• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Daneris Cerea
Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays EmeraldSplash EmeraldSplash NeonFlow NeonFlow Astralworks Astralworks (Open)
Location: Outside Guild Hall, Axil


The mention of haggling before had not been an empty gesture with the girl going to follow the boy out of the establishment in search of a tailored equipment shop with a greater selection, a pleasant wave to the receptionist as she also departs with the earlier gold and claimed boar quest as well tucked securely within the confines of her tunic. "I really think I need to find something with a little more support and choice, though ill be back later for that waitress serving Job that might open up" her words being to Minami but also loud enough for several of the other patrons to hear and perk up with interest, perhaps believing such to be true and looking forward to the prospect and putting pressure on the staff to provide it. The key question here was behind that smile if the action was intentional or merely an unintended side effect, though in either case, the girl's obscene charisma stats would tend to sway things in her favor.

Now on the street, though she looks around in for her benefactor and seemingly catching the glimpse of the boy off in the distance, starting to walk away after the form without noticing Rojas just to her right unless stopped. Unfortunately for her she would find just a confused looking man with a dripping nose when she arrived, fortunately however she would find herself outside a fairly interesting adventurers boutique 'Arcachnes Adventuerors Armoire And Accessories', deciding to count her luck and entering inside to attire herself within something far more suitable. The haggling would be long but there would happen to have been one particular garment suited to her needs, seemingly having been an order that was never picked up for several years that was intended for fashion-conscious Druid and so had been sitting in the storeroom gathering dust. Naturally, it held no metal given such a profession aversion to it as well as its ability to naturally change form made it suited to her particular physique albeit tightly fitting, though the natural fibers being like fluid steel and something that could repair with the time given enough water just icing on the cake for suitable protection. Even with her efforts though it didn't come cheap, though knocking the price down from 50 to 30 through charm and tact was certainly an accomplishment. It was only after she left she wondered just why they needed such accurate measurements if the outfit changed shape, they seemed happy to have them but didnt even seem to use them which was just bizarre...but hey they had managed to get undergarments, shoes and tunics and dresses in as well, each seemingly needing a sketch and measurements to get right as well...clothing stores here really were weird, though she hoped the man was ok...the nose bleed was a little concerning. Though she did still need a suitable weapon, meal and place to stay...perhaps she shouldn't have spent so much on the clothing? well...she could always try and find a date or another benefactor or...

The girl stops as she recalls the boar quest and going to kick herself, she just needed to find a weapon and then the food was sorted....and the quests can sort the living arrangements! Though she should really see if she can find Rojas once more. Many a bag in her arms she skipped along happily, no longer appearing as the homeless vagrant but her usual appeal glaring through, then again it was strange nobody thought why a vagrant would have hair styled and braided as she did but that was a question for another time...or to be forgotten. One more series of misadventures later and she was back in front of the guildhall through no real effort of her own with the addition of a spear across her back, though rather than a wooden after this one seemed to have a long series of bolts and steel strips down the side with a secondary point at its base. She had been looking for the Boars but seemed that this maze of a town and thrown her back to her starting point, maybe one of the others would know the way to the outskirts and boars?.

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Keiko Ishigawa
Keiko felt cold for a mere moment before her senses came back in full force. She reached for her stomach where the knife had pierced her flesh and didn't find it. For a moment she wondered if it was but a dream, or more accurately a nightmare. Thinking it over for a few seconds that was impossible, the throbbing pain that shot through her body when the blade made its way into her stomach was real. Even if it was some vivid dream, she looked around at the other people present and the woman talking. This definitely wasn't her room. She listened intently to the woman speak, she as well as everyone else was given no time to even ask a single question.

Zombies? Magic? Powers? She was left with so many questions, but before she could ask them she was suddenly in the middle of what she assumed was the town Axil. Keiko turned to the others present but before she could ask them anything, they began talking to each other. "Um excuse me." She tried speaking up but they were too focused discussing their previous lives, and how to go about getting equipment. One even suggested stealing. Keiko made a note to avoid that man as he felt vaguely familiar. Perhaps it was her years of being a delinquent that made her feel that way. Instead she decided to try and get the attention of someone else. But before she could decide on who to talk to they began to move. So Keiko followed them to the guild whatever that might be. They talked about something like MMO that must of been some kind of video game. Keiko was always way too busy training to of played any type of game.

Again any attempt Keiko made to talk was drowned out by the others talking or by a separate partner taking their attention. She clenched her fist getting a bit ticked off, but taking a few deep breaths she calmed herself down. "Relax Keiko no need to get upset." Watching the tall blonde leave Keiko decided to follow her to try and make friends with at least someone in this group. Following behind the woman she tried to think of how to start the conversation. Only for the blond to begin buying from some kind of shop so Keiko thought it'd be rude to say something. Thus she waited for her to finish and when she did she walked right past Keiko without even giving her a glance. The blond girl's larger body knocking Keiko aside she fell onto her butt. She began to grind her teeth in anger standing up she followed the girl back to where this whole fiasco began. The girl began looking around probably for someone to give her direction. Keiko placed a hand on her shoulder to get her attention. "Oi you ignoring me on purpose or something?" She asked not realizing she was making a face reminiscent of when people would call her Oniko.
Interacting: PlusUltra PlusUltra
Daneris Cerea
Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi (Open)
Location: Outside Guild Hall, Axil


