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Fantasy Hunter's Moon: Ascendancy [IC] [CLOSED]

Afterwards, Evelyn glanced to the supplies next to Cassiel. "Once everyone is through resting and stocking up, we'll head out." she stated aloud as she folded her arms. She then looked over towards Sebastian. The same smile she had before appeared again. "Möchten Sie reden, während die Vorräte aufgefüllt werden?"

"Sicher. Außer Zigaretten brauche ich nicht viel," he replied with a shrug. It was the truth; traveling across the continent the way he had, Sebastian had gathered up more equipment than he had hands for. Carrying all of it was often the job of his horse, but Sebastian couldn't rely on Dantes when there were monsters or demons or whatever else nearby, and so he had gotten accustomed to carrying much of it on his back. By this point, he had trimmed up and gained muscle mass from the exertion, and he was stronger in both body and will than he had been at any point in his life.

"[You know, every person on this mission was chosen by Adona, which makes me wonder what the hell is wrong with him,]" Sebastian explained casually. "[I was on the front lines when he sent a rider out to find me. I had nothing to do with any of the important shit that everyone else around here's been wrapped up in for years. I did get to put this axe here through Vegras' skull, so that was pretty exciting, I suppose. How about you? Where do you come from? ...What do you do?]"
"Oh, Royland told you what we are? I'm sure mister high and mighty knight in shining armor left a very nice impression with his burn-out." Just thinking about that fight again made him crave another cigarette, but he held off grabbing the box. "Violent, angry and hungry- that's us. As we help the shades extract their revenge on those who killed them, we gain a boon that quiets the hunger. I'm sure Royland told you that. The feeling is euphoric and pacifies the darkness inside for a time. The bigger the kill, the longer it lasts. As it goes away, the hunger returns, and so you go back to searching for another target. It's a constant chase that has burned through many of us, searching for the next big hit. Probably how Lozon keeps most of us in line. Well, minus one crazed wraith called Tiloc, but she was addicted to bloodshed long before she died."

"Should also say, after those two Icons we slew, I haven't heard one peep from the hunger. I thought that I was still flying high from the fight and the battlefield we passed, but this is different. I should be craving something by now."
"[You know, every person on this mission was chosen by Adona, which makes me wonder what the hell is wrong with him,]" Sebastian explained casually. "[I was on the front lines when he sent a rider out to find me. I had nothing to do with any of the important shit that everyone else around here's been wrapped up in for years. I did get to put this axe here through Vegras' skull, so that was pretty exciting, I suppose. How about you? Where do you come from? ...What do you do?]"

"[I'm originally from Geiselfurt, in southern Grünthal. Its about a seventy-five kilometers west from the border between Grünthal and Allenrode, if you were to go that way from here.]" said Evelyn. "[My mother was a milkmaid. My father was a lumberjack. I'm related to Riberta through my father's side of the family.]"

She unfolded her arms, sliding her hands into her jacket pockets. "[I drift between jobs, but primarily I alternate between the work of a lumberjack and blacksmith. There's always a need for people that know how to work with trees, as well as those that know their way around a furnace and forge. Now, I'm sort of a demon hunter... Strange occupational jump, isn't it?]" she said, casting Sebastian a glance and smirking. "[...I say that I drift because people tend not to be all that friendly once they find out you're a werebeast, and go straight to ostracizing you or reaching for the silver. It got to the point where I just grew tired of hiding it, thus the yellow eyes. People are a lot more... up front about things now, and it cuts through the bullshit.]"

She then sighed. "[And yeah, I totally understand. The gods are both fuckin' weird, and often outright idiots. Eh, what can you do, though?]" she said, in regards to his comments on Adona. "[I'm even less important. Riberta was the one that went into the Abyss. I'm just here because I'm blood-related to her, and know the area.]"

She glanced back in the direction that Riberta had departed in, then spoke once more. "[...By the way, she's not really my aunt. There's quite a few generations between us. I'm just related to her brother from way back then, and she found out. Soooo... now she treats me like I'm her niece. I just go with it. It seems to make her happy.]"

"She's an intense one."

Cassiel nodded slowly. "Indeed. Quite intense." he responded, before giving Azathor a smile. "But, of course, we've both dealt with intense individuals... and continue to do so."

