• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Restaurant Group


"Of course, of course. You have quite the big group! Let us get you seated," Tonio tells you all and comes out from behind the counter with several menus in hand. You can now see the open kitchen behind him, busy with a few chefs who don't look like they belong here, either. "Now, will someone help the child into her seat? She must eat quickly!"

Tonio comes over and leads you to a large table in the corner with a chair for each of you. He passes you each a menu, which contains a selection of food items from all over his world, names such as 'Greek,' 'Japanese,' 'Indian,' 'American,' and 'German' indexing each page. However, one kind of food is far more prevalent than the others: 'Italian.'

"Now, what will you all take to drink?"

Curiously, at the bottom of the drinks page, there's a peculiar additional phrase written in different languages: Try Tonio's special rejuvenating beverages! Must be enjoyed away from other restaurant goers.

...Might wanna ask about that.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher LilacMonarch LilacMonarch P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Martydi Martydi Riven Riven (Anyone I missed? Please tell me if so)

Bar Group


Moxxi's foxlike eyes scan across Ryuji and Dani. "Aww, that's okay, doll. Some of you look a little too young to be gambling and drinking. Then again, when has that ever stopped anyone on Pandora?" She then turns to Voss and Abbott, particularly focusing on the latter. "Just some hard liquor, sugar? You look like you'd tip over at the first sip. How about we get you introduced over a couple of shots instead?" She swiftly takes a bottle of beer off the wall and pours Abbott a shot in one motion. "Don't worry about the money. It's on the house."

Finally, she looks at Skye. "Hey, love. Look at you all grown up and joining the Crimson Raiders. With Lilith and Maya gone, we needed another Siren to keep Amara in check. Sometimes, she uses those arms of her for all the wrong reasons." She quickly mixes Skye's favorite drink together and slides it towards her. "So, doll, what made you want to come to Pandora?"

quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Yamperzzz Yamperzzz TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Anyone else at the bar?)

Storage Bay

"Natasha, I don't think she meant that in a bad way... at least I hope not..." Kendall whispers.

"Naw, no offense, girl, ah just meant somethin' on four legs and about as big as the puppy I used to have was able to drive for a twenty somethin' miles and not crash into anythin'. Yer' a lot cuter than any a' those crap-spitters." She tightens a few more screws on Claptrap. "So how're y'all likin' Pandora?"

Kendall opens his mouth to say something, but then stops. He glances at Natasha as if knowing she's got a lot more colorful things to say than he does.

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla
The trip back to the base wasn't that long for the Merc with a Mouth, as he spent his time talking non-stop about his shit-quality experience in the world of Fortnite, potentially driving the pilot of the Buzzard he rode in to the brink of insanity. After the whole group's arrival, he complained about the massive length of a post featuring multiple characters that did not include him in any way, shape or form whatsoever, only to be approached by Yung Venuz after seeing two fine gentlemen drag Ribcage into a closet. "GAH! PAWS OFF, IVAN ILLUMINATI! ...Unless you wanna see the master of his craft at work. In that case, you can follow me if you'd like, unless you're too squeamish for what I'm about to do to that Man-Spider rip-off in a few moments." Heeding to Weird Al Yankovic's warnings about the Illuminati in his hit song "Aluminum Foil," Deadpool, thankfully still wearing his tin foil hat, headed to the closet with Ribcage currently being tortured. Kicking the door open while unsheathing both katanas, he gleefully yelled out, "KNOCK KNOOOOOCK~! IIIIIT'S PUNISHMENT TIME!" He took out his boombox, placed it on the floor and after doing a little bit of set-up, hit the Play button to fill the closet with fitting music for this magical moment.

"CLEAR THE WAY, CLEAR THE WAY, PROFESSIONAL ARTIST IN THE ROOM!" Having Trevor and Joe back off after doing their fair share of beating Ribcage to nearly a bloody pulp and breaking multiple bones, Deadpool sliced 2 arms free from their bondage, cut them off from Ribcage, and chopped them into multiple segments, with plenty of blood pouring out. DP then went to work on his legs, slicing them up into parts of various shapes and sizes. The Psycho howled in pain behind his gag, and Deadpool took pride in this. "Now let's see here... what can I potentially make with all of this?!" For a good 12 or so minutes, Wade rearranged all of these severed body parts on a large piece of canvas he had gotten from seemingly nowhere, painted a background with blood, and constructed his magnum opus:

(Just imagine it's Deadpool instead of Bob Ross, and Ribcage's head instead of a rabbit's. Oh, and it's also made of blood and flesh and guts.)

