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Fantasy I Was Fine Until You

It was strange how close they were. Gavin thought it was almost intimate. How odd. Her gaze then flickered up. Listening to him quietly. Before rolling her eyes. "Oh please, I'd never do something that could so easily be traced back to me. " Yeah, That probable wasn't what she should take from that. But it was true. Gavin wouldn't do something when it was obvious they were around each other. She then looked away. Sighing heavily. "It... simply can't go anywhere. I can't trust you, You can't trust me. It w- " She paused as she heard a excited squeal down the hallway. Quickly she untangled herself from Lance. Turning her gaze. It didn't take long before she caught sight of the noise. Her daughter barreling down the hallway. It didn't take long before a servant was rounding the corner. Following after the small girl.

"Mommy! Mommy! I saw a kitty outside! " The child was announcing to her mother. Reaching up to her as she reached her side. Gavin, By now had done her best to wipe any of the previous emotion off her face. A wide smile forming on her face as she scooped up the little girl. "Really? Well, Maybe we can go see if we can find it again. " Gavin expressed fondly. But, She was on edge. Gavin didn't like Lance being so near her daughter. It didn't help that Gabriel was naturally a very outgoing child. Soon catching sight of Lance. "Whoa, Your tall, Not as tall as my uncle. He's scary but he's fun! Once he let me pet his horse! She's pretty! do you have a horse?" She began jabbering.

The servant by now had caught up. Gaze awkwardly drifting between Gavin and Lance. But Gavin paid her no mind. Instead narrowing her eyes at her daughter. "Now Gabriel, What have I told you about talking to strangers? " That caused the little girl to huff. Mumbling. "Don't. " Seeming a bit annoyed. It was then the servant spoke up. dipping her head. "My apologies. I didn't realize you were occupied. " Gesturing towards Lance. Gavin though waved her hand dismissively. Telling her. "Nonsense. I'm never too busy for Gabriel. Now, Have you had breakfast yet sweetheart? " That caused the little girl to shake her head. Before announcing excitably. "I want a muffin for breakfast! "
Lance sighed as she chose to take issue with how she might hurt him, not the fact that she would. They couldn’t trust each other, she was right, so this shouldn’t go anywhere. But Lance had had relationships with those less than trustworthy before. The heart wanted what the heart wanted and unfortunately for Lance his heart was an idiot that wanted whatever it couldn’t have. They both turned at the noise, their quite moment disrupted. Lance couldn’t help but find himself missing her touch already. Oh…Lance definitely got entangled quickly. A pretty girl could have led him around by his nose in his younger days.

Turned out it was Gabriel. He wondered if the cat that Gabriel had seen had been the same that Galahad had found. It was almost weird hearing the fondness in her voice, when the most he’d got from her was confused softness. Gabriel was soon setting her sights on Lance and he smiled back at her. “No one’s as tall as your uncle” he replied easily. “Yes I have a horse” he explained but Gavin didn’t want them talking. Two kisses and a bit of a history between their families and now all of a sudden he was a stranger? Well, he guessed that was confirmation that they weren’t going anywhere. Lance was a determined man though and well, maybe he also liked being annoying sometimes too. “Ooh a muffin” Lance grinned. “That sounds delicious, I think I want one too” he decided.

”I’m not a stranger” he promised Gabriel. “Actually I know your uncle Gawain quite well” he said, but maybe it wasn’t best to linger on The subject of her brothers. “Who do you play with around here Gabriel?” He asked curiously. “I‘ve got a son myself and he’s not really got many people to play with” Which was true, Galahad only really had his family and the queen but the queen was a bit busy. Speaking of, he’d dropped Galahad off with his father for a little while, he didn’t think it was wise to leave him alone at Caleb’s and Galahad didn’t seem a fan of knights whenever he’d been Around them before. Maybe he should fetch him though and they could all have tense breakfast together, Galahad had been asleep at the dining table at Caleb’s after all. He switched his gaze to Gavin then, he could tell she was worried about him being around Gabriel. “You don’t have to worry about me around her” he insisted. “I wouldn’t hurt someone unnecessarily, I’m not….” And he trailed off. He wasn’t Gavin. She’d kidnapped his father, left Galahad without family, he would never do that to her and Gabriel, he wasn’t that cruel. He wasn’t quite suicidal enough to say it out loud though, Gavin might be able to Guess though, there weren’t many places where that sentence could end.
Lance could very much be a annoying little pest when he wanted to be. Gavin did not want Lance talking to her daughter! And it seemed he was trying to invite himself as to tag along. Gabriel certainly seemed excited at someone agreeing muffins were a good idea. And Gavin gave a small sigh. "Alright, Fine. Just this once. " Setting her daughter down. She soon found herself glaring at Lance as Gabriel happily looked at the man. Telling him. "Uncle Gawain's tough! He fights dragons! " She boasted. No doubt having heard plenty of stories of her uncles. She then grinned brightly. Squealing. "I have friends back at home! The castles boring though. No one wants to play here! " There weren't really that many children around the castle to play with. Gabriel then, Seemed to grow more excited about the idea of breakfast. Because she turned as to dash down the hallway. No doubt going to the dining room. With Gavin letting out a deep breath before moving to trail after the girl. She wasn't too worried, As the servant was on Gabriel's heels.

Her gaze then flickered towards Lance. Studying him, She of course knew exactly what he ment and frowned. Glancing away before saying. "I can't take that risk. " She couldn't risk him hurting Gabriel. Swallowing. Gavin walked quietly for a few moments before telling Lance. "She... She's a lot like Gwyn. Has that same boldness. " She smiled almost fondly at the memory. Continuing. "I don't think Gwyn was afraid of anything. Especially when she was young. I thought it was annoying when I was little. Now, I just envy that. I don't think she ever lost that fearlessness. " Gavin hoped she hadn't been afraid when she passed. But how could someone not be? Death was a scary thing.

