I Am Chat

Should this world include all fantasy creatures like unicorns, imps, pixies, fairies etc. Or naw?

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  • Naw

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Kiroshiven said:
Dalamus took Clarnet. Then he went back to his home, I'm assuming, and did a ritual in which he became a god of chaos. Now he's trying to kill everyone, but he's going to have a duel with Aldritch first, because Aldritch is going man mode and sacrificing himself for the two women that he loves. Meanwhile, Jackson and Teletra are dealing with some things. Like the fact that Teletra is going to be having Cadner's baby. And other things.
So right now is anyone outside at the field where the army is?
TsukikoMoon said:
So right now is anyone outside at the field where the army is?
Garlok. The minotaur is busy keeping the armies of chaos at bay. There's also an army of ice soldiers running through the streets keeping the others safe.
Kiroshiven said:
Garlok. The minotaur is busy keeping the armies of chaos at bay. There's also an army of ice soldiers running through the streets keeping the others safe.
So the place where the dark army are being summoned are clear of any innocent people, right?
TsukikoMoon said:
So the place where the dark army are being summoned are clear of any innocent people, right?
currently, yes. Garlok is the only one there. Also it's on the eastern edge of the city. You'd have to travel over there.
I think I will only have Freya fight the dragon later if I have a chance but for now I will let Freya annihilate the shadow army coming from the sea
TsukikoMoon said:
I think I will only have Freya fight the dragon later if I have a chance but for now I will let Freya annihilate the shadow army coming from the sea
Apparently the army keeps spawning as Garlok flung a few dozen of them into space. Got a response of more coming out of the ocean. So I'm assuming that until Dalamus falls, which he wants Aldritch to do for some reason or another, the army will be endless. *shrugs at the end of his hypothesis*
Kiroshiven said:
Apparently the army keeps spawning as Garlok flung a few dozen of them into space. Got a response of more coming out of the ocean. So I'm assuming that until Dalamus falls, which he wants Aldritch to do for some reason or another, the army will be endless. *shrugs at the end of his hypothesis*
Well let's see how Dalamus respond to this.
btw a priest can be awesome too if sportsvannia still continue this RP, I wonder why she suddenly is not continuing this anymore


TsukikoMoon said:
btw a priest can be awesome too if sportsvannia still continue this RP, I wonder why she suddenly is not continuing this anymore

Actually, a priest would be the most effective against all that Dalamus has, as they use lawful magic as well as good. The very things Chaos and evil magic are weak against.
ChronosCoded said:
Jackson let out a small sigh as he got up off of Teletra's bed. He walked over to her, "Your father has Joyeuse, The Sword of Earth? Really? That's interesting." He added. "I need some armor too, I'm going to go find the armory and I'll meet you out there. I'm the guy that's going berserk on the dragon." He smiled as he jogged swiftly out of the room. He walked around for about three minutes before he found the armory. He stepped in and all around him was everything you'd need for a war. Armor, swords, bows, quivers and everything else. A set of iron armor with gold coloring got his attention. He put on the armor and grabbed a bow and quiver. He put the quiver on his back and put about 98 arrows in it. He then walked over and grabbed a shield. "That should be everything." He muttered to himself as he teleported outside.
His outside greeting wasnt very pretty. He watched as ice warriors started beating on the dragon and then get melted by the dragons breath. Jackson ran behind the dragon known as Mickey and climbed onto his tail. The dragon tried shaking him off a few times but it didnt work. He climbed and climbed until he was on the dragons wing. He stabbed the dragons wing and the dragon started flipping out. He kept trying throw him off, it wasnt working until the last one. Jackson went flying into a tree, his armor slightly protecting him. He ran at the dragon and proceeded to attack him over and over.
So you jumped onto a still flying dragon that is in a completly different country, jumped from the ground to its back, controlled said dragon, and autohit said dragan. No.
ChronosCoded said:
I didnt know it was flying. And I didnt know anyone was controlling it. Sorry
It's fine. But it was kinda obvious when I was saying everthing it did, and only me. And it's a dragon. Why would it walk around on the ground?
Oh no! (.A.) Not 100 years of e-

....wait wait wait.. What is a human equivalent of a 100 yers for elves? Coz if Tanya gave him 100 years of her human life, then she is oooooolllddd O.o unless i'm completely misreading the entire thing, which i probably am.
Dominaiscna said:
Oh no! (.A.) Not 100 years of e-
....wait wait wait.. What is a human equivalent of a 100 yers for elves? Coz if Tanya gave him 100 years of her human life, then she is oooooolllddd O.o unless i'm completely misreading the entire thing, which i probably am.
I think it means more to the end of her life. But I'm not sure.
PenguinFox said:
I think it means more to the end of her life. But I'm not sure.
I thought so too. After i realized how stupid i sounded in the first message.

But how long would a human commonly live for?

Btw How long would elves usually live for, anyway?
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Dominaiscna said:
I thought so too. After i realized how stupid i sounded in the first message.
But how long would a human commonly live for?

Btw How long would elves usually live for, anyway?
Few hundred years. 3 to 400 hundred, I think.
I'd say it depends on their breed(? Race? Type? Whatever). Wood elves if they are really healthy would be 500 max I would say.

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