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In the quiet focus of Rajko's attention, where his locus remained on Thorgran's boasting, grotesque facade, he felt the divine energies ripple on his back suddenly. Then he heard the clack of a gauntlet, discarded, against the weathered flagstone floor. He half-turned, peering over his shoulder. His dark eyes twisted with surprise, widened. The inquisitor's gaze dragged up slowly, he could almost imagine her veins pulsate with that potent power, bloat beneath her war-weary skin. His rifle slouched. A flash of fury seemed to crossed her features as Rebecca fixed the gluttonous Icon. Rajko resisted the urge to plead with her, for he knew that it had already been too late.

There was nothing, naught but the sudden silence and the footfalls of an enraged Saint. Rajko's pale, ravaged features hardened and a muted question on his lips.

His keen ears couldn't have picked up her muttering, too smothered by the potency suffusing the air around her. Then the thunder of her dash filled this derelict space, her fist drove deep into Thorgran's stomach. There was a crunch of daemonic meat and bone. She was little more than a blur, even his animalistic enhancements barely followed the wrathful motions.

He charged after them. A part of him loathed this frantic, frenetic display. It reeked of desperation. A part of him also acknowledged—admitted that it was perhaps necessary.
"The pot seems to be calling the kettle black, in regards to being cocky. Of course I bleed. Even the gods bleed... and die. I know of my mortality. I'll be happy to show you yours, too."

The huntress maintained her stance, yet shot back a scoff at the vile being before her. "I am already deeply aware of my mortality, and that is precisely why I shall kill you where you stand. To be here, facing you - it is a testament to the sacrifice I am willing to make to protect what I love. To protect those who cannot fend for themselves," Camille replied, about ready to leap into the fray yet keeping herself both patient and measured. At times it could be better to allow your opponent the first strike, especially when in a position when you are not fully aware of what they were capable of. Would he embody his title and be as sluggish as she envisioned? Likely not.

The clatter of Rebecca's gauntlet caused the huntress to look to the saint, her face twisting with slight confusion before she saw her put on the artifact. When she began her march toward the demon, she felt compelled to rush after her yet something stayed her feet. Curiosity perhaps, or maybe the extreme caution she had for Thorgran's potential strike kept her at a safer distance. Regardless she glimpsed Rebecca's punch just barely, the movement taking place in the span of a blink and only barely understood by Camille's keen eyes. So stunned was the huntress that she did not even recoil in revulsion from the vomiting the Icon performed, her gaze fixed on the saint as she slammed another thunderous strike into his face.

Being sent flying through a wall seemed to be the very definition of being on the back foot in a battle, and she knew to press the advantage while they still had it. Darting after Azathor, she pursued the duo, ready to pounce.
Aleister merely snorted at Thorgran's words. Perhaps he had grown arrogant over the past few years, but nothing the icon said could stir a thought of doubt within him. The exhaustion within his soul was so total that there wasn't even room for consideration of failure at any point, especially not here, standing before the gluttonous reek of Thorgran himself.

He was, however, in that particular moment as the spite of the world around him raced through his mind, caught unaware as Rebecca drove her gauntleted fist into the demon's gut. The very air seemed to ripple with shock from the impact, and Aleister twisted about, his eyes gone wide. The woman had donned the artifact. More than that, she seemed utterly transfixed, moving as if possessed by the damn thing. Amid the clatter of moving bodies and Thorgran's hurling, he could barely hear what she was saying - something about Velin? The name of that creature was enough to make him hiss to himself, sneering like a cornered animal. But whatever it meant, Rebecca was still on the move.

The next hit sent the Icon back through a stone wall, showering the room with grit and rock. Aleister shielded himself with his arm, then glanced out over his elbow at the cloud of dust only to see Rebecca disappear into it and the others stagger their way forwards to catch up. "Such power..." he whispered to himself. With only a single gauntlet, she had dominated Thorgran.

Following the others, his rifle at the ready, Aleister called out, "Crush the bastard's skull and be done with it!" In the back of his mind, he wondered how the others were faring. He had caught a tickle, a meager sensation, of powerful auras moving about and at speed, but it was difficult to tell while he was this close to Thorgran. To him, it felt like trying to tell the condition of the sea hundreds of meters away from the center of a whirpool.
"She's, uh, sensitive about her lovers, ja?"

Riberta glanced down as she moved through the tunnels with Sebastian held under her arm. "Ja." responded Riberta, "You protect the people you care about. Her lovers are the ones that seem to understand her and still want to be with her, so she protects them the most."

Deep down in the mines, in a large open cavern, Cassandra finally comes to a stop. She lazily slings Keggoth into the middle of the cavern, Keggoth's body flopping about and bouncing off rocks and minecarts like a ragdoll. The flesh on Keggoth's face and chest had been worn away till all that was left was just the vessel's skull and bone in their upper torso. Keggoth was still alive, however, raggedly breathing in short breaths as they struggled to move from the ground.

"I'm going to beat you, Keggoth. I'm going to beat you until you're just a fucking red smear across the godsdamned rocks. Then, I'll claw at the rocks until the smear is gone! I WILL FUCKING ERASE YOU!" spat Cassandra, enraged to the point where drool dripped from her tightly clenched teeth. It was a wonder she was even speaking coherently. She twitched every so often, parts of her body jerking from the berserker rage pulsing through her form from the gauntlet.

Keggoth managed to climb to their feet, using a minecart as leverage to hoist themselves up. After a few moments of coughing and hacking, spitting blood everywere around her, she eventually straightened up. "There she is. You're just missing the laughter. That'll come soon enough." she spoke, her voice and tone drastically different compared to her vessels. A moment later, the vessel began to fall away, as the true form of Keggoth began to emerge. The Keggoth that soon floated before Cassandra looked more like a demon of sorcery, clad in a leather robe with a pair of massive horns jutting out the top. Their skin was colored bronze, a single streak of black painted over their golden eyes and a small triangle of black paint on the chin. Long grey hair hung lazily around their face, framing it perfectly.

"None of you are worth me using this form. But, with those gauntlets being used, I guess I have to." states Keggoth, floating a few feet higher as she gazed down at Cassandra. "A pity that that sick joke of a demon isn't here to watch you fall."

Cassandra twitched hard, before darting towards Keggoth with a burst of intense speed. Keggoth was prepared, however. As Cassandra used a bolder to propel herself off of into the air, Keggoth simply backhanded her as she neared. Swatting her down like a fly. Cassandra rocketed back towards the ground, colliding and bouncing off the rocky floor. The gauntlet, somehow, detached from her arm and went sailing off behind her.

Keggoth chuckled. "That was easy. Let's see how long you can last before you try and go for the gauntlet again." she mutters. As she finishes, the rest of the group finally arrives in their own ways. Riberta, setting Sebastian down with his equipment, noticed Cassandra was no longer wearing the gauntlet, and quickly grabs it once she spots it. As Cassandra got up from the ground, blood pouring from her mouth, the group notices that she seems to be back to normal. There weren't any lasting effects from the gauntlet's use, apparently.

Suddenly, a rumbling could be felt through the cavern. Rocks began to fall from the ceiling, crashing into the floor all around them. Then, there was a loud crash. Part of the ceiling caved in, a massive hole appearing with a pair of figures falling through it.