Turning to look around at the sensation on her shoulder she looks straight over the top of the girl as she turns, bumping her with their chest as they spin before taking a step back to look down at them "Hmm? Oh hello there...sorry i didnt see you, there are so many interesting things around here that i suppose i got distracted again" letting out a giggle as she knocks the side of her head a little "Oh wait, you were one of the people with the angel girl right?....erm" did they give their name at all? it was like they had suddenly appeared out of thin air but the longer she looks at them the odd flash of memory comes to her, well best take a guess that can't hurt right "....Shhhhiki? You were with the angel right?" saying it again with slightly less certainty "The entire dying part did get a bit of my focus so i can only apologize" doing a small bow to the smaller girl before looking her other again and cupping her chin to think "You really have quite large eyes don't you?"

"In and around the lake,
Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there!
One mile over we'll be there and we'll see you,
Ten true summers we'll be there and laughing too
Twenty four before my love you'll see..."

Rojas was singing softly to himself as he walked the streets of Axil. The various stalls for food and goods caught his eye but he was looking for something specific....
Some damn clothes!! It was a building on a corner down the road from the guild that fit the bill. "Axial's Fine clothes and attires" a tailor by the young man's estimate. It was rather uneventful in terms of conversation and questions.
"hail sir, I'm after the essentials but I only have so much silver.."
The most expensive item was the boots. But the young man left with a outfit, a bag, and a spare pair of pants.
(13 gold was spent and Axial gave a lecture about telling lies)

Stepping outside with deliberately heavy thuds to hear the crunch of the fallen snow, happiness spread from the wriggling toes in his socks traveling up his now covered legs. A simple shirt and cloak hid his arms from the breeze. It was warmth for the first time arriving, it was a simple bliss that made window shopping much more enjoyable. As the only real protection was some leather on his arms and the boots on his feet. Armour and equipment was next to search for.

Finding a stall in the markets outside Rojas began to make conversation with the man selling hunting goods. With modern knowledge Rojas is able to seem quite intelligent as he spoke of compound bows. The Hunter was named Parryl and was quite friendly for a rough bearded man taller then 6ft... Rojas was able to get a discount on a short bow and a quiver of arrows with the promise of buying a drink later. 11 gold coins overall

Parryl suggested seeing his second cousin five streets down for some decent armour. Despite mentioning Parryl no grand advantage to bartering came.
But the cousin was a bit more lenient in explaining armour and whats best for starting quests to the total newb that was Rojas Reeds.

It was more leather to cosplay skyrim. 20 gold coins and at least 20 minutes of prep time later Rojas was dressed for the part. "shouldn't I buy a helmet? Protection from arrows and zombies..."
"Ehhh... A steel helmet with a visor or mask won't match your outfit"
"Ah. True?"
A confused young man had to wonder if adventurers are supposed to follow a unspoken code about attire. "I'll see you later... Wert?"
"Werg." The man corrected
"Werg, right. Sorry."

It was when eating some meat on a stick cooked with fire magic before his eyes that Rojas realised he still had a fair bit of gold left. Before going on a quest it would be beneficial to gather all like himself who were respawned, as they have powers and gifts from that Angel...
Blondie and little grey are most likely allies or open to cooperation.. I should stay near the entrance and recruit anyone in a shitty tunic.
He almost reached into his bag to retrieve his first belonging on Axil.
get it out later, make it a reveal like... I was once like you when I arrived here hours ago from what should have been death...
It was while walking up the stairs to the guild he noticed tall blonde talking with little grey, no... it was another loli type in a tunic, this one had no axe.
"Please be eighteen" Rojas joked to himself wondering why short girls were his type. Is it insecurity about being short? Is it that small things are often cute?
Was it the large tongan girl who beat the shit out him in first grade?

Many useless thoughts danced in Rojas's head as he approached the two with a blank face, he realised no names had been shared and to stroll up calling out
hey ladies!
Probably wasn't the best way to break the ice. He made sure to approach from the front as he interrupted their talk
"Your easy to spot in a crowd"
His green eyes moving up to meet Daneris's face and not linger on her chest
(Like most teenagers might) before offering a hand to the new face
"hi I'm Rojas, I like walks in the moonlight and cold beer but more importantly I want to pay for everyone else in this situation to get registered in that guild as quick as possible because powers from angels are real and I feel crazy saying this outloud... haha.."
The hand Rojas extended to shake withdrew to scratch at his cheek as if to put punctuation on how awkward he felt.
Still finished with a friendly smile though bless him for trying.
PlusUltra PlusUltra Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi

Inside the guild Minami awaited Zexal to remove the one eyed boy lost in thought from the lobby. She kept gazing at Charla's axe, who wouldn't it was brilliant.
But a tall blonde haired young man came strolling in. This hunk was wearing a tunic just like all the other respawned. "I'd like to register as a adventurer please."
The blonde guy eyed Charla with a thin smile, probably the axe. But the man also stared at Edward the same way. Perhaps he was bi-sexual...
"Can I offer you two a drink?"
His tone sounded calm and inviting, like how one would address a lost child.

