(IC) Episode 2: Emerald Forest

Shin continued to evade the Beowulves' chase as he looked ahead of him for just a moment, finding a scaly wall in front of him. Not able to react in time, he collided with the wall, which he figured was the side of a King Taijitu. He saw the white head turn towards him, but there was no black head. No time for guessing games he thought to himself, now cornered by a pack of Beowulves and the Taijitu. "Great," he mumbled to himself, switching his aiming targets between the snake and the wolves.

Lilith sat perched on a large branch, trying to catch her breath. She liked to think that she was the kind of person that was prepared for any situation, however she had most definitely not been expecting to be thrown off a cliff. Had she know she would have brought a parachute with her. Instead she had relied on her Semblance to get her safely to the tree tops, but such rapid teleportation over such a long distance had drained her.

Once she was fully rested Lilith leaped forwards, her coarse of action already planed before he feet had even hit the next branch. It was simple. Stick to the trees where there were less grimm, get to the ruins, find a relic, and avoid all contact with other students. Simple. She didn't need a partner. She didn't need a team. She could do this all by herself.
The loud staccato of automatic fire, filled the air meters from the trapped human as Carbide Sabot rounds ripped through the remaining half of the King Taijitu, shedding the massive serpent. Activating his semblence once more, Vesper swapped out magazines and ammunition with almost ungodly speed, before returning Thunderous Edge to it's primary form. Everything slowed for Vesper, except himself as his mind took in all tactical data within the few precious seconds he had. Taijitu, Severely wounded... Weak point, near the jawline.... Method of execution, Decapitation... New foes have entered kill zone... Ally in danger of beowulfs... Method of execution,Two  Maelstrom Shells.

Without so much as a word, the faunus shot towards the wounded serpents. He could feel The edge tear into the grimm as he tore Thunderous edge into it, releasing a psychotic yell. A split second later, he had launched himself off of the tree behind Shin firing off two of the destructive shotgun shells, filling the area before them with fire and lightning, disintegrating a large portion of the beowulfs. "Glad to see you're alive...."

@Flip Jester Boy
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Lilith sat perched on a large branch, trying to catch her breath. She liked to think that she was the kind of person that was prepared for any situation, however she had most definitely not been expecting to be thrown off a cliff. Had she know she would have brought a parachute with her. Instead she had relied on her Semblance to get her safely to the tree tops, but such rapid teleportation over such a long distance had drained her.

Once she was fully rested Lilith leaped forwards, her coarse of action already planed before he feet had even hit the next branch. It was simple. Stick to the trees where there were less grimm, get to the ruins, find a relic, and avoid all contact with other students. Simple. She didn't need a partner. She didn't need a team. She could do this all by herself.

Radia looked around the forest. She did not know where or what the artifacts were. All she knew was she had to get a partner and find them. She shrugged as she kept walking, her gun on her back. "Hm... getting a bit hungry...." She said to herself as her stomach had grumbled since she forgot to eat breakfast. She took her gun out as she aimed down her sights. She spotted a rabbit and shot it. She then picked it up by the legs and prepared it and all that. Once it was ready she just slung it over her back in a bag. "Now to let it cook by radiation." She said with a giggle as she continued with the rabbit bag on her back that was cooking by the radiation that she allowed to come out from her body.
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Shin heard a loud bang from behind him, causing him to duck in reaction as a giant laser which practically disintegrated the King Taijitu and the pack of Beowulves. He stayed on the ground till he heard a familiar voice say, "Glad to see you're alive..." "You know you could have killed me in that blast, right?" Shin replied as he got back up, dusting off the front of his jacket. He still had his sunglasses on, but he took them off so his eyes met Vesper's. "Well, I guess this means we're partners now, huh?" Shin put his sunglasses in his pocket as he surveyed the destruction his new partner caused. "And damn, that thing's powerful."