Thorgran and what seemed to be Rebecca.

Thorgran slammed into the ground first, landing among the rubble, while Rebecca gracefully landed nearby. She was wearing the other gauntlet, it seemed, but she appeared to be completely calm. No twitching or other erratic movements. She was, however, muttering something to herself as she tightened her fist that wore the gauntlet. Prayers. However, she would soon willingly remove the gauntlet, choosing to hold it in her other hand as she flexed her fingers.

"Ah, the Saint and my fat associate have arrived." mutters Keggoth, folding her arms as she glances towards the pair. The others from the other group would drop down through the hole afterwards, carefully landing where they could near Rebecca. "And there's the rest of them." added Keggoth. Rebecca would then glance back, tossing the gauntlet to whoever would take it. "Be prepared to use it if you have to. Short bursts. We need all the edge we can get."

Keggoth then looked to Thorgran, who was writhing in pain atop a chunk of flat rock from the ceiling. "Come on, you hefty bastard, get up." spat Keggoth, "We have idiots to kill."

Thorgran groaned, rolling over and forcing himself to his feet. He puked once more, as Rebecca had delivered three more brutal hits to his stomach on the way down to the cavern. "The woman hits like a damned battering ram!" he spat, once he could catch his breath.

"Its the gauntlet. Without it, she hits like she used to. You can hit harder. You've been preparing for this, remember?"

"...Yeah, you're right." he responded, glancing up to Keggoth as she floated above. A moment later, the group would watch as Thorgran began to shed his own vessel. It wasn't long at all before they took in his true form, which was quite different from his portly vessel. A tall, muscular demon, clad in a loose fitting robe and simple pants. He had no eyes to speak of, his face simply a pair of slits for nostrils and a mouth full of razor sharp teeth. His horns swept backwards, disappearing into the hood attached to his robe.


"Ah, this is more like it!" he called out, before turning to face Rebecca. He shed his robe, then held his hands out next to him. His muscles rippled, as he tightly flexed them. "Thought I was just some tub of lard, didn't you? Those bastards that your gods sent down that decided to poison me changed that. I feel fantastic now! I can even hunt my own food like I used to, instead of having my minions bring it to me. Turn it into a proper sport like Azgon used to do!"
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As Xiaòzhou chased after Cassandra, and in turn, Riberta and Sebastian, he grew increasingly concerned that they might catch up far too late. So, identifying the residual qi that had emanated from Cassandra and Keggoth, the hermit opted to switch tactics and used instantaneous movement to rush him forward at higher and higher speed. He just barely beat Riberta in arriving at the two. The oni looked worriedly at the scene in front of them, given that Keggoth had not just revealed her true form, but had quickly dispatched of Cassandra.

As Riberta rushed to take hold of the gauntlet, Xiaòzhou rushed to check up on Cassandra, finding her to be, just as the others would note, fine enough. He topped her off health-wise regardless, before the others came crushing under, with the auras of Thorgran and Rebecca making themselves quite apparent. The two Icons bantered for a moment as Rebecca seemed to remove the gauntlet and offer it to the others - the hermit plainly refused. Soon, Thorgran revealed his true form too, and threatened the others.

"If you force a melon from the vine, within you won't find it sweet. We'll see whether the same holds with you too," Xiaòzhou retorted, as he shifted into a martial arts pose.
"All that makeover, and you're still just as ugly and ravenous as ever." Azathor commented with a scoff, having caught up now to Rebecca as he spared a glance to the gauntlet resting atop her hand. Her silence and calmness was a bit unnerving, even to the demon prince, as he returned his attention back to the Icon. They could worry about the artifacts' effects later; "See that's the problem with you Thorgran. You can try as hard as you like, but you can't wipe the dirt and scum off your soul." He sheathed Belias' blade in favour of drawing his pistols and pointed both at the Icon of Gluttony. "Don't worry, our cleaning service is free of charge."
Constantine managed to get to the bottom of the rope as his boots hit the ground. He shook his hands as the rope burns were more than visible and causing their fair share of discomfort. It didn't matter, there was an icon and a crazed pureblood to catch up to. Luckily it didn't take long for him to do so as the auras were enhanced by the shouting and screaming. As soon as he saw them both he readied his guns for the coming fight.

Then the second worst thing he's seen all month came crashing down followed by the saint. The Icon of gluttony had found them and he was itching for a fight as well. 'Sure, we can fight two rulers of the Abyss. No problem.' He grimaced as the fat bastards took a new form.

"Finally got off your couch to wash the puke off your chins?" The wraith taunted "You dating this ugly sunbitch?" He then looked to Keggoth with disgust.
Rajko went after the carnage Rebecca unleashed with Thorgran's fat-bellied body, racing through the debris-lined halls, legs aflame with strain as the inquisitor barely registered the shrinking, shifting forms of Saint and Icon. Then the flagstone floor blew in, an ear-shearing crash rebounded down the corridor, a pall of slate dust and rock kicked up in the air. Rajko recoiled for a moment, a hand going up to clasp his ear tight, eyes shut, lips pulled taut. He forced himself to bite back the spike of pain, pressing onwards. He descended down the hole, svelte fingers clawing the cracked, withered stone of the ancient fortress. Boots dug into the mound of rubble and debris.

He caught sight of what awaited them, gaze darkened, a glimmer of fury crossing his pallid countenance. A pair of perilous presences, purposed by a perfidious parasite, prepared to prise the prize of twin, God-wrought gauntlets from them. Rajko glanced towards the Saint, a glimpse as the gauntlet was hurled through the air. His other hand had shot out, a blur of dark cloth, and caught the instrument.

Rajko's hand burned, the very metal infused with the divine, fingers pulsating with a fury seldom fathomable. It thrummed in his grip, a siren's call to don the armour piece, he could only imagine the righteousness that would be brought about, innumerable innocence spared the contemptible's touch. Rajko's eyes furrowed as he ran through the possibilities, feeling a surge of poisonous satisfaction. He could feel his thoughts bent to usurping these wretched gluttons, breaking these daemons. His knuckles white with anger, nails jabbing into the palm of his hand, wet with crimson. He had found himself, turning to the Icons.

"Then we'll finish the task given to these bastards. And it is you who shall be the sport you so desire." Rajko issued, voice a frigid howl in the desolate ruins.
"Finally got off your couch to wash the puke off your chins?" The wraith taunted "You dating this ugly sunbitch?"

"Fuck no." responded Keggoth, "I hate the bastard."

"The feeling is mutual!" called out Thorgran afterwards, glancing back up towards her.

Keggoth chuckled afterwards. "He's always trying to take what's mine, and I return the favor. Our lands are right next to one another in the Abyss, you see." She held up a hand, a glowing orange ball of energy appeared, manifesting itself like a small sun. "But once we conquer the mortal realm, we won't have to have petty disputes like that. We can have as much as we both want. But first, we have to kill the lot of you and take the artifacts for Lord Sazak."

"If you force a melon from the vine, within you won't find it sweet. We'll see whether the same holds with you too."

Keggoth narrowed her eyes, squinting towards Xiaòzhou. "...Wait, you're one of those Oni!" she soon said, her eyes widening in surprise. "Well now! You've given me a reason to go purge those false demons from my lands. I showed them mercy before, and allowed them to claim their little plot of land under my dominion. Now I can evict them. Maybe they'll enjoy themselves more in the Northern or Southern Wastes."