Edward spoke up after hearing the offer of grog. "With the day I've had. Sure"
Astralworks Astralworks

The guildmaster sipped tea from a cup without fear of burning his tounge.
Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays
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Keiko Ishigawa
As the taller blond turned her chest bumped Keiko causing her to stumble slightly. She clenched her fist and for a moment she thought about punching the woman square in the fist. 'This damn cow! She making fun of me!' Keiko snapped out of it when the woman spoke up. Telling her she was sorry and didn't realize she was there. Keiko just sighed as the woman attempted to remember a name she was never given. "Don't just so blatantly guess someone's name. I never even got the chance to tell you it." The woman then pointed out her eyes. Keiko brought a hand up to them touching the area just under them. "Oh uh yeah I get that a lot actually." Keiko realized then she must of been making some kind of face. She had her eyes to blame for how often she got into fights, punks always assumed she was picking some kinda fight. She couldn't help that was just the way she looked. Now though Keiko had learned how to avoid making those kinds of faces, or at least how to try and not make them.

Just then Keiko heard a voice from behind her. Turning she saw the man who had suggested robbing someone. He was addressing the tall blonde. He reached out a hand to shake Keiko's but she just stared into his eyes. She was trying to gauge if it was worth trusting this man. He clearly was in the same predicament as her and said he was willing to help get them equipment. Looking down at the poor excuse of a robe the angel woman had given her, well Keiko definitely needed a change of clothing. If they were going to be fighting something to protect her hands wouldn't hurt either. Keiko smiled at the man who name was Rojas giving him a quick bow
"I'm Keiko Ishigawa it's nice to meet you." She put her hands together and began to twiddle her thumbs. "Honestly I'm a bit worried I'm not sure how useful I'll be when we have to kill something." Keiko trying to put her past behind her was trying to come off exactly what someone would expect from a girl who looked like her. The only problem with that was what she had just said. A normal person would of said something like, "I don't know how useful I'll be in a fight." Or "I'll do my best not to be a burden." Yet Keiko spoke as if she was aware the only option when they fight something was to kill it. "Oh and I too enjoy Midnight strolls, though I'm more of a fan of whiskey." Again she failed to understand what a normal girl would say which is that they don't drink and if they did it wouldn't be something like whiskey.

Interacting: PlusUltra PlusUltra NeonFlow NeonFlow
TelliLocation: Guild Hall Guildmaster's Office
Mentions: Lee Slade ( NeonFlow NeonFlow )

Telli was growing impatient waiting in line. She just didn't like waiting. She could do it, of course, or else she wouldn't have survived, but she hated it. By the time she had reached her turn, she was inwardly fuming at how long the wait had been. She got it: whoever the Guildmaster was, they were important. But did everyone else have problems that took that long to discuss? Whatever, it was her turn now. But what she found inside was not what she had expected. There were monster parts, or what other people would call trophies, she guessed, all over the room. Though that wasn't even what surprised her. What surprised her was the massive stack of papers that seemed to litter the office space. He wasn't a very organized person, and that irked her more than she had thought it would. He was supposed to be in charge, after all, but he was this much of a mess? She couldn't believe it. But she made sure her expression was trained before any emotion could slip into her features as she introduced herself and asked about working at the tavern after he had introduced himself. And he agreed, far too quickly than she had expected. He had only veered from his answer by saying the obvious that stealing was strictly prohibited. Did he have that much trust or was he just that stupid? From the little she had seen of the man, she went with the latter, though she would never say so aloud.
Once she had gotten permission to start work the next day, she asked the next question she had since it might be better to ask the actual boss's permission. "Would it be allowed to work elsewhere as well, or do you prohibit other work outside the Guild?" She asked, making sure eye contact was never broken. She would not lose to this man who seemed to flaunt the accomplishments of his youth like they were badges of honor. Though she didn't see how that should be proudly displayed if you couldn't keep your workspace clear of hazardous piles and distractions.
Lee murmurs under his breath but chortles before speaking as calmly as he did while introducing himself. "Miss Telli, you are your own person. I can't dictate how you live and act outside this building. If you can find employment in these hard times I say take it... of course please leave a note for Mr Seda if he should be expecting you or not. Soft heart that man, he'd look for you if missing when expected."
Lee stroked his beard a few times as if keeping it in place as he squinted at Telli. The clothes suggested peasant or beggar, but the hair and skin of the young lady seemed clean like a noble. His eyes sharper then his face portrayed he couldn't help but sense disdain from the young woman... It was more then that though. This young lady seemed out of this world. Not that the guildmaster could deduce isekai and such.
"you aren't from the lands of Rangel are you miss Telli? I can't put my finger on it but you seem to have your head screwed on tighter then the average unfortunate soul of Axil. Take no offense when I ask this but... do the dead walk in your homeland?"
Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays

The blonde hunk paid for his ID card and invited Edward to join him in the tavern. Minami sighed as the two men left. "Is he ungodly handsome or is that just me?"
She looked at the toned thighs of Blondie in his tunic and looked back at Charla
"I bet you could grind meat on his abs..."
Astralworks Astralworks

Edward and mysterious hunk left as quickly as he arrived.
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Daneris Cerea
Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi NeonFlow NeonFlow (Open)
Location: Outside Guild Hall, Axil


The tall blonde can only giggle again at Rojas introduction, she had gotten his name from the I'd card earlier so was unlikely to forget her impromptu benefactor anytime soon.

