I spy with my little eye... a New Game!

Considering the Wrackstaff falls under the Martial Arts artifact... I see no reason not to consider a staff a MA weapon.

Knives however... sais do exist in the MA category.
Cyl makes an excellent point considering the Wrackstaff. As do you regarding the staff itself. And I would agree with you. How many times have you seen Jet Li face off with a staff? As always, ST call, but I'd say the ST would have to be pretty anal not to consider the staff a MA weapon....
I could also use Bruce Lee as the end-all-to-end-all-proves-you-wrong precedent with the knives since he takes apart all the final mooks and the titular Big Boss in the film Big Boss after walking into Bad Guy compound holding a pair of blades and fights with them for half the throw down, throws them around and then eventually stabs Big Boss (no, not THAT Big Boss) with his own knife.

But mostly, I'm just curious on the staff account. Is Wrackstaff in core?
No it's in the Scroll of the Monk.

And yeah martial arts can use knives as signature weapons, doesn't automatically make them MA weapons.

One could argue that spears should be also MA weapons (and IIRC there is also an artifact spear in the SotM :D ) but... then probably all melee weapons could be viewed as potentially used in a MA and melee would be a useless ability apart from its charm.
Actually, I was being a little facetious with the knife business. While spears are used in some forms, let's not get carried away or else we'll be arguing you can use any weapon with martial arts as they're all used some-damn-where. I'm just gun-ning for the staff (pun intended for anyone who speaks Chinese) since it's *REALLY* prevalent within most martial arts styles and it becomes a logical boon to the character concept of someone who either uses her band hands, something she can grab that's lying around or the two weapons she forms out of essence.
oh god i am so slow sorry sorry sorry

So here's her background!


"Tell you about myself? That's...that's actually a pretty tall order. Y'see, there isn't much I remember about who I am, at least before the Sun hit me with his Glorious Golden Shiv. I remember...

I remember picking my way through these great big vaults. We're talking huge, here, like you could stack three or four Tyrant Lizards and still not reach the ceiling - though I'd want to know where you were getting the big lizards, and how you managed to convince them to form a saurian ladder...anyway, I digress. I managed to dodge these messed-up acid-spitting traps emplaced in the walls and picked this weird lock - it was so big I had to use my actual arm as a lockpick. I remember a click when everything slid into place and then there was a huge WHAM and everything suddenly went golden.

I remember...images. Brief flashes of a lifetime before mine - one that lasted and lasted and lasted until I started taking up new 'hobbies' because what once suited me was more boring than watching Thrice-Radiant Misho's Neverdrying Paint dry. Vivisecting men and women, mortals and spirits and even Exalts, for purposes I don't understand.

I remember a great Factory-Cathedral on the edges of the River of Tears. When I went to where it was supposed to be, I found nothing. I don't mean it was in ruins, or even replaced, I mean there was a blank space about a mile in diameter where there was nothing at all. I tried to step through and appeared on the other side; it was pretty fucked up.

Other than that I...honestly don't remember much."


"What, you want to know where I got these shinies? That's a funny story. See, my amnesia is kind of weird - I don't remember my past, but everything I learned is still there; it's like all the associations are gone. So anyway I was looking for work because stealing my dinner every night gets kind of boring after a while, and eventually I found myself a part of some Scavenger Lord's entourage, helping him loot some ancient temple or another.

So it's the third or fourth week of excavations and everybody else is outside at the camp. I...wanted to keep working, yeah. That's why I was inside the temple when the floor finally gave way and I dropped into a second temple all decorated with silver and gold. I was like 'fuck yeah jackpot!' but all the shiny was a part of the walls and I couldn't pry it off. Which is bullshit; I'm a fucking Solar and I should be able to steal everything that isn't nailed down, and steal the nails too when something is nailed down. Anyway so there wasn't anything I could grab except these cool gold-looking bracers and some funny paper strips or bandages - like thirty or forty feet of them. I grabbed the bracers and tried them on and they fit perfectly, which was ten kinds of awesome; that meant I could hide them under my cloak easier.

The bandages were weirder - I picked up one end and it was actually laced through with little lines of metal - silver and gold and weird rainbow steel and what I think was jade. I figured, hey it's jade, maybe it's an Artifact, so I ran some essence through it, and the fucking thing tried to wrap me up like a Calibration present. I, ah, gracefully avoided it - 'cos anyone who tells you I screamed and flailed and ran around is a goddamn liar - and the thing seemed content with just covering my arms and legs (and how the hell did it get under the bracers?). At least it wasn't glowing; that would have been a bitch to hide.

