(IC) Episode 2: Emerald Forest

Without so much as a word, Vesper silently disappeared into the foliage. With a plan set into motion, Vesper crept along towards the source of the noise, knowing he was relatively safe with his partner keeping watch from the branches overhead. For three pregnant minutes, the two made their way to the respective students. Luckily no grimm had made themselves know, other than the Nevermore that had fled. After another silent minute, Vesper spotted the two students. Well would you look at that... He thought, signaling his partner to hold position. Stepping out from the foliage Vesper spoke up.

"So we meet again... Shin and I heard the results of your landing and spotted your Nevermore and decided to check it out. You two holding up alright?" He asked waving Shin over to meet them. "How about we team up for the time being. Safety in numbers and all that other bullshit."

@Flip Jester Boy @The Unamed Beast @Ian Temero
Lilith was vaguely aware of something dragging her away as she fought for breath. Sometimes she had to question the usefulness of Aura. Sure the fact that it could stop a normally lethal wound was a miracle all on it's own, but why was it that she could shrug off bullets but a single branch could incapacitate her? The white haired girl from before was trying to say something to her but was having trouble focusing on the words through the blunt trauma to her lungs. She did however notice that the girl was holding out... cooked rabbit? What the hell?

You've been thrown into a jungle full of monsters, there sounds of battle all around you, a gunshot sounds off near by and someone falls on top of you and what do you do? Ignore the monster said person was fighting and offer them food? Again, what the hell?

"What... No!" Lilith managed to gasp out "There's... Nevermore... It's... still..." leaving? The nevermore was leaving? Why? Surely it didn't think she was dead? No, it was running away? But the creatures of grimm weren't scared of anything. Slowly, Lilith turned to look at the girl. "If the... grimm are scared... of you..." she said cautiously, wincing as her lungs hadn't fully recovered, "...should I be?"

Suddenly the bushes to their left began to rustle and Lilith glanced over and groaned upon seeing Vesper. Oh how quickly her plan to avoid people was coming undone all because of one stupid bird. Rather than answering any of the fox faunus' questions, Lilith instead closed her eyes and focused her aura on her chest to speed up the healing.

@The Unamed Beast @HighSanguinaryPriest @Flip Jester Boy
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Ashlynn laughed at the question. "Nah... Im just a regular human like you." She said with a smile as she finished her portion and threw the rest of the meat into the wild. "Welp... I am full." she said as she then heard rustling in the bushes and aimed her weapon at it. Then emerged a faunus student she had seen before. She stored her weapon on her back. "I mean... why not? we are going to end up in a team of four anyways, so why not try it out now?" She said with a smile and a small laugh.

@Ian Temero @HighSanguinaryPriest @Flip Jester Boy
Shin leapt from branch to branch to catch up to Vesper and the two girls. Unfortunately for him, one of the branches wasn't strong enough to support his weight, causing it to break as he landed on him. Shin fell and then face planted into the ground. "I'm okay," he said with a thumb's up, his voice being muffled by the ground.
Releasing a tired sigh, Vesper pinched the bridge of his nose shaking his head at his friends antics. Opening a compartment on Thunderous Edge, he withdrew his flask and took a nip from it, before helping Shin up onto his feet. "We haven't been on a team for one hour and you're driving me to drink..." Vesper joked taking another nip from the flask before offering it to Lilith.

"This should help dull the pain. Just don't tell Ozpin." he said with a conspiratorial smirk. Turning towards Radia, he offered a small smile.

"Name's Vesper Aurel. Judging by you're weapon, you would be most useful on overwatch duty with Shin, while Lilith and I fight at both close and ranged combat." He said nodding to dirt covered friend.

@Flip Jester Boy @The Unamed Beast @Ian Temero
Lilith's eyes snapped open when a branch snapped and she watched as someone else fell from the trees. Vesper walked over and picked the person up, and Lilith groaned again when she saw who it was; the obnoxious boy from the airship. Vesper came over to her next and offered her a flask but she shook her head. "I don't drink." she said. Even if she wasn't underage she tried to avoid anything that would impair her judgment and reflexes. Besides she wasn't in pain anymore, her aura having done its job.