"Oh Rojas! Thank you, I was looking for you, I guess you got lost after the guild....but look at the new outfit!" Spinning and posing slightly with a raised leg, her spear in the ground for support in the stance as she does. "It definitely beats that frumpy old tunic, Im finally starting to feel a little like my old self, also no more cold feet" going back to a casual stance after the brief performance. Her attention is drawn back to the upset tone of Keiko "Hmm Keiko? That's a cute name, but hmm I guess I didn't think about the killing part, I've not really done that before, even spiders I normally let outside, but im sure it cant be too hard or the angel wouldn't have sent us right?" her confidence shining through, though there was still the possibility the full situation had to get to be grasped by the girl, she really wasn't about to let anything keep her down for long, especially considering how she bounced from death to life as if it was only a small bump in the road.

The topic did turn eventually to drinks it seemed, though the mention of alcohol did bring back memories, she had normally been restricted from such with her manager saying it was not the best for her performances, that and apparently there was an after-party where things got crazy though she really couldn't recall much of it "Hmm, I mean id rather ride than walk, but I guess.....I like cold milk, but I guess on special occasions i add honey too" puffing out her chest with a fist pump, completely oblivious to having seemingly missed the point before she looks over Keiko once more "But oh we need to get her out of those rags as well! I did get some cute shirts, though hmm...maybe add a belt and they could be dresses on her?" looking around the smaller woman as she seems to be getting ideas.

TelliLocation: Guild Hall Guildmaster's Office
Interactions: Lee Slade ( NeonFlow NeonFlow )

So he wasn't the strictest on what she could and couldn't do while working there. That made things easier, she guessed. Telli made a mental note to ask Minami for that list of other jobs that she had available so she could look it over while she was adjusting to working at the tavern. Maybe ask Mr. Seda what he would recommend while working there. It was also help to plan a schedule so the seemingly kind Mr. Seda didn't worry in case she was late to a shift or something. That was something the teen did not expect from the man, considering her first impression of him, but he had also been pretty quiet, so she guessed she couldn't be too harsh with her judgement. He was at least better than those that the accursed angel paired her up with.
She was just about to thank him before heading out when she heard him ask something else; something she didn't expect to hear asked from anyone of this world. He asked if the dead walked where she came from. Now, for all Telli knew, the dead didn't walk everywhere in the world, but again, that was as far as she knew. And the girl would admit she knew every little. But she had confidence in herself and her abilities to hide that fact from everyone, and she had done a pretty good job of it, if she did say so herself. So the fact that this man who she had written off as unreliable could tell? Telli's opinion of him rose just a tad in that moment. She cracked a small smirk as she looked him in his eyes once more, though this time it was as if she was challenging him. "And why would you say that Mr. Slade? Did I offend you somehow or act in a way that made you think otherwise?" She asked, just barely masking her amusement. It had been a while since someone could read her, after all. She wanted to hear his reasoning behind his question. She was even willing to ignore what seemed like an insult when he mentioned her head being screwed on too tight, even among those who lived in Axil. That wasn't a good thing where she grew up, so she could assume it meant something just as bad here unless told otherwise.
Lee sighed heavy as his question was answered, with another question! The first impression of Miss Telli seemed somewhat arrogant and paranoid, it must be so tiring assuming the worst out of everyone. Its terrible how pain can shape a person... "fear not Miss Telli, you have not done anything taboo. l ask merely because I'm curious. As I previously mentioned I don't believe you are from Rangel... But i suppose that matters little anyway. You are here now and you are relatively safe behind the walls of Axil."
Seeing that this conversation was going no where slowly Lee stood up from the chair to move to his desk piled with papers. Sitting down he gave one last smile to the young lady
"Ah, but dont fret... of course you are not required to answer my questions if you do not wish to share your story. I look forward to seeing you around the guild, I wish you good fortunes miss Telli."
Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays

The mention of killing and whisky wasn't a big flag for Rojas. "Ehh.. I feel like no one would have problems killing a zombie if they are real. There's a reason they keep popping up in games an tv. People enjoy being cruel and violent and it's completely guilt free to kill a monster that looks human but also not. Like why it's socially acceptable to hate Nazi's"
Probably the most philosophical statement you could get from the man. Immediately ruined with his reaction to Daneris
"Mm dats pre fuckin kyuut"
The spin and pose wasn't needed but... no that's a lie. everyone should spin and pose more in this world...
As Daneris brought mention of Keiko's clothes Rojas nodded in agreement. "Blondie is right, you need to take a loan out with the bank of Rojas and put a payment down on surviving"
Shifting his bag from the side to his front to find his gold.
"One, two, three, four..." seems Rojas is one who counts aloud
PlusUltra PlusUltra Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi

Minami was still having one sided girl talk to Charla when Zexal came back in.
"Sorry, Mina can't help but get excited by strapping young men. If I was ten years younger she'd be gushing over me" he jokingly flexed but Minami just gave a disgusted glance before taking the hint and shutting up
Astralworks Astralworks
TelliLocation:Guild Hall Guildmaster's Office ----> Guild Hall Tellers
Interaction: Lee Slade, Minami ( NeonFlow NeonFlow )

Telli couldn't help a laugh that passed her lips. Safe behind the walls, huh? This guy was a riot! "Nowhere is completely safe, Mr. Guildmaster." She chuckled darkly, her gaze no longer amused but dark; cold to the world and those that inhabit it. "But, given that you are the first to be able to read me in...hell, ten years? I'll tell you a little something interesting. And remember, it's just between us." She walked towards the door, resting her left hand against the doorknob as she turned back to look at the man. "The thoughtless undead that roam these lands aren't the only corpses that have come back to life. They just weren't granted an angel's light." She gave an amused smile, though it didn't reach past her mouth. "I look forward to working for your fine establishment sir." She added with a parting wave, opening the door and having it close quickly and quietly behind her. That man was amusing, if not an idiot. She wondered if he would catch on to her little clue. For once, she had hoped so. He was fun to play with.
As she walked back to the entrance of the Guild, she had one more destination in mind. She headed straight for Minami, and she wasn't bothered by those who were still around her. Even their idiocy couldn't bring her mood down from the high she had experienced. She walked straight for the girl, the cold smile still on her lips. "Hey, Minami, think you could give me that list of other possible jobs around here? Lee said I could work at other places as well. Also, where is Mr. Seda? I'd like to let him know as well so he doesn't blow a gasket if I'm late." She asked, examining her nails as she talked. They were a lot cleaner than she remembered. Though, that could also be said about her entire body. There wasn't the mud, dirt, and grime she had come to live with as living on the streets came with such. She hadn't seen her skin so clean except before she had been forced onto the streets. It kind of freaked her out. And her hair wasn't matted as it lay across her back and shoulders. She would need to get something to keep it out of her face too, or else she would have to chop it off....and she was rather fond of it, so she didn’t want to do that.
Keiko Ishigawa
Keiko figured things were going pretty well, she was lucky the two she was talking to were just as if not stranger than herself. It unknown to her at this point saved her from blowing her cover. When Rojas explained how morally killing these zombies wouldn't be a problem Keiko raised her fist and brought it down a few times. "You misunderstood me I didn't mean I don't think I could bring myself to kill the zombie, I meant I don't think I physically can pull it off. The most fighting I've done is self defense training." Something that was once again a bold faced lie, Keiko has been in plenty of fights. She knew her way around a brawl better than anyone would expect looking at her. On the topic of getting her a change of clothing Keiko gave the blond a side glance. "I'd rather have something that was more defensive than a shirt. I also don't want my movements to be restricted by whatever it is I wear. So any bulky armor is out of the question...oh I almost forgot to mention." She held up her hands opening and closing them. "If it's not too much to ask something to protect my hands would also be really useful."
Interacting with: NeonFlow NeonFlow PlusUltra PlusUltra
The Guildmaster was somewhat puzzled, I said relatively safe...
I wonder if she meant she was godsent? Certainly different.

It meant little overall... Could just as easily be ramblings of a delusional young woman. Lee had way to much shit to do. The opposite of Minami, the teller was getting a cup of tea ready when Telli appeared. "Oh You found a voice? That's great, Mumbling won't help when asking others for something."

Holding her cup she carefully went to stand where the troubled teen in a tunic stood. "Listen I'm not gonna write out a list of every place you could earn money. A full days work at the guild is the most coin one would earn without being in immediate danger. If you ask anywhere they need physical labour you will get a job...
Cleaning, building, farming or fucking. Building and farming means you would work outside the Axil walls so some opportunistic sorts try and work outside for quick gold. Usually get eaten or turned undead"
Sipping her tea softly as she was wary of getting burnt.
Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays
Astralworks Astralworks

Rojas could feel himself growing numb to the conversation the longer it went on.
"here this is fifty gold."
A whole fist of small coins ready to be dropped into Keiko's hands. "the clothes can wait we need to see if you got something special."
Once his hand was free he found his card. Scrolling past his name, class, stats, was the power labeled as Safe-Space
"see cause we got sent by a Angel we have something like this.. pretty sure we all got one so finding the respawned and forming a team is what we should be doing yea?"
The hardest part of this experience so far, excluding the ground. Would have to be the social aspect. Only a idiot would think they can do it all themselves... then again a idiot by themself probably would get more done.

Showing the card to Keiko before lifting it up to be in view of Daneris Rojas seemed determined to find these powers. PlusUltra PlusUltra Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi
Daneris Cerea
Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi NeonFlow NeonFlow (Open)
Location: Outside Guild Hall, Axil


The tall woman seems completely oblivious to Rojas missing her name, in fact just beaming brightly at the nickname "Yep, I'm sure there are some easy quests for warm-ups and everything else I'm sure something will come along, what's the point in having an angel do all this if they didn't give us good karma too right?" stopping as she a new questions forms in her mind regarding some of Rojas words. "Wait...Is it killing if it's already dead? or is it desecrating?...hmm oh wait! If a person is normal alive and killing them is bad, then if the person is dead your saving their life which is good! Its just the opposite end working to the same point" a series of finger motions as the girl seems to have come to a bizarre moralization for killing the undead, seemingly proud of herself as she crosses her arms at the end and nods repeatedly.