Vesper smirked at his first remark before responding. "I had calculated a 2% chance of actually hitting you." He said watching the remaining corpses burn. "Just a couple of Maelstrom shells. Nothing too special. Tell me, What caliber is your rifle chambered for?" he added reaching into his duster and pulling out a lens with a composite metal rim. "Here, take this. It'll give you an edge." he said tossing said object to his new partner. "It's an invention of my own make. I call them Uplink Monocles, or UMs. It has a built in low light camera and high powered microphone built in for both night vision and echolocation, along with a targeting reticle and full HUD, displaying temperature, aura levels of that of yourself and teammates. Press it to your dominant eye and it'll do the rest." He explained loading in a couple more shells into the modular gunblade.

@Flip Jester Boy
Shin noticed his current Dust cell was out of energy, so he swapped it out for another. "I don't know anything about caliber. All I know is it fires pure Dust energy." Catching said tossed object, he fumbled around with it. "Are you sure this thing is safe?" he said as he placed it on his right eye, becoming startled when wires popped out wrapped around his head. "OH GOD, GET IT OFF!"
"Quit messing around and let get going..." Vesper said grabbing him by the shirt collar and began dragging him off. "And yes, they are perfectly safe. I have yet to add the explosives to it." He added with a chuckle. "How's the HUD look? Anything not working properly?" he asked finally letting his friend go after twenty feet. "And quit panicking! you'll attract more grimm..."

@Flip Jester Boy
Out of the corner of his eye, Shin noticed two Ursa slowly approaching Vesper, but they were still unaware of his presence. Shin ran forward and got down on one knee, using his semblance to render Vesper and himself invisible to the Ursa, but visible to each other. He kept his focus, trying not to break it as it would also break the illusion.
Sora giggled. Holding a hand up, she created a simple ramp, one that was a foot below Jet and two feet off the ground. It'd be easy to slid and get on the floor, but not very sturdy. But with the added weight she'd get to the bottom before the aura ramp disintegrated no problem.

"Slid fast, I don't make my ramps strong

Sora giggled. Holding a hand up, she created a simple ramp, one that was a foot below Jet and two feet off the ground. It'd be easy to slid and get on the floor, but not very sturdy. But with the added weight she'd get to the bottom before the aura ramp disintegrated no problem.

"Slid fast, i dont make my ramps strong enough to last long!" She called up. No reason to waste aura on simple constructs. Plus they just had to serve a one time use, usually. That was all.
"I'm Sora by the way..."




Vermillion stalked through the forest, keeping his eyes open for anything that would stand out as a threat to him. His antennae twitched, and his mouth twitched with them. Vermillion was rather good at controlling the movement of his Faunus attribute, as he normally had them slicked towards the back of his head, so they weren't so prominent. However, when he was focusing, they tended to act on their own. Such as right now, with them pointed up and forward slightly, twitching at the few sounds that that rebounded through the branches above him. He knew that Grimm were close.

His eyes narrowed on a thick cluster of brush in front of him, and he began to pull back on the string of his bow. He lifted Sunsinger up so he could look down it's sight, as the arrow began to form in rest position. The heat energy morphed into a thin pole that glowed bright red, illuminating the teen's face as he approached the brush. As he got close enough to touch it, he used the physical part of the bow to move aside some brush, and he looked into the forest ahead. 

He wasn't surprised to see a small group of Beowulves making their way between the trees. From what he had been told by Daemon, they usually travelled in packs, as they weren't very strong alone. This meant a bit of a problem for Vermillion. If he wanted to get through mostly unscathed, he would have to take out multiple at once. He slowly allowed the heat string of the bow to go back to rest, and adjusted his body to be in a more comfortable position. He turned his bow from forty-five degrees to one hundred and eighty degrees, the weapon aligned with the ground below him, or as close as he could get. He gripped the string again, this time wrapped his fist around it and pulling back. As he did, where the gaps in his fingers were, arrows began to form, three in total. He pulled the string back to his cheek, the heat seeming to almost touch his skin, a blotch of red appearing on where the string was closest. As he looked down the sight once more, he saw one of the Grimm look up, towards his direction. Vermillion stayed perfectly still, waiting for it to make a move. It stood on it's hind legs, showing off it's impressive height. It then started to lumber over to where Vermillion was stationed, attracting some attention from it's pack. He was about to lose his shot. 

