• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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TelliLocation: Guild Hall Request Board ----> Guild Hall Counters
Mentions: Edward ( EmeraldSplash EmeraldSplash ) Daneris ( PlusUltra PlusUltra ) Minami ( NeonFlow NeonFlow )

Telli had been looking at the Request Board for a little while when someone from the counters called over to them. She was smiling, chipper, and way too eager to please. Telli wouldn't trust her father than she could throw the employee, and she looked light enough for Telli to throw her quiet the distance. But, she needed information more than she would care to admit, so this sense of distrust was going to have to be put on the backburner until she could navigate this world on her own. She walked over to the counter that this Minami was behind, standing with her back straight and her head held high as she looked the employee in the eye. "...apply...to be...adventurer." She said through her teeth, knowing that the idiot and the klutz wouldn't be much help in this situation since they were both useless wastes of space at the moment. At least Edward had snapped out of whatever daze he had found himself in, but that didn't count for much since the first thing he did when conscious was ask where he was. And then there was the blonde who lived up to the stereotype of being an idiot who cared more about clothes than she did the basics of protection. Seriously, what was that girl's problem? How did she even manage to survive in the world she came from? Or was she fawned over like a little princess; getting everything she asked for just because she could? Because if that was the case, Telli hated her even more. The girl inwardly sighed at the thought that these two were supposed to be helpful to this world. She could only hope that whatever their powers were, they were more useful than the ones who wielded them.
She looked back at Minami after her internal break down of the two of the three others that had arrived with her. "I'm not sure....of the entire process....though....." She added, her voice as monotone as one's voice could get. It was also apparent that she hadn't used it much by the sound of it. And, honestly, she hated it so she wanted to end any and all conversations as soon as possible. The less she had to talk, the better.
You could see the confusion stacking up behind the guild clerks. Minami literally trying hard to keep up customer service mannerisms and smile.
As the tall blonde spoke without saying anything, Minami gave a knowing look to the hooded man in the corner.

Telli managed to get some answers With her gritted questions. the woman is happy to answer them though. "Well I can certainly help you out" Minami smiles sweetly as she brought out a device and a sheet of paper.

"A starting adventurer pays ten gold to register with a class and receive a identification card. These cards keep track of everything from the amount of monsters killed to heroic or despicable deeds performed. The I.D card allows you to take on bounties from any location and enter any guild in the country. "

The man in the corner stepped from the corner (from the opposite side mind you) and appeared beside the counter next to Minami, a adventurer card in hand as if showing off what the clerk is about to explain.
"The more you do as a adventurer you will earn points, this helps determine your level as well as learn more from your class. Zexal here is a level thirty Strider, if you was to register and choose a class similar to his, your ID card can learn skills off him and you can use points to instantly acquire the knowledge"

The card was like a business card except it functioned like a mini tablet. Able to scroll up and down, tap on words etc. His name at the top with the level of his class... underneath the class was a sub header called Skills. Under that said words like....
Shadow step.

Minami continued with her sales pitch. "It's ten gold to register and create your own ID card, but our guild offers a special deal! If you Join here, just pay fifteen gold to receive starting equipment for the class you choose and a free drink from the guild tavern"

The blue haired woman gave the tall blonde a bit of a look before turning to the quiet one who made a bit more sense. "Forgive me, but it may be you and your party was hoping to take on a job from the board without having a ID card? That would be dangerous and illegal. But if you want to earn gold I can direct you to a few different locations in Axil that may employ those with nothing"
This woman may be showing kindness or pity, but either way no one is taking on a job unless you have a card. That card costs money.

To progress there's only two choices it would seem.
Sweet talk some sort of deal to get registered, maybe a payment plan or your word is good enough....
or try and earn some gold elsewhere to come back and buy a ID card and get started in this fantasy world proper.
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TelliLocation: Guild Hall Counters
Mentions: Edward ( EmeraldSplash EmeraldSplash ) Daneris ( PlusUltra PlusUltra ) Rojas, Minami ( NeonFlow NeonFlow )

Telli clicked her tongue. The damned angel didn't think they might need some sort of cash before they started this stupid journey she thrust them into? Or was this so they got to know this new world on the economic level? Damn it! She was a pickpocket in her old world; a thief that made sure that she had always just enough so she could survive. She hadn't worked an actual job a day in her life since she never had the chance. And now she had to do just that to get this stupid thing started? Of course, she could try pickpocketing the people out in the marketplace, but considering this world had things such as Skills and Powers, there was no way knowing for certain if ordinary people had any sort of advanced abilities. There were too many unknowns still, and she couldn't risk it. Not now. So she took a deep breath before proceeding with her next statement and question. "I apologize for that ma'am." She forced out, making it sound like she wasn't used to apologizing for anything. "I had no...idea that...such laws were in place..." She added, before asking her question. "And where would...those places be? Would they allow my...current appearance?" She asked, indicating to her lack of really any actual clothing that was obviously not suitable for any actual person who wanted to make a name for themselves.
The girl knew that the boy from before, the future slave trader, would probably have money, so he was set to start whenever he got here. But she needed to make money and be here by the time he got here, or she would be falling behind. That thought set a sour taste in her mouth that she couldn't handle. And she knew she couldn't rely on the other two who were obviously inadequate to actually progress forward. That showed with their reactions to their own actions. Minami looked at the idiot like she wasn't all there mentally, though even Telli wasn't sure of that herself, so she couldn't blame her. And Edward, the god damn klutz and apparent ditz right along the blonde, stood there for so long he was accused of loitering. Both didn't seem to have the basics of survival, so it might be best to separate from them as soon as possible. If people started to associate her with them, she was done for. She'd be seen as incompetent alongside them, so she had to make it known that they weren't together. "Of course...it would be preferable if...it was for a single person...and maybe not as much talking....if possible?" She asked, glancing at the blonde with as much unease as she could. "They keep...following me around...and it's starting to get...kind of creepy..." She added, lying through her teeth but making it seem like the truth as she looked at the blonde and then threw a quick glance back at Edward before looking back at Minami with a look of concern that should be passable. She had fooled quite a number of people with her basic acting knowledge and that made stealing from them easier. Now, however, it was to make sure she survived in a different way.
Daneris Cerea
Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays EmeraldSplash EmeraldSplash NeonFlow NeonFlow (Open)
Location: Guild Hall, Axil