Well, it would have been, except when I climbed back out of the ruins everyone in the camp was dead, and also the camp was on fire. A few seconds later someone shot a crossbow at me and someone else tried to stick a sword through my back and things got kinda frantic. I'm not sure exactly how but the wrappings and the bracers were really big helps in the fighting! I don't think I ever fought so well - hah, at least not from what I remember! Get it? That's a...oh, never mind - and when you get down to it, everyone I was fighting were mortals. They broke and started to run pretty damn quick - only the leader, this big beefy fellow just covered in metal and carrying this big fuck-off sword was all 'I'll be back with reinforcements; we will get your bounty!' and I was like 'what the fuck' only he ran and I couldn't chase him because I had to put out the fires before they burned all the supplies.

So, yeah, I kind of have a price on my head. That's pretty awesome when you think about it!"


edit: oh yeah you know what would be awesome, a name! This is Grinning Magpie, a Night Caste.
Since I've recently grown a seemingly insatiable addiction for Exalted, I hope I'm not too late to tender an offering to this game. A couple of notes before this begins.

1. The concept may seem silly at first, but trust me, I can and will play it deadly serious if need be. Though, given the talk of bee-cannons, I don't think I'll have to be that strict...

2. With due respect to you, Jukashi for your excellent comic, this isn't a rip-off of a certain member of your cast, but a heavy overhaul of a character I created for a game several years ago over on GiTP.

3. Getting this concept to work may require a custom charm tree for some effects, but maybe not. I'll have to have a closer look and see.


So, you want to know who I am? Let me tell you a story...

The forests of the East are trackless, don't you know. You can walk forever in the green, along roads as wide as a Yeddim without your feet ever touchin' the ground. I was born in the trees. Mom always said that the birds sang a chorus with the little gods of the wood when I came out of her, but frankly I'm pretty sure that Wycha-Wymn, the old bag who served as the midwife, had given her a little too much of the herbal painkiller. She, meanin' Wycha, always said I was a hard-headed little bastard even then, and it wasn't an easy delivery. But anyway, out I came into the world, a beautiful baby boy - hope that doesn't sound conceited, but it's true. I'm a damn good looking man. Thanks, sweet-thing, I'm glad you agree.

So anyway, I grew up a pretty normal kid, yeah - except for being exceedingly handsome, of course. Oh, and I could play any instrument you care to name, too. And I was pretty much the best fighter out of all my friends. Hey, I can't help it, I'm good at what I do... Anyway, where was I? So yeah, here I am... deep in the East, miles from what you'd call 'civilization' - not that I knew that at the time, the only thing I knew about cities and people was from the little villages we raided every now and then when food was short, or else just because. Young men need somethin' to do, after all, or they get up to the kinds of mischief that makes fathers very, very nervous. Not that I didn't anway, mind you... of course, none of that matters, and none of 'em were half as pretty as you... You're welcome, dove. Now, back to me.

It was just past my seventeenth birthday - manhood, in our tribe, and it was the night of my trial. A lot of tribes around us had something like it, but ours was a hell of a one. Seven days in the deep woods, nothing but a knife and your wits. Oh, and you had to find these little purple mushrooms with chartreuse spots and eat 'em every night before you went to sleep - whoo, I tell you, those things are hellaciously strong. Good times, really, now that I think about it.

But back on track. It was the sixth night. I remember I was looking up at the moon and the stars through a gap in the canopy. It was strange, because as thick as it was, we rarely saw them, but that night it was so clear and so damn beautiful it made my heart ache. So I'm laying back, thinking, getting ready to chow down on some of those mushrooms, when I hear... something. Something big. I don't, to this day, know what it was. Maybe something of the Fair Folk's that god loose from its handlers, or maybe something out of nightmares. All I know is that it was big and dark and it stank like rot and blood and all the dead of all the wars in Creation.

So I'm standing there with my knife, seeing my life flash before my eyes and wishing I'd done more with it, and thinking I should at least die like a man even if I'd never officially get to be one, and suddenly, everything stops. I fell to my knees as something... I dunno, call it a sense of *presence*, hits me like a hammerblow. And as I look up, it's like the moon is falling, right on top of me... but then it's not a moon, it's a woman, and she's all in silver and she's beautiful... but not beautiful like you are, my dove, but beautiful like sunset and moonrise... beautiful like the dance of the lightning and the roar of the wind. Like a force of nature, if you get me.

So I'm kneeling before me, and she speaks to me, without words... and then she starts to sing. And that song is everything. It's Creation, it's Heaven, it's the note that lights the darkness and the dirge that ends everything. And I know it, and it's in me, and it is me... and maybe it still is. Hard to say. And then she hands me this... yeah. This thing right here. Odd, isn't? Looks like a heart or a lute, but it's all one solid piece. Shouldn't be able to play it, but play it does, and my, what a sound that is. Like a fire on your soul and lightning down your spine, a whisper in the dark and a scream of rage against the dying of the light.

And then she's gone, and I feel it in me... this terrible, awful, awesome power, and I can feel myself changing. And suddenly, this thing's right on me, but I just smile, and I play a chord, and it shatters into shards of shadow and melts away under a patch of moonlight...