Gavin's words were true enough though. Gwyn was perhaps the more outgoing sister. Gavin had been far shyer as a child. Certainly more ladylike. Unlike Gwyn who had been happy to roll in the mud with her brothers while playing. It was hard not to miss those days. When everything was okay. When she had felt Agravain and Gawain could protect the family against the world. Gavin then murmured. "I... I'm glad she takes after Gwyn. She was the best of us. " All the siblings were messed up in some way. Gavin knew that very well. Though perhaps she didn't know the full extent of it. Gwyn had been the most stable of them. Gavin supposed Gareth also had been less scarred then the rest of them. But truthfully. They all had been damaged in someway. But Gwyn had just seemed more... Put together then the rest of them. Sure she was wild. But that was mostly just her being young and having fun.
Lance couldn’t help but smile at the little girl, she was sweet although he could feel Gavin’s glare. Okay, maybe he’d also be annoyed if someone else had promised Galahad muffins and gotten involved like he had but he hadn’t been able to help himself. He didn’t quite want to Leave her yet, especially since they weren’t at each other’s throats. Lance was right about the castle then, there weren’t many children and that meant no one to play with really. He didn’t think Gabriel would be going home for quite some time since her mother was confined to castle so maybe he should introduce her to Galahad. Maybe he shouldn’t leave his son alone under Gavin’s supervision though.

He watched the girl race off and walked by Gavin’s side, almost brushing but not quite. ”you seem pretty bold yourself” he admitted, she’d kidnapped a senior knight in the middle of the royal wedding, schemed and killed people from noble families, that was hardly meek behaviour. “ I wonder who Gwyn thought was the best” he mused, maybe herself, she was pretty cheeky like that. “You were her big sister, I’m sure she looked up to you” Maybe she thought Gavin was smart snd put together, wanted to be like her?

”you know, Gawain used to talk about you lot all the time” he said with a small smile. “Even before I’d seen any of you in person, it sort of felt like I’d met you. He was always gushing about what was going on in your family. He loves you all so much. When your daughter was born, he didn’t shut up about it for a month. We all tried to avoid him so he didn’t drag us into conversation about how cute she was and how you were going to be such a good mother” Gawain was a family man, they all knew that. “I think even Agravain gave him a wide berth.“ he laughed slightly. “You have to know I don’t hate you all. Gawain was one of my best friends. I’ll admit that I could give or take Agravain. I worry about Gaheris even if he’s a brat. But it broke my heart to have your family suddenly be so distant, to hate me. I’ll forever be grateful to Gareth, he’s a wonderful kid and I know we shouldn’t talk about it. We’ll never agree on the subject, but I would never intentionally hurt him, there was nothing I could do, but I still have that guilt hanging over me head, whether you blame me or not, I will never really forgive myself for letting him down like that. But I don’t want to live in that moment, and neither does he. His little face was so happy when I saw him, I reckon He would’ve hugged me if he could’ve, Gareth, who‘s allergic to them. I….just….I wish you all could move on like he wants you to”
Gavin found her eyes drifting down. Shaking her head as she said. "I'm bold because I need to be. " She had never been such as a child. But things changed, The realization that Gawain and Agravain could not protect her- Had failed to protect her. She'd needed to become stronger. So she had. She though managed a smile. Telling Lance. "Probable Gaheris. The two of them were close. Gwyn adored him. " The two had been so close in age. As children it had always seemed like the two were together. Getting into mischief wherever they could. Gavin didn't say it, But she figured Gwyn's loss might have hit Gaheris the hardest.

Gavin wasn't at all surprised to hear that Gawain had talked everyones ear off about Gabriel. After the little girl had arrived, Gavin would be lying if she said she took to being a mother naturally. She had been young and frightened. But Gawain had been by her side to help her threw every step. Him and her husband had gotten her threw rough times. But then Lance kept talking and it was hard for Gavin not to bristle. Bringing up Gareth was not a good idea. A mixture of emotions on her face. Anger, Sadness. But then a realization came over her and she stopped. "You visited him? " Her tone quiet. But she was seething.

Agravain was supposed to take care of him, And he'd let this animal near their brother? The one who had let him get so badly injured. She grit her teeth. Before snapping. "How dare you? You don't get to see him. You don't get to be sorry or be forgiven. You... " She was angry at him. But she found her anger mostly directed at Agravain. Was he even caring for her brother? What kind of state was he in? She hadn't seen him in far too long. worry filled her chest and she turned. Shouting down the hallway to the servant as she began walking with purpose. "Please go and have breakfast made for Gabriel. " Gavin needed to see the king. She needed to have permission to leave the castle. To check on her brother. She couldn't sit here and just leave him. Because someone had to take care of him. Suddenly Gavin found herself feeling far more tired. Gawain was gone, And she needed to step up. She needed to protect her siblings because Agravain wasn't going to do it anymore.
Lance didn’t know about the conflict between Gavin and her older brothers, he just figured that everyone sort of looked up to Gawain since he was the oldest but Lance was an only child so what did he know? Gaheris would not have been his first guess but he’d not seen them growing up, not seen how Gwyn and Gaheris were practically like twins and were almost always together. He understood that Gaheris must be traumatised, he’d not really talked much about his kidnapping but they knew Gwyn had died on that trip. Had he seen her death? Or only heard about it? Which was worse, to see your sister die and be tossed away or to just suddenly stop hearing about her?

He stopped a few steps after she had, turning to face her as she grew angry. He shouldn’t have brought it up, he knew that really but he had to try and defend himself. How dare he? Had she even talked to Gareth? Or was she too busy being castle bound for her crimes? He didn’t want them angry at him, Gareth had been happy to see him and didn’t want anyone to hate Lance, but his family didn’t seem to care about what Gareth wanted. Did they or did they not care about Gareth? Because all this hate might be distressing him. If it helped Gavin feel better though, Agravain had not been happy when he found out Lance had seen him, it had been Caleb’s idea.

