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Fantasy I Was Reborn as a Demon But Getting Revenge Will Be Difficult OOC

Yuta is 2m or 6'5'', but he is still the shorty of his family cause most of them are around Asa's height.
so we have the groups shorty, groups tall boi, and the groups mentally short person.
ill read the post now but make one tomorrow if not the day after cause its late now and i will be busy for abit.
This will be an interesting experience, I very very very rarely play any nobility or royalty
so we have the groups shorty, groups tall boi, and the groups mentally short person.
ill read the post now but make one tomorrow if not the day after cause its late now and i will be busy for abit.
Looking forward to it bud
the post will be late, cause i literally got taken when i written 50% of it, but i was taken for a good reason, cause nearly 2 tons of wood for free ain't common, and i need it to keep the fire going in my fireplace so yeah.
the post will be late, cause i literally got taken when i written 50% of it, but i was taken for a good reason, cause nearly 2 tons of wood for free ain't common, and i need it to keep the fire going in my fireplace so yeah.

That’s a lot
i mean i didnt get the 2 tons of wood, i only got 1 ton but still. It was essentially "Come before this time and you can take as much as you can, but after this time you wont be able to get more."
we were just picking up fallen trees in the forest with permission of the forest warden, but we could only do so while he supervised, but still 1 ton of ironwood is 1 ton of ironwood
actually i need a bit of help deciding stuff.
cause i don't know it if want to make an interaction in my post or set it up for an interaction coming from you guys.
making the interaction would be Yuto coming to Asa's shop with something to fix potentially stumbling into Sorelei and Belzei on the way.
or option of a set up
Yuta would be visiting the Sharphorn clan leader cause a member of his clan was asking a member of Yuta's clan to be married, so Yuta as the Shrine priest and relative to the chief of his clan was sent to discuss the matter, mainly cause both of the people getting married want to respect both sides of the clans marital rituals, procedures and such. that way Soreleit could enter the room with the leader as Yuta is literally heatingly discussing with the Sharphorn leader how it should be.
actually i need a bit of help deciding stuff.
cause i don't know it if want to make an interaction in my post or set it up for an interaction coming from you guys.
making the interaction would be Yuto coming to Asa's shop with something to fix potentially stumbling into Sorelei and Belzei on the way.
or option of a set up
Yuta would be visiting the Sharphorn clan leader cause a member of his clan was asking a member of Yuta's clan to be married, so Yuta as the Shrine priest and relative to the chief of his clan was sent to discuss the matter, mainly cause both of the people getting married want to respect both sides of the clans marital rituals, procedures and such. that way Soreleit could enter the room with the leader as Yuta is literally heatingly discussing with the Sharphorn leader how it should be.

Either works for me
actually i need a bit of help deciding stuff.
cause i don't know it if want to make an interaction in my post or set it up for an interaction coming from you guys.
making the interaction would be Yuto coming to Asa's shop with something to fix potentially stumbling into Sorelei and Belzei on the way.
or option of a set up
Yuta would be visiting the Sharphorn clan leader cause a member of his clan was asking a member of Yuta's clan to be married, so Yuta as the Shrine priest and relative to the chief of his clan was sent to discuss the matter, mainly cause both of the people getting married want to respect both sides of the clans marital rituals, procedures and such. that way Soreleit could enter the room with the leader as Yuta is literally heatingly discussing with the Sharphorn leader how it should be.

But I do like the second option
The set up sounds a lot more planned out. And I think it sounds more fun than Yuto just stumbling up on them? Course that means you'd have to plot a bit more with everyone. Wolf seems fine with it so it's just waiting for Ani. The first option seems general enough where you can just write it and it's easy to go with the flow with it.

I'm still thinking of how to get Ziran to interact with them. I can't think of any ideas that would cause him to seek one of them out. Unless one of them out in an order for something
The set up sounds a lot more planned out. And I think it sounds more fun than Yuto just stumbling up on them? Course that means you'd have to plot a bit more with everyone. Wolf seems fine with it so it's just waiting for Ani. The first option seems general enough where you can just write it and it's easy to go with the flow with it.

I'm still thinking of how to get Ziran to interact with them. I can't think of any ideas that would cause him to seek one of them out. Unless one of them out in an order for something

I got nothing
The set up sounds a lot more planned out. And I think it sounds more fun than Yuto just stumbling up on them? Course that means you'd have to plot a bit more with everyone. Wolf seems fine with it so it's just waiting for Ani. The first option seems general enough where you can just write it and it's easy to go with the flow with it.

I'm still thinking of how to get Ziran to interact with them. I can't think of any ideas that would cause him to seek one of them out. Unless one of them out in an order for something
Maybe the pair that wants to marry between the clans wants to have a portrait made during the wedding so they are searching for an artist and you were send to hell known as two grown as men discussing how a marital ritual/process should go between two traditions.
but that's just an idea
a weird and stupid idea to be honest but still an idea
Asa's shop doesn't only do repairs. Asa also tunes bikes, upgrades manatronics (like if you have a PC that needs more memory or better gaming capability) and builds and upgrades telecommunications devices (like the manatronic version of smartphones. Don't know if they should have a special name since it is a different world such as a padphone or a padcommunicator/padcommu).
Asa's shop doesn't only do repairs. Asa also tunes bikes, upgrades manatronics (like if you have a PC that needs more memory or better gaming capability) and builds and upgrades telecommunications devices (like the manatronic version of smartphones. Don't know if they should have a special name since it is a different world such as a padphone or a padcommunicator/padcommu).

Why not just make it easier and call them just their normal names like phone and car, but that’s up to you

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