Coming back to reality she was drawn to the card of Rojas once more, rubbing her chin as she tries to wonder how to find others, sure they could ask people but then again that would be easy to mix up new people with normal people, how could they tell people apart giving the generic clothing?. Suddenly coming to a realization she clicks her fingers "Oh that's an idea, Well when we arrived we all seem to get dressed in those rags right?...but! The rest of us is clean and fresh!, Like no dirt or anything...so maybe use that to try and find people when asking? a strangely clean....oh what was it that women said....oh right vagrant? I was thinking about getting a little side job in the tavern once we got settled as a waitress again and thats sure to be a good place to hear all sorts of fun stories, including new people arriving! does that sound like a great idea or what?" hopping from foot to foot she was getting more energetic as she goes on in excitement.

TelliLocation: Guild Hall Tellers
Interaction: Minami ( NeonFlow NeonFlow )

Telli mentally groaned at the Teller's first comment. It wasn't like she was any louder than she had before, just her energy was slightly higher. That showed the woman's observational talents were lack luster and leaving much to be desired after the teen's encounter with the Guildmaster. This caused her energy to fall back to where it was originally, leaving her poker faced and dull once again. "I meant the places that would more than likely be hiring." She sighed, rubbing a forming headache away as she explained something that she deemed as obvious. "If I try to go around asking every business owner if they are hiring, then I would just end up wasting my time and theirs." She added, looking at Minami with a dead stare. "Unless you are suggesting I go outside the walls without any sort of protection? Because, if so, then that's a poor business practice that should be looked into." Telli yawned as she looked around. Minami hadn't even answered her question on where Mr. Seda was, so maybe she could find him before she wasted any time? Telli wasn't sure how long she had been in this world, but by this point, she was feeling exhausted and just wanted a nap. But she had things she needed to get done before the sun set, so she needed to hurry if she wanted to find another job that she could start in the next few days so she wasn't wasting any time. Hopefully that second place was somewhere she could learn some decent skills, such as item creation (if that was thing, Telli didn't know) or alchemy (which, again, Telli wasn't sure if it was a thing in this world). She thought those skills might be worth looking into as they would help her in the long run. Others might want to learn how to craft weapons or armor, but that was only one part of the equation and wouldn't actually benefit her until her level in those skills reached a certain point. She would leave that to the experts, thank you, while she learns other useful skills that could help her more in the long run.
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Keiko Ishigawa

Keiko took the gold and just to be sure she recounted it for herself. Sure enough it really was fifty gold, clenching the gold she sighed. "Let's hope whatever gift this so called Angel gave me is worth something." As the blond began going on about the semantics of killing something already dead Keiko raised an eyebrow to her. "Yeah I'm pretty sure that's not at all how it works." It then occurred to Keiko this girl had yet to introduce herself. "Oi Goldielocks you still ain't told me your name. Or am I supposed to keep coming up with nicknames till one sticks?" She tossed the gold up catching it and then tossing it again. "Gonna be hard fighting together if we aren't even on a first name basis." Even if they were pretty odd, these two would be her only help in fighting zombies, and whatever the hell else was out there. While confident in her abilities there was no way in hell Keiko was gonna take on waves of monsters on her own. Especially if this gift ended up being something worthless.
PlusUltra PlusUltra NeonFlow NeonFlow
Daneris Cerea
Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi NeonFlow NeonFlow (Open)
Location: Outside Guild Hall, Axil


A confused look crosses her features before she tilts her head and begins to tap her temple "Huh? I was sure I did that...didnt I? Hmm oh no that was earlier, I'm sorry I'm not used to having to introduce myself...my agent always did that as a formality, but sure!" Clapping her hands together in front of her chest and bowing slightly "Daneris Cerea, my old friends used to call be Danny, or D, but guess that was a while ago" chuckling once more as she begins to recall her school days before her career ended such prematurely and she drifted away from those she used to know. She idly wondered what they would be doing now, her brow furrows with concern as she recalls the audience and everyone else who might think shes actually gone.
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"Keiko Danny and Rojas, a fine start to our party I'd say... follow me and I'll show you where to pay, don't buy equipment here though, it's random chance... better to look about for what you want"
Rojas gestured for the two to follow him, as he cannot control the actions of any independent young woman. Just comatose young men...
PlusUltra PlusUltra Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi

Like Rojas did, the two might spot Edward and Charla following a tall blonde boy in a oddly familiar rough tunic, they headed to the tavern as Edward was seduced by the mention of a free drink, (and Astralworks Astralworks hasn't posted yet so they could still control what the axe wielding loli can do. Follow Edward to unfortunate circumstances, be auctioned off by Rojas, perhaps buy some mage robes or request a time skip so all relevant characters can progress off screen a hour or day so a quest can start)
Rojas decided to follow Charla, if that blonde dude was gonna start poaching party members... He might be worth recruiting.