Lance sighed as Gavin seemed to change her mind about her morning plans. “What happened to always having time for Gabriel?” He asked her as he followed after Gavin. “Is she not going to be upset that her mother ditched her?” It seemed Gavin’s morning plans were quickly changing. “What’s the plan here huh?” he asked her, because it was clear she wasn’t going to the dining room, no if anything he’d guess she was going to talk to the king after all. “You’re going to complain to Alexander about me seeing Gareth? What do you expect him to do? It’s a little below his pay grade don’t you think” Alexander had bigger problems to be thinking about than who Gareth should be seeing. “Do you and Agravain even care about what Gareth wants? I think all this hate is stressing him out and upsetting him. Whether you like it or not, I’m his friend“ Hell, Gareth was like a little brother to him really, but he knew better than to voice that, she would have thought he’d crossed the line enough already.
Lance only seemed to make things worse. His words weren't even close to convincing Gavin to stop her plans. Only made her spin around to face him. Snapping angrily. "Shut up, I'm not leaving her long. But I need to protect my brother. " Clenching her fists. Lance was not the one who had earned her anger the most. She could expect him trying to see Gareth. It was Agravain allowing it that infuriated her. Gavin then barked. "I am simply going to ask to be able to visit my brother. I need to see him, I need to make sure he's alright. " Her arms crossed. She needed to see Gareth. Think up a plan to get him out, Perhaps she could arrange Gaheris to go with him somewhere? She hadn't planned to move him this quickly. But she could make it work. She just needed a few days. Or perhaps she could bring Gareth to the castle? There were plenty of rooms available.

She then continued. "Of course I care what he wants. But I also care about his safety. And you, Are not safe. Agravain clearly isn't either. He's never... When we need him, They aren't there. Not even Gawain is there." And maybe she was shaking a bit as she spoke. Growling. "They hadn't protected Gwyn and Gaheris, They hadn't protected me, And clearly Agravain isn't protecting Gareth. " It was clear to Gavin that she needed to step up. She needed to take care of them because they couldn't rely on their big brothers. Though the words felt sour to say. Agravain and Gawain weren't like brothers to her and her siblings. They had raised them. Were more like parents. But they hadn't felt like a source of safety for a long time. Especially Agravain.

Gavin then found her tone becoming quieter. "He doesn't care about us anymore. " She was sure of it. She didn't understand fully why. Clearly he must not, It wasn't just him revealing much of her crimes to the king. But also what had happened to Gwyn. Agravain was one of the best knights in the castle. So how had those bandits managed to take Gwyn and Gaheris? He should have been able to defend them! Perhaps he hadn't cared enough to fight for them. If Agravain couldn't be there for them. Gavin would. She needed to go to the throne room. She needed to ask for permission to see her brother. The king would no doubt want a guard to follow and keep a eye on her. But he wouldn't deny her the chance to see Gareth. Would he? The thought made anxiety twist in her chest. If he refused... She could send a servant to check on him. Get Gaheris to move him to the castle! That could work.
Lance only faltered for a moment as he was snapped at. Ah, back to what they were used to. He did frown slightly though as she continued. Had Alexander not let her see Gareth yet? maybe she’d not asked, or maybe it was part of her punishment but he would’ve thought the man would be willing to let her see her family, especially after the recent loss of her husband. She was so worried about Gareth, would seeing him calm her down? Or rile her up more? And to be fair to Agravain, he hadn’t allowed Lance to see him, although he hadn’t removed Lance from the household yet, but he couldn’t push too far what with it being Caleb’s house and her pregnancy, he didn’t want to stress her out too much.

It seemed Caleb’s faith in Agravain had been decaying for a long time and now had just been a sort of breaking point. Lance hadn’t been there so couldn’t say how well Agravain had acted in the moment but he had been protecting three siblings, on the road at night, one already crippled, one heavily pregnant and the other one out of it, if he’d made a wrong move then they all could've been killed. She surely couldn’t think that Agravain didn’t care about her though, or about Gareth and Gaheris. Was his hatred of Lance not evidence enough? “You’re being ridiculous” he told her but his voice was surprisingly gentle. “of course he cares about you.“ Although he guessed it was harder to tell with Agravain than Gawain, he wasn’t as affectionate as his older brother.

He shook his head. “He cares about Gareth too, that’s clear to see. I might not like the man but Gareth is safer with him than he probably is with you” Not that she’d listen. “Caleb told me about what you’d been doing, what they found at your estate. You murdered people Gavin, that was dangerous before it got out, now what if someone comes seeking revenge?” Although They had blamed her husband. “She told me about what you were feeding your daughter as well….I don’t think anyone’s going to trust you to look after Gareth, or anyone else really” She’d had a servant with her daughter after all, he imagined that was at least partially mandated by Alexander to keep an eye on the situation.

She would get to make her case to the king though because Alexander was in the throne room. Gavin was going to be accompanied by Lance though, something stupid in him was making him follow her. Maybe he wanted to see how this played out, maybe she’d need a shoulder to cry on? That was maybe a bit vulture like for him to think but he was also worried about her, as much as he knew he shouldn’t be, she wanted to torture him probably, but what if Alexander said no? Maybe he would be able to convince the man to let her see Gareth, or he might be able to persuade him to keep Gareth in Agravain’s company, he didn’t think it’d be good for Gareth to move. He was settled there, had Agravain and Caleb, even Melodias, Gaheris and the servants to support him. They should at least ask him what he wanted before making this decisions without him!
Lance didn't know anything. He was simply a outsider looking in. Being called ridiculous did not help Gavin's mood. He kept talking. And well, She faltered a bit as he kept talking. He knew. Well, She supposed that wasn't surprising. Of course Caleb had told him! But Gavin tilted her head to the side as she stared at Lance. quiet for a moment before she said. "Those men I killed deserved it. Everyone of them. They hurt people and got away with it. " Her brothers were knights. Protected innocents. She was just doing the same. She though did relent. "Kidnapping Antonio is the only thing I see as truly a crime. I should never have captured him, He is innocent in this. " The rest? They had deserved it, And She would do it again in a heartbeat if given a chance.

