. Lavahn had garnished respect for her--despite socking her one not long ago. 

 They both held respect for each other, something that was earned from both of them.  

     "For what?" he queried,  rising up and dusting off his coat and garb. 

     "When I was a young huntress in training I was given the task to find my partner. She and I met and later my team was formed--This event is being held today." She gave slight exposition, pacing back and forth waiting for the boy to fully wake. She was a tad bit smaller than the boy--but her maturity in her looks and general air was very apparent.

       "So--I'm meeting with more people" He held his chin--pondering the thought

       "Yes, making friends like I told you--did you meet anyone?" She asked with a bit of energy in her voice, Lavahn looked towards her, a bit taken back by her enthusiasm. He had never seen her with such excitement in her eyes. "Yes, I met a boy. Strange boy--but I have no time to talk. I have to go." A purposeful distraction and evasion--just with an apt excuse. 



    Lavahn had arrived late. But not too late for the throwing of the students. It was only for a brief moment but he had seen the swivel of Vermillion's head  before the toss. And then a shadowy figure in the distance. A faunus friend. Lavahn had only caught the tail end of Ozpin's speech--however he still knew very little. That was his punishment. However he still wondered how they would be getting to the forest. Suddenly, he was flung into the air. 

              "Wha--? NO!" He hollered as he flew through the air with immense force, as the peak of his arc came Lavahn came to a sudden stop. His telekinesis halted him reactivity. As he watched the students descend from the sky, he felt something within his heart. A slightly beautiful sight. A memory was held in his mind as he clutched his chest, both in fear and awe. What wondrous beginnings. 

    Lavahn began to descend from the sky gracefully, if not a bit regally, his sword tail-gating not far behind with a psychic hold over it, "This is mad. And sister was put through this? What god-forsaken hell is this place!" .  Lavahn's descent, physically, was graceful. In fact it seemed something out of a novel or scripture. A man descending from the sky--with out wings--all with his will.  


[|| Theme :   Metro Down Under [Click It] | Team: ??? | Quote:    ||]

Alexander Wright: Personal Reasons

Alex followed Sequoia through the forest to the north as they trekked the path, she asked him if he had any reasons for coming to Beacon Academy. Preferring to keep his true intentions a secret, he looks her with a convincing grin and explains "Well it's nothing really special or anything like that, I'm here just like anyone else...to become a hunter and keep the world safe. Things like that." as the two moved on. Alex was intrigued by her looks as it doesn't seem like she came anywhere from nearby considering her accent and clothing. "I have to say that's a unique weapon you have there, I've seen many designs before but this one seems to take it to a whole new crazy level." he said while complimenting her. "So where do you come from? Seems like you have a unique history to be shared with, I'm guessing that your parents must be really crazed botanists or you have a weird addiction to trees." he said jokingly as he clutched his arm feeling a bit bad about having to use her stash as a bandage.

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[COLOR= rgb(47, 79, 79)][SIZE= 18px]Sequoia Tern [/COLOR][/SIZE]

      "It's not so much as an obsession, it's more like preparation, " Sequoia replies, stepping over a particularly knotty root, "I'm from Vacou, and I went to Shade Academia like everyone else, and since we participate in the Vytal Festival, it seemed like a good idea to be prepared against my opponent." 

      "But after I was transferred here, I figured I'd study everything I could about the Vale for future huntressing purposes," she continues, not mentioning the reason why she was transferred, "So I just have a bunch of random head knowledge now. And Bisector, my epic pink weapon here, well... it's special. A spark of genius if you will. And it's chain is crafted from depleted uranium- the strongest metal on the planet. You won't even believe how long it took to forge."  With her few bragging rights aside she pauses on her trekking, taking in the forest air. So far she had yet to detect anyone else, which was odd. Though, she supposed, it was only natural as it was mentioned the Initiation could take days. That must be a lot of land to cover in order for it to take so long. 

      Sequoia gives him a warm smile as she looks back at him, "So you want to become a hunter to protect the world?" She pauses, and then nods, "Same here. Though, I'll admit, I want to teach normal people how to fight off Grimm until real help can arrive to lessen civilian losses. So I guess we're both aiming to help the world in different ways, huh?" 

