I Am Chat

Should this world include all fantasy creatures like unicorns, imps, pixies, fairies etc. Or naw?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Naw

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Oh that reminds me. I haven't quite thought of a use for an Additional IC but if anybody has any ideas I'd be more than willing to request it? We could do side stories or explore different character developments/ relationships. Things that wouldn't normally happen in the main thread. I don't know, just a thought.
Dominaiscna said:
I only have like 2 active atm lol. One to be active
All of mine are active except the two that haven't started yet. I don't mind it except some of them is a constant back and forth so I have less time to respond to other RPs and usually the ones that I need to respond to are detailed lol.
Dominaiscna said:
100 pagesssss!
Anyway any one supporting my notion of adding some wine to the party? xD will make things helluva interesting/funny lol
My character is a drunk giant, wines kind of a necessity xD
Yo @ChronosCoded would it be alright if at some point a drunk Brutus, what am I saying. A super wasted Brutus, goes and puts Aleister through a wall.
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Yo @ChronosCoded would it be alright if at some point a drunk Brutus, what am I saying. A super wasted Brutus, goes and puts Aleister through a wall.

I'd love to see that xD
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Woohoo! I got the green light! Now just need to make it to the party, get wasted and have a confrontation with Aleister.

Can't wait xD
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Okay now I'm really pumped about putting dude through a wall. I'm thinking of how it's gonna go down.

Maybe he tries to pick Aleister up and then Aleister screams to put him down.... But he doesn't and throws him into a wall instead? xD

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