Of course he brought up her eating people. A part of her wanted to look away. But she kept her eyes on Lance. Telling him. "I have not hurt my daughter, Nor would I hurt Gareth. Those men were pigs. So they were dealt with as such. " Why did she keep trying to defend herself against him? He wouldn't understand, Couldn't. But she wanted him too. Even if he didn't agree. Surely he could understand? But Gavin was then spinning on her heels. Enough of this. She needed to see the king. So she continued her walk. Eventually reaching the familiar throne doors. It seemed Gavin spent much of her time in the throne room these days. Her voice had become useful the last few months.

Walking in. Gavin wasted no time in dipping into a curtsy. "Your majesty. " She greeted. Standing straighter. Now to make her case. Though she was sure the king would agree. He cared about family. Would understand her panic probable. Gavin then spoke up. "Somethings have recently occurred... " Her gaze flickered towards Lance for a moment. Before returning to the king. "I wished to ask If I could be allowed to go visit my brother. I... I'm worried about him and seeing him would give me some peace of mind. " This wasn't the only time she'd gone to visit her brother. But, She could not exactly leave without some sort of escort to keep a eye on her. Not that she'd run. But she was technically still arrested.
Gavin was remorseless about her crimes except when it came to Antonio. Her words were almost like an apology! Even if she had regretted taking Antonio, which it appeared she had, he hadn’t expected her to admit it to him. She seemed to think she was some sort of saviour though, killing the evil and protecting the innocent. Lance couldn’t attest to the character of the men she’d killed but they should’ve had a trial or Gavin shouldn’t have had that sort of power. And to feed them to her family? There was definitely something twisted in her, messed up and maybe unfixable.

Lance followed her into the throne room and Alexander had to resist a sigh as he saw the pair of them. He didn’t really want to be dragged into whatever was going on with them now but Gavin was his niece, he was fond of her, and Lance was a favoured knight so he did the courtesy of not just getting up and walking away. She wanted to go see her brother, Gareth no doubt, that was reasonable enough, it might be nice for her to go visit now that Gaheris had also returned. He let his eyes flicker to Lance though, “have you come to protest such a simple request?“ he asked. She just wanted to see her inured brother, surely Lance wouldn’t have too much issue with that.

Lance shook his head. “It’s not that I have a problem with” he promised. ”it’s what she’s eventually going to ask you. She wants to move Gareth, take him out of Agravain’s care and I think it’s an unwise move“ he explained. “Certainly one that was offend Agravain and would unnecessarily disturb Gareth. I’m sure there’s enough going on in the castle already without worrying about the care of Gareth” No, he was better with Agravain, Gavin was not going to like him saying that though. Alexander switched his gaze back to Gavin. “Is this true? I feel any movement of Gareth should be discussed with your brother” Alexander said, but the problem was that there was no way Agravain was going to agree with what she said, and she didn’t really trust Agravain any more so the only way to move Gareth might be to go over his head, such as with an order from the king.
Of course the king was questioning Lance. Lance wouldn't be following unless there was something else to the matter. Gavin let him speak. Quiet until the king addressed her. Gavin then told the king. "Yes, I... Lance is staying with Agravain and Caleb." Of course she knew about that. Gavin kept tabs on her siblings. She then continued. "It is difficult for me to feel safe with Lance there. Besides, Agravain will soon have a baby to worry about and as much as he might insist otherwise. He's going to be distracted. He won't be able to protect him. And I just... I just can't trust Lance being that near Gareth. " It was a honest argument. Gavin didn't go into her feelings of Agravain no longer loving them. It wasn't needed. But the rest was true enough. How could Agravain protect Gareth when Lance was in the other room?

Gavin then continued. "I would not need to bring him to the castle. I already plan to get Gaheris his own estate. A present for being knighted and I believe Gaheris would be happy to take Gareth into his care. " He'd be away from Lance and safe! Gaheris still cared about the family. He'd keep Gareth safe. Besides, It wasn't like Gaheris was going to go questing any time soon. The family would not do well if he left. They were already breaking apart as it was.

Gavin then glanced down for a moment. Shaking her head and continuing. "Moving Lance isn't a option either. Even if he lived elsewhere. Him and Caleb are close. He'd be visiting often. I just... I'm worried. " Alexander might trust Lance's character. But surely he'd understand Gavin's fears? None of the siblings trusted Lance. They were grieving and maybe such feelings were irrational. Lance hadn't intended Gareth to get hurt. But the siblings still hated him. Gavin was also very much aware of her whole, Kidnapping his father thing. Who was to say he wouldn't get revenge?
It was true that Agravain would soon Have a baby but it’s not like he didn’t have experience in handling multiple children. Besides, it’s not like Gareth was going to be getting into lots of trouble. Lance rolled his eyes as she said she couldn’t trust him around Gareth. Did she think he was going to try and kill the kid or something? Surely even she had to admit that would be a ridiculous accusation, and besides that, it hardly seemed like Lance would be able to injure him much more than he already was really. He could feel Alexander looking at him and the question was did Alexander truly think he would hurt Gareth? No, Alexander didn’t think that Lance was a threat but he could also tell his niece was upset about the situation.

”that’s a stupid idea and you know it” Lance said as he turned to Gavin. “Gaheris is in no mind to be looking after Gareth” He looked back at Alexander. “Gaheris needs his family, not to be separated, after what he’s been through? He doesn’t need to feel anymore isolated and I’m sorry to say it but he’s hardly the most caring of individuals, I fear Gareth would be neglected in his care” Alexander couldn’t help but sigh. This was going to be a constant back and forth. “I understand your concern Gavin but I feel it’s best for you to discuss this was Agravain first” Alexander told her gently. “And I think Lance is right, Gaheris is still young, he might not be a capable carer for Gareth, besides I’d prefer for him to be under the watch of Agravain for now whilst he’s getting back on his feet” with Gawain away he did feel that Gaheris needed some support from an older brother.