If Keiko was to follow inside she would find the tellers and with ten gold coins spent she would receive a ID card, Minami is always happy to help a fresh face with gold.
She at present moment was telling Telli that Mr Seda would be working at said moment. He oversees all of the guild chores and what with the winter plague taking a fair bit of the lower class population of Axil. Mr Seda was now a apart of the workforce he would normally give orders to...

"He could be in the bathrooms, cleaning a room for rent, the kitchen, I'll be happy to write down a note or pass along a message before I leave"
Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays
TelliLocation: Guild Hall Tellers ----> Axil Marketplace
Interactions: Minami ( NeonFlow NeonFlow )

Telli could only sigh. This Minami was getting less and less useful as time went on. She couldn't believe she would actually deliver the message, but she couldn't just wait around either. Whatever, she would just leave it to her, but make sure to come in early tomorrow so she could wait for Mr. Seda just in case she forgot to. "Well...go ahead and do that. I'm gonna go ask around since you aren't any help in that department." She walked away, heading past anyone still inside and headed out the door before Minami could say anything else. Telli wasn't the biggest fan of listening to useless people waste the air around them to fuel their rants that just brought annoyance to those around them. She then set to work, entering buildings that looked like they were businesses to ask if they were looking to hire for a short time. She would tell them that she was willing to do most anything as long as it was favorable to her and selling her body like Minami seemed to suggest was a possible source of income here. At least it was somewhat similar to her world, though it seemed more welcomed than where she was from. Though it might not be seen as favorable, but it was something that they would be willing to vocalize, unlike her world. Though, after a few rejections, she began wondering if her appearance was something that left something to be desired, which she understood. She wasn't the biggest fan of it either, missing the feeling of the jean jacket that she had worn for wears. Having her arms bare to the world was an uncomfortable feeling after having them clothed for as long as she had. Maybe the only way to start out was working at the Guild Hall tavern for a few days and then buy more decent clothing. She'd ask Mr. Seda about that when it came time for it. Until then, she would scout out a place to sleep without having to worry about any unforeseen weather changes.
Silvia Fox
Location: Axil Center --> Axil Tavern
Interactions: (open)

It was supposed to be just another average day... But the world seems to have had other plans in store for the poor Silvia Fox. She caught the first bus ride back to her home town, finding the quietest spot she could so she could pour over her lecture notes in peace. Well... At least until your loud and lively best friend Alyx decides to sit with you. With Silvia being quiet and reserved... It's hard to imagine how the two get along so well despite being total opposites. Guess fate works in wonderous ways... Just like what happens in the next few moments. Just as the bus got to a high speed on the highway, the driver ended up having a heart attack right there and then. People only started to take notice once it started swerving left and right. Eventually ending up on incoming traffic. Worst of all... Nobody ever wore seat belts in the bus... Everyone, including Silvia and Alyx scrambled for their seat belts. While Alyx managed to secure herself, Silvia was not so lucky... The belt wouldn't click and the bus hit a truck head on forcing it to a sudden stop and flip over like a pancake. Silvia was propelled forward and before she could even figure out what was going on... (Crack)... That's it... Suddenly she found herself looking at a beautiful white haired woman with a certain charm that could only be best described as godlike.

This woman called herself Alijan and proceeded to explain everything that was going to happen from here on out. Silvia listened but was completely flabbergasted by the very notion of such a place existing, defying every law of physics known to man. She could deny it all she wanted. But before she could even get a word in... The woman disappeared... And Silvia woke up lying on a stone pathway wearing an old fashioned tunic and the worst headache she has ever felt in her life. As she got up and dusted herself off she looked around the foreign area she found herself in. She did not recognise the writing on the signs or the language everyone spoke... Yet... For some WEIRD reason she could still understand it all. Despite never once hearing or seeing such a weird language. "W-WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!?!?" The chatter of the bustling streets, the fact she had just DIED literally five minutes ago! It was all getting to her.

Silvia ran off in quite the panicked state and did so for a good few minutes before she finally ran out of breath. Snapping her back to her senses and finding herself in front of a very large building it looked quite important in fact. At this point it was safe to assume that running around like a headless chicken wasn't going to solve any problems here... The red haired lass decided that right now the best course of action to take was gather as much information she could. Silvia approached the door and creaked it open, sheepishly poking her head through. She tried to gather the surroundings but the entire layout of the building was unlike anything she seen before. But still she pressed on, despite having no idea where she's going. Eventually she found herself at what looked to be some kind of bar. That's right! Bartenders know a lot of stuff right? At least by movie logic that is. She approached the bartender. Nervous and unsure of what to say. "E...Excuse me... sir..." Her voice was quiet. She would have to speak up a little more. "Um... W-where am I?" Was that too loud? Did anyone else hear her?
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Daneris Cerea
Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi NeonFlow NeonFlow Jackaboi Jackaboi (Open)
Location: Guild Hall, Axil


