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Futuristic Humanity Chapter 1

Olivine Martin Alvarez

A glint of metal shone from the corner of his eyes, a small glimmer of something from the past. Olivine’s attention faltering from his task to move closer towards Meg. Something about it being etched in the same symbols or maybe pure logical speculation was enough. “Meg, here let me pull that…rather I risk an arm than you kiddo if it’s a trap but good find.” Gently, he would pat her head, giving a warm but reassuring smile in return.

He didn’t want to admit it but, part of him was nervous yet determined. Olivine’s hand tightening around the handle as he watched Meg unearth more of it. The metal level making a light noise as he pulled it down, hoping it would atleast unlock the door ahead of them.

Interaction: Meg ( queanbean queanbean )

( Wyll Wyll , Umbran Fumbler Umbran Fumbler )
Olivine grasped the ancient lever and pulled it, the mechanism responding with a deep, resonant click. The massive door shuddered, the centuries-old gears and cogs within it groaning to life. Slowly, the door began to creak open, revealing a long-hidden chamber bathed in a soft, ethereal light.

As the door fully opened, the team stepped cautiously into the room, their senses overwhelmed by the sight before them. The air was cool and clean, a stark contrast to the stale, dusty environment they had just left behind. The room was expansive, with walls lined with shelves filled with ancient tomes, delicate instruments, and preserved samples of extinct plant life. A subtle, almost imperceptible hum of energy filled the space, adding to the sense of awe and wonder.

The ceiling arched high above, adorned with intricate murals depicting a vibrant world now lost to time. In the center of the room stood several large, cylindrical pods, each one connected to a complex array of machinery. The soft glow from the control panels illuminated the sleek, metallic surfaces of the pods, casting long shadows across the floor.

But it was the pod at the far end of the room that drew their attention. It stood slightly apart from the others, its design more sophisticated and the machinery more intricate. The name "ADAM" was emblazoned across the top in bold, capital letters, clearly marking it as something of great importance. The pod hummed with a latent energy, the gentle pulsation of its lights indicating that whatever lay within was still very much alive, waiting for the moment to awaken and reveal its secrets.

The team approached Adam's pod with a mix of trepidation and anticipation, fully aware that this discovery could change the course of their journey and the future of humanity itself.

MusicBox MusicBox Wyll Wyll queanbean queanbean Umbran Fumbler Umbran Fumbler
Koran Pope
Interactions: Alruna ( Umbran Fumbler Umbran Fumbler )
Mentions: None

OIG3.jpeg Koran smirked at Alruna's comment about saying open in the door's native tongue. The smirked turned into a gentle chuckle as he shook his head, assuming that she was simply teasing. However, the thought occurred to him that she actually might have a point. He looked around and saw others were working on different ways to open the door and he figured they might as well try every option that was available to them. So, he sat there, hand still on the door and just went through the list of all the languages he knew how to say "open" in. "Open, ouvri, abre, offen, akeru, khula..."

He went through a few more languages before considering the possibility that maybe it was a phrase that meant to be open, rather than just the word. After all, it seems like Alruna had found some words that may as well have been a sentence. He wished he could translate the language but, if Alruna couldn't, he certainly had no chance. That didn't stop him from trying though. "Open sesame, show me your mysteries, friend, be thou opened unto me..." At the last sentence, there was a resounding click and a smile lit up Koran's face, thinking he'd just figured it out. He turned to tell the rest of the team that he'd gotten the door open...only to see Olivine holding a lever that was definitely more likely to have been what opened the door than his random series of sentences.

He didn't mind that Olivine had been the one to get it open, at least the door was open now. He stood to his feet as the door gave way, being the first to walk in since he was right in front of the door when it opened. As he took in the sights, he let out a low whistle. As a fellow engineer, he could respect the work that someone had put into this place and was both impressed and nervous. Nobody builds such a large door or such an expansive space for no reason. There was something big h-

His thoughts were cut off as he noticed the pods in the room. He didn't even see the ADAM pod, just the regular pods were enough to have him curious. He walked briskly up to them, keeping an eye out for Meg to make sure she didn't get excited and dart in front of him again. Arriving at the control panels for the pods, he leaned over and began studying them. He knew enough to not touch any buttons until he understood what they did. Of course, he could ask Eve, but he wanted the fun of figuring it out for himself.

It was as he studied the control panel in front of him that he heard the faint hum from a pod. It wasn't any of the ones in front of him and so he began looking around for where the hum was coming from. It was then he looked up and saw ADAM. He slowly made his way over to the pulsing lights of the pod, not really able to see what was in the pod due to the metallic surface. He then began scanning the control panel in front of the ADAM pod to see if there was something that would allow the group to see inside the pod. His gut told him there was something in there and he wanted to figure out what it was. He saw control for "LIGHTS" and figured that was a harmless enough place to start that might also give some information.

Alruna Booker

kaffy waffy.pngIt turned out to be a lever that got the door open. Normally, Alruna wouldn't be surprised by such a simple mechanism, but given everything they'd observed in this place, she'd expected a solution of a more otherworldly nature—especially with Koran chanting Satan's lullaby next to her and the uncanny timing of the door's click. Either way, it was comforting to know that familiar things and tactics still worked around here.

