I spy with my little eye... a New Game!

trowizilla said:
Wow, lots of awesome ideas! You all are out to make things tough on me, huh? I'll leave this open for another day or so before deciding, but I've already got such an embarassment of riches that I'm trying to justify letting all of you in. (Self-destructive thought there!)
In the meantime, will everyone who pm'd me your character concepts go ahead and post them in the thread? And if you want to talk among yourselves about how your characters might be connected, that would be helpful too (as well as further weighing my decision in your direction. I hate that whole "the party meets in a bar" business.)
If I can give you only one advice based on my little experience at PBP, don't make large (7+)groups.

If you want everyone to play because they have uber cool concepts and all... split them in 2 groups.

Better for the players, easier for you. And you can sometimes make cool crossovers for key scenes / battles. :)

That aside I too have a nice land pirate lord dawn concept (yeah... I've seen Ong Bak 2 recently... again... :oops: ).
Golden Thunder , Zenith Caste Solar

Golden Thunder, then simply known as Tez, the Elder's nosy granddaughter was born and raised in a barbarian village on the edge of creation, bordering the middlemarches east of the Scavenger Lands. Their village was subject to several raids by both beastmen seeking to capture slaves, as by imperial legions, seeking to extend the Scarlet Empress' grasp.

During one of those raids, as it happens, Tez exalted as a chosen of the Unconquered Sun, taking on the title 'Golden Thunder' (or whatever I decide on later, if I deem that one too campy). She had been training with and larning from her grandfather since puberty now, since she was the next in line to become the villages leader.

So obviously she had to fight as long as she could to allow the others escape, or even turn the tide of battle. When the smoke cleared, she alone stood there, the villagers dead or scattered, just like the attackers.

Without guidance, she roamed the edge of creation, finally meeting a Raksha posing as a minor God who tutored her in the ways of the Unconquered Sun (albeit with some twists) and supplyed her with some minor gossamer artifacts over the next couple of years - mainly as a joke.

Using the truth to create bigger lie Golden Thunder was quite successfully turned into a righteous leader with a burning hatred of the realm. Just so the Fair Folk could pick off some the leftovers, once Golden Thunder was to march against the realm and start conquering lands - they could just follow in her wake, as long as they posed as supporters of the Unconquered Sun.

Golden Thunder herself is a charismatic woman with strong opinions, but a just heart. Although she has little room for compromise, she is seldom cruel, though she can be very punishing in her righteousness. She feels best when she's in a temple dedicated to the Unconquered Sun or heading a Army of 'crusaders' she's trained herself, and open to alliance with almost any entity that can help her wrest land from the grasp of the Empress and the Immaculates, she won't demand worldly dominion over the lands she helped capture, as long as worship of the Unconquered Sun won't be obstructed by anything.

So she'd work well with politicians, warriors or other leaders, leaving the bureacratic aspects of ruling to them and concentrating solely on religious affairs (though she'd retain her personal army or bodyguard of templars).

She'd probably do best with either politiician type Exalts who can tend to the worldly matters of the newly conquered territories she's after. Also she could use any support by essence-channeling beings in fighting the Realm.

Kinda the short version, if we wanna talk about compatibility with other characters, I can post more... But I don't wanna spam the entire thread. ;)

I've read a couple of concepts here that would do very well with her, though.
Posting a more detailed character history to help anyone making connections:

It all started with a girl. And a slave at that. Well, that's not entirely true. Perhaps it started with the Scarlet Empire. You see, Volgans Marius was a man who believed in Empire. A true son of a proud and noble, if unexalted, patrician line, there had been a Volgans in the legions since people started writing these things down. And so Marius joined the legions as was tradition, with a modest commission purchased for him by the family. He had excelled in school, and his family connections netted him a post as the aide-de-camp to the Winglord Cynis Marsa. Posted to one of the few remaining Realm-loyal allies clutching to the edge of the inland sea, the Dynast soon grew bored. She had the might of the legions at his fingertips, yet his ambition was checked everywhere - by the Realm itself, by Lookshy, and by the Mask of Winters south in Thorns. "Stay put and keep a lid on things" was hardly a worthy pursuit for a scion of the Elemental Dragons. And, as is the way of House Cynis, boredom turned to excess.

Marius was busy in those days. Cynis Marsa had all but abandoned the administration of the unit in favor of personal pursuits, leaving the day to day matters of seeing her men clothed and armed to her staff. In addition, Marius, as her closest advisor, was responsible of taking care of the wreckage left in pursuit of Marsa's whimsey. A chain of local citizens, mostly young women, taken up to the fortress where the Wing was stationed, twisted about for Marsa's amusement, and then dumped on the doorstep - in one case, literally. Much of his fairly generous family stipend was spend providing for these unfortunates - a warm meal, a place to stay while the bruises faded, and enough to stay out of the poor house - or worse. That is, until Marsa found Catia.