Standing up Lilith held out her hand and a compass appeared in a flash of blue light. Finding north she started walking without a word, not caring if the other three noticed that she was leaving or not.

@The Unamed Beast @HighSanguinaryPriest @Flip Jester Boy
"I guess Lilith and I will Scout ahead..." Vesper said watching the antisocial faunus girl walk off. "Radia, Shin, I need you both on overwatch in the trees." Vesper said before following behind Lilith. Taking one final nip from his flask, he tucked the container away in his duster and quietly racked a round into the chamber.

Not the most social person is she... Nero said with slight annoyance.

Give her some time, she's probably not use to this much human faunus contact. She'll open up eventually. Vesper replied to his other half. After several long moments of silence, he caught up beside the cat girl and fell into step. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a box of assorted shells. "If you carry a 12 gauge, you may find these useful." he said handing her the box of twenty. "Red Shells are loaded with fire, Blue is Lightning, Purple is a combination of the two. I call them Maelstrom shells. White are Ice." He explained with a slight smirk. "Maelstrom shells are best used to take out large groups or really tough grimm." he continued, keeping an eye out for said creatures.

If this don't get her to open up, then you may have to break out the more fun ammo. I suggest the Micro Rockets and Ion Rounds.

@Ian Temero @Flip Jester Boy @The Unamed Beast
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Alexander Wright: Sticks and Stones won't break my....bones?

[SIZE= 18px]As Alexander fell to the ground once more with the strange green energy surrounding his entire body, he gets up to find that he's been freed from the clutches of that giant big bird. His mind felt a bit uneasy and nausea hits him like a bat. He stands a bit at ease that he's been separated from the nevermore however he turns his head right to see that his arm has been twisted backwards 360 degrees. "Oh crap....this isn't good....Sequoia! Sequoia! Where are you?!" he shouted to try and get attention. Until suddenly the bursts out from the trees still in flames as it slowly charges towards him. 'CRUD! A giant bird is about to eat me and I have a broken arm....Welp, it's now or never.' he thinks as his eyes turn extremely aggressive and rushes in for the kill. He jumps and grabs the Nevermore by the neck and tries to bring it down to his level. Some of the flames still burned on the creature as he delivered the final blow by deadlocking him into position and neck snapping by using his free left arm. The Nevermore falls down as well as Alex with the dust clearing, he comes out a bit more damaged but a lot more annoyed by the whole situation along with his broken twisted arm.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]@SolistheSun[/SIZE]
"Aren't you a bit too young to be drinking?" Shin mumbled as Vesper took a swig from the flask, noticing Radia and the other Faunus girl from the airship a few seconds later. "Well, if it isn't Ms. Quiet and Brooding?" He rested his gun on his shoulder with his off-hand in his coat pocket, doing a "what's up?" nod at Radia. Shin then noticed the other Faunus girl walking away with a compass in her hands. "Maybe you scared her away with your looks," he nudged at Vesper before doing his air-blast trick to get back into the treeline.

@Ian Temero @HighSanguinaryPriest @The Unamed Beast
Lilith glared at the box in her hand as if Vesper had just handed her Schrodinger's cat. Cautiously she opened it, took out a bullet and examined it, noting that they were all hand made. Satisfied that they were in fact just bullets she closed the box, but rather than pocketing them she instead returned them to Vesper.

"I use .50 calibers. " she stated, turning back to her compass. Also it wasn't like he had handed her anything special. They were all fairly common dust rounds that could be bought at most gun stores. She already had several on her in fact, though she didn't mention this.

@HighSanguinaryPriest @The Unamed Beast @Flip Jester Boy
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Looking in the box, Ves raised an eyebrow in confusion. "I don't know what the hell you're talking about kid, but these are clearly 12 gauge shells. " He replied before stuffing said box of ammo into on of the deep pockets of his Duster. Giving a silent sigh, he continued his trek in silence, his senses on high alert, as he and Lilith blazed the trail.

she'll open up in her own time... vesper thought getting a cackle from Nero. Fuck off...