As they spoke in response to the others, Rebecca eyed the pair of Icons. They had range, as well as close quarters power. Keggoth could fly, and sling magic at them, while Thorgran could rush in and pummel them with his newly acquired strength. They would need to figure out who to eliminate first. Her thoughts were on Keggoth. Put her down first, and Thorgran would have no ranged support. But they would have to survive his onslaught in order to achieve that.

Meanwhile, Riberta was having drastically different thoughts. She gazed down at the gauntlet in her hand. She didn't need to equip it. She shouldn't equip it. If they were going to slay these Icons, however, it had to be used. She saw what Cassandra had been going through, but she also saw what Rebecca was doing when she was wearing it. Perhaps it took focus? Restraint? These were, of course, the gauntlets of the god Thiasis. The Berserker God, and some say the God of Werebeasts. He could control it... and she could too, if she tried hard enough.

She slowly slipped the gauntlet on, pulling it tight against her flesh. She could already feel it. The rage building up inside. With every tug on the straps, securing the gauntlet in place, more rage bubbled forth. Her veins bulged, spider-webbing up her arm and into her neck.

Soon, Daristein's famous bloodthirsty warlord had arrived.

Her teeth were clenched, drool beginning to drip from her mouth and chin. Her eyes were wide, pupils like pinpricks. Her muscles rippled across her body, tensing up and readying themselves for the coming battle. She clenched her fists, her sharp fingernails digging into the skin of her palms.

These Icons were already dead. They just didn't know it yet.
"We listened to you enough." Constantine pulled his revolvers out and took his shots at Keggoth. He wasn't the only one who wanted the bitch dead, but he sure wasn't going to let the others take all the time with her.
His eyes shifted between the two wretches, extolling their nefarious efforts, detailing their trifling ploys. He wondered at their revelry, words laced with gentle assurance as if victory had been a certainty. Beneath his stolid expression, brewed a malicious odium, he had almost struggled to suppress such an anger that grew more potent with each passing second. Then he saw Riberta slip Thiasis' gauntlet upon her fist, the restraint that twined about him like iron chains loosened from his limbs. Rajko let out a slow breath, scraping like a blade across the withered stonewalls, his fingers twitched upon the divine metal.

The inquisitor hurried to do the same, plunging his hand deep within the well of power. His thin lips pulled back, an animalistic rictus possessing his scarred features. His other hand snapped the bindings tight, pallid flesh seared where the gauntlet touched his exposed skin. He felt his anger rising. Something so keenly aware of, but unable to stem it. A cold sensation shot down his spine, a winter flood surging through his body, his very mind.

His fangs lengthened to wicked points, eyes smouldered like red suns, a cruel gleam flitted about his gaze, pale skin a latticework of pulsing veins. The fingers of Thiasis' gauntlet flexed, metal grating together with a barbaric vow.

He bent low, rifle and pistol slacking from his body, sword in his pale hand. Then he lunged. A pall of dust, debris followed in his wake as he went, an indescribable smear of inky-blackness and ghostly-pallor. Rajko charged at Keggoth. The inquisitor, however, knew better. Throwing his right back, he tossed his sabre forwards, the weak light playing across the blade's length. A minor wound at best, an empty threat at worst, either way, its purpose will be fulfilled. All he required was an opening to snatch at her, pick her out of the sky and crash her to the floor for his allies to do their brutal duty.
Azathor felt a tinge of disappointment that his quip, which he had spent a whole of ten seconds coming up with, had been ignored by Thorgran; he figured that what he had to say was pretty clever, but regardless the task remained the same: kill him. And Keggoth too, but she was secondary on his objectives. And so Azathor let loose a barrage of bullets from his pistols towards the Icon of Gluttony, the opening salvo to a destructive chorus that was to come from everyone.
Xiaòzhou strengthened his pose and gaze as Keggoth threatened his own kind in her lands, an empty threat given what they heard about affairs in the Abyss. However, he considered his initial move against the Icons. He could march towards and strike at either, but it would likely be better to maintain a broader position and watch what their capacity was, and go from there.

With Constantine and Rajko rushing towards Keggoth, the hermit moved back and began firing qi blasts at Thorgran, giving Azathor a helping hand.
Camille remained unfazed as Thorgan shed his mortal skin, the huntress slowly circling the perimeter of what would be their battlefield with careful steps. A quiet flip of her off hand's blade and she sheathed it in its scabbard. With nearly imperceptible quickness she readied the intricate gauntlet on her left hand, eyes darting between Keggoth and Thorgran. From her vantage on the fight's outskirts she was considering where to best apply her surgical strikes. With Azathor and Xiaòzhou charging into Thorgran, she decided to look to Keggoth as she conjured her magic. To the huntress, the range element in this battle would be factor they needed to address first.

With a quick rotation of her wrist, she removed one of her standard bolts from the miniature crossbow's firing mechanism as it clicked quietly in obedience. Sheathing her other blade, she rapidly exchanged ammunition with her new bolt coming from a pouch of her specialized ammo. When facing Icons, there was no need for her to be conservative, and for that reason she loaded a bolt with its tip bearing some gunpowder and pellets.

Just as Rajko leapt up to engage Keggoth, Camille spun toward her in a practiced firing stance and loosed her bolt at the Icon!
Keep your mouth shut, Sebastian had been thinking. Either you or they will be dead in a few minutes, and they won't remember you, either way.

A lot of words had been exchanged in the prior few moments as the two groups were reunited again in this cavern, with two icons to face. Unlike last time, both seemed keen to attack at the same time, and Sebastian, being an ordinary man (and barely that, all things considered), was skeptical of his ability to contribute much unless, like last time, his axe received a divine blessing. Regardless, as everyone flew into motion, he endeavored to make himself an annoying, moving target, and thus broke into a sprint with his axe in one hand and his Luger in the other, running past Thorgran while shooting him with his sidearm. He'd make a large circle around the chamber, taking his time to understand the threats these Icons posed before going for his harpoon gun, since he didn't want to waste any of the explosive shots.
Aleister dragged his handkerchief over his face, clearing away the dirt and grit of their rapid descent - one which led them into the second party who, from the looks of it, were all mostly in one piece. Unfortunately, it seemed the other Icon was doing just as well, and he watched on in silence as she and Thorgran transformed into their stronger and more deadlier forms. Despite turning so much bulk into chiseled muscle, Thorgran still disgusted Aleister. The beast was more than merely a visual item of gross contempt.

With the others moving fast to engage, Aleister slipped a vial of blood from his vest pocket and downed it in one quick gulp. Unlike the common blends from back home made mostly with the blood of livestock like sheep, goats, and cattle, this one was more... vintage. The trade of human blood within Nocturne was disallowed for obvious reasons outside of taxation purposes, from those who wished to offer their blood rather than wealth, but anything that predated the fledgling laws of the little nation was fair game. In some ways Aleister had grown to dislike the blood of mortal persons, for it was like the strongest of narcotics. Even a sip could be a damning slide into burning desire.

But he needed it. The blood was tepid, but having come from a lineage of blue-blooded aristocrats of exquisite refinement, the taste of arrogance across generations reinvigorated him in a way that no common goat's blood could. It was the difference between old well-water and golden wine, not that he could even recall what real wine tasted like these days.