It seemed they wouldn’t really get much time to discuss it though because a servant was soon scurrying in, face red and panting as if they’d been running. They weren’t very composed but did manage a small bow. “Sorry for interrupting, your majesty” They managed to get out through harsh breaths. Alexander was frowning, it wasn’t often that someone burst in like that but it seemed they had good reason: “The queen’s gone into labour” Alexander stood at the news, he clearly didn't plan on sticking around with Lance and Gavin’s petty Problems when his heir was being born. “Gavin, you can visit Gareth, go with Lance when he returns to Caleb’s. Talk to Agravain about this and he can bring you back in the morning. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go see my wife” And with that he strode off. Lance couldn’t really blame him and Alexander was probably glad to get away from them but he wasn’t overly pleased with the verdict. Well, it seemed Gavin wasn’t getting rid of Lance just yet. Instead they’d been forced together even more.
Gavin tried to look unbothered when Lance spoke up. She wasn't surprised at all. Of course he needed to fight her on every thing. But she kept quiet. Seemed Alexander was deciding it best to leave most of the matter to the sibling. It would be a pain to convince Agravain to let go of Gareth. Gavin and Agravain's relationship had been tense as of late. Seemed Lance and Alexander seemed to think it even wise for Gaheris to leave his care. She was then opening her mouth to speak when the sound of the door bursting open startled her. Hearing the news. Gavin knew better to speak any more on the subject for now. Dipping her head and stepping back as to let the king past. Oh... She would be spending the night at Caleb's place. With Agravain. The two's last exchange hadn't gone that well and Gavin had done well to avoid the man. For some reason journeying with Lance felt less nerve wracking then that.

Soon enough the king was gone, Thus Gavin and Lance were alone. Gavin staring at the door for a moment before saying. "Morgan isn't going to be pleased. I know she had been hoping her child would arrive first. " She stated thoughtfully. Morgan probable figured it would add to her childs claim on the throne. But Gavin was glad she wouldn't get this win. Hopefully the queens child would be healthy. Still, She then murmured. "The king's going to have to keep more guards watching her. I wouldn't put it past her not to try and do something to the baby. " No doubt the king probable had already arranged for such. Morgan was dangerous and would certainly harm the child if given the chance. Her gaze then went to Lance. Staring at him for a moment.

She then told Lance. "I'll figure out a way to talk sense into Agravain. I don't want you near Gareth. " Seemed the two had returned to once more being enemies. She wanted Lance as far away from her brother as she could get him. Hopefully far enough they'd never have to see him again! Her arms crossed. She might need to find another knight to join them. Sure, It was doubtful Lance would try and harm her during the journey back. But it was better safe then sorry. Luckily she had a few options. Plenty of knights around the castle were fairly smitten with her. Didn't know the full story of what had happened and would jump to defend a lady in harms way. So that wouldn't be a problem. For now, She just needed to return to her daughters side. Gavin then looked to Lance. Saying. "Now, I'm going to rejoin my daughter for breakfast. " With that she began to walk away.
Gavin seemed to think that this night wouldn’t go well but maybe it would bring the siblings together? No, probably not, especially once Agravain caught wind of Gavin wanting to move Gareth out of his care. It was probably going to be awkward for everyone there. And Caleb probably thought the most trouble would be caused between Lance and Gavin. And speaking of Caleb, at least she’d be around to make sure Gavin made it safely to her home so she might not need to bring another knight but well it wouldn’t hurt Gavin to have someone on her side come with her. Lots might be intimidated Though, not wanting to hang out with Agravain. Maybe she’d pick that squire though that Chris had been talking About and that could be a friend for Caleb? Although the odds of that weren’t great.

Lance frowned, logistically it wouldn’t make much sense for Morgan’s baby to arrive first since Malia had been pregnant before Morgan had even arrived but Morgan had probably been hoping that the baby didnt survive at all, or Malia for that matter. Lance was sure there’d be extra security on the queen and her baby, Alexander wouldn’t trust Morgan at all around the new child. “You’re putting your feelings in front of your sense“ Lance murmured but he knew he wasn’t going to convince Gavin, he just had to hope Agravain wouldn’t be so foolish but he couldn’t really see the man agreeing to move Gareth anyway. Gavin definitely wouldn’t want him joining them for breakfast now and he wasn’t willing to overstay his welcome that much. “I’ll tell Caleb you’re coming back with us.” he said. “We’ll be in the courtyard“ he called after her Although she obviously had some time before they left. He sighed and went to go rejoin Caleb, maybe she’d be surprised that he was back in one piece and he wondered if she’d inquire about their meeting or do her best to avoid talking about it.

(shall we move to Agravain in town trying to find out more about Loth and then men that support him? I’ll admit I’m really curious about Loth’s younger days and all that)
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(Sure! I'll go ahead and switch us over! )

Christophers morning had not been going the greatest. Being dragged into town by Agravain was never fun. James, It seemed Agravain had located him. James residence was nothing fancy. Just a modest little house in town. But the sight of it had made anxiety twist in Chris's gut. Because things very easily could get bloody. James could lash out at them, Or Agravain could go to far. Which... If Agravain did, Wel, Chris doubted he'd be able to stop him. Things were peaceful for the moment. Staring up at the building. He then leaned in and knocked on the door. Glancing towards Agravain.

A female voice called from inside. "Be right there! " It took a minute before the door finally opened. A maid standing in front of them. Seeming a bit puzzled by the two men. "Hi... Can I help you? " She asked. It was then Chris spoke up. Figured it best for him to start the conversation. "Hello Ma'am. We're here to see James. We've some matters we need to discuss with him. " That only seemed to add to the womans confusion. Looking them over and raising her eyebrow. "What sort of matters? " Seems she wasn't going to just blindly let them into the home. That was annoying.