Daenerys pouts a little as her questions about acquiring equipment, accommodation, and attire seemed to be completely ignored by the clerk, hmm if this was employ of the month she didn't have the best of hopes for the rest but still, they at least answered about how to go about receiving jobs but that alone raised a new issue.

"Hmm wait so this entire currency thing...I'm new here so I don't have a frame of reference, how much is a gold really? like...could you give any things for comparison? Wouldnt want to get underpaid, well that and adds some context into how hard it would be to get the I.D, I guess if its a lot you must have something of a payment plan right? Like...hmm what did they call it...garnishing the salary? or i guess in this situation job payment? I mean like this quest is more than fifteen gold and shouldn't take too long so its more an easy deal right?" her natural charms likely shining through, she was the type of person who could get people on side with a few words in her old life, just one of those people with a strong force of personality behind her as well as of course other features to compound it.

She turned her attention for a moment to the man from before, the card itself though appearing to act more like a smartphone causing her eyes to light up "Oh that's really cute, I wonder what mine would say....Does it have other apps? can it make calls?..." seemingly forgetting the ID part for a moment and more focused on the various functions as she brings her hands together to look it over closely
Minami answered Daenery after a brief pause, they must be stow-aways from a distant land with no concept of currency or living in society.
She was somewhat right but lets not talk other worlds... She instead took the written response that management would provide when a bard or someone with merchant qualities tries to sell off items in bulk.

"hmmmmk... Well I can't speak for every establishment in Axil but a barter system is usually employed in most places. The guild is not a place however as we have set prices when it comes to registration of a new adventurer and a items buying price. For the guild buying off the Adventurers and vice versa...

But A gold coin, piece, bit, money as you would is equal to ten silver. So twenty silver is equal to two gold coins. This is the currency made by the flamefor kingdom and such all who dwell in the flamefor land use it. But trade is often done with goods or services. The quest your holding for being a test subject offers much gold as its guaranteed death unless you are confident in your magic resistance. The poster of that quest is a estranged wizard most prefer not to deal with. The quest for hunting boars pays six gold per usable pelt and whatever the meat is worth upon delivery.

The ten gold to register and fifteen for starting equipment is relevant to the class you are suited to and what you pick overall. If you choose to be a arch wizard or magic archer we of course will not be able to provide equipment of that level. It's too expensive and is most likely a ploy to sell said equipment for easy gold. A staff from us for 15 gold and you make a extra 15 in the market. So we have set equipment to give that rounds up or down to fifteen gold. I cannot provide a list of what is available as it is from inventory of recovered or sold loot"

Minami produced the same smile as usual "is there any way I can help you today? Would you like to register as a adventurer or post a job? If you are looking to register but lack the necessary gold I may be able to get you a job cleaning in the guild tavern... places around Axil pay for physical labour and guards. Usually less then the escort jobs from a guild however as we factor in danger pay as well as match reward money in times of need"
By this time the lines had become somewhat empty. The initial rush of people turning in or taking jobs had past. Leaving Minami and Zexal with three people in rags.

PlusUltra PlusUltra Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays EmeraldSplash EmeraldSplash
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Edward looked puzzled, thinking about all the possible outcomes. He was not one with the speech for he was a shy individual. A thought ran through his head and so he walked up to the counter and started.

''Minami? Right? So hello , ugh ... so what you are saying is that we can make money in the town for example cleaning the guild hall and once we have fifteen gold each, we can come back and have the equipment along with the I.D. card?''

The one eyed boy stood tall with confidence all of a sudden. He did not wait for an answer, turned around and uttered...

''Okay so we can do this! Let's find a job!''
TelliLocation:Guild Hall Counters
Interactions: Minami ( NeonFlow NeonFlow )
Mentions: Daneris ( PlusUltra PlusUltra )

Telli gave a soft nod, her face showing she was deep in thought. There were quite a few odd jobs around for people like them, apparently. Let them get settled in this kingdom's ways as each kingdom is vastly different. She figured as such, but she didn't know how vast or how many kingdoms there were. But now didn't seem like the time or place to be asking such questions. She'd have to find a time to ask these questions of someone else, if she could find someone. But first things first: she needed to learn as much as she could about this country and the adventuring business as a whole. So the only job that seemed reasonable was the one available at the Guild Hall's Tavern. She would be able to listen to the patron's talk about anything and everything, allowing her to learn more while she earned the money she needed to get started. But she should also think about the different classes, as well, so she should ask about those before she started working anywhere. "What classes...would be available then? That you could...provide equipment for, at least?" She asked, holding off on her choice of job for the moment. She would also want to know what the other two decided to do so she didn't end up working with both of them, or worse, just the dumb blonde bimbo until she had the needed twenty five gold pieces saved up. And how would they be paying them in the Guild Tavern? By gold, or by silver? Or would there be a copper that was less valuable than the silver, like in other fantasy worlds she had read about in her rare free moments. She also needed to make sure she got the important questions out of the way first, before the idiot ran Minami, Telli's only available source of information at the moment. If the young teen had to start this process over with someone new because of her, she was going to kill her again because talking wasn't one of her strongest points, so she wanted this to be over quickly. Of course, it would be easier if she wasn't around, but there wasn't much Telli could do without being thrown out herself...at least, if she was in her world. So she would wait until more information was acquired.
Daneris Cerea
Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays EmeraldSplash EmeraldSplash NeonFlow NeonFlow (Open)
Location: Guild Hall, Axil


The girl tilts her head at the mention of bartering, thinking over the idea given how alien it was compared to her own world. There was always the currency of favors and connections in show business, that could be seen as bartering in a sense and might even be something they could work here, but as for actual goods...wouldn't those change there worth depending on what people need? So maybe keep an ear out for what people need or use.