Feeling taunt and energized, Aleister set off moving as swiftly as he could, utilizing the rapid fire of his rifle to target Thorgran's legs in particular. The demonic filth was large and if the old adage was correct, would have quite the spectacular fall.
Dwarven Citadel - Mines - Icon Fight - Turn One
Keggoth, Icon of Greed
(HP = 2000)

Thorgran, Icon of Gluttony
(HP = 2000)

Special Buffs
Keggoth, Icon of Greed
An Icon of a Mage - Keggoth, being a highly trained mage, uses her magical abilities to their fullest in combat. Magical attacks have a +2 chance to hit their target, and do 3 DMG as a base damage. Attacks are treated like typical ranged attacks, so accuracy rolls are still needed.

A Mace Up Her Sleeve - In close combat, Keggoth still has ways to defend herself in the form of an enchanted mace she carries on her. In melee combat, she has a base damage of 5, and if attacked, Keggoth has a chance to counter attack regardless as to if an enemy's strike connects or not.

Unbridled Greed - When below 250 HP, Keggoth will shift into her true demonic state. All damage will be set at 10 DMG and she will be able to attack all targets on the field.

Thorgran, Icon of Gluttony
True Pulverizer - Thanks to the mass of muscle that Thorgran has gained, his attacks in close quarters are more brutal than ever before. In melee combat, he has a +2 chance to hit the target, and does a base DMG of 5. He may target up to two foes at once.

Shock Absorber - Despite no longer having much fat to speak of in his demonic form, he can still absorb intense hits if he focuses just before impact. Thorgran may brace for attacks for a turn, forcing incoming melee and ranged attacks to do half damage. However, this has a two turn cooldown. This does not counter god artifact strikes, as those will do full damage.

Rampant Gluttony - When below 250 HP, Thorgran will shift into his true demonic state. All damage will be set at 10 DMG and he will be able to attack all targets on the field.

Rebecca's Group

Blessed Be Thy Weapons (Enhanced) - Thanks to the blessings that Rebecca casts, the group now does a natural base of 25 DMG to the Icons. Any additional damage stacks on top of the base 25. For example, a grazing gunshot does 26 DMG instead of 1.

Blessed Be Thy Body - The group will slowly regain health overtime. Every turn, they will regain two points of HP. If hit with an attack while healing, the regenerated HP will subtract from the DMG. For example, if someone suffers 3 DMG while wounded, they will really only suffer 1 DMG.

- Riberta -
Chosen Perk: Another Seizure of Power - Since her time with the Beaumont group, Riberta has attempted to focus her anger when it comes to fighting strong enemies or groups of enemies. When Riberta's health drops below 25%, Riberta can channel all her power into a rage-filled onslaught which lasts for three turns. With every successful attack, she regains 5 HP, and inflicts 10 DMG against enemies. Damage is increased to 50 DMG against minibosses and bosses. Enemies that target her during her onslaught will suffer a -3 chance to hit penalty during their attack. Can be used twice in a battle.

Chosen Perk #2: YOU CAN'T KILL ME! - Thanks to Riberta's hybrid status, and taste for war, she can take an immense amount of damage and pain while continuing to fight. Her rapid regenerative abilities from both her vampiric and werewolf sides allow her to endure attacks that would kill most several times over. When enabled, can tank damage for three turns but cannot attack. Afterwards, can deal automatic critical hits for three turns. Can be used twice during a battle.

Random Perk: The Cruel - Riberta relishes close combat, especially in the form of hand-to-hand. To be able to break an enemy apart using your bare hands? Catharsis. If Riberta manages to kill an enemy with her bare hands, she regains 5 HP automatically through the execution of said enemy. If she assists in killing an enemy that an ally is fighting, she will regain 3 HP instead.

Random Perk #2: Hybrid Artillery - Riberta, being as large and strong as she is, is able to throw things pretty hard and pretty far. Weapons, objects, people... all can be tossed great distances and with plenty of force behind them. Up to three times in a battle, Riberta can throw an ally or object at an enemy. A d10 roll is required to see if the ally/object connects with the enemy. If the ally/object connects, it does 20 DMG. If the enemy is a miniboss or boss, the damage is doubled. If the object is explosive, another d10 is rolled to determine if the explosive goes off. If it goes off, an additional 20 DMG is dealt.

- Cassandra -
Chosen Perk: Shadow-dancing, Naturally - Using her blinding pureblood speed, and a little finesse, Cassandra can dart around her enemies and deliver devastating attacks. For up to three times during a battle, Cassandra can deliver a critical hit, with a bonus in damage of +5 if it is to a mini-boss or boss.

Chosen Perk #2: Crimson Sorceress - Blood magic is a particularly dark area of magic, using either your own blood or someone else's as a weapon. Cassandra, being a vampire, has already proven that she has a particular talent with it. Why not actually harness that ability while she's actually conscious? It might hurt, of course, but better to hurt the enemy than her allies. In exchange for HP, she can cast amplified magical attacks using blood magic. For every point of HP sacrificed, she does x2 DMG. (1 = 2, 2 = 4, 3 = 9 and so on.) She can do this up to three times in a fight.

Random Perk: Witness the Slaughter - Cassandra's brutality in close quarters has a chance to strike fear into nearby enemies. If Cassandra kills a foe in melee combat, nearby enemies will be 2 points less likely to hit her for a turn. Effect increases by one point with every chapter.

Random Perk #2: A Deathless Song - Channeling her magical ability into song, Cassandra weaves her talents into spells to aid her allies and prevent their demise. Once during a battle, should an ally take enough damage to KO them, Cassandra can cast a spell that fills them with renewed vigor. The ally will, instead of going down, automatically regain five HP. The cost of this spell is five of her own HP.

- Sebastian -
Chosen Perk: Quick Reflexes - Sebastian's military training has given him heightened reflexes compared to the average person. Enemies have less of a chance of hitting him, and (if they just so happen to hit) will never score a critical hit on him (with the exception of environmental hazards, mini-bosses, and bosses.)

Chosen Perk #2: Hatchet Man - Having grown used to using an axe in melee combat (and having killed an Icon by throwing one), Sebastian has learned to wield it effectively enough to strike foes in more vital locations. Necks, limbs, torsos, no area of the body is safe from his wrath. While using his axe, he has a +2 chance to score critical hits either in melee combat or by throwing the axe at his foes.

Random Perk: Point-Blank - Sebastian's no stranger to fighting up close with his firearm. If engaged by an enemy in melee, Sebastian will automatically counter-attack with a firearm. It will be an automatic critical hit.

Random Perk #2: Explosive Ordinance - Taking note of the ferocity and size of some of the foes that they have faced, and using a bit of his own creativity, Sebastian has begun to seek out better ways to decimate enemies. And what better way than with the overapplication of explosives? Grenades, dynamite tied to sticks/wooden planks, anything that goes boom will be put to extensive use. Up to four times in a battle, Sebastian may throw an explosive device at an enemy or group of enemies. A D10 roll will be performed for each target, determining how much damage each enemy takes from the blast. If the target is a miniboss or a boss, a D20 is used in the roll.