Frowning, Chris glanced towards Agravain. Unsure exactly what to say. But luckily the woman sighed and told them. "Let me go and ask him if he'd be alright seeing you. Whats your names? " She questioned. Chris was quick to answer. "Thank you, I'm Christopher and this is Agravain. " He explained. Maybe they should have used fake names. James would most certainly recognize Agravain's name. Might not react well to it depending on what his relationship with Loth was. Still, The servant nodded before closing the door. The two men left to wait outside. Chris then found himself glancing towards Agravain. "Think they'll let us in? " The maid had seemed hesitant to invite anyone in. It was entirely possible they might be turned away. Though knowing Agravain if that was the case. He'd probable just break in.
Agravain didnt know what he’d expected but a house like this in town wasn’t it. Maybe he’d expected a ramshackle little she’d or something grander but he guessed that maybe it was best to blend in. The maid was also a surprise but he guessed that James likely wasn’t young and thus some help wouldn’t go amiss. He did his best not to scowl at her, aware it might not help but figured a more friendly approach might be better to start with. James didn’t appear to get many visitors and them turning up might be a bit of a surprise or maybe it’s a day he’d been awaiting for a long time.

Once the maid left he did scowl at Christopher. “You think I’m taking no for an answer? Even you can overpower a maid” he scoffed. So yeah, Agravain was getting in one way or another. Morgan had said that James knew about Loth so it would sort of imply they’d been friends, at least at some point, so maybe he’d be open to Agravain but well….Loth hadn’t really liked any of his children so maybe the blood relation meant nothing to James. He leaned back, looking at the unassuming house. He guessed his own childhood home had also not looked horrible from the outside despite the horrors and torment which had lay inside. Still, just because Loth had been a nasty piece of work, didn’t necessarily mean James was.

”whatever is said in there, stays between us unless I say otherwise” he reminded Christopher. “Not even a word to Caleb” No, he’d prefer to sort things out himself first then decide if he was going to tell his wife. He hadn’t told her much about his childhood and he didn’t feel that she really needed to know, he wasn’t as twisted as his parents, he would admit to being a little messed up but not nearly to the extent they were and he didn’t need Caleb unnecessarily worrying or feeling any sort of pity for him, especially not since he‘d been one of the least traumatised of the siblings.
Chris tensed at Agravain's words. Clearly disapproving. But he kept his mouth shut. Best not to poke the bear. His eyes narrowed a bit as Agravain continued talking. "Yeah, Alright. " He muttered quietly. Though he couldn't say those words were true. They didn't know what they would be told! He couldn't commit to anything, But he'd say what was needed as to appease Agravain. Luckily it seemed they wouldn't need to break in. The maid was soon returning and opening the door. Looking the men over once more. Before saying. "James is willing to speak with you both. Follow me. " And thus she was soon motioning them inside. Chris spared one last moment to glance back at Agravain before entering.

Christopher wasn't sure why, But the inside was perhaps a bit surprising. It was just rather mundane. A simple home. With the front door opening into what seemed to be a living room. The maid wasted little time before gesturing to a nearby couch. "Wait there, Me and James will be back in a moment. " She explained. Before walking away and dipping into a room. Once more Chris and Agravain were alone. Christopher glancing about for a moment before saying. "This... Feels weird. " He confessed. He wasn't sure why, He had been expecting something far more dangerous. Not this. But he then decided to listen to the maids words. Going over to the nearby couch and sitting down.

They didn't need to wait long though. As the maid was soon enough returning. A man with her. Though he walked on his own, She hovered near him. Ready to assist at the slightest hint he needed her. The first thing that struct Christopher was the mans age. He only seemed to be in his mid forties or early fifties. Which, Sure, That wasn't exactly young. But he'd been expecting him to be older. The second thing that Christopher noticed was the mans face. And it was very obvious why he needed the assistance of a maid. Bad scars marred his face and it was clear someone had blinded him in the past. Though the scars were old and faded now so likely had occurred some years ago. They were in his home, He likely knew where the location of everything was well enough. Thus, Was walking to a nearby chair. Not addressing the two until he had settled down in it. If he was frightened of Agravain being here. It didn't show. Eventually he spoke, But it wasn't to them. "Mary, Please leave us for a moment. " He requested softly. And the woman looked as if she wanted to argue. But eventually she nodded and left the room. Leaving the three alone. James then finally changed his focus. Murmuring. "You wanted to speak with me then? I figured someone would come with questions about Loth eventually. Didn't expect it to be one of his kids though."
They were being let inside which was good, meant they wouldn’t have to make a scene and Scare the poor maid. Agravain stepped inside but didn’t sit down, instead stayed standing, crossing his arms over his chest as he surveyed the room. It looked ordinary enough but he guessed if James had a maid then he wouldn’t be leaving anything incriminating out in the open anyway. And James himself was soon joining them as well. He too had expected someone older and more intimidating, not someone blind and scarred. Maybe it was a bit presumptuous to think it but he did realise that it was possible Loth had done that to James.

Agravain watched the maid go and then studied James as they were spoken to. “Who did you expect? Someone coming to arrest you?” He asked. Surely not many people would think to come to him asking questions about Loth. “From what I can tell, not many people know about you, Morgan’s actually the one who tipped me off and who knows what her true reasoning is“ she’d said she had wanted some of Loth’s friends to pay which was reasonable enough but he did suspect she might also want to put himself through a bit of turmoil.

”so, you’re going to tell me what you know about my father and then hopefully no one will ever bother you again” he explained. “Morgan mentioned something about a favourite child of his, about him doing some sort of….experiments of children. Were you a part of that? Did you always know what a monster he was or did you find out slowly?” He asked. What, he was curious. Was James a monster himself, or someone much like Christopher who had been slowly dragged in with little way out. Loth wasn’t an easy person to betray after all, he was a cold blooded killer and would relish in hurting someone, with or without a reason.
James simply tilted his head to the side at Agravain's first question. Shrugging. "Mm... Maybe, I figured someone would want me to testify against Loth one day. He p*ssed off a lot of people. " Few would go against Loth though. So James supposed that wasn't too surprising. Agravain was asking a lot of questions rather quickly. Thus James lifted a hand, In some small hope to settle Agravain down. James then explained. "I'm afraid I did not know Loth as intimately as you are perhaps hoping. When I was still a squire my mentor worked closely with Loth. Was... Interested in Loth's work. " That explained him being younger then they expected. He was then leaning back into his seat.