Back to the quests, there was something about magic resistance? How would she even know that? would she need to experiment with it...or was that one the ID card? in either case, the Boars was likely the best...it would also solve the food issue as well if she could figure out how to get the pelts, hmm maybe have someone else skin in exchange for some of the meat? that seems like a good barter system. Though she was getting ahead of herself, before any of that she would need to get an ID card which seemed she would need to go back to how she was before she started her climb to stardom in that world, cleaning the maid cafes and serving the guests wasn't something she was a stranger to. Her appearance alone normally earned her more in tips than the wage itself and all it needed was a few kind words here and there, it was actually how she got her first role as well as supported herself through the early days, no payment plans due to having no credit. There was also the desperate tight days were leftovers from customer meals that supplemented things.

"Hmm well, I do have some experience cleaning" though she had paid people to do that for her since she made it big and they barely had time to rest, let alone clean a vast apartment "Also serving, though I guess that might include a uniform like yours?" if it did, that would mean she could fix the clothing and food issues with a stopgap measure. The final point was the thing about classes, did she have a class? maybe she would have an affinity to a particular one or some skills she wasn't aware of, still, that needs the ID card "Oh and how does chooseing a class work?, I mean is there a test? some application or interview...oh maybe an apprenticeship thing?...Not sure which i would be best suited to or how to even start figuring that out"
Minami matched everyone's enthusiasm "thats great! Our cleaning crew has been halved since the winter outbreak and a lot of work has been ignored"
She was about to leave when the tallest one asked another question that could be answered.

"Ah, classes are somewhat determined by the registration crystal"
She reached under the counter and set down the odd device. A large perfectly round blue crystal sat encased in a contraption with gears and glass. Underneath is space for paper to go.

"You would place your hand on top of the crystal and it will create your ID card. It automatically suggests which would suit you but ultimately you can choose any class that shows up on your card.
The most standard classes are variations of Adventurer, warrior, mage, and rogue
But not even the guild has seen every possible class. There is war-dancer, magic Archer, arch mage, shadowhumper, thief, ranger, fighter, bezerker, bard, merchant, chef... It's relevant to the card the crystal creates from you"
Putting the device away Minami stepped from the counter to enter the foyer.

"Now... shall I escort you three to the guildmaster? He personally oversees any employee of this guild. The administration side or on the tavern. So even the cleaners and servers are required to meet the GM"
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TelliLocation: Guild Hall Counters
Mentions: Edward ( EmeraldSplash EmeraldSplash ) Daneris ( PlusUltra PlusUltra ) Minami ( NeonFlow NeonFlow )

So they could chose, but they were recommended what was best for them. That was reassuring, though she did worry. She heard thief in Minami's example list, and that's all she was before she had come to this world. Would it just continue on; bleed into this new life that she was thrust into? Deep down, part of her hoped not. She was thrust into that life at an early age because the cards she was dealt at her birth were crappy ones. And while she had rose to the challenge and survived it, she had hated it. It was a living hell of cheating, lying, and being looked down on by those who got a better hand and the opportunities to make sure they didn't fall that low. But hey, there were jobs that wouldn't be considered actual jobs where she's from, so there might be hope. She could only bank on that as she nodded in Minami's direction, falling silent once more as she waited to go and meet the head of this Guild. It sucked that the blonde had the same idea as her, but it was for a completely different purpose. She just seemed like she wanted to goof around while earning the money required to get whatever the angel wanted them to get started with rolling. But, and Telli hated to admit this, at least the dumb blonde seemed to have more of a plan than Edward. Did his clumsiness spread from his motor functions and reach his thinking capacity? Come on dude, you had at least had that going for you over the seemingly useless girl. Now neither of them looked like possible potential allies and she was just wondering what the angel saw in them when they seemed so useless. She would make sure she distances herself from them as soon as she can.
Minami took the three with Zexal silently following behind as Mina stated the obvious as they past it. Where they just was is referred to as the Tellers. They already seen the entrance and the hall which was self explanatory. The tavern side was new however. Large and open with lots of wooden furniture to accomadate it's many patrons. You could somewhat see into the hectic fray that was the kitchen but thankfully you are led upstairs to where rooms could be rented.

Unlucky however is a small cue of five people is already by the door leading to the guild-master.
"Ah..." A disappointing sigh marked a obvious hatred for waiting.
" Well let's just assume he is fine hiring new staff and I will send for Mr Seda to get you all started. If you would follow me back to the tellers..."
Her happy smile seemed to come back just as fast.

It was while waiting in the tellers foyer when Rojas arrived, a full pouch in his hand with no balance, and a very flushed face.
"thank God your all still here!"
He gasped the moment he saw them... "It's all true! What happened when-"
Rojas stopped before he started to rant as he noticed eyes upon him from various staff of the guild.