Now, if that logic could just extend to her gun still working as expected on anyone that may have been waiting for them beyond the door, that'd be perfect.

"Good job you two," Alruna chirped as she walked past Meg and Olivine on her way to the door, making sure to pat the ethicist's head in much the same way he did to their scout.

From Garden of Eden to Doctor Frankenstein's Laboratory, stepping past the door was akin to crossing a portal into another world. Alruna's first thought was that there were too many things around the room to look at, and that she only had two eyes. There were a few weird little plants encased in glass around the room, though that was more Sylvanna's cup of sap than hers. No, instead of getting green fingers, Alruna proceeded to use her five fingered discount on the more pocket-sized objects around the room.

A little, glowing crystal that was oddly warm to the touch; an ancient coin that surely hid a shiny sheen beneath its weathered wrapping; a vial containing some kind of shining liquid that she'd have to run some tests on when she got a chance—all of them found a new home in different parts of Alruna's jacket. She was hoping that the first two items would fetch a nice price, and that the last one was strong enough to convince whoever she was selling to otherwise.

The pod with the word ADAM very proudly displayed over it was the next thing to hold her attention. As she got closer to it, she began to notice how unnerving its more regal nature compared to the other pods was. Its strange pulsating definitely didn't help. But still, Alruna couldn't help but be curious about what was held inside, brushing her hand across the surface of the door.

"I wonder, I wonder, what could be behind door number three," Alruna aloud to no one in particular. "Looking at the pattern so far, my guess is door number four."

She stepped back from the pod, gesturing someone else to take a closer look at it, her left hand subtly finding a nice resting spot on the gun holster strapped to her thigh.

Dead or alive, whatever was in that pod was sure to make the stuff that lined her pockets now seem like nothing but trinkets.



Olivine MusicBox MusicBox Meg queanbean queanbean


Koran Wyll Wyll Sylvanna queanbean queanbean


She knew the kid had a good eye; it was good enough to get her in plenty of trouble back home, but out here such a skill was invaluable, and here she was going right ahead and proving it. A smile slides across her lips, and she stands back with arms crossed and a subtle pridefulness in her expression. It really was true that it could have been some kind of trap – they’d already seen that this place was capable of such – so her gratefulness extended to Olivine for taking charge of the situation, not that it would be a good thing if any of the team were to lose an arm. The lever was pulled, the mechanisms clicked, and Olivine hadn’t lost an arm… yet... she thought as she watched him pat Meg on the head.

A breath she hadn’t realized she was holding released from her chest at the same time the doors began to open.

Had they stepped into the past, or was this the far future? She’d never seen anything like it and shock showed on even her stoic face. “Shit…” Sylvanna stepped slowly into the next chamber with the rest, hands on hips and letting herself get lost in just viewing the entirety of the room. There were less plants here, besides what it looked like had begun to creep in and whatever was sprouting in those jars, so she’s stepped right out of her expertise, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t be just as intrigued, especially if her suspicions were correct and these pods were meant for organic matter.

“What’re your thoughts.” She stopped beside Koran, looking up in awe and unease at this pulsing pod. She sees his hand move and nearly jumps to stop him from touching anything, just in case, but holds herself back. No, no, that's a good place to start as any. This anxiety she feels welling up inside is abnormal to her. Without even having a clue what she’s looking at, somehow this unknown is enough to make her skin crawl. “After everything we’ve been through already…” She grumbles under her breath, wringing her wrists as she takes a step back as well.



Would ya look at that! Her eyes glitter with pride when her fingertips scrape the metal and some kind of lever is revealed. She’s just about to make quick work of it when Olivine steps in. “But I-!” She starts to whine, sitting back on her heels and wiping dirt on her jeans. “Mgh… fine.” As long as she got the credit for the find in the end… For just a few seconds every bratty thought is wiped from her mind and her eyes widen. The door had really opened, just from that? Jumping up, she bashed her head into the hand about to pat it, making her reel back with a scowl, dodging any more of the petting and instead reaching up to brush it off her own head. She’d let him keep that hand of his for now, by her great graces. Woah! There are bigger things afoot!

“Nah, nah. It definitely was all you.” Meg trots across the threshold with Koran, hands behind her head and a whole new chamber to snoop through… that was if Alruna didn’t wipe it all clean first. Meg didn’t run ahead, nor did she really maintain that excitement for long. This place was spooky. It was cold and sort of weirdly lighted, like some mad science lab in a movie she’d seen. Her hands drop to her sides and she wanders over to one of the regular pods, reaching out to touch it, pressing her hands against the material and trying to peer inside. Nothing, damn. She scowls, glances in the direction that everyone else has started to accumulate in, and gradually makes her way over. Like Sylvanna, she has a weird feeling of unease. It’s like it feels way too important for a kid her age to ever lay eyes on. It’s just a weird… tube. I’m not scared of something dumb like that. She jeers at Olivine to preserve her own outward confidence, “Ya scared?”

