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Fantasy Hybrids

Xillia smiled at the raven haired other, giggling a bit. She hadn't dropped anything, so it was fine. She worried that maybe she had accidentally hurt the girl, though.

"Are you ok?" She asked, keeping her usual smile.
"Is... Something wrong?" She noticed the tone in her voice. Obviously, the girl didn't want to talk much right now.
"No, I'm fine." She looked around uncertainly. She felt as if she were being watched, but it may have just been her being paranoid.
"Are you sure..? I mean, you don't seem all that 'Ok', but alright." She said hesitantly. The girl didn't seem like she was alright at all. She seemed almost as if she were mentally ill.
Iris gave the girl a subtle glare.

"You just met me and now your acting all concern? I honestly do not understand how that works." She looked at the forest, wishing the conversation would end.
Xillia followed Iris' gaze, and saw the Forest.

"Are you... Going into the Forest..?" She guessed, dodging the question. She didn't have an answer, and felt a little insulted that she was so rude to her when all she wanted to do was help.
Fisa prowled in her animal form at the edge of the forest. She wanted to talk to the human girl again, but the girl was talking to another human. She caught snatches of their conversation. "Forest.... Yeah." The stranger human looked around.
Xillia's eyes lit up like the trees themselves when she heard her answer. Nerd out in 3... 2... 1...

"Really?! Well why don't we go together, the trees are gonna glow and then there's the Hybrids, the plants, and




" Her voice trailed off for anyone listening. She ranted for what seemed like forever before wearing herself out and stopping to catch her breath.
Damn humans... "Um... Sure, I guess..." Iris didn't know whether to trust this girl or not but if something were to happen it would be better to be with someone else. She looked around again, this time sure that someone was watching them. "Who's out there?!" She shouted glancing around.
Xillia was now aware that there was a Hybrid watching them, from Iris' question. She looked at the forest, trying to maybe find a set of eyes or something.
Fisa froze. Had they heard her? She didn't trust this new human, but it seems like she might have to show herself anyway. Slowly, she crept out of the underbrush, swishing her tail softly.
Iris gave a quiet sigh of relief. So i'm not going crazy after all... Good.
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Xillia smiled a little, as she already knew this Hybrid.

"It's just you, then?" She asked, giggling a little. She was alright with this large feline, but she was still a little uneasy around her.

As she said that, Revnoir popped out from the underbrush a few feet away from where Fisa had been.

"Nope~! I'm here too! Way to not notice me..." He said, jokingly insulted. His oddly fluffy tail wagged from side to side. AAAand the joker's back.
Revnoir just laughed when the feline bared her teeth at him. He let it roll off his back and looked over at Iris.

"A new Human~?" He was beside her in a split second. He looked at her, as if honestly interested.

"What's your name?" He asked, sneering mischievously.
"Revnoir. Pleased to meet you,


." He said, emphasizing the name. He was a little sarcastic, obviously. His tall ears flicked, as a breeze rolled in. He wasn't used to not having the shield of the trees from the wind. He looked over at Xillia, smiling a little. "It's the little brown-haired girl~!" He said, actually excited now. He turned into his tiny fox form and jumped around her feet. He seemed to want her to give him a belly rub again.
Fisa walked up to Xillia and sat at her feet, rubbing her face on her hand in an obvious attempt to get petted.
Revnoir felt repulsed by the feline, and looked at Iris. He padded over, and rubbed his side against her leg. He looked up at her, silently asking her to pet him. He'd show that feline... He can charm any girl! They'll see!

Xillia giggled a little and pet the panther Hybrid.

(she's a panther right?)
Iris pet Revnoir a bit and began walking away. I don't have time for this... These hybrids are clearly in competition. How childish...

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