Rojas seemed unable to walk straight as he made his way to the counter. Before Minami could ask how to help the man slammed his pouch before her with gold coins trickling out, it might have been the medieval version of gangsta but for whatever reason Rojas legs seemed to be asleep or much more noodle like in strength...
Holding himself up straight he declared "I'd like to become a adventurer please, and if my party hasnt already id like to pay for them as well"

Minami smiled without batting a eye, "certainly! That will be forty gold for all of you, would you like to spend fifteen gold for starting equipment each?"
"can.. can we get back to you on that? I just really want to see all of our cards please miss"
"Ah sure let me count out this gold for you as you seem a bit held up Mr..."
"Rojas... thanks"

With the gold counted out Rojas greedily snatched the rest back into his pouch and slumped to the floor... "Before you jujusjudge me I have to say, this state I'm in Is a result of powers given to us!"
The green eyes of what seemed to be a drunk mess eyed the three waiting for a regular ass job. "Just put your hand on this crystal to make your ID card" Minami called out as the crystal glowed a tad, a piece of blank parchment was straightened out underneath it ready to start.

"I barely made it here myself... I'll go last and catch my breath... unless someone helps me up. But I wanna read each other's cards."
Of course the option to work cleaning is still there, Mr Seda has walked into the room and felt he couldnt announce his presence as some rich, drunk in rags stutters about given power

Your card creation can be written by me but that's just me ripping off konosuba.
Everyone's stats are average or slightly above. You can choose if you want a minus etc. Stats being video game like in nature but I'm not gonna get pissy or to detailed.
Strength, perception, endurance, charisma, agility, intelligence, luck.
Or the special system. Out of ten five is the average.
It also lists your power separately, all God sent are similar like this

The classes you can choose from are whatever, I don't care. But I will give you a pro and a con depending on said class.
(except adventurer has no advantage apart from learning any skill)

Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays EmeraldSplash EmeraldSplash PlusUltra PlusUltra
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Daneris Cerea
Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays EmeraldSplash EmeraldSplash NeonFlow NeonFlow (Open)
Location: Guild Hall, Axil


The tall girl skips along the path as Minami guides them along to the guild master before the que made her think better of the idea, for a receptionist she would have thought Minami had a little more patience for things like this but perhaps it had simply been a long day for her...wait speaking of which would a day be the same as a day in her world? Then what about weeks, months and years....maybe its all crazy here and they call the years by animals or something. The thoughts continue for a while until the appearance of Rojas with an awful lot of gold, wow she really did seem to be having some good luck today...first she survived death and now she has someone to pay for her entire start, things really were looking up.

She leans over to the boy with a wide grin, hugging him tightly to the point he was lifted from the ground given the height difference "Aww thank you, that's so sweet! I am really grateful" eventually letting him down with a peck on the cheek before moving over to the crystal and putting her hand on it curious just what it was going to say. Her eyes flash as she looks across the screen with a long list of classes available "Hmm Accountant, Bard, Courtesan, Dancer, Entertainer, Freelancer..." flicking across her choices with thought since it seemed she had quite a few choices given her base abilities. This did raise the issue with having way too many choices until she saw an option listed as 'Recommended' and decides to give it a press to give her what was apparently the best-suited class to this world. "...Huh? Warlord? That sounds cool!" looking over the rest of the ID with keen interest.

Skill-wise several seemed to stick out even before the full class choice, namely several in the Diplomacy, Performance, Acrobatics and Perception strangely enough, but then large red negatives seemed to be under Survival, Bluff and Sense Motive. The other surprise was the stat array with Charisma seemingly off the charts with high Strength and Constitution to boot, but as expected Wisdom left much to be desired. As for actual abilities stood out but the purpose of which may have some speculation, The Goddess one 'Malfunction Manifestation', Pole Positions, Dancing Queen, Jarring Juggernaut and People Person.

"Hmm, so...what equipment do i need for this? I mean I've never really held a sword and armor seems like it would be a little uncomfortable, oh maybe a staff? but a staff with a pointed end?" turning her head several times as she seems fascinated by the card itself.

TelliLocation: Guild Hall Tellers
Interactions: Rojas, Minami ( NeonFlow NeonFlow )
Mentions: Daneris ( PlusUltra PlusUltra )

Telli was about to indicate that she was fine with anything as long as she could start working to save up, but then the future slave trader, who she learned as Rojas, came running in. And he was drunk. Disgusting. But apparently this was a result of his power? Then his is the first to manifest, though it probably happened because he was doing something as stupid as slave trading. Though it seems he got away with the profit of selling that poor boy as he slams a bag of gold pieces on the counter. Disgusting. She crossed her arms and glared at the boy with a look of pure hatred before it quickly shifted back to it's neutral, stone cold expression. "No thanks. I'm not part of a party; especially to a bunch of no good, unexperienced people who can't do anything useful the right way." She said with a bit of bite. She then turned to look at Minami, her expression never changing. "I'm still taking the job." She stated simply, leaving no room for arguments from the others. She wouldn't stoop so low as to accept supposed help from someone who would more than likely ask for something in return later on down the road. That's how people worked and she refused to fall for any fake generosity. Of course, she expected as much that the blonde idiot went for it; she seemed to not really know what hard work really was. She may have said she had experience, but with her flashy and ignorant attitude, she seemed to have had a good life so she didn't have to get her own hands dirty with actual hard work. She craved more of a frivolous and high maintenance life style that let her stay in the forefront of everyone's minds, if her personality was anything to judge her by. She'd be following Rojas around like a puppy as long as he provides for her, and more than likely she won't do any of the actual hard work that will come with taking requests. She could only inwardly call the whole lot of them idiots and hope they were killed quick so the blonde didn't bring unnecessary suffering and bloodshed later on down the path the angel unwillingly sent them on.
Rojas held himself up once again with the help of Daneris, quick to take the initiative and not look a gift horse in the mouth, she was now in possession of a ID card. The crystal glows light blue and a beam of light turns the parchment underneath into the magic business card everyone needed.