- Constantine -
Chosen Perk: Yippee Ki Yay - Even while using more modernized weapons, Constantine's skill with a firearm is up there with some of the best cowboys around. Perhaps it's simply natural, or his Wraith abilities enhance it? When landing a critical hit, Constantine can roll a D10 to stack additional damage on top. The amount of damage is determined by what the dice lands on.

Chosen Perk #2: Lady Luck - It seems the world likes someone who pushes the envelope, and Constantine's quite the gambler. If Constantine rolls a 1 at any point, he can reroll to attempt to avoid a critical failure.

Random Perk: Pistolero - Handguns are a cowboy's bread and butter, particularly revolvers. In time, they practically become an extension of the gunslinger themselves. Serving as deliverers of swift death. Constantine's all too familiar with handguns, and has mastered them over the course of his existence. When using revolvers or other handguns, Constantine has a +2 chance to hit his target. If the hit is a crit, it's an automatic vital shot.

Random Perk #2: Card Thrower - A true gambler, Constantine has a love of card games. In fact, he can summon a deck of cards to play with at his leisure. Those very same cards can also be used as weapons too. Up to four times in a battle, Constantine can summon his deck and sling an enchanted card at an enemy or ally. If the card hits an enemy, it will explode much like dynamite after a turn and do 10 DMG (or 25 DMG to a miniboss or boss.) If it hits an ally, it will heal said ally for 10 HP.

- Takato/Xiaòzhou -
Chosen Perk: Like Water, Returning - Takato/Xiaòzhou, since the days of the mission into the Abyss, has honed his skills ever more. Grants an additional move/action during a turn; applies double damage if the second move/action is an attack that hits, other traits do not come into effect for the second move/action. Both moves/actions can be used for a singular AoE move/action, which also does double damage (if an attack that hits.)

Chosen Perk #2: The Firm Grasp of Nature - +2 chance of succeeding in actions which directly manipulate an enemy's movements, whether they be passive or aggressive (a la attacks, such as physical [swords, bullets, etc], or spiritual [magic, etc]). Can be utilized in both an offensive and defensive manner (can be used with Like Water, but AoE moves/actions require recharging up to 3 turns after use)

Random Perk: The 10 Trials of Adriel - Thanks to the teachings of the second Abyssal King dwelling within his mind, Takato/Xiaòzhou has learned of the trials a young Adriel (the eventual first Abyssal King) had to endure to become a Titan. In exchange for a decrease in health, Takato/Xiaòzhou can amplify their damage output by extraordinary amounts. For every point of HP substituted, Takato/Xiaòzhou does 2 additional DMG. This damage will grow by two with each chapter.

Random Perk #2: Shan Oni Pai / Mountain Oni Style – Slowly embracing his Oni side in an effort to harmonize it with the Douean way, Takato attempts to internalize his Shadow self to add their fighting style to his repertoire. Up to three times during a battle, Takato may unleash a devastating flurry of brutal physical attacks upon his enemies. Rolls five times during an attack to deliver multiple hits, and for each hit, an additional point of damage is added. If attacking a miniboss/boss, three points of damage are added instead for each hit. If a roll fails, the rolls continue until five total rolls have been completed.

- Rebecca -
Chosen Perk: Shield-maiden - With her tower shield equipped, Rebecca can shield herself (or an ally) from an attack. Damage is halved when struck (to a minimum of 1 DMG.)

Chosen Perk #2: Ever Vigilant - When faced with overwhelming numbers, Rebecca still remains ever focused and searches for any chance to turn the tide in her favor. When fighting against more than one foe, Rebecca gains a chance to counter-attack enemies that miss. If an enemy misses, she automatically strikes back (and if the attack lands, it is an automatic crit.)

Random Perk: Voice of the Saint - Using her Saint powers, Rebecca can heal an ally from a distance. Each use grants 3 HP to an ally, but the power has a one turn cooldown with each use. Amount of HP regained will increase by 3 per chapter.

Random Perk #2: Light Bringer - As a Saint, Rebecca can manifest a ball of pure Heavenly light which can blind or burn demons. It also harms those that cannot stand the light of the sun. If used against demons, it does damage equal to 25% of their current health, and blinds them for a turn. If used against those weak to sunlight, it does damage equal to 50% of their health. This can only be used once in a battle.

- Azathor -
Chosen Perk: Combination Power - Azathor's a natural when it comes to making hits land one after the other, all focused on one spot. For every hit that lands in a string, an additional point of damage is added. Damage can stack endlessly, until Azathor misses (after which the damage resets.)

Chosen Perk #2: Gunslinger - Using his twin pistols, Azathor is able to strike an enemy twice in rapid succession. When using ranged attacks, Azathor attacks twice in one turn, stacking damage against foes. This perk can combine with Combination Power for devastating results.

Random Perk: A Sister's Legacy - In the same vein as his fallen sister, Azathor shows immense prowess with bladed weaponry. If fighting a foe in melee, Azathor's learned talents come into play. Does an additional 3 points of DMG against melee opponents when using a melee weapon himself, and has a 50% chance to deflect a melee attack. Amount of damage dealt will increase per chapter.

Random Perk #2: That Which Dwells Beneath - Azathor, having mastered leaving and returning to his vessel much like the other Demon Princes and Icons, is able to shed his vessel temporarily to do battle in his true Demon Prince form. For once in a standard fight (and three times in a Miniboss or Boss fight), Azathor can strike foes directly in his true form and do double damage. He may strike up to three foes at a time in a standard fight, before returning to his vessel. If he struck while in his true form, he suffers double damage to himself.

- Camille -
Chosen Perk: Honed Reflexive Riposte - During the years following the Witlock Inquiry, Camille honed her skills as a sword fighter. Enemy melee attacks that fail to land prompt an automatic counter-attack from Camille. Double damage if her attack hits.

Chosen Perk #2: Veteran Huntress – Enhancing her prowess in battle over time against a variety of foes, Camille has chosen to focus on improving her abilities to dodge attacks from a distance. If targeted by a ranged attack from an enemy, her reflexes allow her to potentially avoid being hit and counter-attack in response. When attacked by an enemy at range, a D10 is rolled to determine if Camille is able to dodge the attack. If successfully dodged, another D10 is rolled to determine the success of Camille’s response. If the counter-attack hits, its an automatic crit.

Random Perk: Nevermore - A rather new technique Camille has learned over the years, Camille can cause a distraction in order to throw off an enemy's attack and allow for a devastating strike. Once during a battle, Camille can use this ability to force an enemy's attack to miss entirely. Enemy will be stunned for one turn afterwards, allowing for one automatic critical hit.

Random Perk #2: Dagger Dance – Sometimes the pace of combat requires a bit of finesse. Add in a bit of slight of hand, and the proper application of short hidden blades, and foes can be put down quickly and with ease. Camille’s no stranger to such things, using her needle-like weapons to great effect. However, she’s recently acquired a set of stiletto daggers. Typically used by gamblers, assassins, and other more criminal elements, Camille’s using them for a bit of a better purpose. Up to four times in a battle, Camille may employ the use of her stiletto daggers. When an enemy is hit by the daggers, they are temporarily stunned for a turn. While stunned, the enemy suffers double damage from all sources of damage. This can also be used as an AoE attack, targeting up to four enemies.

