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Futuristic Hybrid's - A Changed World

Oh, but probably not until after this next tuesday. I've got a three day event 3 hours from my home in the middle of no-where, and I'm not bringing my laptop or going on line there because its my last chance to see my best friend before she leaves home again for a while.

Alright. So I dont know about all of you that are still interested, but before we get this hybrid roleplay started, I'd like to chat with everyone interested, so I know for a fact that you all understand the storyline. If anyone has any questions, message me please, I've already talked to two of you about the storyline and approved characters, and I'd like to do that with everyone else too. Thank you!
MoltenLightning said:
Dude, this idea is super cool! :D Are there still available slots?
Ah sure ^^; I'll take one more, why not. I dont want more than that though, cause, well, it might be difficult to handle? This is my first time doing this eheh... well, on this site at least. And with this many people.
Thanks! And I totally feel ya there. I'm a newbie too! I've made one RP interest thing, which I'm kinda nervous about. But Im excited at the same time, because its something I've never tried before! :D
MoltenLightning said:
Thanks! And I totally feel ya there. I'm a newbie too! I've made one RP interest thing, which I'm kinda nervous about. But Im excited at the same time, because its something I've never tried before! :D
I feel ya ^^; and I've had this idea for a very long time, even plan to actually write it out as a story, but its such a fun idea to roleplay that I wanted to do so. So you are interested, correct? .o.?
Funny, I had mine written into a first chapter before RPing it. It was apart of a dream I had. And then, I had the same thought when I joined. But yea, I am indeed interested! :D
MoltenLightning said:
Funny, I had mine written into a first chapter before RPing it. It was apart of a dream I had. And then, I had the same thought when I joined. But yea, I am indeed interested! :D
Perfect! I'll put you in! That also means, if you have any questions or a character idea I'd love to hear it in pm, yeah? ^^
Definitely still interested in this. My internet has been on the fritz for the past week, so, I am still unable to message people of my own accord yet! But if you could message me, I would most happily talk about the storyline 'n see about getting a character approved.

Still waiting for some of you to confirm you'd like to get involved or not :x no rush, but it has been a while since I really checked. I just need to hear from


If you are all still interested, let me know please!
Interested...yet... this:

Kaprosuchus96 said:
real life creatures please though, nothing form video games and comics that is mythical
How is your character a Dragon Hybrid? It doesn't make any sense unless I'm missing something...hmmm...
I'm in. I've been having trouble getting role plays to take off recently, so color me interested. I've only used a "furry" character once, because he was a faun. So this is new to me.
I'm interested. One question though, what is the world outside the domes like? Wasteland or just like nothing happened but an airborne plague?
StoneWolf18 said:
Interested...yet... this:
How is your character a Dragon Hybrid? It doesn't make any sense unless I'm missing something...hmmm...
I call him a dragon hybrid because of the fact that he has leathery type dragon wings and horns. And I like dragons and its the first thing I thought of that connected to it >~< If you go by my rule, hes a combination of two creatures, which isnt something thats completely common. With bull type horns and lizardy/bat type wings. I dunno ;~; I've had this character for a very long time, and I love him and I dont really have any other type of reasoning or explanation for it other than what I've given :x sorry.


Petronov said:
I'm interested. One question though, what is the world outside the domes like? Wasteland or just like nothing happened but an airborne plague?
It is a bit like a wasteland yes, because chaos and thievery ensued because of the lack of leadership and everyone sorta did what they want. Its not like buildings were leveled, but things are broken down and they dont have much electricity or running water, if at all. So sorta zombie apocaliptic with broken windows, rubble in most places, such and such.

Sleipnir said:
I'm in. I've been having trouble getting role plays to take off recently, so color me interested. I've only used a "furry" character once, because he was a faun. So this is new to me.
Furry isnt the word I'd use o o but they are a lot like them. More like Nekos. Tails and ears here and there, and like, wings. Stuff like that, and why not :D another two people. Yay.
So I've been thinking about my character. I'm thinking human soldier that was captured during a raid and shown that the outside world doesn't have the airborne plague thing then turned into a kind of rebel/bounty hunter type thing.
Kaprosuchus96 said:
I call him a dragon hybrid because of the fact that he has leathery type dragon wings and horns. And I like dragons and its the first thing I thought of that connected to it >~< If you go by my rule, hes a combination of two creatures, which isnt something thats completely common. With bull type horns and lizardy/bat type wings. I dunno ;~; I've had this character for a very long time, and I love him and I dont really have any other type of reasoning or explanation for it other than what I've given :x sorry.
Well no reptiles have wings, so then there's no reason for him to have any unless they were that of a bat. Leather all the same, just connected to his arms. If I am sounding rude and or hostile then I apologize but I really am not fond of a GM not following his own rules. I am still interested if you would have me, yet please try and work something out with your character if possible...

I also just suddenly realized what you truly meant with your question. This all started out as a story idea. LIke, I was going to write an actual story. I still plan to and everything. So yeah, I feel bad that I set down rules like that yet I myself have something that is slightly "mythical", but if you look at it this way; he cannot breath fire. They only thing he has is wings that come off of his back (not attached to his arms) horns, and pointed ears (a trait that goes to most hybrids that dont usually have furry ears involved, such as spider hybrids, birds, lizards, snakes, etc). I have had this character from the very beginning, he was the start of the entire idea as is, so even though he very slightly goes against my "rule" simply by saying he's based off of a dragon, I don't want to give him up, and I'm also not giving him supernatural powers or anything of the like. I feel really bad about it, but I believe I've also made my point, and I would like to keep him for this :x if that is okay.

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