Marius is not a jealous man, and never did he pretend that the slavegirl's purchased affections were born of a natural love. But never the less, he patronized her nearly exclusively, and had grown fond of her. There was no judgement there, and a kind of innocent awe. When Marsa found out and purchased the girl outright, he thought he could tolerate it for a time, while Marsa toyed both with the girl and him. But eventually the screams issuing forth from Marsa's chamber became to much. And it was that moment that Marius stood up to the Dragon-Blooded - and Exalted.

As far as he is concerned, Volgans Marius died in that opulent chamber, along with the Dynast. Knowing that in a garrison full of Realm soldiers an Anathema stood little chance, he fled into the Scavenger Lands, living as a mercenary, a righter of wrongs and a Chosen of the Sun. He became Mountain that Breaks the Sea. And now he has turned his eyes back toward the Realm, the Dragon-Blooded and the girl he left behind. He still believes in his heart that Creation must be ruled. It just needs an Empire worthy of obedience, and the Scarlet Empire has failed there. It is time to set things right.

Suggested Links:

Lin-Rei is someone who he may have encountered, he was after all part of Realm society, and he understands their darker excesses.

Onyx Lotus (or indeed any of the politically minded Exalts): Marius knows that, while a dangerous fighter and a competent officer, he is no king. Rather, he seeks to serve one worthy of the sword of a Solar exalt. Who better than another Solar? Perhaps he also hopes his presence will help temper some of your more...ruthless... tendencies.

Golden Thunder: A Solar state would need a Solar religion, and perhaps she has spent time peeling back the layers of indoctrination he's experienced as a Realm patrician into the Immaculate Order.

Curious Sparrow: Marius has been hiring himself out to make ends meet. Who better to protect one of your expeditions than an imposing looking Realm soldier with the power of a Dawn Caste Solar?

Lunars: I've played the Lunar end of a Lunar-Solar bond a few times, and its great fun. I'd be open to any pairing.
TKmobile said:
trowizilla said:
Wow, lots of awesome ideas! You all are out to make things tough on me, huh? I'll leave this open for another day or so before deciding, but I've already got such an embarassment of riches that I'm trying to justify letting all of you in. (Self-destructive thought there!)
In the meantime, will everyone who pm'd me your character concepts go ahead and post them in the thread? And if you want to talk among yourselves about how your characters might be connected, that would be helpful too (as well as further weighing my decision in your direction. I hate that whole "the party meets in a bar" business.)
Wait... Do we need to have our backstory AND character sheets done by the end of tomorrow?

The backstory I can probably finish by tonight but the sheet's gonna take longer what with the workload I have on my desk currently.
Nope, just concept and some backstory. It's okay if it's not totally finished, too.
For links to other characters, anyone in Lookshy, Nexus, and Great Forks will probably have heard of Coral or seen her performances.

If there was a Gathering, then Coral would've likely gone.

I'm up for Solar Bond with Marius.
hammercro said:
For links to other characters, anyone in Lookshy, Nexus, and Great Forks will probably have heard of Coral or seen her performances.
If there was a Gathering, then Coral would've likely gone.

I'm up for Solar Bond with Marius.
That'd be fun. Two very different characters, but I can see some interpersonal resonance as well as spooky Essence links.
Lin-Rei was taught to always smile at a young age. She and her sister Tei-San were daughters of lowly citizens (but certainly not peasants) amongst one of the 12 prefectures of the Blessed Isle, their father a lowly clerical worker and their mother a one-time popular artisan of the stage, each married the other for their riches. When perfect twin girls were born, they were viewed as a viable resource to improve their parents' standing by putting them towards the theatrics and performing arts.

What childhood they had was quickly over taken by pageantry, dancing lessons and tumbling acrobatics within the private lessons under their tutor Garnet Dove, a humorless old bat who was quick with a rod should either girl slip. Through it all, the smile was made of utmost importance. Though Tei-San was the more passionate and graceful, her sister Lin-Rei was the bolder, the stable one able to take to task with little question, and keep the facade of a smile. As they grew older their lessons increased, new contracts with troupes were formed, and their parents profited as they had hoped. Ultimately they were even given basic training in tumbling and the gentler persuasions of martial arts to increase their skills. Through it all, they did what they were told and performed without fail, and were even courted towards higher officials as potential concubines or even courtesans once their beauty had reached it's furthest potential.

