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Futuristic Hybrid's - A Changed World


Dragon Mama <3

(Warning, this has a lot of reading)

I apologize beforehand for all the writing! You're brave to get through all of this.


The Earth; same cities; same people; same problems. One hundred years after Asia split into two, with Europe, Africa, and the western half of Asia melding together with North America and South America (with the plates of the earth moving and meshing the continents together back into something like Pangea from days past) to form New Amari (am-are-eye) war broke out. New Amari, alongside its two smaller "siblings" Ruiea (rue-ay-ah) and Trohk (trawk, but a bit more husky(?)), created new governments and colonies. Not all of their people got along, but it was the relationship between the new countries that was strained. People from Ruiea and the people from New Amari fought endlessly, mostly because of Amari's high prosperity and wealthy citizens, whereas Ruiea had an abundance of resources. Everyone was fine with their new lives and continents, just not with their neighbors across the sea.

War broke out between Ruiea and New Amari, and with Ruiea’s forces repeatedly defeating and outnumbering New Amari’s forces, New Amari had to come up with a new strategy so as to come out of the war on top. The top scientists of New Amari were, by order of the New Amari Government, to come up with a way to turn the war into their favor.

The Scientists cooked up a serum that when administered to a person would tap into their more animalistic instincts; it caused them to have heightened senses, sharper sight, hearing, and smell, and better adaptation towards an environment. It was called the AS-98 Vaccine (interchangeable with serum). It wasn’t the same for everyone though, whereas some New Amari’s soldiers became more clever, coming up with devious strategies that surprised Ruiea’s forces, others became stronger, with one soldier being able to take on five or more at once. Others became faster, or became incredibly stealthy, but no matter what animalistic attributes they gained from this serum, the result was New Amari’s victory in the war.

Ruiea was forced, under a new Amari - Ruiea treaty, to sell supplies and resources to the people of New Amari for incredibly low prices, or to provide them without charge when in dire situations. Ruiea fumed under its new “employer”, but it was nothing compared to the anger of the people of Amari when their victory took a turn for the worse. The serum used on the soldiers of New Amari in the war began to mutate the DNA of the soldiers, affecting their specific animalistic attributes and taking them even further.

Soldiers from the New Amari-Ruiea war began to grow sick, and an airborne “illness” crossed the nation, affecting everyone. Soldiers, their families, co-workers and friends slowly began to get sick as well, and the biggest epidemic the world had seen in a very long time crossed New Amari. And then, weeks after the soldiers affected with the AS-98 began to change; people were growing ears, tails, fur and scales. Claws and horns grew from their skin, and people began to panic. Word broke out that the AS-98 Serum was mutating and changing anyone close enough or infected by someone who had been administered the vaccine during the war.

The government hastened to build and hide themselves and anyone unaffected by the sickness within airtight domes across New Amari. The people affected by the AS-98 were alienated, forced to live outside the domes, without a government, or a leader, in chaos. Theft reigned in the un-domed cities, supplies lessened greatly and people grew desperate. The people affected by the AS-98, now referred to by the people within the domes as Hybrids, grew hostile towards the people of the domes, for locking them out, alienating and judging them.

For ten long years the Hybrids of New Amari had to survive on their own, harvest their own resources, set their own laws and take care of their own crime. The people of the dome and the Hybrids grew to hate each other, especially when the people of the dome began to teach their youth that the illness was still rampant outside the dome (when it had died off in year 4) and that the Hybrids were crazed murderers, and over the years the people of the dome began to also send out raiding parties to kill off the Hybrids that caused them trouble, the ones that ambushed supply trucks.

Laws began to change within the domes as well, and anyone who caused trouble or opposed the government was injected with the AS-98 Serum, which the government and scientists still held onto within the domes, and then were thrown out into the wilds outside the domes.

Setting: New Amari, various cities within New Amari, various domes within New Amari, ruins, forests, etc.

Characters: You can play as a Hybrid or a person from the dome (depends on where it is in the roleplay, it would probably be preferred that everyone gets to roleplay together). The types of Hybrids that can be played as are unlimited; real life creatures please though, nothing form video games and comics that is mythical (different cat breeds, dog breeds, horses, rodents, birds, insects, etc) I would like it though if not everyone had the same creature, so one type of creature per person.

Required: At least a short paragraph minimum per post. I know writing can be difficult sometimes, when it comes to thinking of what to do next, but thats when we can stop and talk it out and everything.

Plot: Surviving the world, more or less, dealing with others, plots from the dome government and criminal justice, hostile Hybrids, and head Highbreeds.

(Highbreeds are Hybrids that mutate even further than normal Hybrids and are the leaders/pack chiefs of large communities of Hybrids, whether they are all of the same sub species of Hybrid (such as all cats, spiders, dogs, etc.) or if they are all of different species of Hybrids. An example: Spider Hybrids, or Arachnaeds, can have (depending on the person and how far they have mutated) extra eyes (with no pupils/irises usually, just a straight, solid color) extra arachnid/spider type limbs coming off the front/side of their hips/waist and a spider abdomen coming off of their lower back. They are the most expierenced tailors and make a lot of silk. The Highbreed that would be in charge of a large group/hive of spiders (which I wrote up in an actual story for this idea) would be (for example) a woman with her torso coming up off an arachnid body, with her human legs dangling off of the front of the abdomen. She'd have extra spider legs (not just the eight coming off of her body but extras at her waist/hips, and an extra set of human arms.) She'd have really long white, silky hair, wear a dress of silk that covered almost basically all of her human body, and 6 extra eyes. Again, this is just an example that was included in the actual story ideas I wrote out for it.)