After choosing a class she would notice skills greyed out, unable to be tapped. These were the beginning skills of a warlord. To observe martial arts or skills in action is how you unlock more. Skill points are earned by performing deeds, good or evil but mostly to do with combat.

Underneath the class is your given power. A vague explanation of it can be acquired by holding down on it. Rojas peered at the new card the blonde held but couldn't make sense of what it said.

Minami was quick to answer Telli however, "Certainly! Just before I give this gentlemen his gold back are you sure you want to join Mr Seda here? You will most likely be cleaning the bathrooms as a new hire. I can't say I have a handle on anyone's character here in this room... But I'd take the deal."

Rojas smiled cruelty as he basked in what just happened. That glare of hatred was cuter then that kiss on the cheek he just received.
"oh well I guess I'll take my no good, inexperienced, useful money, with the drastic knowledge I've gained of Axil and share it within the party of three... I'll buy a meal and make a mess in the bathrooms after"
As if being a dick was his strength, his legs found themselves more stable as Rojas held his hand onto the crystal. His eyes seemed to glisten as if a light was shined in his face
"Its just my no good inexperienced uselessness that has given me and by proxy you, a proper start and goal to work towards but please, glare at me just like that whenever you see me walk in to that tavern... cause I promise I have nothing but smiles and shit for you"
His eyes stayed focused like a laser on Telli's face the entire time,
Minami lost her customer service smile and instantly regretted referring to this guy as a gentlemen before.

Rojas's ID card was formed just like the first one, crystal glows, beam of light transforms parchment into a card. Rojas quickly skimmed through it with a jaded look... "miss, can we change classes after the first pick?"
"It costs ten gold." The clerk muttered coldly
"I'll just choose this for now..."
His face lit up a tiny bit however when he continued to read on, that is before it went back to that smug smirk.
"Yea... If it's as I thought we all need to party up, or at least be on speaking terms... what about you kakashi, hiding a power under that bandage? You getting a card?"

"Please leave sooner then later" Minami muttered under her breath.
The option to clean toilets for Mr Seda is still there! He just can't bring himself to speak as Rojas was acting cruel towards the would be janitorial staff
PlusUltra PlusUltra Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays EmeraldSplash EmeraldSplash
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TelliLocation: Guild Hall Tellers
Interactions: Rojas, Minami ( NeonFlow NeonFlow )

Telli's poker face faltered again as her eyes shone with complete malice. God she hated this boy. She was extremely happy that she decided against his help. "I would never work with someone so crude or lacking in any sort of basic human decency. I mean, you did come in here drunk, after all. I bet celebrating the awful way you made that money. You are absolutely disgusting. But," she grabbed the front of his tunic with a stone-cold glare, pulling him close enough so she could look him closely in the eye, giving him nowhere else to look. "You try anything funny that is unbefitting of the role we had been given, whether you want to be here or not, and I will make you regret it. Understood, you muddied lowlife?" She didn't give him time to answer, roughly pushing him away as she turned to Minami, her poker face regained as she currently didn't have any reason to openly hate the Teller that had been showing them around without any real knowledge of their origins. She even had to put up with her soon to be ex companion's idiotic questions and ramblings that more than likely didn't make any sense to the woman. "I'll still be taking the job. Unless you can honestly say you'd enjoy working with him?" She asked, jutting a thumb to indicate Rojas. "How long do you think it'll take me to save up enough?" She asked, putting as much distance in between her and the slave trader as she could.
As Telli attempted to intimidate Rojas, he smiled and giggled loudly at her threats.
Before Minami could answer the question Rojas made another dick move
"Nope, deals off..."
With a sarcastic dramatic impression of a aristocratic, he continued
"i couldnt possibly finance someone soso ruuuude and scaaaary"
(Royston! I've roasted another casual gaming soy boy!)

Minami simply sighed. "It's not my place to say where I find enjoyment. But to save up ten gold coins will probably take a while."

Mr Seda stepped in finding a voice "A full days work is payment of six silver. A simple room with a bed costs two silver, meals range from two silver and higher."
"my, what would happen if a employee got caught stealing?"
Mr Seda looked at the young man with a touch of disdain "No one is stupid enough to steal from the guild"
"But let's just pretend some of us in this room are"
Minami slid ten gold coins to the counter where Rojas still stood, again greedily snatching each coin.
"Hey um.. sir with the head wound? Are you taking this guys deal?"
She looked at Edward wanting to know if she can put the device away.
"Hey you said gentleman before..."
Rojas muttered as he swaggered out of the way. Putting emphasis on what his intentions were
"we need to discuss my plan going forward, buy gear and ready ourselves for a quest that can only be done by us..."
He waited by the teller of course, if Edward said no that's ten more gold back to the bag.
EmeraldSplash EmeraldSplash one of two choices before you!
The Easy way with most likely ill gotten gains
the hard way where you work for your own money.

PlusUltra PlusUltra Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays
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A ghost of a presence manifested in the crowding walkaways about the large well-populated town. Various smiles, steps, and voices kept a level of life in the air that completely overshadowed the pale flower currently rooted in place. She was running on fumes ever after a magnificent getaway. So magnificent in fact her mind occasionally veered whenever the gears in her head lost pace. The moment was fresh. Who'd have expected such occurrences? Damn who would imagine reincarnating into an alternate space and time being a real possibility! Feathers of angelic origin fell upon a spotlighted spot of expertly tiled ground. There was the light voice of a female in the background along with the eyes of several others in the untouched dark. She could still remember the voice and every word it spoke. No matter how insane it all was she was breathing again, fully operational, and capable of carrying on however she wanted. ...for the most part anyway.