As Deadpool wrapped his arm around Ribcage's shoulders and forced him to look at his "artwork," the Bandit screamed even more, with boiling rage as he continued to bleed out from where his limbs used to be. "HOLY SHIT, IT'S BEAUTIFUL! CALL ME INDIANA JONES, 'CAUSE THIS BELONGS IN A FUCKING MUSEUM! NO EXCEPTIONS!" He put his katanas away and grabbed his boombox and painting, kicked Ribcage as hard as he could in the head, and left the closet, yelling behind him, "AND THAT'S WHY YOU SHOULD'VE BOUGHT THE ONLY SWITCH GAME STARRING ME, YOU FILTHY GODDAMN JIM DAVIS SHILL!" He slammed the door behind him, and made his way elsewhere in the ship. "Hmm... now where could I possibly hang this masterpiece?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
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When Megumin started to interact with Fluffingington, the Doctor gave chase.

"Megumin, stop this foolishness. If you were a- oh, she's asleep."

The Doctor then looks towards Fluffington.

"And there's my patient."

Looking towards Nearl and her friends, he says, "good to see you here, Nearl. Does your table allow for one- no- two more?"

The Doctor then turns to Tonio.

"If this place has free-flow water, I would like to request as much as I can... for Fluffington the Mighty. She needs it. Immediately. As for me-

... wait, why mustn't other restaurant-goers know about our choice of drink?"

Ben, in the meanwhile, looks at the menu.

"I think I'll take a salmon sushi platter! As for drinks... ugh... smoothies, I never really got the appeal of smoothies... I think I'll take the chocolate milkshake."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Riven Riven Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Martydi Martydi P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch LilacMonarch LilacMonarch @restaurantgroup​
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The sound of a loud audible gasps can be heard from the amazed Kuranta as she watched Elizabeth pull a blue rose from her tear. Nearl squeaks as she quickly and softly applauds, amused by her magic. "We have magic where I'm from on Terra, I can summon a pegasus!", she replied with pride, "But I have never certainly seen any kind of magic like that before!" The Kuranta's eyes are certainly bigger and brighter as she scoots closer to Elizabeth. "What else can you pull?", she excitedly asks with tail thumping and ear flicking excitement, the Knight sucking in her lips in anticipation.

As the knight's eyes dart back to the menu, she begins to tap her lips once more, thinking of what to order, before an idea suddenly comes to mind. "I'll take a glass of red wine please Tonio, If that's available", Nearl asks with another cheeky grin, some bouncing in her seat.

She begins to tap the table with a groan, "Wish I had my Warhammer here so I could join in the magic show.. I stuck it near a bed."

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
"Waah!" The Eevee cries out as her perch on Megumin is disturbed. Fluffington the Mighty is quick to hop to safety, before turning around and moving to the mage's face. "Now isnt the Time to use Rest!" Fluffington the Mighty fishes out a Lum Berry from her pouch and pushes it into her friends mouth.
P PopcornPie
It was too late to call to Megumin; She was dreaming.

It was a nice, happy dream too, to make up for the gory and gritty reality she had just faced. In a beautiful blue sky, feeling pure bliss, the young archwizard soared high above the lands with lovely pastel blue wings!

She looped, she swooped, she even did some barrel rolls. (Rest in Peace, Rick Mays, she's doing them for you) No strife could be found up here!

"Psst! Yo! Recruit!" Only one person called Megumin "Recruit". Sure enough, when Megumin turned her head, she saw none other than her former boss, Sarge! He drove a Warthog. It only had two seats, but it made up for that loss with its own pair of wings.

"Sarge!?" Megumin gulped, only to settle herself. "...Well, like Sora said, it's over. All water underneath your disgusting, loathsome bridge that we should have come together and destroyed, so you would fall and break your spine on the rocks below." Yes, she still had a cheerful tone as she said this. "I mean, you fellows only temporarily crippled me, so I shouldn't be hating you that much. Especially not in dreams! Look! I've got wings!" She fluttered them proudly.

"I see that, Recruit!" Sarge put his Warthog into auto pilot, and climbed onto its back, so he stood parallel to her. "You like those wings, huh?"

"Yup!" Megumin did a small loop-de-loop. "Just look at how high up we are! It'd be bad if our wings suddenly fell off."