They came soon after, the Silver Pact, and they bore me away, they taught me quite a bit, and I learned even more from the lady who taught me... but ah, that memory's fresh. What am I going to do now? Mmmm... well, that's the question, isn't it? I mean, yeah, I've been given a lot of gifts, but I think... I think there's a price. I want to give something back.

First, though, I've got to get better. I mean, I'm good now, but I need to get much, much better before I can do what I want. I'm gonna rock the Realm, honey-doll, right down to its rotten roots. I'm gonna play the tunes that make the people get up and boogie down to the Rebellion Rock. But that ain't all... As on Creation, so in Heaven. Lot a things going down, I think, up there, and I think, when all's said and done, I might just sing myself up a stairway and give that place the best damn concert it ever will hear.

Hmmm? Oh, yeah. I really should leave before he gets home, eh?

Projected backgrounds:

4 or 5 dot custom Artifact: The Great Axe.

Perhaps a few dots in Resources, one in reputation. As I said earlier, might need some custom charms to make this concept work.

Motivation: Use the power of the Rock to clean Heaven and Creation, shattering the corrupt infrastructures where needed and rebuilding them, as well.
Its been a few days now...

I personally like characters that I can watch develop and progress, usually for years. Thus I do not make offers to games all that often, nor do I make offers in multiple games at the same time. I am currently only playing in 1 game and running 1 game via the PbP medium.

I was just wondering if his resplendent GM'ness had a 'short list' of possible characters he is trying to narrow down?
Thanos_Infinity, I'm narrowing down the list even as we speak. You just have the misfortune to have applied for the same game as a lot of other talented people, so it's taking a bit longer.

And it's Her Resplendent GMness, by the way.
Your ST has officially lost her mind. Two groups (aaaah) with six characters each (aaah), one group focused on nation-building adventures and one on wandering adventures.

Team Walkabout:







Team Manifest Destiny:







I'm sorry not to be able to take all of you!
Huzzah! Team Snake Spitting Bees is Go!

I think. We have the bee Lunar, my JoyKill, A full moon lunar (I think) Something else.. Wait. Am I the only Solar on the walk-about team?
4 Lunars, 2 Solars. Should be interesting.

To make things easy on Her Resplendent GMness, I'm more than happy to have links to any of the characters herein. For the Lunars, it's easy enough to say we trained with the same Pack. I'm also willing to go with a Solar bond, if either Landreau or TK are amenable. I look forward, with the lot of you, to kicking ass and chewing bubble gum. And being all out of bubble gum.
Voting Team Ronin be renamed Team Awesome

(Magpie would be kind of confused about the whole Bond thing! If you don't mind a comedy of errors you can go ahead with her; TKMobile might make for a more plot-making bond, though.)
This'll be fun, especially if the two groups' actions have repercussions on the other.

I'll start statting Coral once character creation rules are stated.
So... wow, how appropriate. 2 Night castes and a bunch of lunars.

I'm not 100% on all the terms/deals with Exalted, less so concerning Lunars.

What's a Solar Bond?
I haven't actually decided which caste my lunar is going to be yet. Either Full or Changing moon.

My real concern is how to properly represent the ideas I have for his powers. If I create a custom charm tree to represent the powers of Rock, will I be allowed to buy them in the beginning?
Wouldn't the Powers of Rock be represented by social attacks using Performance? The Lunars have some pretty nifty emotion-manipulating charms that can use Performance...
Laundreu said:
Wouldn't the Powers of Rock be represented by social attacks using Performance? The Lunars have some pretty nifty emotion-manipulating charms that can use Performance...
Most likely, yeah. I might make up something custom just to get the flavor exactly where I want it, pending ST approval of course.

Speaking of Lunars, how does Her STness feel about the alternate lunar creation rules?
WhiteKnight777 said:
I haven't actually decided which caste my lunar is going to be yet. Either Full or Changing moon.
Don't know if it will make any difference, but we do have two Full Moons already. I think Arynne is a Changing Moon, but that's just a guess on my part. He or she did not say one way or another, but the sense I got from the background was Changing Moon. Again, if that makes any difference.....
vanman said:
WhiteKnight777 said:
I haven't actually decided which caste my lunar is going to be yet. Either Full or Changing moon.
Don't know if it will make any difference, but we do have two Full Moons already. I think Arynne is a Changing Moon, but that's just a guess on my part. He or she did not say one way or another, but the sense I got from the background was Changing Moon. Again, if that makes any difference.....
I'd already pretty much settled on changing moon in the interim between this post and that one - He's designed to be a primarily manipulative/social character, so it's by far the most appropriate option. He should be able to at least hold his own in combat, though, given that The Great Axe, his artifact, is quite literally an axe in addition to being a guitar.

Also, it seems I pre-empted our illustrious ST with my question :P
This should be interesting. Midnight's Fury is also an axe wielder, though his axe is most definitely not a guitar. It does have a nifty chain that allows him to swing it around in Full Lunar fury (pun intended)!

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