A myriad of individuals straight out of various visual novels and RPGs made around the lone girl standing at the paths center to carry on their daily goings. Some had posters in hand as they talked and others merely made their way. The pale flower observed the world's strange antics that were apparently commonplace now. Drown out by the lively air she eventually moved on as things cleared up ahead. Axil. The town was definitely a large one. Well-populated and filled with capable people to keep it as is and continue to improve upon it. Charla neared the open doors of the large building she'd learned of not long ago. The guild. Or rather a guild, came up in a conversation, and before the separation they had an unofficial agreement to meet there. Of course she never got around to accepting anything but, her she was.

"we need to discuss my plan going forward, buy gear and ready ourselves for a quest that can only be done by us..."

Testy tone long stored she knew exactly where it came from. A small shadow stretched across the wooden floor as Charla closed in on Rojas. Rubs of feet whispered, glossy platinum waves of hair gently swaying in the perfectly timed breeze in time with the rags on her back. Soft thumps came to a stop as she folded her arms and revealed her weak version of a smirk.

NeonFlow NeonFlow
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"Perfect timing..." A wide smile formed on the face of Rojas
"Guys..."He looked at the respawned with a face growing more serious as he spoke
"Mr Seda, Miss blue..."
He had no idea what Minami's name was
"This person is like us, she also helped me out of a jam.. her name is...
Miss grey."

He had no idea what Charla's name was either. Funny enough names were not exchanged when Rojas and Charla crossed paths, but when they did it was understood without any exchange of words that they were in the same situation.
"...and I'm confident I can trust miss Grey with your lives"
Lied (decided?) Rojas as he nodded confidently. "Ill be buying her a card to"
The young man announced as he counted out ten gold again while waiting for Edward to make a decision.
Astralworks Astralworks
Charla is fine to make a ID card and socialise at her leisure!

Mr Seda coughed loudly getting a bit annoyed at the time it took for these beggars to decide what their plans were. Minami took the chance to attempt pushing her random chance starter packs
"For a melee fighting class I'd recommend a spear over a sword, it's said the most versatile zombie killing weapon is a spear. With a long handle to stay a safe distance from the undead while you stab them in the head"

She mostly directed this to Daneris as she pondered aloud what equipment to choose.
"Chain mail and gloves are especially important for a trip outside Axil's walls. If the undead draw your blood you become infected. A wise adventurer is a prepared adventurer, I can guarantee a Spear with a piece of armour for fifteen gold!"

Mr Seda coughed into his elbow before stating "I shall await the guild master to introduce new hires, not his favourite secretary."
He left as quickly as he came. His tone seemed annoyed, probably a busy guy.
PlusUltra PlusUltra Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays EmeraldSplash EmeraldSplash
Its a matter of planning now,
buy gear here or elsewhere?
Work here or look for quests?
Is 15 gold really as good a deal as Minami claims?
Find out next time on blurh bah ber Z
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TelliLocation: Guild Hall Tellers
Interactions: Rojas, Mr. Seda ( NeonFlow NeonFlow )
Mentions: Charla ( Astralworks Astralworks ) Edward ( EmeraldSplash EmeraldSplash ) Daneris ( PlusUltra PlusUltra )

Telli's eyes were focused into slants which she was now certain would be reserved for this pain in the ass boy. His attitude just screamed him begging to be hit. And she was definitely willing to pound him into the ground, but she couldn't give too bad an impression. She knew better than to pick fights in front of those who needed to be on your side. And the Guild members, no matter how minimal the job, was who she needed on her side. Or else, she may have to go to another town, which she had no idea how to get to. She didn't know anything about the geography or the rules and laws that governed each town. Or if they had different ones to begin with, since it was a kingdom instead of a country like on her world. "You can drop the attitude, you aren't exactly winning anyone with at least half a brain cell over." She spat, indicating what she thought of Daneris, turning to look at the man who had started to leave, assuming he was the Guild's tavern manger after hearing what he had said about the wages. "I won't be needing a room or food expenses deducted. I'm used to sleeping in the streets, so I can survive on scraps if I have to. I'd rather get started on becoming a member of this Guild as quickly as possible, if I could." She added, forcing a believable smile, though it was on the small side. Six silver a day? So that would equal about twenty days of work, give or take. That just left finding a sheltered enough spot to take refuge during the nights. And maybe she could a little extra by working overtime? Was that a thing here? God she hoped so, since she didn't want to spend too much time doing this. Or she could ask Minami about other jobs she could while working here at the tavern. That should help things go smoother too, though she would ask whenever the band of idiots left. Though, Edward was now spacing out again, further deepening what she thought of him as a clueless moron. And then in came in a new girl with the looks of a child. Great, and according to Rojas, she was with their little misfit band too, and if she helped him, then that means she's a lost cause too. Why did the angel only send brain dead idiots on this harrowing journey? Guess that meant angels weren't all they cracked up to be if one sent morons and one who actually is coming up with a plan, but didn't trust a soul. That spoke volumes.
Shaded like the morning's dawn her eyes quickly wandered as Rojas gave her introduction. Charla had heard plenty from those whom answered her sparsely laid out queries. She did good to keep hidden details of self while gradually delving deeper into this new mystery. Most of them were nice. Nice enough to melt her porcelain stature via hard stares. Charla was always glad for her overall appearance while alive. Where others disliked the lack of attention because of their size she'd happily revel in it. Three others excluding her and her new partner were sporting rags. That meant three more possible humans from another world. Honestly the more the merrier was the first thought she got even before inspection.