He released his grip just as the wolf Grimm got up to the edge of the brush, and he was pleased to watch the middle arrow pierce through the body of his initial target. It howled as the heat arrow burned it from the inside outwards, burning away into ashes. His other two arrows hit two other targets he had aimed at as well, and their agonizing howls reverberated through the forest. The remaining members of the pack quickly responded to the attack, and began to charge the spot where Vermillion was sitting. He quickly stood up and pulled the string back again, an arrow forming instantly. He released it, it hitting it's mark through the chest. He was able to fire off two more, one of them hitting a wolf in the head and the other going through the chest of one and then into the head of one behind it. As they lunged forward at the brush, Vermillion dodged to the side, Sunsinger transforming in his grip to Stormcaller. He rolled away and quickly regained his balance, just as a claw came into his peripheral vision. He lifted Stormcaller up to the side of his head, and felt the impact reverberate through his arm as he was knocked away. He rolled a few feet, allowing himself some distance. Once he was far enough away, he got back on his feet, and held his gloved hand out in front of him. "Come, Spirits!

The butterflies began to fly and swarm around Vermillion, making him seem trapped inside of a ball of inferno. The Beowulves ran forward to attack, but as they assaulted the bubble, they were just flung away a short distance. They howled as they continued to get to their enemy inside. Suddenly, the bubble burst, and Vermillion soared up into the air. His appearance was altered slightly. The butterflies had formed a cape of sorts around his neck that flowed down in an inferno down his back, and a thin crown had appeared around the top of his head, over his hair. He had gained the appearance of a prince, and a joyous smile appeared on his face as he landed on the ground softly. The Beowulves snarled and barked at him, and when one tried to rush at him, Vermillion jabbed it in the chest with Stormcaller. It froze, and a pained cry came from it's throat as electricity began to spark off from it's body to the other members of it's pack.  A collection of pained howls and whimpers came over the battlefield, as well as a bright blue light. As it began to fade, silence took the place of cries. The Grimm stood, smoke coming off of it, before it began to disappear into the black residue they usually did.

Vermillion looked to observe his handiwork, letting Stormcaller hang on his hand at his side. When he was sure that no more Grimm would pop up on him, he deactivated his Semblance, the butterflies flying up and burning away to ash. Holding up his finger, he let one of the flaming insects to land on his finger as it began to dissipate. Once it was gone, he sighed and placed a hand on his hip. "Well...so far, so good. Wish I could have gotten some pictures, though..." With that, he continued his search.
Sora giggled. Holding a hand up, she created a simple ramp, one that was a foot below Jet and two feet off the ground. It'd be easy to slid and get on the floor, but not very sturdy. But with the added weight she'd get to the bottom before the aura ramp disintegrated no problem.

"Slid fast, I don't make my ramps strong

Sora giggled. Holding a hand up, she created a simple ramp, one that was a foot below Jet and two feet off the ground. It'd be easy to slid and get on the floor, but not very sturdy. But with the added weight she'd get to the bottom before the aura ramp disintegrated no problem.

"Slid fast, i dont make my ramps strong enough to last long!" She called up. No reason to waste aura on simple constructs. Plus they just had to serve a one time use, usually. That was all.
"I'm Sora by the way..."


Letting herself slide a bit down the tree, Jet made contact with the ramp and slid off of it. Setting the blade in her right hand down, she reached out to Sora, expecting a handshake. "Thanks, I'm Jet. So, I guess we're partners then? That works, I need some ranged backup anyway. Nice to have you on the team. Well, when we complete it that is." The faunus girl had seemed familiar, like she had been on the same ship from earlier. She likely was, judging from the slight urge to hug her. Slight. Jet didn't have much to say at the moment, though she could hear the conflicts going on throughout the forest. Figures there'd be Grimm here... Maybe I'll luck up, I don't know.

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"I see them... Keep up this illusion, and i'll take them out." Vesper whispered raising Thunderous Edge, the targeting reticule lining up with one of the Ursa's. Activating his semblence, he squeezed the trigger, and was already firing the next round at the second Ursa. Two ion Rounds ripped into the grimm, the dust inside the rounds detonating into an ionized plasma burning their way through their bodies. Five seconds later the two grimm dropped to the ground burning from the inside out. "Two parts air dust, one part lightning." he said, watching the two corpses burn. "You good to go?" he asked lowering his weapon.

