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Constantine didn't intend to waste the precious time that was given to them. The wraith moved to get closer to the Icon of Greed for a special surprise just for her. The gift from their dhampir friend would come into play. He pulled the Colt Walker out of its special special holster and examined the runes for a second. They glowed with the same Abyssal energy that flowed through him. Enhanced to channel that energy and explode once their lethal payload hit its mark. Six shots, more than enough to kill anything that moves. What can they do to an icon.

Six shots. Enough for every limb, the torso and head. The wraith aimed and fired.
Xiaòzhou patted Rajko on the back as both their manuveurs went off without a hitch against Keggoth. As the others attacked, he glanced over at the group fighting Thorgran and watching how things progressed on their end. As Thorgran made himself more resilient, he noticed how Camille was the one who had the other gauntlet... if she was about to use it, now would be the time. The gauntlet that had fallen to his side crawl up his arm, allowing him to grab it and examine it. He could sense the energy eminating from it intensely. He had seen its effects on the others thus far. In that moment, he worried ever briefly whether or not he would be able to remain steadfast as Rebecca seemingly had.

But the hermit knew just as well that if he used all he knew with the gauntlet, he could end things right then and there. He could a deep breath, and meditated for just a moment.

The oni put on the gauntlet, and clenched his hand. In an instant, it felt as though the world around him slowed down, the gauntlet's power echoing through his soul with the flames of a dragon. He closed his eyes, looked within himself and recalled every lesson he had learned, every strategy taught to bring forth balance within himself, recalling his place in the world and what he was fighting for in that moment. And in that moment, a voice echoed.

"Hermit," he could hear someone in his mind speaking, a voice he didn't recognize. It was not Zazriel, who himself had begun speaking less with him the past while. He opened his eyes and found himself sitting in the middle of the void, legs crossed.

In front of him stood a man he only recognized from depiction and description - Thiasis.

He watched him stand above him, a smile upon his expression.

"Do you have what it takes to withstand rage so palpable it can be heard from the heavens? Has your training prepared you for this moment?"

The hermit didn't respond, choosing to meditate as Thiasis stared him down. Then, he spoke.

"One must temper their emotions to bring them to balance. One cannot deny them, for they come and go as the waves of the sea do. To go from one extreme to another, from joy to outrage, is natural, but we cannot allow them to dominate. To overcome their power, but to also accept their permanence, is key. They just are and will be, and won't."

Thiasis nodded. "This is the Way."

"This is the Way."

The moment he responded, Xiaòzhou truly opened his eyes, and time returned anew. For ever a brief moment, his eyes glowed silver, before turning to a yellow glow. He clenched his fist as hard as he could, and in an instant he was covered in the same aura he had been when he eliminated the Greed Demons earlier. As he was right now, he didn't even need to state what multiplier he had used, he had seemlessly tapped into the Ziránquan. As Constantine made his shots at Keggoth, the oni stepped forth, his intent clear.

"Your exorcism begins here!" the hermit bellowed out.

Abilities: The 10 Trials of Adriel (15 HP) / Shan Oni Pai
The Icon of Gluttony, in response to their onslaught, steeled his body in an attempt to defend himself against further wounds. But Azathor merely grinned in anticipation and prepared for another attack against the icon. It would be too easy, after all, if they simply cut him down like the false Icons they had encountered previously. He liked the challenge - it made it all the more satisfying when the Icon's head would roll on the ground. And so, undeterred, the demon prince burst out of his vessel to strike at the Icon with all his might and righteous fury.

Ability Used: That Which Dwells Beneath

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