For several minutes Vesper trekked alone in the forest, his senses on high alert as he kept Thunderous Edge in it's secondary mode. It was quiet for the most part, the only sounds being the wind through the trees, the muffled sounds of his footsteps, and the chirping of birds. It was peaceful in a sense, almost too peaceful if it hadn't been for the Grimm that lurked within the very forest. Data streamed across his HUD as his eyes scanned the area for threats. Note to self, Install motion tracker... he thought getting a grunt of agreement from his split personality.

It would certainly make things easier. Maybe a FOF Tag in the other UMs. The other half replied. Vesper would have responded, if it weren't for the sound of several trees crashing around him. On Instinct, the faunus male leaped out of the way, and in time too, for if h stayed a moment longer he would have been devoured by the massive King Taijitu.

"And the fun Begins..." Vesper said eyeing the large twin headed serpent before firing off one of his dust filled shells. A maelstrom of fire and lightning exited the under barrel of Thunderous Edge, Engulfing the white half in an explosion of fire and plasma, burning away the dark creature. "One down, and one to go."

(Enter Partner if possible)

@Flip Jester Boy
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Aureolin Sombre

The surprised wails of students overhead and behind him soon became familiar again. At this time last year, he was one of them. He was on of the students that had no idea that he would be airborne only moments after Ozpin finished speaking. Now here he was again, stronger and smarter than before. Furthermore, he was more determined than ever. Every muscle in his body was wound tight in anticipation. The last time he took this exam, he fought a few beowolves without incident. At the time it was a slight disappointment given the hype surrounding the event. This time, he was determined to hunt down something worthy of glory.

Before his hunt could begin, something of interest caught his eye. It seemed one of the other students had devised a slightly more graceful landing strategy than his own. The student didn't appear to have wings or any kind of apparatus assisting him in defying gravity, so whatever powers held him afloat were most likely connected to his semblance. While observing the student, Aureolin check off a box in his mental checklist. He and the floating student hadn't made eye contact and so they weren't officially parters, but that would be rectified soon.

At a quick jogging pace, Aureolin set off to try and match the flight path of the other student. With any luck, we would arrive at the students projected landing area within thirty seconds or so of the other student actually landing. As he ran, Aureolin noted that his Kama was catching on small branches and vines more than he remembered. Perhaps this was a more untouched area of the forest than he had been in last year. Whatwver the case, he had learned that Beowolves preferred the underbrush covered areas for stalking their prey. Additionally, a Nevermore could prove to be a problem. Some vines connected to the canopy and would give away his position easily to even an unattentive Nevermore if he brushed against them.

Now that he thought about it, the forest was truly dangerous. His lackluster encounter from the year previous may have been a stroke of luck. Had he come face to face with a Nevermore as soon as he landed, he probably wouldn't have made it past the exam. The Beowolves were appropriate for the time. His hunger now demanded something larger and more challenging. Hopefully, his partner would be up to the challenge as well when they landed.

Speaking of Beowolves and his soon to be partner, Aureolin noticed the slow rustling of leaves that nearly always signified a Beowolf at a low prowl. The beast had probably heard him coming, or had looked up and was waiting for the other student to land. In either case, Aureolin had one simple course of action for dealing with Grimm, and that was to remove them from existence.

Aureolin picked up his pace before throwing his right arm forward. The wires that comprised his weapon shot forward and anchored themselves around a low hanging branch. The wires pulled taught as he dug his feet into the ground and launched forward. Swinging on his wires, Aureolin pushed his legs in front of himself and braced for impact. His body swung low, barely hanging over the ground. His feet easily pushed through the brush and other small plants that made up the floor of the Emerald Forest. Eventually, he made contact with his target, carrying it with him until hitting the apex of his swing. With leaves and small branches trailing behind him, Aureolin and the Beowolf that was now pinned by intertia swung upwards out of the underbrush. His wires disconnected from the branch that had been his anchor and continued forward by force of inertia through the forest.