Charla stood at the counter-top hands outstretched, and surprisingly the registration process began. There was a faint glow in the beginning, but as seconds clicked by it got brighter and brighter. Soon enough the irresponsibly large ax strapped to her back started shining too, highlighting several choices on the ID card dimming in her grasp. She scrolled near the very bottom where the "angel's blessing" was noted. "That explains a lot. Its a literal divine object." It finally ceased the light show when she focused more on the card's contents. If this was going to be her occupation for life then it'd be worth it. Every single coin. "Miss Blue" as labeled by Rojas was spinning a deal on early equipment. "15 gold..." Mumbled Charla. She turned around gesturing to the thing on her back, "Then in your opinion how much is this worth? Be as rough as you want with the answer."

NeonFlow NeonFlow EmeraldSplash EmeraldSplash PlusUltra PlusUltra Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays
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Daneris Cerea
Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays EmeraldSplash EmeraldSplash NeonFlow NeonFlow Astralworks Astralworks (Open)
Location: Guild Hall, Axil


The girl keeps smiling and the mention of the job once more by the short girl did remind her of that path "Hmm well I suppose it would be better to get a side-job in hospitality rather than sanitary, It would normally help slip in between the flexible hours of the quests for now..... " but once more her mind seems to flip to a new topic before the first had fully finished. Turning on the spot she walks up to Rojas and leans down to sniff him and his mouth for a moment before looking a little confused, standing up with a faint tapping of a finger on her cheek.

"Oh now that was what was weird, all the tavern smells of drinking but you dont...yet your all woozy like....." blinking and looking him over far more closely "Oh dear, did you get hit in the head or something...." looking around his head for a wound for a few moments before likely finding nothing and just looking more confused but guessing it was just one of those things "It's like your drunk without drinking?...that would explain the strange things you're saying" turning to the staff once more with a chuckle, "I'm sure he doesn't mean it, people can say silly things when they are a little out of it"

She nods several times to herself as if agreeing with her own analysis before, and the mention of how long it would take to earn an ID more than cemented her decision to graciously accept the gift of the drunk man, I mean she had accepted more than a few of those during her times in hostess clubs and they always helped a lot. It was then that Minami followed up her earlier comment about a weapon and shaking her head with a giggle "Eww no, Chainmail? Metal really isnt my thing, its so cold, heavy and restrictive....totally note cute at all as well" gesturing across her body and the moment her hands pass over her chest the restrictive part of the comment could be take more than a few ways "Though a spear maybe sounds useful, hmm i hope i can get one of those silk outfits i saw before...what were they called, Gambinos? Gambits?...." trying to recall the name of the garment but eventually giving up and giving a greeting to the new arrival "Oh right...Im Daneris...but you can call be Danny for short....." her eye flicking to the ID for a moment "Charla, its nice to meet you....there so little to do and so much time to do it....no wait swap that round" making a quick gesture with her hands.

"Either way I guess once the gear is sorted, getting comfy is important...then finding out more about how this place works? Hard to help if you don't know what needs help right? plus it will be so much fun meeting all the new people!"

Rojas couldn't help but fail for words when it came to his state, a beautiful woman commenting on smell matters to a young man of course. New world or not... "I'll show you my card later."
Was the mumble he settled on saying, taking a hint that he shouldn't be mocking others with such glee. Certainly not a attractive look to strangers and potential employers. Quite far from the charismatic demeanour that draws people in to open up and trust you. Looking at his ID card he noticed his stats are mostly the number 5 with agility and luck having 6 and charisma and intelligence both being 4.
can't be helped... don't take it personally... The wizards don't blame the sorting hat... we can't blame the crystal im guessing...
A lot ran through his head as he looked over his card.

What broke him from his self pity and reflection was little grey asking for a price on what seemed to be the holy Axe crafted from the gods.
Minami looked somewhat baffled once Charla turned around to reveal the weapon strapped to her back. A brilliant steel battleaxe that seemed to be crafted by gods themselves. The shine coming from the sharp edges, the leather straps with gold stitching along the handle look elegant and divine.
Almost as if the entire axe was glowing faintly despite the daylight from the windows.
It looked like a holy weapon... a Axe blessed by the Angels so that it is evils doom. A crushing demise...

Upon getting a look at Charla's ID card Minami was further surprised but ended up looking kinda depressed
"You have been gifted a weapon from the gods... it's astonishing to think I'd see another one in my lifetime. But truly the gods play jokes on us poor mortals.... why give such a weapon to a small young girl? As it's a God given gift to you, only you have the potential to use it effectively. Its a priceless weapon no doubt about it. Im not a professional so don't take my word...i mean, collectors will go crazy for it. But as a weapon it's essentially a cursed item... bound to you. Miss Charla"

Giving the card back to the axe wielder a glimmer of hopeful curiosity sprang to her face. "Are you all... do all of you have god given powers?"
She looked at Telli who seemed to almost be fuming for real. Minami blinked her imagination away looking at Edward, who still was thinking over the hard decisions...
When she looked at Rojas he waved his hand in a dismissive gesture to indicate
As Minami met Daneris's face once more she couldn't help but ask "did you say silk before? The undead can easily chew through that..."
Rojas couldn't help but chortle at the defeated 'matter of fact' tone the teller clerk just used. But added his own thoughts "A good party is a prepared one, on that note I'm lending money as I want us all to be set up. Clothes armour and weapons... I'm sick of waiting in the same spot so... Ill ask one eye If he wants a loan later"
He counted out eighty gold putting that on the counter then Splitting it in half
"Heyo Danny, Charls.. If it's fifteen gold here... let's go barter elsewhere. I reckon a man would give a discount to some beautiful ladies. I think we have taken to much of Miss blue's time"
Rojas waited for the two with ID cards to take the gold singled out for them before actually leaving.