"Yep." Sarge answered apathetically, somehow being able to summon a huge, and I mean HUGE, pair of scissors in the time it took for Megumin to blink. "A damn shame."


Snip. Before Megumin could even open her mouth to protest, the scissors closed on her wings, and she was sent plummeting into the "raw material" funnel mounted atop Uncle Whoopee's Clown Factory.

Fortunately, before she could have the clown nose pressed onto her face, she was awoken by a mixture of different tastes spreading across her tongue. "Hm? Oh, Chomusuke III. Thanks." She said groggily, with a mouth full of Lum Berry.

"Of course, of course. You have quite the big group! Let us get you seated," Tonio tells you all and comes out from behind the counter with several menus in hand. You can now see the open kitchen behind him, busy with a few chefs who don't look like they belong here, either. "Now, will someone help the child into her seat? She must eat quickly!"

Tonio comes over and leads you to a large table in the corner with a chair for each of you. He passes you each a menu, which contains a selection of food items from all over his world, names such as 'Greek,' 'Japanese,' 'Indian,' 'American,' and 'German' indexing each page. However, one kind of food is far more prevalent than the others: 'Italian.'

"Now, what will you all take to drink?"

Curiously, at the bottom of the drinks page, there's a peculiar additional phrase written in different languages: Try Tonio's special rejuvenating beverages! Must be enjoyed away from other restaurant goers.

...Might wanna ask about that.
Megumin continued to protest weakly, as she was straightened. Alas, her verbal filter lacked sufficient power. "Hey. Hey. Don't touch me, motherfucker. I'm good. I'm damn good. I'm greeeeeaaat. Fine, I'll have some of your damn...fuckin' food...Probably just got my ass c-cloned anyhow..." She lifted a menu to her blurred eyes. "Gimme...G-gimme some goddamn joe. Neroid joe." She nodded drunkenly.

She also watched Fluffington's shenanigans. "Gimme that. You must be lookin' at the kids' side or somethin'. They never give actual artistic talent to kids' stuff..." When she noticed that she, too, couldn't read the Braille, she panicked. By "panicked", of course, we mean "continued groggy, monotone slurring while flailing her arms at the same speed as a sloth". "Oh Heaveeennns...Demons! Demon writing! Demon establishment! Everybody runnn!" She crawled out of her chair like a caterpillar. "Every archwizard for herseeeeelf..."
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  • Price heard a voice calling out, directed at the Captain. Now, usually, he wouldn't respond to "hairbag," and him responding to such a nickname does not indicate him accepting the title of "hairbag," for anyone who had any funny ideas. He looked down to the source, that being Rocket, "Well, you're one to talk," he retorted to the raccoon's hairbag comment. Rocket offered a spot in his and a few others' room. One of them being the Siren, who reiterated the offer. "Count me in," he replied. "I doubt I could get Megumin to do much more, she'll find her own way 'round here." He said, to her concerns about "his kid." He doesn't even know where the kid is at this point, but it's not likely the Crimson Raiders would let her get killed on their own ship. Besides, she's too brain damaged, literally, to use her "explosion." Voss also decided to join the room, which was nice. Good man.

    After the odd circle creature, apparently named "Yung Cuz" spoke, if you could call it that, Zane led everyone to Moxxi's. Approaching the bar would meet them with many signs, a few of them neon, indicating that yes, this is a bar, and yes, this is the direction, and yes, a sultry woman named Moxxi runs it. Entering the bar would meet them with some jazz tunes and an overall chill environment. "Not like the bars in London." Not long after they entered, an openly dressed Moxxi approaches them with a sultry "Hey there, sugar." But, of course, Price was a man of great discipline. A few under-aged kids couldn't drink, which he didn't mind. Really, with a few ops about to come right around to smack them in the face, he shouldn't be drinking either. But a man with great constitution, such as John Price, can handle a pint or two and work just right the next day.