Oh don't be like that... It could have been me talking to her. And we both know how that would go... The Persona laughed getting a mental eyeroll from Vesper.

Oh yes, that would go so well... Then it'd be off to the loony bin for us...

Reaching into his inside pocket, he retrieved a small lens and handed it to the Faunus girl. "Here, Last thing for ya. This should give you an edge. Press it to your dominant eye and  it'll secure itself. I already gave one to Shin, and Radia will get one as well." He said pointing to the one he was wearing. "It has a built in targeting reticule and aura levels for your teammates. Should we go into caves of areas of absolute darkness, it has a powerful microphone to allow echolocation." he explained before taking a brief glance around. 

@Ian Temero @Flip Jester Boy @The Unamed Beast
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Radia sighed as she looked towards the group. She had already thrown the rabbit into the wooded area behind her, meaning Grimm may not be far away. "You know... I would love to stand around and talk with you all... but I think we should all start moving towards the objective of the trials before we are ambushed by Grimm and have to fight..." She said, passive aggressively,  with a smile and pointed ahead. "I saw a bunch of Ruins as I was heading here... Would have searched for the relics but I wanted to follow the rules and get a partner..." She said as she started to walk and eventually took the lead, humming the whole way.

@Ian Temero @HighSanguinaryPriest @Flip Jester Boy
"I was thinking ruins too." Continuing down that particular path, Jet let a sigh escape her lips, assuming that the lack of Grimm now would jinx the two. If there weren't any attacking on the outside, then the ruins would be hell... 

"You ever get the feeling you're gonna have bad luck down the road?" She questioned, before Sora replied to the question from earlier.

"Hey, that's just using the freedoms you have access to. Can't really judge you on that. Mainly because I have no experience with that type of stuff anyway. You have trouble doing what? Oh, you're quiet... That's better than yelling all day, I can't stand screamers." Surprise was evident in Jet's tone of voice, but she didn't intend for it to be taken negatively. It was rare to find lesbians before, but perhaps it was becoming more common by the day. Newer generations are typically more accepting anyway. Besides, it wouldn't hurt to explore a new experience should it ever arise.

"I'll keep note of that." She smirked and began another segment to the conversation. "So, why'd you wanna become a huntress? I'm here for a few reasons, I'm curious about my aura though." 


Sora bit her lip. "I want to help people...I want to keep people safe....and help build a world we can all live happily in...it....it's a dumb idea that is near impossible...but isn't it the dreams of what we can do that drive us best?" She said, looking up at Jet. She paused in her thoughts, before looking up at the clear blue sky, hidden by passing trees. She wanted to be back on the cliff. it was safer for her, a bit far from battle. Yeah her weapon had melee mode, but quite honestly that was her just in case. She let out one last sigh and then moved faster, somewhat lagging behind for a minute.

"And yeah...I...I always feel like I'm going to have bad luck...I....I just never seem to catch a break...." She whispered. I wish Radia or Lilith were here, too...

"Survival..." Vesper replied in an even tone. "I want everyone that i work with to have the highest chance to survive out here. And that means giving them a technological edge." He continued starting to get annoyed with Lilith's attitude. "I get it, you don't trust us, but guess what? You're gonna have to if we want to get out of this goddess forsaken forest! So lighten the fuck up, and stopping looking a gift horse in the mouth..." Without waiting for a response, he pushed past her, and continued his trek.

That aught to humble her... Nero said getting no response from his host. Vesper was in no mood for banter at the moment.

@Ian Temero @The Unamed Beast @Flip Jester Boy
Shin hung upside-down from a branch, catching his sunglasses before the fell out of his reach. "Well, technically we're not a team yet. If I recall correctly, my mentor told me that we have to get matching relics before we're officially made a team." He swung himself upwards, quickly regaining his balance on the tree branch. "But becoming a team should be a problem if we bond together as one on the way, right?"