- Rajko -
Chosen Perk: Batimalism - Rajko can command a swarm of bats to attack or do an arbitrary action like retrieve a distant object or blind a foe for a turn. An attack by the bats does 3 DMG to a target (and is amplified every chapter by 3) Goes on cooldown for two turns after use. Additionally, bats will never attack Rajko unless induced by a magical entity or older werebat.

Chosen Perk #2: A Hunter's Vow - Rajko honors his vows to others with immense zeal, determined to see what he has promised to completion. In combat, there's no exception. Once per fight, Rajko will improve his next two attacks, dealing an additional 15% of the target's health in damage. The additional damage will apply through a target's resistances while the base will not. If the target is a boss character, the damage will be reduced to 5%.

Random Perk: Deafening Screech - While in Werebat form, Rajko can unleash a screech directed at a foe loud enough to stun them. The enemy stunned will remain unable to attack for three turns, and any attacks directed at this foe will be automatic critical hits if they land. When used on a mini-boss or boss, they will be stunned for only one turn but will have three points less of a chance to hit targets for two turns afterwards. Can be used once per battle.

Random Perk #2: Flash Ball – Reaching in the large arsenal of Inquisitorial tools, Rajko pulls a rather useful and more recently developed piece of equipment: the Flash Ball. A baseball-sized glass ball, filled with enchanted flash powder and an igniting agent, the device produces a bright flash that blinds observers temporarily. The enchantment on the powder, however, renders it more effective on those of the supernatural variety. Up to four times in a fight, Rajko can toss a flash ball at foes, disorienting them and throwing their aim off by two points for the next two turns. If used against supernatural enemies, however, it actually stuns them for a turn and throws their aim off by two points for the next four. Quite useful against groups of enemies.

- Aleister -
Chosen Perk #1: Arcane Miracles - Since his time with the Witlock Inquiry years ago, his faith has faded. However, his ability to heal has only strengthened over time. When used, Aleister can heal an ally and allow them to regain 6 HP. Has a cooldown of one turn.

Chosen Perk #2: Dance of the Vampire - Ever graceful on his feet, Aleister has even more of a chance to dodge incoming attacks from foes. When attacked, Aleister can roll to dodge an attack and has a +2 chance of succeeding along with the chance to counter-attack. If the counter attack roll is successful, it is an automatic critical hit.

Random Perk #1: Midnight Masquerade - Ever the dramatic, Aleister brings his artistry on the stage to the field of battle. Using one of his many enchanted masks, he can create a duplicate of himself to distract foes. The duplicate, once struck, will disappear. However, should Aleister strike the enemy before his duplicate is struck, the enemy suffers double damage. Can create up to three duplicates at once, but doing so costs a use. Ability can be used three times in a battle.

Random Perk #2: Divine Favor - Its difficult to earn the adoration of a god or goddess. It's only ever been done a select few times throughout the various millennia, over the different cycles of gods and goddesses. However, Aleister seems to have acquired that from Undite. Although he isn't as much of a holy man as he once was, she would still do quite a lot for him. Thus, if Aleister were to invoke her name during a battle, there would be a resounding answer. Once during a battle, Aleister can invoke Undite's name and heal all members of the party to full HP as well as revive fallen allies.

- Jakob -
Chosen Perk #1: Focus Fire! - Jakob, being a former Sergeant in Atraca's armed forces, knows how to get his allies' attention. He also knows how to pick out a nice target too, and single out just where to put a shot to bring it down. Combine the two for efficiency, and you get the job done quickly. In combat, he passively gives nearby allies +2 on attack rolls to hit their targets.

Chosen Perk #2: Gitche Manitou - Like a spirit manifesting to claim fading lives, the Gravedigger accompanying Jakob appears to claim the lives of some of the group's foes. When an enemy reaches below 25% HP, and Jakob is nearby, there is a chance that the Gravedigger will execute the enemy with a surprise attack. Roll is determined using a d10. If the roll is 7 or above, the enemy is executed.

Random Perk #1: Clawing Out - Jakob's werebeast side tends to want to break free from time to time, a bi-product of the natural aggression that werebeasts harbor. He has it under control most of the time, but there's moments where he simply needs to free the beast. Up to three times in a battle, Jakob can unleash his aggression in his werewolf form upon an enemy, doing immense damage in a sudden and brutal attack. It is considered an automatic critical hit, and the damage is doubled against minibosses and bosses.

Random Perk #2: A Brazen Act of Defiance - Jakob's not one to go down easy, in his human form or otherwise. Especially when it comes to defending his allies. Due to this, and his morals, he is willing to throw himself in harms way to protect others from enemies. Up to three times in a battle, Jakob can put himself in an enemy's direct line of attack to defend an ally. If the attack connects, Jakob tanks the damage, and only takes a quarter of the damage from the attack himself. Inspired by his defiance, said ally gains an automatic critical hit when they next attack.

--- --- --- --- --- ---

Constantine = 3 + 4 (7, Pistolero, Focus Fire!). Acc. Roll = 17. Does 30 DMG to Keggoth. Keggoth HP = 1970
Rajko uses God Artifact: Right Gauntlet of Thiasis! Chance Roll = 10. Chance Successful! Does 200 DMG to Keggoth! Keggoth HP = 1770. Chance to Counter-Attack (A Mace Up Her Sleeve) = 8. Chance Successful! Rajko suffers 5 DMG! Rajko HP = 15.
Azathor = 6 + 2, 2 + 2 (8, 4. Gunslinger, Focus Fire!). Acc. Roll = 14. Does 30 DMG to Thorgran, second shot misses. Thorgran HP = 1970.
Xiaòzhou = 2. Misses Thorgran.
Camille uses one of her Shotgun Shell Bolts! Chance Roll = 3 + 2 (5). Chance Successful! Does 50 DMG to Keggoth! Keggoth HP = 1720.
Sebastian = 3 + 2 (5, Focus Fire!). Acc. Roll = 8. Does 28 DMG to Thorgran. Thorgran HP = 1942.
Aleister = 6 + 2 (8, Focus Fire!). Acc. Roll = 11. Does 28 DMG to Thorgran. Thorgran HP = 1914.
Jakob = 7 + 2 (9, Focus Fire!) Acc. Roll = 16. Does 30 DMG to Thorgran! Thorgran HP = 1884
Gravedigger = 2 + 2 (4, Focus Fire!) Misses Thorgran.
Riberta uses God Artifact: Left Gauntlet of Thiasis! Chance Roll = 9. Chance Successful! Does 200 DMG to Thorgran! Thorgran HP = 1684.
Cassandra = 10 (Shadow Dancing, Naturally.) Does 35 DMG to Keggoth. Keggoth HP = 1685. Chance to Counter-Attack (A Mace Up Her Sleeve) = 2. Chance Failed.
Rebecca = 6 + 2 (8, Focus Fire!) Does 25 DMG to Keggoth! Keggoth HP = 1660. Chance for Counter Attack (A Mace Up Her Sleeve) = 7. Chance Successful. Rebecca suffers 5 - 2 (3) DMG (Shield Maiden). Rebecca HP = 17.


Keggoth = 10. Crit Chance = 10. Critical Hit! Does 10 DMG (A Mace Up Her Sleeve) to Rajko. Rajko HP = 5.
Thorgran = 9 + 1 (10), 6 + 2 (8), Crit Chance = 5. Does 8 DMG (True Pulverizer) to Riberta, Does 5 DMG (True Pulverizer) to Azathor. Riberta HP = 12, Azathor HP = 15.

