Servant Supreme
Afterwards, Evelyn glanced to the supplies next to Cassiel. "Once everyone is through resting and stocking up, we'll head out." she stated aloud as she folded her arms. She then looked over towards Sebastian. The same smile she had before appeared again. "Möchten Sie reden, während die Vorräte aufgefüllt werden?"
"Sicher. Außer Zigaretten brauche ich nicht viel," he replied with a shrug. It was the truth; traveling across the continent the way he had, Sebastian had gathered up more equipment than he had hands for. Carrying all of it was often the job of his horse, but Sebastian couldn't rely on Dantes when there were monsters or demons or whatever else nearby, and so he had gotten accustomed to carrying much of it on his back. By this point, he had trimmed up and gained muscle mass from the exertion, and he was stronger in both body and will than he had been at any point in his life.
"[You know, every person on this mission was chosen by Adona, which makes me wonder what the hell is wrong with him,]" Sebastian explained casually. "[I was on the front lines when he sent a rider out to find me. I had nothing to do with any of the important shit that everyone else around here's been wrapped up in for years. I did get to put this axe here through Vegras' skull, so that was pretty exciting, I suppose. How about you? Where do you come from? ...What do you do?]"