@Ian Temero @The Unamed Beast @HighSanguinaryPriest
"We joined forces, there for we are a team. Whether it be temporarily or permanently, we are a team, and as such, I want us to survive." vesper replied pulling out a third UM, and tossing it to Shin. "Give that to Radia and explain it's functions please." He added returning his attention to blazing a trail. He was still thoroughly annoyed with Lilith's attitude, so he focused his energy on getting them to their objective. Branches and brush fell left and right as he carved his way through the dense foliage. "Anything ahead of us?" he asked the two humans above them. 

@Flip Jester Boy @Ian Temero @The Unamed Beast
Radia stooped low as the came to a small drop. "I see the relics... I think.... They look like Chess pieces.." She said in the most confused tone ever. "Wonder what that's all about..." She said as she dropped down and landed. She pulled her weapon off of her back and flicked it outwards, causing it to transform into the sword. "Careful..." She said in a now serious and monotone voice. It was silent but still she said, "Grimm, coming from the left flank... will be here in less than five minutes... Its a large pack..." She said as she held her sword out in front of her. She then chuckled as she said "Looks like i am in the lead by one, Gray.." Silently.

@Ian Temero @HighSanguinaryPriest @Flip Jester Boy
"Ten four, moving in." Vesper replied pushing through the now more spars foliage. After thirty seconds, he emerged and spotted the ruin with the so called relics. "Huh... Clever Ozpin... Clever..." he said walking up to a black Rook. Picking it up, he observed it before pocketing it. "Mission accomplished Shin! Lilith, Grab one and let's get the fuck out of here. As much as I love slaughtering Grimm, I feel it would be prudent to get back into the foliage asap." Vesper said Slapping a new magazine into Thunderous Edge. Carbide Sabot should do the trick...

@Flip Jester Boy @Ian Temero @The Unamed Beast
Sora bit her lip. "I want to help people...I want to keep people safe....and help build a world we can all live happily in...it....it's a dumb idea that is near impossible...but isn't it the dreams of what we can do that drive us best?" She said, looking up at Jet. She paused in her thoughts, before looking up at the clear blue sky, hidden by passing trees. She wanted to be back on the cliff. it was safer for her, a bit far from battle. Yeah her weapon had melee mode, but quite honestly that was her just in case. She let out one last sigh and then moved faster, somewhat lagging behind for a minute.

"And yeah...I...I always feel like I'm going to have bad luck...I....I just never seem to catch a break...." She whispered. I wish Radia or Lilith were here, too...


"The dreams of what we can do... I guess that's right. I'm not sure if utopia can be achieved without a hive mind however. Not to crush your dreams or anything, I just don't know if it's possible if everyone has different personalities. If anything, I'd prefer occasional conflict, but still have people be individuals. Still, if it can be achieved without losing what makes us, well... us, then I'm all in."

Jet had a tendency to bring that up when people mentioned world peace, as it would be extremely hard to obtain without some sort of connected thought process. Either that, or elimination of all those that don't believe in the same thing. Sighing, she stretched and continued down the unpaved path that the two had decided on. 

"It's around now that I kinda miss the Grimm. At least the smaller ones. Something to keep me busy... I don't think there's many games we can play without some form of equipment... Wait, y'know about 'Would You Rather?' "

Jet was running out of ideas at this point.

@Xion136 (You can have something show up if you wish.)
"The dreams of what we can do... I guess that's right. I'm not sure if utopia can be achieved without a hive mind however. Not to crush your dreams or anything, I just don't know if it's possible if everyone has different personalities. If anything, I'd prefer occasional conflict, but still have people be individuals. Still, if it can be achieved without losing what makes us, well... us, then I'm all in."

Jet had a tendency to bring that up when people mentioned world peace, as it would be extremely hard to obtain without some sort of connected thought process. Either that, or elimination of all those that don't believe in the same thing. Sighing, she stretched and continued down the unpaved path that the two had decided on. 

"It's around now that I kinda miss the Grimm. At least the smaller ones. Something to keep me busy... I don't think there's many games we can play without some form of equipment... Wait, y'know about 'Would You Rather?' "

Jet was running out of ideas at this point.

@Xion136 (You can have something show up if you wish.)