So this is my first time trying out a rp idea :x and I am a little worried about what people will think, but I'm trying to stay hopeful. Also, I'm not quite sure as to what Prefix this ide awould have: Fantasy or Futuristic.... Might need help with that one.

I myself already have a character, who is (to no ones surprise I'm sure) called a Gargoyle; hes basically a Dragon Hybrid. He has large black wings coming off of his back, pointed ears and long black curved horns (think of Maleficent from the new Disney movie) and long black hair.

(Heres a sketch down below of what he roughly looks like that I got sketched for free by Sesi on FA (furaffinity))



(And here is a @GabrielD921


(if I forgot to add someone, or added someone who's not interested, please let me know!)

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WolfOfProphecys said:
I'm interested!
Ah! That's great! :D Just lemme know if you have any questions. I think I might try and set up a small group for it, like, at least 5 or so people. I'm not quite sure. This is my first time really doing this!

Deadkool said:
Yeah, quite possibly.
Well if you're absolutely interested :) lemme know!
I'm very much interested! Are you looking for more of a balance between hybrids and non-hybrids or does it much matter?
justdrinktea said:
I'm very much interested! Are you looking for more of a balance between hybrids and non-hybrids or does it much matter?
Well, I dont want everyone to be a hybrid, I think it would be fantastic if there were just normal Dome Dwellers and hybrids in the group, whether or not they are friends of the hybrids or slowly change sides to help the hybrids or are enemies, or the dwellers are prisoners to the hybrids or the other way around, whichever. I just want everyone to rp together, so in some way we have to make it work. But Im super glad you're intersted! I'll throw your name in there too :)
Kaprosuchus96 said:
Well, I dont want everyone to be a hybrid, I think it would be fantastic if there were just normal Dome Dwellers and hybrids in the group, whether or not they are friends of the hybrids or slowly change sides to help the hybrids or are enemies, or the dwellers are prisoners to the hybrids or the other way around, whichever. I just want everyone to rp together, so in some way we have to make it work. But Im super glad you're intersted! I'll throw your name in there too :)
Why thank you ^^

Curiuse question that jut came to me...

is here such thing as "Advance" Mutated? Like some have spend longer time Mutated or have been effeced with More consentrated doses of AS-98 would be effected in different way?
Yonsisac said:
Why thank you ^^
Curiuse question that jut came to me...

is here such thing as "Advance" Mutated? Like some have spend longer time Mutated or have been effeced with More consentrated doses of AS-98 would be effected in different way?
"Advanced" mutation? Well, honestly I didn't think of it I guess? I mean, everyone gets about the same sized does of AS-98 (at least, those injected with it, not the ones that mutated because of the sickness that passed through Amari) But if you mean how long it takes for someone to mutate, then I already thought of that. Everyone mutates over time. So, for example, Wynn. He's been out in the wilds, having been thrown from one of the domes two or so years into the 10 year span since after the war. (Gosh I need to give these an actual date year.)

So 0 (year) is the war. 1 is when the sickness because of AS-98 spread by air across the continent, and 10 is the current setting. The airborn version of the AS-98 died out in year 4/4.5. Wynn was one of the first few to get thrown out of the domes because he committed a crime, so he was one of the first few between those two/three years that was injected with AS-98 before being thrown out into the wilds. He's been out there in the wilds with the injection for at least... what, 7/8 years. His mutation grew, starting with heightened senses (like hearing, smell, sight, probably a bit of speed and heightened reflexes as well) for at least a month, he had those heightened senses and then further on from that month by month his physical form mutated. Then a month or so of being sick. Maybe another month and a half passed and his ears grew long and pointed, and horns began to poke from his scalp. another two/three months and his horns are almost fully grown/mutated from his head, and he starts to have back pain, which takes another month or so before wings begin to poke/come out from his upper back. Then it'd probably take another 2/4 months before his wings are fully developed.

All in all, someones mutation can take from between half a year to 2 years (at most, 2 1/2 years) depending on the creature, and on the player and what they want, really. Wynn, I decided was thrown out there in year 2.5/3, and even though the sickness was still airborn, he'd already been injected with the AS-98. And throughout the entirety of their time mutating they stay "sick" which means they have a lot of aches and pains, not much stomach sickness, but they ache all over and throw up now and then.

Does that answer your question? :x
Yes indeed it answers my question ^^ Have been Curiuse is all and thanks.....um..Minde if i PM ya to talk about my character i have in minde?
Yonsisac said:
Yes indeed it answers my question ^^ Have been Curiuse is all and thanks.....um..Minde if i PM ya to talk about my character i have in minde?
Ah :x no I dont mind at all. My only thing is that I might not be able to respond or receive them? I may hav ebeen here 24+ hours and now have over 10 posts, but it hasnt resetto give me all the full benefits of the site yet I believe :x

Edit: @Yonsisac : Its working now! So go ahead and PM me if you'd like! It might take me a bit to respond though because I have to go out into town soon, but I should reply at some point today :)
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GabrielD921 said:
I might be interested in this thing.
Yeah? :) we'd all be excited to have you join us! I mean, myself personally, would really be excited for to join us. It makes me super happy to see people interested in my Hybrid's.

BradG said:
And~<3 thank you ^^;

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