    John looked over to Skye, walking up to the bar. He took off his boonie, placing it on the counter in front of him. The Siren's "Adios Motherfuckers" didn't sound conducive to a good morning, so he'll skip out on that. "Haven't had time to look over the Pandoran beer selections, believe or not. Any suggestions? Nothing too heavy, I'd rather not wake up with a throbbing head and still have to shoot straight," he said with a smile. It was nice, having a pint with those he could call friends. If not friends, at the very least allies.
Ryuji Kazan

Ryuji knew he was a bit underage, and was understanding when Moxxi had acknowledged it. "Oh, don't worry about it, Moxxi. Tell you the truth, I really came here 'cause Zane wanted an afterparty, and though I respect FL4K for his serious demeanor, I do kinda like Zane's enthusiasm. Plus... I do kinda want friends here. Here, maybe I'll just sit at one of the tables for a hot minute or two and just enjoy the music. Even with all the extreme amounts of blood and gore in this universe of yours, there are drinking laws in place, and I'll respect 'em as much as I can, not like back home where nobody gives a flying rat's ass."

Realizing there were some people that hadn't learned his name, Ryuji seated himself with his legs crossed and turned his head to face them. "Oh, where are my manners? I'm Ryuji Kazan, Ultimate Pyrotechnician and one of the survivors of Junko Enoshima's 18th Killing Game. Nice meeting you all." Ryuji placed his match back between his lips and folded his arms as he leaned back and listened to the music that was playing in the background of Moxxi's bar.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
(Open for Interactions)

  • Julia looks through the menu for a moment. "I think I'll have spaghetti with a salad on the side. And for a drink, how about a...strawberry smoothie."

    She glances at Megumin and Fluffington and tilts her head. "Here, try this one. Those must have just been a mistake."

    The Espeon slides her menu over to them, which has normal English text and pictures. "Ah, Meg- Calm down, that's just a form of writing for the blind..."

    She frowns at Fluffington. "Are you sure that berry hadn't gone bad..?"
"Oh, a mistake? Kay-kay, but I'm still keeping my eyes on this fuckin' joint." With that, Megumin clambered back to her seat. Naturally, Julia fretted over Megumin's condition. "Ah, don't worry, I'm usually like this a lil' bit, when I'm tired. I think it's proportionate to how long I go without sleep. And I mean, we did get ourselves blasted into the future, so that's a few dozen sleepless years depending on how far ahead we landed." She laid her head on top of her menu, scanning it. "Hm...No Onion Duck...My digestive fluids will take anything, really, other than my stomach wall. I dunno. Other than joe, what do I look like I want? I'm too tired to read my own cravings."

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch @Restaurant
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Fluffington looks over the new menu, and then sighs again. "Damn. I still can't read. Julia, you know what probably edible, can you order for me? Also, that berry was perfectly fine! The majority of these were picked right before my fight with Dialga!" She fishes out a berry and looks it over, checking its ripeness, before tossing the Lum to Julia.
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Riven Riven Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Martydi Martydi P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch LilacMonarch LilacMonarch @restaurantgroup
Nearl looks over at Fluffington with another grin as she gently pets her head, giving her gentle scratches with her fingers. Nearl looks through the menu once more after confirming her drink, now having an idea what she would like to eat. "Alongside a possible glass of Red Wine, I will take a ceasar salad if you would please, make it big!", she happily exclaims with a pointed finger as she tapped the table. She clasps her hands together rubbing them with anticipation she flicks her ears again, an open mouthed grin as she imagines the incoming meal.

Julia catches the berry and examines it. "It does look fresh."

She looks at Megumin and shrugs. "You look like you're too hungry to care much about what specific dish you want."

"How about these two get the same as me?"
The Espeon says to Tonio and looks at Fluffington and Megumin. "Does that sound good?"

Interactions: P PopcornPie (Megumin) DerpyCarp DerpyCarp (Fluffington) CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Grey, Tonio) Crow Crow (Ben) TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Elizabeth) Riven Riven (Nearl) Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (Sora) ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials (Kirby, Lilith) Martydi Martydi (Scott) Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch @restaurantgroup​
Megumin found herself falling half-asleep again, only to hear Julia call her name. "Oh! Uh, whatchu ordering? It was salad, right? Sure, I could use some greens..." She clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. "You know what? Put some fuckin' cheese on mine. I don't know why, but my taste buds are crying out like little bitches for cheese. Gratuitous cheese. Drown that vitamin-rich, chlorophyll havin' motherfucker in that wonderful cow icky." She stifled a little laugh.