--- --- --- --- --- ---


Xiaòzhou, Camille


The battle commenced in brutal fashion, as Constantine's shots peppered Keggoth's torso before a wild-eyed and furious Rajko sailed through the air to meet her. As she dodged his blade, she failed to notice his claw-like left hand intent on grabbing her by the throat. He caught her, his fingers wrapping around her throat as tightly as he could muster, before they fell to the cavern floor. Once on the floor, he delivered a series of vicious punches with his gauntlet clad fist. His knuckles collided with various parts of her face: nose, cheek bones, eyes, jaw, forehead. Whatever he could strike to harm her, he struck. All the while, his left hand still wrapped around her throat in an attempt to choke her to death. His teeth were bared, gritted hard enough that his gums were starting to bleed. The berserker rage was taking full hold on him. At least, until the gauntlet slipped off his arm as he jerked his arm back one last time. It went sailing through the air, landing at Camille's feet.

He wouldn't last much longer on top of her afterwards. Her knee came up, impacting squarely in his crotch. He reflexively rolled off, clutching his nether regions, before she swung her mace over and slammed it viciously into his chest. "YOU LOW-BORN PIECE OF HUMAN SHIT!" she spat, coughing as she stood. She used her magic, lifting him off the ground, before delivering a brutal mace strike to the side of his head and shoving him away. But then, something collided with Keggoth's shoulder from behind, detonating a moment later. It was one of Camille's shotgun shell bolts, which sent an iron rod through the Icon's shoulder. She spun in place, spinning her around just in time to see Cassandra appear before her. Blade at the ready.

"HELLO THERE!" she spat, quite violently, before driving the point of her saber straight through Keggoth's opposite shoulder. "DID YOU MISS ME? I CERTAINLY MISSED YOU, YOU POMPOUS BITCH."

She would soon disappear, as Keggoth tried to swat at her with her mace. As she vanished, a new threat would collide with the Icon. Rebecca, whom had charged her with her shield. The impact of the shield rocked Keggoth, but she regained enough composure to swing her mace as hard as she could at Rebecca. The Saint would block the strike with her shield, but would stumble backwards onto her rear from the shock of the blow.

Meanwhile, the rest of the group chose to focus on the beefier of the two Icons. Azathor, Sebastian, Aleister, and Jakob would open fire on Thorgran, hammering the Icon with gunfire. Xiaòzhou would fling some qi based attacks, but would miss. The Gravedigger, somehow, would also miss with his shots.

Riberta would soon attack Thorgran herself, getting up close and personal. In a nearly blind, rabid rage, she darted across the room at an inhuman speed and slammed her fist squarely into the Icon's spine. She was shouting something, but none of the group could make it out. It wasn't words, or any words they knew that made any sense. It was as if she had shifted herself over into a completely animal-like state. She darted around in front of him, delivering more punishing blows to his chest and head, before kicking one of his legs out from under him and driving her knee into his skull as he fell.

Thorgran, however, wouldn't fall all the way down. He caught himself on his knee, before reaching up and grabbing Riberta's fist as she went to punch him again. A sharp twist followed, her arm making a sickening squelch from how hard it had been twisted, before he delivered his own blow to Riberta's gut. She almost doubled over, but soon found herself under an assault of blows from Thorgran.

He seemed to be enraged now, viciously punching Riberta until he finally grabbed her and lifted her into the air above him. Then, he took aim at Azathor. In a rough toss, he flung Riberta at Azathor. She collided, sending the pair tumbling across the floor. The left gauntlet of Thiasis popped off her arm, landing right at Xiaòzhou's feet.

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"You say human-born like its a bad thing." Constantine quipped back to the Icon as he reloaded. He lined up another series of shots aiming to knock the crown off of Keggot's head.
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Rajko was writhing in the dust and rubble, flesh cleaved, bones cracked. His hands crimson with his blood, flaked with grey specks of grime and soot. The pain surged through his body like a flood of molten rock, crushing his back. Lungs starved of wind. His gore was hot to the touch, fingers plunging deep in thick rivulets of red. His muscles burned with bloodied misery, even as himself across the debris-littered flagstone. For a moment, the ache within dulled to the rebounding roars of combat then he felt the agony of the impact against his chest as though his sternum pitted into his very heart. Desperation poisoned his mind, spreading like a crystalline canker.

His hand outstretched, nails cracking into a slate rock that had once been this ruins' roof, he dragged himself to his feet, steadying against the wreckage. His eyes, meat-red and bleary, fixed Keggoth's form, pointing with a dripping digit. "Gouge... Her." He wheezed, winged fury descending from the hard darkness.

Ability: Batimalism (Stun, Keggoth).​
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Azathor used the momentum from colliding with Riberta to roll back up, feet sliding across the floor as he holstered his pistols and drew out Belias' sword. But rather than immediately go in for the attack, he decided to try something he had been meaning to do for a bit as the Icon was a perfect testing ground. He took one of the alchemical vials that he had been gifted prior and popped off its cork with the flick of his thumbs. A noxious smell arose from it that quickly dissipated, and its contents bubbled as it came into contact with the air outside. Without a medium to settle on, it would eventually evaporate - but Azathor had one ready.

Keeping his sword horizontal, he poured the acid upon its edge to which it responded with a loud hiss. The acid seemed to disappear, but chemical vapours remained on the edge of the abyssal blade and in turn indicated that the infusion had been successful. Tossing the vial aside, Azathor then flourished the sword and charged towards Thorgran once more to see what such machinations of men can cause upon a demonic Icon.
Having made a complete circle around Thorgran without either being hit by one of the icons or hit by one of the others in his party (after they had been thrown by one of the icons), Sebastian was feeling more confident. He reached the point where he had left his harpoon gun and swept it up off the floor, dropping one of the explosive missiles into the tube before preparing to fire. Just then, Thorgran decided to vent his rage by means of screaming his lethal intent at the lot of them, and so Sebastian decided he'd aim right for the Icon's wide open mouth!
Xiaòzhou would end up missing his attack against Thorgran, induced in part by his movement, but he kept his distance enough to watch how both the Icons were conducting themselves. Thorgran was swift, yet sturdy, allowing him the opportunity to tank the attacks he had received and dish out the damage they had done back at them, or at least it felt that way with how he had just beaten Azathor with Riberta with a single toss. Keggoth meanwhile relied heavily on her magic as much as she did her strength, and she seemed to respond viciously to all near her.

Xiaòzhou watched as the gauntlet flew to his feet, watching it with worry. The idea of putting it on really did not appeal to the hermit, but he may have no choice. Using his qi, he had it crawl up onto his back and hide there for a moment, as there was something more pressing he had to deal with first. Rushing over to Rajko, he tried to help the man off the floor, though by the time he had gotten to him, he had gotten most of the way there by himself. He began healing him as he watched the man gesture toward Keggoth and wheeze his words. As he watched, he considered whether or not limiting her movement would help them in this situation, and attempted to suspend her where she stood.
The huntress hit her mark, but she made certain to maintain her cold efficiency even as the Icons spat their drivel at the group. There would be no time for celebration, as such hellish forms were only scratched by their efforts. This battle could be likened to more of a marathon than an outright sprint, but one where they would need to constantly rise in intensity as the fight waged on. Though her shot assisted with allowing Cassandra to apply more pressure to Keggoth, Camille kept her guard up even with her distance from the fighting. Such a practice was invaluable when fighting opponents that could move faster than the eye can see.