After a few short moments, the Beowolf collided back first into a tree with Aureolin's legs pressing even more force into the beast. The Beowolf burst into black particles as Aureolin fell to the forest floor again, landing easily at a kneel.

After a short look around, he guessed that his extra boost of speed had placed him very near to where his percieved partner would have landed.

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Alexander Wright: Story time

[SIZE= 18px]Well it seems that everything has become quite quiet but he knew that it was going to change very very soon. [/SIZE]"I guess I do want to become a hunter but it's going to be harder for me than any other people." [SIZE= 18px]he said intriguingly to Sequoia as they continued down the path. [/SIZE]"You see, unlike most hunter students here...I don't have aura nor semblance." [SIZE= 18px]he said quite regrettably. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"It's very hard for someone like me to get into fights without getting bashes and bruised while losing a few clothes in the process." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he joked at the end. While looking at her weapon, it seems that this depleted uranium is the hardest possibly strongest metal in existence which he found it hard to believe but decides to keep quiet about it and just accepted it for now. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Do you look forward to meeting the other members of our team? I wonder how they will turn out." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he thought while giving Sequoia a curious glance.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]@SolistheSun[/SIZE]
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[COLOR= rgb(47, 79, 79)][SIZE= 18px]Sequoia Tern [/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]    [/SIZE]   The the girl of green halts abruptly, and then carries on as if nothing happened. Being semblance-less was rare, but not having an aura at all....? That was unheard of. Even common animals had an aura. The only beings who didn't, well, were either dead or.... Grimm. And that was because they didn't have souls. Did that mean that Alex was a Grimm? Perhaps some sort of new shape-shifting one, or perhaps one that could posses humans and Faunis? Sequoia was going to have to watch him closely.  

Very closely. 

      As he spoke, Sequoia cocked her head towards him, listening as she walked aimlessly forward. She deliberated for an answer for a moment before responding, "I can't wait to meet my-- our  team, members. In a way, they're going to be our family for the next few years. What do you think they'll be like?" 

      In the distance, she detects a couple of explosions, but is unable to figure out which direction they are coming from. She resumes walking, her weapon raised, just to be safe. Here, the trees were starting to disperse and patches of a field, which was most likely their destination, was strewn out before them. 

"I think we're getting close, be prepared for anything," Sequoia says to Alexander, her voice hushed. 


Alexander Wright: Never Fear the Nevermore



[SIZE= 18px]Alexander looked at her with a bit of suspicion and nervousness. She stopped immediately after he told her that he had no aura, hopefully she wasn't expecting anything and he kind of regretted telling the truth but nevertheless honesty is the best policy if you are going to be together on a team even if it means keeping a few secrets. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Alright gotcha...I think it's best to expect the unexpected and expected in this case." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he said acknowledging her plans. They seemed to have exited out of the forest, a clearing in the fields followed by some nice clouds in the air. It seemed like a beautiful place to have a pic-"SEQUOIA DUCK!" he cried out as he rushed in and pushed her to the ground as a giant shadow flew over them grabbing Alexander as the figure flew off and what it appears to be a Nevermore biting tightly onto Alexander's body. "AH CRAP! SEQUOIA STAY DOWN THERE, I'M GOING TO SEE HOW I'M GOING TO GET THIS BASTARD OFF ME! LET GO YOU BIRD BRAIN!" he shouted as he begins rapidly firing energy spheres to the sides of the nevermore.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]@SolistheSun[/SIZE]
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[COLOR= rgb(47, 79, 79)][SIZE= 18px]Sequoia Tern [/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]    [/SIZE] Being shoved to the ground was the last thing Sequoia expected. However, the instant Alexander was taken, she immediately felt a pang of guilt. Face contorted into one of determination, Sequoia slips a red Dust gem into Bisector. She raises the ranged barrel up with expert precision, and fires. The flaming ball of magic explodes on the back of the Nevermore, the flames erupting into an explosion, coating it's entire back and tail. 

     The giant bird Grimm squawks in alarm, and abruptly let's go of its human prey as it lands, shaking it's flaming feathers to put them out. Alexander fell out of the sky, but Sequoia was ready, and extended her semblance outwards, coating his skin in a layer of green. The impact with the ground would have no affect, and he'd be uninjured as her aura would heal his previous injury. 