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
After Benedict demanded his taxes, he would snap as Josh pulled out the chair for him. Benedict would then elegantly place a napkin on his lap and snap for Josh to bring out the biscuits.
Ah....I see.....hm, yes. I’ll have your finest Creamed buffalo fish, a bowl of five lemons, three wine glasses each put in a triangular position like so....
Benedict would stop and draw a triangle with his finger before continuing
Three roast ham, a cup of ice, ice, a cup not with ice, a cinnamon roll, four crumpets each with various types of jelly I don’t care which, and your finest sardine.
Benedict would then sip some signature “Them” wine before looking at Michigan, who was starving
Oh and a bone for the pet.
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
@Restauraunt crew​
Restaurant Group

Tonio Bow.png

"Oh, no, no! If you choose one of our special drinks, you may order inside. However, you must drink it outside," Tonio tells Doctor. "I have a special power named a 'Stand.' Its ability is to incorporate itself into food and drink. It will add more flavor and take away any ailments you feel. Tiredness, headaches, fatal illnesses. Even dead skin. However, the process can be a bit... graphic, I'm afraid. I have received few complaints about it in the past, so it is now only an option on our menu!"

Tonio smiles warmly.


"Spiacente. If you were to know more, you might lose your appetite."

His face suddenly turns dead serious.


"And do tell your child to not ruin the atmosphere for our other patrons."

The chef then looks around with another innocent smile, apparently having memorized your orders perfectly without the use of a notepad. "If that is all, I will go and prepare your orders! A waiter will return with your drinks!" He leaves, going into the kitchen. Apparently, he didn't even bat an eye at Benedict's order- maybe he considers it a wonderful challenge.

Grey leans back in his chair, grimacing.


"...creepy. What did that guy mean by 'graphic?'"

He glances around. FL4K had apparently left the moment the group was in, so there'd be no solid answers for that question.

"Looks like our tour guide's gone."

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp LilacMonarch LilacMonarch P PopcornPie Riven Riven Crow Crow ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch


Moxxi smiles at Ryuji's comment on FL4K's seriousness. "You're telling me. FL4K's a better killer than most of the other Raiders, but I prefer a man who's more loose." She leans over the counter towards Zane.

"Ohh, I love it when you do that."

She then turns back to Ryuji. "Heard you did a number on those Bandits back in Skull's Settlement and the raid. Tell you what- when you're old enough, the first month's drinks are all on me."

Moxxi turns to Price, her eyes looking him up and down... more than a couple times. "I can respect that, sugar. A man's always gotta know where to shoot. Even soldier types like you can need a little... help." She pours him a drink with a greenish tinge into a special hexagonal glass on ice. "Here's just what you need. A little drink I call 'Lemon Lime & Bullets.' It's got enough of a kick for a good time, and it won't leave you with a nasty hangover."

quadraxis201 quadraxis201 jigglesworth jigglesworth

Kendall- well, at this point, he's more Eric than anything- Eric picks up on Natasha's cues and frowns at Ellie.

"Uhh... sorry. I think we both need a long, long break from all this craziness. We're not very... accustomed to all this."

"Still feelin' some Pandora shivers? Y'all from those portals are always havin' 'em. Soon 'nuff, y'all are gonna be shootin' those baby eaters without a damn to give," Ellie... reassures.

"Heh... desensitization," Eric says uneasily. "Yeah, it... happens..." He glances over at the Glaceon. "We should go."

He quickly walks up the stairs and towards where he saw the barracks, only waiting for Natasha if she doesn't follow immediately. If she does, that would leave Ellie to work on Claptrap on her lonesome.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla LilacMonarch LilacMonarch

Yung Venuz, who had come with Deadpool to Ribcage's fun session, looks at the merc with his single eye as he leaves. Even though his expression is impossible to discern, you can somehow tell it's major approval.


"bm bm bm mmmyeah"

The triangle suddenly summons a golden revolver and shoots Ribcage in one of his shoulders before leaving to follow Deadpool.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower

yung venuz art credz
"Doubling Up"

Meanwhile, in the vast corners of the Multiverse....

The darkness enveloped the now empty Twilight Realm.

It had been months, maybe even years, since Zant had usurped control of the once peaceful kingdom from Princess Midna. Midna.... such a fowl, retched beast... She had taken what Zant was rightfully owed. This was meant to be his kingdom all along. In Zant's mind, the atrocious acts he'd committed were a long time coming. Every person he'd wronged deserved the suffering he'd brought upon them, plus tenfold.

But this was no time to ponder, was it?

From the walls of his kingdom, in the safeguards of his throne room, Zant stood idly, staring through a certain orb. The orb was wrapped in a dark aura, and if it wasn't for the light blue spots on the never-ending walls of Twilight, it would be the only thing illuminating such a dark place. And through the orb, Zant watched the survivors' every move. Although he could not travel there directly, he did not have the power for such a feat just yet, he could watch them as he pleased. It was like their lives were Zant's personal soap opera. Only, he was actively rooting against the main cast.