Which would have separated them. It became much harder to smile then.

It was this that finally snapped their choker of obedience. Their inseparability had been the defining strength that had allowed them to withstand these hardships and to be pulled apart filled them with more fear than failure ever would have. Not even two decades old, the twins screwed up their courage and tried to escape this new life chosen for them. Sadly, and expectantly, they didn't get very far. They hardly even got out the door. As fate can be particularly cruel, the twins didn't meet with thieves, murderers, or monsters, but a much worse man, one of the suitors for Tei-San. An outcaste dragon blood with an elaborate title, Zin Yuan the "Snake Grasping Hawk", known for cruelty that matched his extensive prowess of martial arts and investigation skills, was inquiring about his future company as the twins took flight and it was pitifully easy for him to pursue. Before the stars were even out, he had them both and promised swift retributions towards Tei-San for her insolence. The promises were so earnest, so frightening that in reaction, the powers of the first age awoke in Lin-Rei and she exalted, catching the Hawk by surprise and cloaking both girls in a veil to escape.

Realizing what one of the twins was, Zin Yuan descended into a half-maddened rage. But no Wyld Hunt was called. Zin Yuan himself reengaged in his own personal hunt and an inexperienced solar burdened by a bewildered sister could only run and hide for so long. Upon their capture, the Hawk chose not to kill the Anathema, though it was well within his rights and his duties. Instead, his plans went much sinister. Imprisoning the girls within his quarters, he and his henchmen went about stirring up an accidental fire that engulfed the home of the girls' parents before he took the twins along back to his estate, leaving them wishing that he had instead killed them.

Now, Zin Yuan had at one time almost been among the potentials and magistrates the Empress had hand picked. But her sudden absence and the many enemies he had already made in his career had stolen his chance, and in fact robbed him of much of his gain. The longer he dallied, the more chances there would be to rob him of more, if not all he had, his life included. With the anathema girl in one hand, and her sister's fate in the other, the growing mad Dragon Blood thought he had the means to regain some of his lost power. Allying himself with a small handful of other outcastes, Lin-Rei was trained in arts more deadly than performing martial arts and dances. In fact, her style of combat and dispatching takes from the technies used by the Order and the terrestrial exalted in their Wyld Hunts. They adapted her and her powers into killing some of their enemies before they got a chance to strike. While Tei-San appeared in 'public' as Zin's concubine, Lin-Rei was always in the shadows.

Always smiling. Because she had been taught to smile.

Lin was kept in line. If she slowed the slightest hesitation, balked at the order to take a life, Zin Yuan had but to point to the deadly hook swords he kept on the mantle or by his side, threatening to dismember her beloved sister piece by piece with them should she ever so much as send him a defiant eye. And so the assassin smiled. Time began to lose meaning as she went through the motions of poisoning, stabbing, and breaking her targets. There had even been a rare chance when she encountered other Solars, but she would either vanish from their sights, or worse yet if her master knew of them, lead them into a trap. Because she couldn't forsake her sister.

As she played the part of the killer, graceful and as deadly as a cobra, her sister Tei-San played the part of the polite, timid girl serving Zin Yuan. Until she was killed. Run through, in fact, by a maddened young member of one of the houses who glimpsed Lin-Rei as she dispatched his uncle. No amount of convincing worked to beguile him, that Zin Yuan's concubine was nothing but that, and believing he had found his uncle's killer he did away with her. Zin Yuan did away with him, finally lapsing into true madness, but he didn't last long enough to be upset about it. Lin-Rei emerged from the shadows she was confined in and, forming a picture of those horrible hooked blades she and her sister had been always threatened with, those edged terrors, conjured her own golden ones with powers she knew not of, and hacked his body to pieces.

Slowly. Always, of course, while smiling. The quivering lump of flesh that was her captor had been dispatched. She wanted little more but to lie down by her sister's prone form and wait for someone to take her life, but she hesitated.

After all, Zin Yuan had not been alone in her torment. His allies had fled, but they too were part of this sick equation. It was only fitting, her Lawgiver nature argued, that they and others like them be punished for this affront, and indeed, affronts like these that could be happening to countless other sisters and orphaned children of the sun.

Or so part of her claimed. Having no other knowledge but how to kill, how to slay, and little else going for her, she once more fled into the shadows, later appearing as a lady of artisan skills in public (if at all), but this facade, her real self hidden with a smile, is only lasting long enough for her to hear of or encounter another like the man who ruined her life. And then she will kill them too, and anyone else like them.