It was kinda embarrassing to let the S side out quickly...
Hardly heroic, hardly a gentleman.
But that quiet girls burning look of hatred was to funny for Rojas. It gave such a giddy feeling to the young man he couldn't help but spit a little poison.
PlusUltra PlusUltra Astralworks Astralworks those ready to start should.

EmeraldSplash EmeraldSplash Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays those ready to meet the Guildmaster and get a job should stand in line and make a good first impression.
Daneris Cerea
Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays EmeraldSplash EmeraldSplash NeonFlow NeonFlow Astralworks Astralworks (Open)
Location: Guild Hall, Axil


Turning back to Minami she can only giggle "Oh yeah, The card did have something like that...but I really hope I don't need to use it, apparently its a little destructive...at least i think it is, plus id really like to avoid paying that sort of price...." her eyes moving to the side with a faint pout, getting a good new outfit only to have it torn up really wouldn't do to ruin it so quickly, that plus she was already ill-dressed so she really would prefer not to repeat that. Turning back to Rojas she gives it some thought before nodding "Oh right, yeah you need to haggle on big contracts otherwise you don't get the best deal, my last manager did try and show me some of that...its really fun" she stops to look over herself once more, a glance over her shoulder in thought "Though given how people are around here... I might need to see if I can get whatever they have adjusted, well that or have it stretchy....with all the magic stuff around maybe they would have some stretchy stuff? I mean it seems a bad idea to have something too restrictive with zombies, in those old movies i saw the bulky person got slowed down, grabbed or caught up in something....that seems like it would be a bad idea no matter how much the metal protects you know?" though with that thought something new comes to her "Oh wait, are we dealing with fast-moving zombies or stumbling zombies i wonder?" giving Minami a look again before carrying on with Rojas.

She looks over his shoulder at the card of his then back to her own "Hmm, What are those numbers out of?...Im not sure if thats good or bad, Im guessing high is good though" looking to her own and his once more as they travel trying to figure out some of the finer details of the class with random taps to the item.
TelliLocations: Guild Hall Tellers ----> Guild Hall in front of the Guildmaster's Office (line)
Mentions: Minami, Rojas ( NeonFlow NeonFlow ) Daneris ( PlusUltra PlusUltra ) Charla ( Astralworks Astralworks ) Edward ( EmeraldSplash EmeraldSplash )

Telli sighed as she regained her composure. This group wasn't worth anymore of her time. She wasn't sure what was going through that new girl's head, or if she was just as airheaded as the dumb blonde who she just found out the name is Daneris. Yeah, that was probably it: another ditz who would end up being useless. Forget the giant God like weapon she seemed to be gifted by the angel. The only one who didn't seem duped by the slave trader was Edward, but she didn't have high hopes for him either since it was taking him this long to figure out what he wanted to do. So, she just slipped away. She was quiet, light on her feet from all the practice she had as a thief in her old life, and went back the way Minami had showed them before to stand in line to see the Grandmaster about getting a job in the tavern. And then, after she talked with him and she did get the job, she would get used to the labor she was unused to and then, after she adjusted, she would ask Minami about any other jobs she would be able to do while working at the tavern to make the time she had to work smaller than she had to so she could do what she was brought her for. The faster it was done, the faster she'd be able to die like she was supposed to when she had fucked up and gotten stabbed through the abdomen. As she finally found her place at the back of the line, she gripped her stomach again, the phantom pains coming back. She really hoped they didn't last forever. She didn't want to have to focus on that while learning whatever her 'gift' was.
With Telli leaving to stand in line she would find it one person shorter then before. The wait was tedious but ultimately over after a hour, the big build up all for a well toned man in his fifties with a impressive but neatly tied beard. His room piled with trophies taken from slain beasts and monsters. More so however was paper work. On that table and at his standing desk. Everywhere...
He introduced himself as Lee Slade. After learning Telli's name and interest in work he agreed with no hesitation. (After explaining that thieves and troublemakers are not taken likely)
"Telli, I have no qualms with you working here, please arrive tomorrow morning at sunrise, Mr Seda is the one who opens the doors in the morning and locks the doors at night. If you have any questions while you are here please feel free to ask."
Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays

Rojas felt a tad offended when his stats came up in conversation, so as he waited for his gift of gold to reach their intended recipients. He gave five gold to Minami who added that onto the ten gold that would be Edwards ID card...
And Rojas received a short sword and a pair of leather gauntlets. Nothing fixes your self esteem like a impulse buy right?
"I can't tell if that's a good deal..."
"I know right?" Minami answered with a slight grin as a bit of cruelty in her own eyes shines
"Ah, ya stingy bitch ..."
His eyes fell on Edward having a hard time deciding/remembering something and wondered how much he could make on selling coma victims. Might be a one time deal but can certainly try again some other day when the heat dies down.
EmeraldSplash EmeraldSplash

Strapping the sword to his hip and putting on his gauntlets Rojas swung his sword from its sheathe getting a lot of flak from those of the guild.
"WHOA WHOA no swinging weapons inside go practice outside"
Minami screeched the first part but ultimately didn't need to. The hooded man known as Zexal had Rojas in a half Nelson hold to promptly escort him outside
"oi oi I just wanted to see the blade! Where did you come from anyway? Teach me how you did that..."
Once out on the street Zexal charged a gold coin but he showed rojas the skills used just now, unobtainable for a beginner but his ID card took note to remember it...
Lurk and Shadow step.

Daneris and Charla remain with Minami who was happy to make a sale. With forty gold each the two ladies could most likely buy what's needed to start. Perhaps a tailor would suit the petite and well endowed both.
PlusUltra PlusUltra Astralworks Astralworks
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