It was all a simple process, really. Using what little power he had left, Zant had thrown a particular... throne into another universe. Though, this was no ordinary throne. This throne was special. A... nuclear throne, if you will. It held magic properties that rivaled even his almighty gods' power. All it took was conjuring up a portal and whisking it away to a land known as... oh, what was it called? Pandora? Zant couldn't be bothered either way. Like every other pathetic world, it would curl up and kneel before the one true god of the multiverse.

A god who was, in fact, pretty close to finishing reincarnation.


Since the events of the Blood Gulch Incident, his gods' reincarnation had sped up significantly. Zant had no say in that one either, so things were working out in his favor quite well, all things considered. As Zant entered the otherwise empty room akin to his throne room, he stared up at the large, disgusting, pulsating cocoon. A cocoon which, unbeknownst to anyone else in the entire Multiverse, contained the beast who was the subject of the Multiverse Protection Foundation's Multiverse-wide manhunt. Of course, I am referring to none other than Ganondorf.

"My liege..." Zant said, his words coming out in a hiss as he entered the room, kneeling before the cocoon. After a moment of respectful silence to his one true god, Zant stood back up. "The fools on Pandora are doing just as you'd hoped. They have already taken care of that buffoon, Ribcage, and are back at their wretched base as we speak.... I can only hope that they do not find the throne before your reincarnation is complete. I do not have much power left to spare..."

The cocoon pulsated loudly, like a drum.

"Yes, I am aware of... him..." Zant spoke, his words sounding a bit unsure. "And, although I do not question your greater judgment, I can only hope that he can provide the distraction we need..."


Back on Pandora, a single coin was flipped mid-air.

A gang of Bandits showed up to the remnants of the arena, which had been bustling with activity mere hours earlier. It didn't take long for some psychos to show up in its wake and blow the place to hell. The Bandits were more organized than most others were. They stepped out of large Technicals in groups of four, all brandishing similar outfits and assault rifles.


Some of them wore masks of an old, disfigured face. Others did not. But they all had one thing in common: outfits split down the middle. One side was white, and the other was black. They surrounded the area, training their guns on the empty warehouse like trained soldiers. Though, as a particular, taller figure, the one who had flipped the coin, stepped in front of them, he held up a single hand, signaling for them to lower their weapons. He was smoking a large cigar, and after taking a large drag from it, he dropped it onto the ground and stomped out its remains with his foot, grinding it into the ground.

"It appears as though fate did not favor Mister Ribcage..."


"How perfectly perfect..."

The horribly disfigured man, known once as Harvey Dent, though to most as Two-Face, turned to face the gang of Bandits behind them, twirling his index finger id-air, motioning for them to load back up into the vehicles. They did so without hesitance. "Show's over, boys..." Two-Face said as he climbed up into one of the Technicals.

"Let's see what fate has in store for the fine ladies and gentlemen who caused this mayhem."
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"Ah, understood. So while its effects are not appealing to look at, they are efficient. That's basically my job in worst case scenarios."

The Doctor's tone expressed confusion, not a single ounce of fear from intimidation.

"My... child?"

He looks towards Megumin.

"... you are mistaken."

The Doctor ponders.

"How does Silence deal with Ifrit? Hmmm...."

The Doctor dumps the idea away and whispers to Megumin.

"Megumin, was it? You should keep your volume low in this establishment. If a plot is going on behind our backs, screaming, shouting and hollering about it will only make our eventual escape leagues more difficult, as it is not only allies who have heard it, but enemies. Your allies have a hard time believing you, but obviously the enemies will be more convinced should it hold true, giving them an advantage over us. If a plot is truly going on, they will be wary of you due to your words, and all form of escape will be disabled in preparation for what you have unsubtlely prepared, and the greatest irony would be that you, who intended to be our saviour, would be our eternal doom due to your foolishness. Any further action and what you fear could actually happen. Is that understood?"

He walks away and takes his order.