Without waiting for an answer, he walked over to the downed grimm and popped two more rounds into their brainpans. After that, he began to move north towards their objective. "Lets move. More will come soon."

@Flip Jester Boy
Letting herself slide a bit down the tree, Jet made contact with the ramp and slid off of it. Setting the blade in her right hand down, she reached out to Sora, expecting a handshake. "Thanks, I'm Jet. So, I guess we're partners then? That works, I need some ranged backup anyway. Nice to have you on the team. Well, when we complete it that is." The faunus girl had seemed familiar, like she had been on the same ship from earlier. She likely was, judging from the slight urge to hug her. Slight. Jet didn't have much to say at the moment, though she could hear the conflicts going on throughout the forest. Figures there'd be Grimm here... Maybe I'll luck up, I don't know.


Sora blushed and gently took her hand to shake it.  She smiled lightly.

"Sora. And y-yes we are." She said happily. "I can do ranged or close quarters. Just let me know which will help for the engagement." She held onto Empyrean Decree tightly. "...so...which way now?" She asked, eyes wide. She kept looking around, wondering what to do.

Sora blushed and gently took her hand to shake it.  She smiled lightly.

"Sora. And y-yes we are." She said happily. "I can do ranged or close quarters. Just let me know which will help for the engagement." She held onto Empyrean Decree tightly. "...so...which way now?" She asked, eyes wide. She kept looking around, wondering what to do.


"Aren't we supposed to find a relic of some sort...? Yeah, I think that's what we're supposed to do next. Thing is... My sense of direction isn't great in this place. I mean, this is my first time being here and all... Oh, and I do CQC if you couldn't tell. I'm sure you did though."

Jet didn't seem super enthusiastic about moving from this dead-zone when it came to Grimm. It wasn't fear of them as much as she didn't feel like dealing with unnecessary trouble. Avoiding wasting Aura was paramount, especially since Grimm had none. What was beneficial though, was the fact that Sora seemed to have a rifle of some kind, which would help with the areas Jet lacked in. A balanced team would be the best team, and this wasn't a bad start. Possibly best of all, she didn't seem like a hassle for now.

"I think some range would help with my problems. I won't say that's the only thing I need help with though, so trust your instincts if anything. Often, our gut is right the first time. Though if we choose our cards right, we won't have to worry too much about a tough beast in the forest. Just let others take care of the Grimm, and avoid drawing attention I guess."

Sora nodded. Hugging her weapon to her chest, she managed a small smile.

"....okay. I will." She promised. "Y-You lead...I....I'm not very good at it." She whispered softly, sort of sidling closer to her new partner...and her very protective stature. She seemed a bit nervous, but otherwise solid.

As the minutes went by Lilith traveled deeper into the forest, passing above pairs and single students alike without a second glance. She did pause momentarily when she spotted a familiar maid outfit. She watched from above as Sora helped another girl down from a tree and, satisfied that the girl had partnered up safely, Lilith continued on her way. Another minute passed before a single shot nearby startled her. She came to a stop on a large branch and watched as a white haired girl below her picked up a freshly killed rabbit. It seamed odd to her that someone would be hunting in the middle of initiation, though it really wasn't any of her business what the girl did.

Just as Lilith was about jump away something near her moved causing her to freeze as glowing red eyes peered around the tree trunk and looked strait at her. She stared in horror as a Nevermore stepped out onto the branch in front of her and sized her up. She doubted that this was a battle she could run from and while it wasn't the biggest nevermore she had ever seen, it was certainly going to be the biggest she had fought. In a flash of blue light a Beretta M9 sidearm appeared in her hand and she fired a shot at the same time as the monster lunged at her with a roar, the low caliber round bouncing harmlessly off its hard feathers while it slammed into the limb she was standing on, breaking it and sending Lilith falling. She slammed had into a branch below, knocking the wind out her and stunning her. The branch snapped from the impact and Lilith fell once more to the forest floor.