Always with a smile. Always.
It's not probable that a non lookshian even heard the open secret of Steel Dove exaltation, but she know (by her study) that she has a circle and a lunar mate somewhere in creation, and is looking tor them both as allies and (hopefully) friends.

A couple of day ago, Dove and her two DB (1) friends leave Lookshy: officially in a Quest for the school but the Truth is, they are looking for exalted allies, before turning their attention to Densendor(2).

(1) Allies BG, the girl I menctioned in the BG and her boyfriend

(2) naturally, I don't' think whe are ready to go to Densedor right now, so whe will probably start doing something else...
So here's my little dawn pirate:

Born the son of the king of a small kingdom near the jungles in the Hundred Kingdoms, Tae Yu lived a happy life with his large family until he was 10.

When he reached that age, a barbarian warlord (probably a celestial) who had been expanding his territory conquering nearby kingdoms and submitting its population to its cruel rule attacked and sacked Tae Yu's kingdom, and slowly killed his royal family and its court with savage games, making them fights against elephants, tigers, crocodiles, snakes and giant spiders.

The boy had the luck and will to survive for three years until one day, as the horde he was traveling with were settling in a small village to sale the captives as slaves to Guildsmen, a band of pirates attacked the village and killed everyone from the horde and the Guild. The boy exalted at that very moment and broke his chain, but quickly fainted after having set him and the other captives free and killed many barbarians.

When he woke up, he was greeted by the pirates who revealed themselves as exalts, and who offered him a life with them, seeing his great potential and his destiny (more details to come, but the basics are : 1 siddy, 1 solar 1 lunar, and a bunch of DB).

The pirate clan was called the Hoe Gwang Ban Jo (in old realm : the last glorious stand) and preyed on the guild caravans, and slaves aiming to disrupt the guild's activities enough to break its influence on the Scavenger Lands as a start...

They took him to their lair, and trained him for a few years until the pirate lord told him he shall one day lead this pirate clan and take his place among the other lords, but he needed to experience the world a bit more on his own before he could lead men.

So yeah it's going to be a kid, but with much more maturity than one could expect.
Regarding Lin-Rei, I'll be honest and admit that her backstory is somewhat self centered, but on the flipside I could see it viable that any of the other Solars could have found her shortly after she finished her business with her former captive and have basically taken her under their wing. She's somewhat unstable as you may have guessed and could do with decent guidance for a change.
Years ago, a great barbarian horde arose in the south. As if all the nomadic hunters that haunted the dunes and savannah were stirred into a great frenzy, that massive army flew against the Threshold, driving delzahn, guildsmen and Realm expatriates alike on the ends of their spears. Appearing one moment and disappearing the next, they swarmed across the map, leaving the survivors only slaves to labour and build for them. And it is said that at the heart of this warband was a great female chieftain, wielder of a spear whose blade was purest black.

The Legions of the Realm came, and the might of the Dragon-Blooded shattered that horde, and cast those warriors to the searing desert breeze. But of their leader there was no sign.

It was whispered amongst the Dynasty's secret men and women of power, those who had gathered the knowledge that brought victory, that that warrior woman had been but a puppet for a mighty Lunar anathema. Like the uncaring beast such creatures were, it had abandoned its minions at the first sight of the great armies of the Realm, and its greatest follower had, without its support, fallen in some unregarded, sandy grave. And yet, in these days, a woman with skin burned dark as pitch and golden hair has appeared on southern roads. Bedecked in jewelery and the garb of a tribal warrior, it is said she walks with the support of a great spear; the blade of which, they say, is dark as a hole into the void.

The great warrior Melissa survived, and was Exalted by the grace of Luna. With voice of gold and silver tongue she calls men to fight and die in the Moon's name, and the dark spear Almadar leads her on her quest for vengeance.


Full Moon Lunar, totem animal: Bee!

A queen bee, to be precise. Inspired by how a queen charms her workers and warriors with scent and dance, fights harder and stronger than any other bee, and survives when all her hive is dead. Also taking the opportunity to use the concept for a powerful Artifact spear I thought up, since... well, bee, sting, spear, it works thematically. War form would, I imagine, be quite scary, especially at high essence after taking the Knack for more mutation points, which would allow for the extra arms, wings, armour and poison sting :twisted:. Her Motivation is to hunt down the older Lunar who sent her and her people to defeat at the hands of the Realm.

Now I just need a Charm that shoots bees.
Or an artifact ^^

IIRC the maggot gun from the 1st ed abyssal was kinda cool, maybe you could adapt something with the idea of a hive / shooter ?