"The Monterey Jack Beef Steak set with the Red Wine to go with it, please. Thank you."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow DerpyCarp DerpyCarp LilacMonarch LilacMonarch P PopcornPie Riven Riven Crow Crow ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Fluffington the Mighty leans into the ear scratching, courtesy of Nearl, before refocusing on Julia. "Yep! That sounds good! I'll have what the old Espeon is having!" she turns to the chef as he is leaving. "And one of those super special drinks for me too please!~!"
She turns her gaze to her fellow Grey Furred being. "I wouldn't worry about it, but then, I don't know what it means either!" She smiles, her coat sparkling a little as she sheds on the table.
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Riven Riven Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Martydi Martydi P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch LilacMonarch LilacMonarch @restaurantgroup
Nearl simply giggles as Fluffington leans into her scratching hand, watching her shiny coat sparkle. The Knight is in awe once more as she brings her second hand up and cups the cheeks of Fluffington, squishing her cheeks and flopping her ears side to side, mirroring with her own ears. "I missed you my little friend! Such a sweetheart..", the Kuranta replies with joy, stopping the squishes of Fluffington's cheeks, before returning to one hand atop her head and scratching ears, to the other running along her back and her tail with more gentle scratches.

This point in time, it's truly a surprise Nearl's tail thumping hasn't broken the chair yet.

Lilith and Kirby
Lilith was laying back in her seat while Kirby looked like he was ready to eat literally anything that was on a plate, he decides to ask Tonio if there was any type of dessert they had.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Tonio)
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Getting up from the waiting room seat, she followed the man to a table. Looking at the seats, she chose one of the ones on the right on the outside of the table, which she promptly sat down and was given a menu. Looking at it, there were more options than the last one, which made her even more indecisive. She figured to go for the drinks first and saw the one that raised some question and was about to ask, before others did.

From what she heard, it was best to not order it, not ready to feel pain from a drink.

After a few minutes, she decided to order. "
Um, I'll have the Ratatouille and a glass of water please." Well, the dish, and by extension the French section, would be the closest she'd ever get to experiencing Paris in a way, so she figured to order from there.

Looking at Nearl, she mentioned magic and how she was able to summon a Pegasus. If she remembered correctly, those were the horses with wings she read about as a little girl. When it came to what else she could pull through, there wasn't really a limit on what she could and couldn't pull through, from what she just did to a balloon to even a piano. The catch was that it had to be in this dimension and from a different timeline or reality.

How about when we get back to our room, I can show you what else I can pull through one of my tears? Within the realm of possibility, of course. But, we should at least eat first." When they would get back, she would make it an effort to start showing Nearl the different things she could pull through with her tears. Within reason, of course, no pulling through giant airships.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , Riven Riven

Oh Moxxi... still using innuendos. Never change, never change. "
Oh, I bet she does. Did you try to hit on her like you do with everyone who's old enough?" Holding out her hand, she caught her drink. When asked what made her come to Pandora, she took a sip of her drink before answering. "God, these are still really good. Anyways, to answer the question, I came to Pandora to get the hell away from Promethea. Yeah, I should've stayed there since mom's in a coma thanks to a car crash, but it just gave me bad memories every time I woke up and took one look outside. Plus, I decided that I wanted to join the Crimson Raiders, like I dreamt about ever since I was little. And now that there was an opportunity for me to leave, I'd take it." She took another sip before continuing, seeing Price sit down next to her.

I'll go back to visit mom at some point, of course, but right now, I wanna get settled in." Skye turned to Price, seeing the drink Moxxi gave her. "Yep, you probably need a drink more than the rest of us. Mox's drinks are very good, so you'll usually end up ordering more than one. Oh, and welcome to me, Rocket, and Heather's room, I swear we won't try to be too noisy and chaotic."

Looking back, she took a longer sip of the drink before talking to her. Man, did she miss this drink. "
Mox, you're like the mom I always wanted. You adopting? If so, I'll send in my application." It was obvious it was a joke, but some part of her was serious.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , jigglesworth jigglesworth
"Did someone say Ratatouille?" A sudden deep, manly, male voice asked from the side of the dining area you all found yourselves in.


"Because Ratatouille happens to be MY specialty!" The man, known simply as Timmy's Dad, exclaimed absent-mindedly. "Hi, I'm Timmy's Dad, and I'll be your chef for tonight!" He shouted. If any of you chose to look up, you would no doubt notice the tiny rat sitting in his hair, smiling down at all of you. "Are there any other special dishes that you want me, Timmy's Dad, to cook for you?"

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Riven Riven Crow Crow DerpyCarp DerpyCarp LilacMonarch LilacMonarch ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials P PopcornPie

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