The noblewoman's planning of her next move was halted when she heard the clatter of the artifact at her feet, causing her to grit her teeth with indecision. Camille didn't want anything to do with the godsforsaken gauntlet, yet when looking at what they were dealing with she knew that needs outweighed her own feelings on the matter. For the moment, she scooped up the artifact in a swift motion, her other hand flashing a fan of her stiletto daggers. In moments she was breaking out into a sprint around the perimeter of the room, starting to prepare her throw.

"I would much rather make you an Escarian pincushion instead you fiendish brute!" Camille roared, tossing her blades at Thorgran!

Ability: Dagger Dance
Aleister maintained his distance, unwilling to get too close to the demonic filth. The exchange of blows between the Icons and the party grew with such an intense fervor that Aleister felt somewhat stunned, for it had been so long since he had last seen such directed violence... and for the recipients to keep moving. Each impact would have felled any number of lesser souls - and Aleister didn't intend to find out if he was one of them.

The beating Rajko took was enough to give the vampiric priest some pause, but the fellow was already clawing his way back up, and Xiaòzhou was right there with him. He knew neither of these two in the slightest and felt no kindred with them, yet this fight was far too important for indifference. However, with the pair already making their moves, Aleister doubled around the room towards Riberta who had moment's ago been sailing through the air like a rock propelled from a volcanic crag. "Are you good, big woman?" he asked, shoveling more rounds into his rifle and keeping a mental count of the ever diminishing number. He glanced aside towards Azathor - another unknown to him - who was now hefting a sword that seemed to hiss and sizzle. No mere parlor trick, that was certain.

Keeping an eye on the woman, and closely where Azathor was charging, Aleister fired off more rounds into Thorgran.
Dwarven Citadel - Mines - Icon Fight - Turn Two

Constantine = 5 + 4 (9, Pistolero, Focus Fire!) Acc. Roll = 18. Does 30 DMG to Keggoth. Keggoth HP = 1630
Rajko uses Batimalism! Chance Roll = 6. Chance Successful! Keggoth has been blinded for a turn! Rajko regains 2 HP (Blessed Be Thy Body.) Rajko HP = 7.
Azathor uses a Vial of Alchemist's Grease! Attack Roll = 3 + 2 (5,
Focus Fire!) Does 54 DMG to Thorgran! Thorgran HP = 1630. Azathor regains 2 HP (Blessed Be Thy Body.) Azathor HP = 17.
Sebastian uses his Harpoon Gun! Chance Roll = 6 + 2 (8, Focus Fire!) Does 100 DMG to Thorgran! Thorgran HP = 1530!
Xiaòzhou attempts to heal Rajko. Chance Roll = 5. Chance Successful! Rajko regains 3 HP. Rajko HP = 10.
Xiaòzhou attempts to hold Keggoth in place (Like Water, Returning). Chance Roll = 6 + 2 (8, The Firm Grasp of Nature). Chance Successful! Keggoth is held in place for an additional turn, and can not attack!
Camille uses Dagger Dance! Chance Roll = 10. Chance Successful! Thorgran has been pinned in place for a turn, and can't attack! All damage done to Thorgran during the remainder of this turn will be doubled!
Aleister = 7 + 2 (9, Focus Fire!) Acc. Roll = 10. Does 53 DMG (Dagger Dance) to Thorgran. Thorgran HP = 1477
Jakob = 8 + 2 (10, Focus Fire!) Acc. Roll = 5. Does 51 DMG (Dagger Dance) to Thorgran. Thorgran HP = 1426.
Gravedigger = 4 + 2 (6, Focus Fire!) Acc. Roll = 6. Does 51 DMG (Dagger Dance) to Thorgran. Thorgran HP = 1375.
Riberta uses her Nitro Express Rifle! Chance Roll = 6 + 2 (8, Focus Fire!) Does 200 DMG (Dagger Dance) to Thorgran. Thorgran HP = 1175. Riberta regains 2 HP (Blessed Be Thy Body). Riberta HP = 14.
Cassandra = 3 + 2 (5, Focus Fire!). Does 25 DMG to Keggoth. Keggoth HP = 1605.
Rebecca uses Voice of the Saint on Rajko! Chance Roll = 7. Chance Successful. Rajko regains 6 HP. Rajko HP = 16. Rebecca regains 2 HP (
Blessed Be Thy Body). Rebecca HP = 19.

--- --- ---

Keggoth can't attack! Stunned for 2 turns! (Batimalism, Like Water, Returning.)
Thorgran uses Shock Absorber! His skin intensely hardens, to withstand further attacks! Will take half damage for one turn! (God Artifacts will do full damage.)

--- --- ---


The group began their assault again, determined to shut the Icons up and put them down as quickly as possible. Constantine's shots rang out, pelting the Icon of Greed across her chest. Distracting her long enough for a swarm of bats to dart through the mines and surround Keggoth. They mainly tried to nip at her eyes, brushing and flapping against her head as they temporarily blinded her. This would allow Xiaòzhou to provide the needed healing for Rajko, as well as cast his own spell to hold Keggoth in place. Preventing her from defending herself from incoming attacks. Cassandra made use of the situation, slashing Keggoth across the back in a brief flash. Rebecca, instead of attacking Keggoth, chose to further Rajko's healing.

Meanwhile, for the group fighting Thorgran, things were a bit more violent. Azathor's blade cut across Thorgran's chest, the acid coating the wound and forcing the Icon to groan in pain as the acid began to eat away at his skin. It sizzled loudly, the wound festering and bubbling as the acid spread. It distracted him just long enough for Sebastian to fire his harpoon, which embedded in Thorgran's chest. He'd have to adjust for the harpoon's drop over distance, it seemed. The dynamite charge on the harpoon hissed for three seconds, before creating a spectacular explosion which thundered through the mine cavern.

The black smoke that appeared afterwards disipated enough to reveal a large gaping wound on Thorgran's chest now, covered in scorched flesh. The blast had did quite a bit of damage, but not enough to put him down. Before he could respond, however, Camille's dagger's pelted him. Pinning him in place just long enough for the rest of the group to fire their own shots. Aleister's rifle shots, Jakob's shotgun blasts, and the Gravedigger's quick revolver shots pummeled the Icon's torso, before a loud THOOOWWW sounded off. It was almost as loud as the detonation of the dynamite harpoon. Riberta had fired her Nitro Express rifle, the blast forcing her to stumble backwards a bit. His flesh rippled, as the bullet collided with his torso like a high speed brick and ripped clean through. It took a chunk of his back flesh with it as it punched out the other side of his body, before smashing against the wall of the mine.

"What the hell was..." he muttered, looking down at the hole in his chest from the nitro express shot. Then, he saw the rest of the damage. "NO. NO MORE! I WILL NOT BE HUMILIATED LIKE THIS." he spat.

The group then witnessed as his skin began to... change as he tensed up. What was one rough grey skin was now turning black and hardening, giving it the texture and appearance of solid rock. He was morphing his skin to something more resilient, to take on the group's punishment.
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