@The Unamed Beast
Radia was walking and then stopped. The hunger was too much as she took the rabbit off of her back. She opened the bag and took the meat out, freshly cooked. As she had sliced off a piece and put the rest into the bag, she heard a loud noise of a Nevermore. "Not now..." She said as she took cover underneath a large tree. She believed herself to be safe as she began to bring the meat to her mouth. But before she could put it into her mouth, Radia was used as a cushioning to a fall yet again, this time to Lilith. "Oh come on...." She said as she struggled to get Lilith off of her and finally succeding in leaning her against the tree. "Landed ontop of in less than twenty four hours... thats a new record...." She said with a sigh as she looked to Lilith. "Looks like we are partners.... I'm Radia..." She said as she grabbed her bag. "Hungry? I got some rabbit..." She said as it seemed the Nevermore was staying away from Radia and acting unnaturally careful.

@Ian Temero
Shin watched in awe as Vesper annihilated the two Ursa right in front of them. "I would say that's kinda overkill, but we are fighting to survive here, so I guess it's okay." Shin got up to follow behind his partner until he heard a pair of large wings flap overhead. A Nevermore seemed to be flying away from something. "Huh, I wonder where that thing's going..." Shin said to himself as he looked in the direction of where the Nevermore came from and began to hurry that way.
"There's no such thing as overkill. It's call doing the job right the first time. and making sure they stay dead." Vesper replied listening to the surrounding area. The wing beats of a Nevermore could be heard near by, along with the sounds of branches snapping not too far away. "I Think we found some more students. Shall we go and say hello?" Vesper asked pointing in the direction the sounds came from. "I'll take point. Think you can get into the trees and provide overwatch?" He asked as his tactical mind set to work.

@Flip Jester Boy
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Aureolin Sombre

As trees toppled around him, Aureolin counted himself lucky to have landed at his knees instead of dismounting perfectly as if he were performing a gymnastics routine. Had he been standing, he may have ended up as half the man he once was. It seems that the danger had passed now, however. The Grimm as well as the force that had changed the landscape seemed to have dissipated.

As he rose to his standing height, he spotted the familiar form of the man he had intended to meet. His first guess would have been that the man had caused the landscape changing incident, but the man's posture confirmed the question without asking. Normally, someone that had accomplished such a feat would have been excited or shocked. However, the facial demeanor of this student suggested different. Rather it suggested indifference. Perhaps the ability he exercised was simply exhausting, or he was accustomed to it. More frighteningly, the man could be mentally ill and have no consideration for what his destruction could cause.

And any case, Aureolin's eyes met the gaze of the other student's. The contract between them was made. They would be partners for the next few years, whether either one agreed with it or not. Aureolin adjusted his stance alightly, placing his feet shoulder length apart and letting his arms hang freely. "Be careful with where you pull that. I doubt it affected anyone else, but glassing an entire area when there could be any number of students milling around isn't the best way to make friends." 

After a quick glance over himself to make absolutely sure that he hadn't in fact been damaged, Aureolin set his feet forward, approaching the other student. He extended a hand as he walked and stopped less than a half step away. His stand changed, placing his left foot perpendicular to the direction he faced. His right foot pointed forward toward the other student and both knees bent slightly.

A normal handshake would meet the other part half-way. The pseudo-fencing stance that Aureolin had taken was something his father had taught him early in life. Just because someone offered an empty hand didn't mean they were unarmed. In old times, the unguarded back of diplomacy had been pierced far too many times by a friendly handshake. In this form, the person accepting the handshake would need to take a half-step forward to meet the offered hand. Movement would help displace any hidden weapons and provide a chance to spot them and disengage before the worst happened. The distance between the two as well as the footwork accompanying assured that if there were any I'll intent, either party could disengage and put ground between themselves and their opponent. Both parties were protected from a leg sweep or a strong pull into danger. It was a pragmatic approach that somewhat undermined the premise of trust that a handshake carried. However, in the interest of politeness and formality, it functioned well enough.

