I Am Chat

Should this world include all fantasy creatures like unicorns, imps, pixies, fairies etc. Or naw?

  • Yes

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  • Naw

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McMajestic said:
You know what would make you feel better? RPing with me

If only i had no exam to study for...

Pish who studies for exams lel
PenguinFox said:
Sir Christopher Lee xD . He's an actor who played Saruman in LotR, Count Dooku in Star Wars and Dracula in the most famous movie adaption (possibly the first). He died exactly one year ago.
Have you?
Rip person-who-was-an-actor-i-did-not-know-till-today
I have to go now; apparently even though I've already done a lot of work it's not enough. *sigh* it never is. I'll be back...IDK, later I guess.
McMajestic said:
@Dalamus Ulom Not sure why you rolled cause you're not killing Shiva. He just got there lol
No, it's to hit them, not to kill them. A hit is a hit, no matter what little it does. It's up to you guys to decide what happenes, like with Shivas attack on Mickey.
I'm back. But very upset....

Anyway...I see absolutely nothing has happened in my absence. Makes it easy to get caught up.
PenguinFox said:
I'm back. But very upset....
Anyway...I see absolutely nothing has happened in my absence. Makes it easy to get caught up.
Aww... Penguin....do you need an internet hug? ;-; i can give you one? I need a reason to stop studying for a moment
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PenguinFox said:
I'm back. But very upset....
Anyway...I see absolutely nothing has happened in my absence. Makes it easy to get caught up.
What's wrong, buddy?
[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]What's wrong, buddy?

RL stuff. Stuff I'm trying to run from but it always catches up.
I'd give you an inspirational speech, like those guys in those tv shows who turn their friend's life around, but i think we all know the gist of every inspirational speech and lecture in history.
So here, i give you a hug. Its not as overrated as le powerful, emotional, inspirational speech and it can be even more effective! Some c'mere!
<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Dominaiscna" data-cite="Dominaiscna" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="216260" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'd give you an inspirational speech, like those guys in those tv shows who turn their friend's life around, but i think we all know the gist of every inspirational speech and lecture in history.</div></blockquote>


Sounds like something J.D. or Dr. Cox from Scrubs would say <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png" alt=" xD " srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p>
PenguinFox said:
Sounds like something J.D. or Dr. Cox from Scrubs would say xD
Who are they? O.o

I know, i live in a small world.

And since my hugs can not be physical, coz i mean theres the problem with potentially thousands of miles of land and sea between you and me, but here. Grab a potato and pretend its me xD

Dominaiscna said:
Who are they? O.o
I know, i live in a small world.

And since my hugs can not be physical, coz i mean theres the problem with potentially thousands of miles of land and sea between you and me, but here. Grab a potato and pretend its me xD

They're characters from my favorite T.V show of all time, Scrubs. It was a doctor show but was mostly a comedy. It also had many amazing life lessons in it too. Like this one about not putting your burdens on other people, and taking responsibility for yourself. (yes that is Michael J. Fox as the doctor with OCD)


PenguinFox said:
They're characters from my favorite T.V show of all time, Scrubs. It was a doctor show but was mostly a comedy. It also had many amazing life lessons in it too. Like this one about not putting your burdens on other people, and taking responsibility for yourself. (yes that is Michael J. Fox as the doctor with OCD)

Oh O.o that looks like a pretty cool tv show? Is it still airing?
Dominaiscna said:
Oh O.o that looks like a pretty cool tv show? Is it still airing?
No, it ended in 2010 sadly. It is on Netflix though. It may be elsewhere on the internet too.
One of my favorite lessons in the show of all time. It's especially meaningful because the old doctor that gives the lesson usually hates everyone and doesn't care about them.


PenguinFox said:
No, it ended in 2010 sadly. It is on Netflix though. It may be elsewhere on the internet too.
Cool. Might check it out. Ever seen the Twilight Zone? The actually good thing with the word "twilight" in its name.

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