"Any news from the Abyss?" he then asked, "I'm eager to hear how my men have been doing down there with Lisykna leading the charge."

"From what I understand, the assault on Kur has been costly for both sides. Your brother's forces were well prepared, and the battle was drawn out. Ultimately, Lisykna had to retreat after a duel with your brother. He temporarily blinded her with a magical attack, but I believe she might have forced his willpower to waver by using your words against him." explained the angel, "...When the time comes for you two to confront one another... and that time will come soon enough... you might be able to get through to him, and save him from falling alongside your father."
Azathor stiffened slightly on mention of his brother, though his normal mask slipped on hearing of what had happened. Lisykna had fought Astraal, in single combat no less, and survived the exchanged; not only that, but she also had managed to... it made the demon prince realize just how long it had been since he had spoken face to face with his brother. That last good memory he could remember between the two of them was lifetimes ago, at least in the warped perspective of the abyss, and everything after was marred with the looming presence of Sazak. It wasn't just his life that his father had robbed him from enjoying, but his brother's too in that sense in that all-consuming desire for perfection. A perfect heir in what demented thoughts lay in that blackened mind.

"I hope so." Azathor stated, nodding to the angel. "I like to believe he isn't too far gone, but... there is always that possibility." He didn't even want to entertain the thought of what would happen if that was to be the case. "To whom, then, does a demon pray to for hope?" Azathor then mused aloud of his quandry, half-expecting an answer that answered nothing.
"[I'm originally from Geiselfurt, in southern Grünthal. Its about a seventy-five kilometers west from the border between Grünthal and Allenrode, if you were to go that way from here.]" said Evelyn. "[My mother was a milkmaid. My father was a lumberjack. I'm related to Riberta through my father's side of the family.]"

She unfolded her arms, sliding her hands into her jacket pockets. "[I drift between jobs, but primarily I alternate between the work of a lumberjack and blacksmith. There's always a need for people that know how to work with trees, as well as those that know their way around a furnace and forge. Now, I'm sort of a demon hunter... Strange occupational jump, isn't it?]" she said, casting Sebastian a glance and smirking. "[...I say that I drift because people tend not to be all that friendly once they find out you're a werebeast, and go straight to ostracizing you or reaching for the silver. It got to the point where I just grew tired of hiding it, thus the yellow eyes. People are a lot more... up front about things now, and it cuts through the bullshit.]"

"[Ah, yeah. I'm from down south in Helmland. We're a bit alike in the way that we don't settle down. My father was a salesman who dragged my mother and me all around the countryside, so I didn't get the chance to keep many friends until I joined the army - that was after he started drinking more and mom ran off to Tsavania, back where she came from. ...I never learned anything from my father, so I don't really have any practical skills outside of what I learned getting ready for war, and even if I did I don't know how I'd put them to use with the whole world coming unglued like this.]"

He looked at the quietness of the town nearby, as if suddenly confronted by the irony of his attitude. "[...I suppose I'd like to protect places like these, so demon hunting might be the answer.]" He cocked a wry smile, not entirely serious about devoting his entire life to the occupation, but at the same time open to it. "[On the other hand, I think I hate vampires even more - the bad ones I mean. Where I just came from... It gave me nightmares. It's all kind of linked I guess. Again, I don't know why Adona chose me for this.]"

She then sighed. "[And yeah, I totally understand. The gods are both fuckin' weird, and often outright idiots. Eh, what can you do, though?]" she said, in regards to his comments on Adona. "[I'm even less important. Riberta was the one that went into the Abyss. I'm just here because I'm blood-related to her, and know the area.]"

She glanced back in the direction that Riberta had departed in, then spoke once more. "[...By the way, she's not really my aunt. There's quite a few generations between us. I'm just related to her brother from way back then, and she found out. Soooo... now she treats me like I'm her niece. I just go with it. It seems to make her happy.]"

Sebastian chuckled. "[That, I figured. She's been around a long time, from what I've heard. And regardless of whether the gods think you're important right now, I'm happy you're here, and I'm sure everyone's glad to have your help. They were relying on me for a while to help guide them on our travels here in the Fatherland, but I haven't been as conversational lately as I ought to be.]"

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