I Am Chat

Should this world include all fantasy creatures like unicorns, imps, pixies, fairies etc. Or naw?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Naw

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Beware the blood bush and the children of the briar. They are the deadliest of all plants.

Blood Bush: A large flower surrounded by whip like vines. These vines have sharp barbs on them. They can also eject said barbs into foes. These barbs are actually seeds and will grow quickly inside of it's victim, using their blood as nutrients.

Children of the Briar: Technically speaking these are constructs. They are humanoid beings made entirely of briar. (thorn bush)
McMajestic said:
Everyone likes LotR and here I am, only remembering my precious Legolas and nothing else lol
But...but...Aragorn....he's just....(<3.<3)
When me and my friend were watching LotR a long time ago we made a deal. I get Legolas and she gets Aragorn. I've been Legolas strong ever since. xD @PenguinFox
I love Legolas don't get me wrong....but have you ever noticed he's...too perfect? He hardly ever is hurt or gets even a scratch. Aragorn fell off a cliff. And lived. I also have to admit I have a thing for defined jawlines and Vigo has one of the best in hollywood. Next to Hugh Jackman
lol defined jawlines are a great quality and I have to say, it's been a solid three years since I've seen the movies so no, I do not remember his perfection but I'm sure he deserves to be perfect lol
Dominaiscna said:
Will you guys kill me if i say i dont care about either of them? >.<
No, it's fine. Everyone has their favorites in LotR. I don't care who somebody likes. As long is it's not Frodo or Sam.
every time I get an alert I get a little excited until I realize there's no one replying to any main threads I'm in *sigh* guess this chat will have to do lol
McMajestic said:
every time I get an alert I get a little excited until I realize there's no one replying to any main threads I'm in *sigh* guess this chat will have to do lol
Oh ! I see how it is!
Wrecked my heart with a feels bad wreckingball ;-; i'm going back to studying, tch!
meh. It's not like I have anything going on right now. Just sadness at the loss of Saruman/Count Dooku/Dracula. Even though it was close to a year ago now.
@ChronosCoded Idk but it's been too long go fix your post so I can reply too and finally be doing something
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Dominaiscna said:
Who's that? O.o
Sir Christopher Lee xD . He's an actor who played Saruman in LotR, Count Dooku in Star Wars and Dracula in the most famous movie adaption (possibly the first). He died exactly one year ago.

ChronosCoded said:
Oh. My. God. Have I really been gone for two days?!
Have you?

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