Another possibility would be to naturally take the mutation Hive (6BP), and use them as "pets" since the mutation allows you to control them. (possible applications are kinda cool, multiple opponents penalties, coordinated attacks etc etc).

Only problem is, you'd need to take the mutation in your warform too.

But that's kinda disgusting... and... forget about swimming or being caught in fire :lol:
Jukashi said:
Now I just need a Charm that shoots bees.
Lin-Rei's anima was planned to be a hooded cobra or a hooded cobra naga. Together we could totally fire snakes that then fire BEES at our foes!
Laundreu said:
Or take a beehive as a familiar? Carry it at your waist like a ronin his jug of sake?
Well... if that was allowed...

TKmobile said:
Lin-Rei's anima was planned to be a hooded cobra or a hooded cobra naga. Together we could totally fire snakes that then fire BEES at our foes!
"Or what? You'll release the snakes? Or the bees? Or the snakes with bees in their mouths, so that when they hiss they shoot bees at you!?"

... Sound like a job for Craft (Genesis)!
Yes HBR works, but... I dunno if it creates the bees... I mean those little bastards can sting like hell and incapacitate people, and you can use them also as spies... (mutation texts)...

I as a ST would say the mutation doesn't create the insects, but the ability to shelter them.

I'd go with either a permanent mutation (resulting from a heavy wyld exposure at one point in your backstory), or an artifact hivegun (but this seems too sophisticated for a lunar).
Radiant Sounding Hammer

Born in the south, in the hills near Kirighast, a boy named Pulkin was born 40 years before the disappearance of the Empress. Here he took up his fathers trade of blacksmithing as well as his religion as a fervent follower of Ahlat. The tribe’s cattle were constantly in need of defending and the ways of the warrior are well known by every man of fighting age and many women as well.

Decades past and one night forces from two rival tribes banded together to steal all of Pulkin’s cattle. Fate dictated thought that an alarm would be sounded and the tribe would not die in its sleep. Some men instantly picked up sword and spear, but Pulkin knew this was no normal raid and decided to don his armor. A full minute into the battle he drew his two short swords and went out into the fray.

Outnumbered and surrounded there was no chance for Pulkin’s tribe until the glory of the Unconquered Sun shown down. Visions of the wonders of the first age filled Pulkin’s mind as the Unconquered Sun gave him a brief view and understanding of what could be possible. Then and there Pulkin vowed to help bring that vision to life, no matter what. It was then that the Unconquered Sun bestowed upon him his new name, his Sun Name: Radiant Sounding Hammer.

While the battle was not short, its outcome was certain. With one of the Chosen of the Sun on only one side, the other would loose. Radiant Sounding Hammer knew that if he stayed in his village, with his tribe, that it would soon be visited by the Wyld Hunt. Those that were loyal to him because of his exploits in battle would be killed. All of his efforts would be lost to the forces of the Realm.

So, Radiant Sounding Hammer left his village and wandered into the mountains. It was years before he wondered back out again, having found a refuge to allow the Unconquered Sun to work his chosen towards a brighter future. Now Radiant Sounding Hammer is looking for more of his kind anywhere and everywhere. He knows that in the first age the Solar formed group, circles, to perform their greatest deeds. Bringing the Celestial Hierarchy back in line and reforming the Solar Deliberative certainly falls under the heading of Great Deeds.

Solar Twilight – Visionary

Primary – Mental

Secondary – Physical

Heavy in Crafts and Melee with some War, Resistance, Lore, Occult, and a tad of several others.

Main background will be a Manse lv5

1-2 resources

2 or 3 dots in Artifact

A good horse

A good mule


Some short swords

If you would like to check out some of my experience in PbP you can look me up at http://online-roleplaying.com/forums/fo ... php?f=1558 where I run a 1.5 edition game. I have done 1.5 years in an IM game, but it ended with the defeat of Mask of Winters and the GM went on to grad school and had no more time left.
Out of curiosity, can staffs or daggers be used with the Martial Arts skill rather than melee or are they only viable using Melee? What's the record on this one?
I believe they're melee weapons, unless you practice a specific style that uses either as a form weapon. But if using them straight up, you'd use Melee. That's just how I'd do it. Other STs may have different opinions.
They are in the melee category according to Core rules. I'm still curious here though since a staff IS a basic martial arts weapon in nearly all real and fantasy practices, and knives can fit into, well, anything, really.

In game mechanics the knife's a stretch but I contend otherwise for the staff. It's purely a storyteller call, yes, but can I either get away with it being part of whatever Lin-Rei was taught or would it be allowed as a general thing to count towards martial arts?

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