Danny follows along with a few exciting spins of her spear in her hand until she gets to the door and puts it across her back "Yep! You can find some really cute and cool stuff...the woman seemed nice but there really wasn't much of a selection, wouldn't want to be caught wearing what everyone else was personally since that's always an awkward situation" her eye scanning the wall as before, waving as she passes with an unconscious sway to her hips as she moves behind the two shorter companions. Out the corner of her eye she does catch something, however, a mop of red hair atop a familiar unique did draw her eye in particular "Hmm Rojy, I think there's another person over there?" her increased height giving them a better view over the other patrons but pointing never the less. Not wasting much time following this however she was already waving at them and over like one would a familiar friend "Hello! Over here!" the usual energetic wide smile still across her delicate features
Keiko Ishigawa359847.jpgAs Rajas put it the trio was certainly a fine start. If by fine one met odd, following Raja as he led them to apparently a better place to buy equipment. Keiko watch Danny spin the spear she carried and it left Keiko wondering if she actually knew how to use the thing. Her size already gave her some decent reach, add the spear and that made what was already scary reach into ridiculous reach. Against something like zombies she'll probably make for a powerful ally. Meanwhile Keiko was still wondering how she will fair against something like zombies with her martial arts. She was confident with a clean kick she could crush a skull but she'd definitely need armor for her legs and arms, to avoid damaging them too much. She watch Rojas' back as they walked. She still couldn't quite figure out his deal. Judging from his build she could tell he did some fighting. She wasn't sure what kind or if he was any good. "Hey Roj-" Keiko was suddenly cut off as Danny pointed out someone among the crowd. Unable to see who she was pointing at Keiko simply had to take her word for it. "Are they wearing the same stuff we all did when we first got here?"
PlusUltra PlusUltra NeonFlow NeonFlow
The bartender had a laugh as the woman in a raggy tunic asked where she was. Silly thing must not be able to read...
"Young lass your in the adventurers guild, this here is my bar and we are open almost all day and night to serve food and drink to those brave enough to choose a profession in quests"
The man passed a mug of something to a tall woman wearing robes and a pointed hat. "You look very beautiful and clean for a beggar... did someone pay you to arrive in such tatters?" The lady wizard chuckled as she invaded Silvias personal space to get a better look at her.
Jackaboi Jackaboi

The trio of Daneris Keiko and Rojas were drawn to the newcomer for various reasons. The main one being we need to start questing and shit!!
Not that Rojas would actually say that out loud. It sounded silly in his head but to him it was the truth. The respawned need to party up and pony out. This slave profit won't last forever and they need to start working the coin back.
PlusUltra PlusUltra Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi

Rojas answered Keiko "Yea, everyone who died appeared here wearing the same shitty clothes. I think you and Danny should go talk to her and make friends.. I'm gonna go see the short stack with the axe and make sure she's still a team player."
Rojas patted Keiko on the back as if she needed encouragement before walking after Charla Edward and tall blonde boy.
Hatred bubbled up as Rojas squinted at the handsome fuck. Taller then him and still looking like a bonds model despite wearing a potato sack rag.

A facade came alive though as he got close enough to speak. Putting a arm over Charla like a friend might he asked "heyo Charl, one eye, whose the new guy?"
Astralworks Astralworks

Telli would find very little in terms of places hiring. Two places offered work on a farm outside the walls. The brothels accepted any female who looked clean and womanly enough.
Something that screamed SHADY was a very high paying offer to become a nobles "part time pet"
Safe to say the guild is the safest of all options given. A place to rough it outside was somewhat easier to find. A few alleys had crates and barrels to squeeze behind or even open up if sneaky/strong enough.

Closer to the walls are many stables one could sneak into, guards patrol and keep watch but a good time studying the areas would show plenty of chances to get in out of the snow and maybe find a spot without horse shit.
Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays
Location: Axil Marketplace ----> Stables
Mentions: No One

Telli rubbed her arms as she sat where she could watch the patrols. She had found the stables while she was looking for somewhere to sleep and it seemed like a good option. The only problem? The guards patrolling the area which made her believe that it wouldn't exactly be legal to stay the night in one of the empty stalls. But it was the safest place to sleep with at least some protection from the elements, even if it wasn't perfect. It definitely made the top of her To Buy list to get her own place to stay once she started doing adventure work for the Guild. Of course, there could be other jobs that adventures could specialize in like in some of the fantasy books she had read in her rare free time. Of course there were the typical monster slaying, caravan guarding adventurers, but there were also the scholarly adventures who went out searching for knowledge. There were different types, so it made her wonder if those differences would be seen here too. It would be interesting would suit her the best if that was the case. There were different ways to do what that accursed angel wanted, after all. And knowledge would always give you that higher edge that you would need to survive in any world.
Once she had gotten a feel for the guard's movements, Telli became moving. She snuck into the stables and looked for the cleanest, and hopefully horse shit free, stall. Though, if she had to, she was sure she could find something to clear it out if there wasn't that option. Of course, while she searched, she had to hide from the guard's whenever they came back around, which was way too nerve wracking for her liking. The stupid angel couldn't give them something to start off with? Selfish bitch. But once she had gotten everything settled, she made sure she was in a spot that was hidden from the untrained, and unknowing, eye and rested. Telli could only hope the next day would come soon so she could start working on what she needed to work on. And there would be more chances to learn when she started working at the tavern. She could do this...she didn't need anyone's help to make it in this new and seemingly unforgiving world.

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