Sora listened quietly. Jet...wasn't wrong...actually it was true. Yeah, everyone was going to have different opinions so there would be some conflict...but not all conflict should lead the death...or sorrow. She was about to say that, when Jet mentioned wishing some small Grimm would appear. She didn't want that to happen, that was for sure....but at the same time, it was a bit quiet. That was never good, in her opinion...it was never good. She looked up at the next question, which made her yelp softly. 

"...I do...b...but I never was good at asking...p...plus everyone would ask me an...and ask really personal, embarrassing questions...usually pervy..." She covered her face. "Can we play a different game?" She asked. Sora wasn't sure what she'd be asked, and that was the scary part about it...an easy way for anyone to be mean.

Of course...before Jet could respond, a small stand of fledgling trees were uprooted by an Ursa, which roared at the two...causing Sora to screamed and stumble back, bringing her gun up to open fire on instinct.

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[COLOR= rgb(47, 79, 79)][SIZE= 18px]Sequoia Tern [/COLOR][/SIZE]

      Sequoia scrabbles over several old rotted tree trunks,  and she rescans the sky. It seemed that the Nevermore had yet to take flight, which wasn't necessarily a good thing. As she approached what she judges to be their landing site, she crinkles her nose at the burnt smell. Grimms apparently don't like fire very much, or fire doesn't like them. Either way, she could only hope that Alex was still in at least one piece. The guy was powerful, but she was worried about his general.... well, actually everything about him seemed to be like an injured animal and she was having a hard time not thinking of him as such. 

      With her thoughts aside, she comes to a stop; her right knee slightly stinging from where she had stumbled earlier. Sequoia readies Bisector at the sight of the Nevermore, but she visibly pales when she sees Alex. She was no doctor, but the green-haired girl was quite sure of herself that arms did not bend that way. Visibly shaken, she shakes her head to clear out her thoughts and closes the distance beside her partner, aiming to be used as a human meat-shield if necessary. 

And it wasn't.

    This kid was either a.) unable to feel pain, or b.) not human. There was always the possibility of cybernetic parts as well, like the general's, but that was unlikely. Mostly du to the sheer cost of such an item. Regardless, the Nevermore was dead and Sequoia was left standing there was an overwhelmed expression. She blinks slowly, and then 'snaps' out of it. 

      "Well... I'm sure we need to fix up that arm, right? My semblance should've prevented that. That's never happened before... unless your arm is supposed to bend that way," Sequoia comments, trying to forget the fact his expression has remained fairly unburdened despite the shape his body was in.


Alexander Wright: Where's your funny bone?

[SIZE= 18px]Alex looked at his partner with relief, glad to finally know that there is someone who isn't composed of black fierce some teeth ready to bite into his circuits. He stands up and brushes himself off with a smile "Thank Oum you showed up, I thought I was bird food back there. You have no idea how hard it was for me to kill that thing." he said in a calm tone however he didn't understand why she looked so shocked like a ghost just popped out or something. "Are you ok? You seemed....oh yeah, my arm. No worries, just give me a minute." he said calmly as he grabbed his right arm and twisted it a full 180 degrees back into original position. A huge crack could be heard as the transition was made. He clenched his right arm and showed it to Sequoia, waving with it as well. "No worries, see this? I'm completely fine! I think that bird did a bit on me but I'll live." he said smiling.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]@SolistheSun[/SIZE]
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[COLOR= rgb(47, 79, 79)][SIZE= 18px]Sequoia Tern [/COLOR][/SIZE]

      Sequoia wasn't sure whether to berate him, praise Oum, or be sick. She felt like a combination of all of them. Shaken, but recovering quickly, she studies him for another minute, and lets out a sigh of relief. Back home, all you ever really dealt with were the monstrous scorpions and maybe some beowolves.

This is getting really weird, she thinks to herself, I wonder if that queen thinks of us as barbarians yet.

Sequoia smiles slightly to herself, and decides to question Alex about his... appendages later. But they seriously needed to go find that relic, "Um Alex, since there's no immediate danger of giant flying chickens, let's go get our relic, okay?"

The mossy haired girl gives him a trusting smiles and gestures forward, through the brazed clearing. 

@Zareh 9 sorry really bad writers block here 9 ;w;
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