James swallowed and took a moment before continuing. "He... Had a couple experiments he did. On adults and children." So James did seem to have knowledge on what Loth was doing. "But the one regarding his favorite child, Would have certainly been Rye. Said he wanted to train someone to be like him. Whatever the f*ck that means. " James seemed exasperated at the subject. His tone almost a growl. Before he shook his head. Continuing bitterly. "As much as he thought otherwise. She wasn't like him. Because she had morals. Had actual feelings other then obsession. Unlike Loth. "

It was then Chris spoke up. Gently urging. "So what happened to her? " James seemed uncomfortable at the question. Before finally telling them. "I... He had other kids he was hurting. So, Me and her made a plan to rescue them. Loth killed her during our escape. But I managed to get the kids out of town before he tracked myself down. " He explained bluntly. So, It was entirely likely his injuries had been caused by Loth. No way Loth would have left him unscathed. Chris then asked. "Why didn't you tell anyone about this? " He probed. And James wrinkled his nose. Asking curiously. "Tell who? Loth was the old kings loyal pet dog. He wouldn't have done anything. If not him, Who else? Loth was a war hero. My own mentor would not have sided with me. My injuries he had told everyone were from a accident while training. If I had said anything, No one would have believed me and Loth would have finished the job. " He huffed. Crossing his arms as he murmured. "I do not know if he did anything further after what happened with Rye. I think he gave up on the project. But I am uncertain. "
It was actually A relief to hear that James hadn’t actually been a friend of Loth’s, that he’d just been the squire of one, made Agravain a little less standoffish and he settled down slightly to listen to the story. If his mentor had been interested in the work though then it certainly spelled if bad things for his personality, but maybe that meant James knew what other people had been interested in what Loth had been doing, maybe they had club meetings or something? Although most of them were likely old now, or dead. They could get onto that in a bit.

Rye? It was not a name he recognised, not that Loth had ever been one to tell them stories of his life. Whoever she had been though, she’d withstood whatever Loth had done to her and still had some sort of compassion. She must’ve been strong then. And it turned out James was actually a sort of saviour but that Agravain had also been right about his injuries. “I‘m guessing this training wasn't as simple as teaching them how to fight,“ Agravain muttered. “I’ve not been told a lot, but what I do know is that at least part of Loth’s childhood was like hell, and I guess he thought if he put children through hell like he’d been through, they might come out similarly” he guess it made some sort of logic, maybe that’s why he’d been a terrible father.

“Surely the King would not have been happy to hear about his experiments though?” Agravain asked although his grandfather had been the king during war time, would likely want more soldiers similar to Loth. Had the king been aware of Loth’s behaviours though? He’d given Morgan to him as a bride, but had he known what sort of torture Loth was going to put her through. Agravain hadn’t actually heard too many personal stories about his grandfather, Morgan didn’t really like talking about him and what Agravain ahd heard had mostly just been the usual war stories and legends, he wondered what the man had actually been like. An astounding fighter and capable general, someone strong and noble and incredible. Agravain figured he’d likely been strict, maybe some harsh edges that came from war but from what he’d heard he’d believed in strength and loyalty and as such familial bonds were important, and if he’d known Loth for as long as Morgan had claimed then he’d likely been almost like family to him, or well….a pet as James maybe put it. Loth after all, was not a nobleman from birth so might not have been seen as worthy. “I’ve not heard of any experiments containing although he was often away” Agravain mused. “But with him now dead then anything He might have had going should hopefully stop. Except, I know there are men still loyal to him, men who were in league with him still in Alexander’s court. I was hoping you could point me in their direction, all Of Loth’s schemes must die with him“
James gave a small nod of agreement at Agravain's words. Though he did not go into detail over any of Loth's experiments. Probable didn't want to think about them. Agravain was soon bringing up a interesting subject. The king. James then pointed out. "I can't say if he knew or not. But... The old king adored Loth, And vice versa. Loth had probable saved the man's life countless times. " He could have very well turned a blind eye to Loth's activities. Or not wanted to believe it. It was hard to say, Especially with both men dead.

It seemed that Agravain wanted to know more then just what experiments Loth was up to. He wanted to know who else was in league with him. And he wanted them gone. A soft laugh came from James suddenly. "That is not a small list. Loth was brother in arms with many knights. Those that fought with him probable have some sympathy. " James was uncertain exactly what Agravain ment though. Was he searching for those that might still be hurting people? James supposed that was the case and it narrowed things down a bit. James then shook his head. Telling Agravain. "I am afraid I likely won't be of much help. After my injury I left the castle. The only knights I know Loth lingered near are probable all very elderly, Or dead. And if they were even involved in his activities I don't know. " His mentor had died a long ago and James had decided for his own safety it best to avoid the castle.

James did offer some help though. "I know a few men that were squires around the same time I was. I can ask if they can remember who Loth was friendly with? " Sure, It wasn't the best start. But it might lead to something. Chris then asked. "Is there any more help you can provide? " Because this felt like very little. James frowned, Thinking hard for a moment before saying. "I.. Remember the location where Loth trained Rye. I imagine the place is deserted. He might have burned it down. But if its still standing you might find something there. " He was doing experiments. He might have logs he had left or something. James then said. "Its been too long for me to give you a exact location. But I recall it was about a hour east of the castle. He had built a cabin near a waterfall. The noise he said helped drown out any sounds. " Not the best directions. But Chris figured there couldn't be that many waterfalls around. They'd just need to walk east until they found water and then just follow it. Should be simple enough.
He supposed it was a case fairly similar to Alexander and Gavin, where Alexander was fond of Gavin and as such she received basically no punishment, except Loth’s bond with old king had no doubt been stronger and forged in blood. Maybe the king hadn’t known how much of a monster Loth was, or how bad he’d get, maybe he’d just thought Loth was doing it for the greater good. Agravain didn't know what to Think really but learning about the old king wasn’t really his mission.