"Coming Alex! Try not to be eaten by an overgrown chicken!" she calls, hustling after the crashed duo.

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Sora had landed well, and now was off. But what had she missed? The first Beowolf, hidden within the bushes,  waiting, preying upon the fear she had not yet quadhed. It leapt at her, knocking her down and forward. She tucked and rolled, spinning as she came up to unleash a tri-burst into its forehead. The Beowolf died almost instantly, and she stood. Her aura had taken a minor hit...she hadn't exactly recovered from the ramp. She turned and continued onwards, before hearing sounds. She looked up to see a girl climbing down a tree.

"N-Neeed help?" She called out, already visualizing the needed ramp.


Sonic '06?


Jet had been about 1/4th of the way down before someone had interrupted her current thought process. Not that her thoughts were anything spectacular, as they were similar to most others. She had been thinking of who her partner would be, and what they would be like. She had been hoping for a relaxed partner, or at least one that wasn't too condescending. Looking over her shoulder to the right at a downwards angle, she noticed her soon to be teammate. With a grin and a nod, Jet replied.

"If you could speed up this process, sure. Or, you could watch me defy gravity... One or the other. On second thought, I don't feel too safe trying that stunt." Jet had planned to try sticking her feet to the tree and standing upright, but she felt as if there wasn't enough power behind the aura just yet.


 ||   L a v a h n    D e    M e d i s  ||   View attachment 178385

       [| The Will-Breaker Speaks |]  ||  Lavahn halted for a moment as he heard rustling from the bushes surrounding him. It kept him on nerve--his index finger and middle finger began to form a union, raising together and standing side by side...coursing with telekinetic energies from his semblance. Lavahn had no remorse for when it came to blows, especially Grimm. Especially Grimm. Lavahn watch the bushes nearest to him. His Aura brightly shining a pale white light. Tendrils of pale white light began to wisp of the boy--his face turning to an empty, almost apathetic look. As if his mind had turned to the thoughts of "what lowly creature dares seek my wrath". Lavahn's eerie calm was highlighted and shadowed into a two tonal color scheme. Black and white. Something out of old movies--but the darkness that enveloped his features were pitched black. The brighter the light, the deeper the shadow. 

   Suddenly he heard the distinct sounds of fighting. Something that he was very much accustomed to. In fact at this point he felt rather longing of something to fight. As he watched the bushes surrounding him seep for the darkness of what was Grimm. He seemed more disgusting. Beowulfs. Not a kind beast. Not an easily felled one either. But as he watched their numbers grow he realize that he didn't even desire to unsheathe his blade.  

   He raised his fingers. The air distorting around him, like the world began to buckle under his aura. "Psycho Aegis " He whispered as swept his hand across the horizon of his sight in the forest. Suddenly the swathe of Grimm where divide horizontally. Heads and bodies slashed in twain. The forest soon became a clearing. An even slice across the forest. Nary the sight of any sort of brutality. The trucks of trees collapse as they were separated from their rooted form. Each timbering down--the wildlife escaping the fall of their homes.

      Lavahn's  visage remained unchanged. Calm. Apathetic. Disinterested. But as he came to the final bout of his arm's arc he stopped as he witness another human. Aureolin. His fingers halting as his eyes widened at the almost bifurcating the boy. His halted movements were precise and meet with little resistance from his body. He stared as the now uncovered Aureolin from the brush. Eyes looking down upon him with the same gaze he held the Grimm, fingers slightly pointing away--showing that he was staying his Semblance away from the boy. Only the sound of his deep and concise breaths. Casually, but honed for his powers. Lavahn had been trained to use this skill.  

        Better yet for Auerolin he was trained to refrain  from using it.  How forunate was he. He studied Auerolin taking every not of what he could possibly do. Lavahn had entered a different state--perhaps if one said something it would be broken. 

[|| Theme :   Metro Down Under [Click It] | Team: ??? | Quote:  @Hamilton   ||]

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