"Aureolin Sombre, second year student and your new partner." Aureolin pushed a slight smirk across his lips as he introduced himself.

Sora nodded. Hugging her weapon to her chest, she managed a small smile.

"....okay. I will." She promised. "Y-You lead...I....I'm not very good at it." She whispered softly, sort of sidling closer to her new partner...and her very protective stature. She seemed a bit nervous, but otherwise solid.


"Alright then... I guess we keep heading forward then. To be honest with you, we just have to get to some sort of relic thing. I get the feeling that it's obvious where to find them, so I suppose a building or altar would be where to look. Thing is... I haven't seen too much of the layout, even from the launch. Oh well, lets just go in the direction we were launched out in. Or, I was." 

With a concerned grin, Jet picked up the blade she had set down, and headed in the same direction she would've went if gravity never existed... Besides up. She stuck closer to trees and foliage, hoping someone had already been through the path the two were travelling. Of course, that didn't mean smaller Grimm didn't exist, and they'd be pretty hard to notice when hiding.

 "So Sora, anything I should know before I mess something up? Y'know, what not to do around you?" Jet questioned, she knew that some people had odd sets of triggers.
Sora nodded. "Y-yeah, relic....probably ruins, something easy to find by not exactly easy to get to." She looked around, staying close. She thought that at least was a good idea - go right from the cliff. Something she was quite happy to follow her newfound friend with. She let out a small sound as a bird flew too close.

"N...No....not really. J-Just...I'm lesbian, s-so uh s-sorry if I stare.....I have trouble looking away from pretty girls. And uh...I...I talk quietly...s....so please try and listen for me..."

"Alright then... I guess we keep heading forward then. To be honest with you, we just have to get to some sort of relic thing. I get the feeling that it's obvious where to find them, so I suppose a building or altar would be where to look. Thing is... I haven't seen too much of the layout, even from the launch. Oh well, lets just go in the direction we were launched out in. Or, I was." 

With a concerned grin, Jet picked up the blade she had set down, and headed in the same direction she would've went if gravity never existed... Besides up. She stuck closer to trees and foliage, hoping someone had already been through the path the two were travelling. Of course, that didn't mean smaller Grimm didn't exist, and they'd be pretty hard to notice when hiding.

 "So Sora, anything I should know before I mess something up? Y'know, what not to do around you?" Jet questioned, she knew that some people had odd sets of triggers.
Sora nodded. "Y-yeah, relic....probably ruins, something easy to find by not exactly easy to get to." She looked around, staying close. She thought that at least was a good idea - go right from the cliff. Something she was quite happy to follow her newfound friend with. She let out a small sound as a bird flew too close.

"N...No....not really. J-Just...I'm lesbian, s-so uh s-sorry if I stare.....I have trouble looking away from pretty girls. And uh...I...I talk quietly...s....so please try and listen for me..."

"I was thinking ruins too." Continuing down that particular path, Jet let a sigh escape her lips, assuming that the lack of Grimm now would jinx the two. If there weren't any attacking on the outside, then the ruins would be hell... 

"You ever get the feeling you're gonna have bad luck down the road?" She questioned, before Sora replied to the question from earlier.

"Hey, that's just using the freedoms you have access to. Can't really judge you on that. Mainly because I have no experience with that type of stuff anyway. You have trouble doing what? Oh, you're quiet... That's better than yelling all day, I can't stand screamers." Surprise was evident in Jet's tone of voice, but she didn't intend for it to be taken negatively. It was rare to find lesbians before, but perhaps it was becoming more common by the day. Newer generations are typically more accepting anyway. Besides, it wouldn't hurt to explore a new experience should it ever arise.

"I'll keep note of that." She smirked and began another segment to the conversation. "So, why'd you wanna become a huntress? I'm here for a few reasons, I'm curious about my aura though." 

"You got it, cap," Shin said with a playful salute as he swapped out his current Dust cell for a wind one. Loading the cell, he aimed at the ground behind him, jumping into the air as he fired in semi-auto mode, using the concussive blast to launch himself into the trees. Grabbing onto a branch with his off-hand, he climbed up to the top of the tree to see what else was nearby.

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