Loth had been revered, he was a war hero, definitely an impressive fighter, so it made sense for many men to align with him, and on top of that, he was intimidating, meaning many me wouldn’t want to betray him. But he must have had some sort of inner circle, he couldn’t imagine Loth showed everyone his dark experiments. Those that James knew were likely dead but it was possible that some younger knights had been in league with Loth, caught up in the legend and then recruited by him so Agravain guessed they could be looking for anyone.

Loth might’ve left something behind, if he hadn’t wrecked the place. But of course there were no exact directions. Seemed they were going on a bit of adventure. “We’ll check it out” he agreed. “And ask around about Loth” he confirmed, although that might be a bit of a dangerous game. “I take it you don’t still know any of the children?” He asked, he’d said he’d got them out of town so he might not know how they ended up. Loth might’ve tracked them down for all they knew and had them killed, it was entirely possible but it might be intriguing to meet one of them. When has this all even happened? Ages ago judging by James’ age and him claiming to have been a squire. Before him and Gawain were born probably, but maybe not by much.
James nodded at Agravain, Though he faltered at the next question. Going quiet for a few moments. Before finally saying. "They are alive and well if that is what you're wondering. Thats all I will say on the matter. " Atleast he was honest. It was perhaps surprising he had kept tabs on them. Less surprising though that he was unwilling to say more. In the end, He didn't really know Agravain and Chris. Would not put those kids lives in danger. And if it was something Loth hadn't even got out of him, Well... Agravain and Chris didn't really have much chance getting the information.

It was then Chris heard a voice that made him nearly jump. "I figured you all could use some tea! " Chris heard the maid say. She was reentering the room, And Chris couldn't help but figure the tea might have been a excuse to check on them. Walking in and setting the tray down on a small coffee table in the room. Picking up a cup and handing it over to James. Leaning in closer as to whisper something to him. But James just waved her concern off. "Mary, I'm fine. You worry to much. " But he still took the tea.

Mary still seemed a bit worried. Glancing towards Agravain and Chris. Standing a bit straighter. She then said. "Well, Will you two be visiting again? Do give word ahead next time and I can make some treats for your arrival. " She said, Smile strained. She didn't like them being here it seemed. James though seemed to hear the slight edge in her voice. Huffing. "Mary, You can relax." She clearly was a bit protective of him. Chris then spoke up. "We will certainly give word next time. But I suppose we're probable about done here anyway. " He murmured. Glancing towards Agravain for conformation.
James wasn’t forthcoming with their locations which was fair enough, Agravain hadn’t earned that trust her but it was….interesting to know they were still alive. These experiments of Loth weren’t exactly family but they were probably pretty close if he was being honest, children that had suffered too at the hands of his father. It might be nice to meet them but they might have to work their way up to that, see if James would trust them. He would punish those that had hurt them so they should get along just fine really but he simply nodded in understanding for now.

The maid was returning and eager to see them off, she really wasn’t subtle about it. “Yes, we’re done, we’ve got a waterfall to find” he agreed with Chris. “Let us know if your contacts have any information” Agravain insisted, he could send for them or write a letter, and maybe if Agravain visited A few times without scaring the maid too much, James might be more willing to let him know about these children. “Enjoy your tea“ Agravain murmured before going to exit the house before the maid tried to physically shoo them out herself.

He turned to Chris as the exited. “So it seems town isn’t the place we want” he mused and glanced around. He’d told Caleb that’s where they were going though, they didn’t have to look for the cabin today, as much as he would like to, he mainly didn’t want to let anything slip to Caleb so he probably should do some of what he’d told her he would. “Whilst we’re here though, we should check out the markets. I’d rather not lie completely to my wife” he confessed. They could look for a mace for Chris, maybe a nice sword or dagger for Caleb, or maybe something heavier for her to practice with, he wouldn't mind some armour himself, and well, something more intimate wouldn’t go amiss, like something nice and leathery, like a collar he supposed. He didn’t really give Chris’s much time to argue as he went to steer them towards the markets, although Chris might just be happy that they weren’t getting into too much trouble in one day.
Chris was actually surprised things had remained as polite as they were. Agravain hadn't threatened to strangle anyone! How lovely. But the maid was encouraging them to leave and it was best not to overstay their welcome. Thus the two were soon giving their goodbyes and leaving the house. Chris briefly glancing behind them at the door. "We'll need to be careful. Even if the place is abandoned I wouldn't be surprised if there are old traps left around. " Loth would have wanted any location he was working at to be secured. But he might not have cared to remove such things when he left. But it seemed such was to be put off for another time. Because it seemed the two were due to make a little shopping trip.

Chris was soon hurrying to keep up with Agravain. Murmuring. "Caleb's smart, She's going to pick up on things eventually. " She would surely notice Agravain slipping off. But Chris decided such was a subject to drop for the moment. Best not to anger Agravain. It didn't take long before they were reaching the market district in town. Christopher's gaze drifting around. Suddenly saying. "So your paying right? " He grinned at Agravain. What? Agravain's was the kings nephew. Probable was filthy rich. Christopher might have a bit of fun during this shopping spree. Though Agravain might just limit him to one mace.

Christopher then mused. "You don't think Caleb's going to be too annoyed with us buying weapons? I know she's not too pleased about not being able to spar. " Truthfully she'd probable just be glad Chris and Agravain were getting along. Still might be a bit grumpy being unable to fight. If Agravain bought her anything she might be a bit disappointed at being unable to use it for a while! No doubt she'd want to practice as soon as possible.

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