Interactions: Olivine MusicBox MusicBox | Koran Wyll Wyll | Alruna Umbran Fumbler Umbran Fumbler
The door to Adam's pod had barely finished opening when a sudden, sharp alarm pierced the air, startling the team. Before they could react, the sounds of heavy boots and the metallic clank of weapons echoed through the sanctuary’s corridors.

From the shadows emerged a squad of heavily armed soldiers, their faces obscured by tactical visors. They moved with military precision, fanning out to surround the research team. The harsh beams of their flashlights cut through the dim light, casting eerie, shifting shadows across the room.

"Hands where I can see them!" barked the lead soldier, his voice amplified by the helmet's built-in speaker. The team froze, their eyes darting to the soldiers and then to each other. The moment they had feared had arrived.

Emerging from behind the line of soldiers, Chancellor Kane strode in with an air of absolute authority. His presence was imposing, a tall figure clad in a pristine, militaristic uniform that contrasted starkly with the grimy, ancient surroundings. His cold, calculating eyes scanned the room, taking in every detail before settling on the research team.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Kane's voice was smooth, almost mocking. He took a step closer, his gaze lingering on Adam's pod. "I must commend you on your persistence. You've led us right to the prize."

Kane nodded to one of his soldiers, who promptly seized Koran, forcing him to his knees. Another soldier did the same with Sylvanna and Olivine. Meg, terrified but trying to be brave, clung to Sylvanna's side.

"You see, I couldn't let you meddle with things you don't understand," Kane continued, his tone dripping with condescension. "The secrets of this place, the power it holds, it’s far too dangerous to be left in the hands of idealistic fools."

He walked over to the pod, running his gloved fingers over the surface. The name "ADAM" gleamed under the harsh light. "This... this is what you've been searching for, isn't it? A relic of a bygone era, a potential savior for humanity." He laughed softly, a sound devoid of humor. "Such naive optimism."

Kane turned sharply, his expression hardening. "Secure the area," he ordered. "No one leaves until we have complete control."

The soldiers moved swiftly, positioning themselves at key points around the room. Two of them began setting up a portable command station, while others kept their weapons trained on the research team.

Kane leaned in closer to Sylvanna, his eyes narrowing. "You will tell me everything you know about this place, about him," he said, nodding towards Adam's pod. "And if you cooperate, I might consider sparing you."

The sanctuary, once a beacon of hope and discovery, now felt like a prison. The team, surrounded and outnumbered, faced the grim reality of their situation. Chancellor Kane's iron grip had closed around them, and the fate of their mission—and possibly humanity—hung precariously in the balance.

monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555 Wyll Wyll MusicBox MusicBox queanbean queanbean Umbran Fumbler Umbran Fumbler
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Olivine Martin Alvarez

The place once more began to hum with unworldly energy, the sounds of the doors hiding a lost treasure almost had pried themselves apart revealing the contents inside. Though his attention was quickly grabbed by Meg bashing into the bottom of his hand warning a low hiss of discomfort. Though, he wouldn’t exactly blame her as she was still a kid bursting at the seams with energy of this newfound discovery.

“Would you look at that- HEY!”

His tone shifting in annoyance as Alruna made quick hate to mock the pay he had attempted to do to the youngest of the group. Though his interest did lie in what it all had to offer. Maybe if he was lucky and the two didn’t snag it all he could find old writings or something to report back on and add to his collection. Nobody would be using those after all!

His steps echoed behind the group though his gaze turned towards the entrance, on edge but sighed. They were far away enough..nobody could possibly find them all the way out here right?? His hands now trialing across the shelves delicately in search for anything he could find interesting. Sure it was wrong but…everyone else was taking stuff and their luck had been pretty good so far.

His hands brushed against an old leather book, triumphantly smiling in joy at having gotten ahold of something he himself could take pride in. Gently flipping through the pages his heart nearly stopped at the sound of a voice chirping up right next to him warning a dragged out relieved sigh.

“Of course not-“

Shoving the book quickly into his pouch, his first action was to push Meg and Sylvanna back to use himself as a shield but it wasn’t much use. The team was surrounded by the soldiers.

Olivine now being forced to kneel alongside the others as he watched in horror at Korean and Sylvanna be handled in such a rough manner. DAMN IT!

Interactions: (literally everyone in some way lmfao.)

monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555 Wyll Wyll queanbean queanbean Umbran Fumbler Umbran Fumbler Darkbloom Darkbloom
As Chancellor Kane surveyed the newly opened room, the cold light of his tactical lamp revealing the ancient machinery and Adam's pod, he turned his steely gaze back to the research team. His soldiers stood ready, weapons trained on Sylvanna, Koran, Olivine, and young Meg. Kane’s lips curled into a cruel smile as he took a step closer to the group.

"Confiscate everything," he commanded, his voice a cold, authoritative bark. "Anything that could be a weapon or weaponized."

The soldiers moved quickly, rough hands searching through the team's belongings. Sylvanna's tools, Olivine's research notes, and data logs were seized without hesitation. Koran clutched Eve, his small robotic assistant, to his chest, trying to shield it from the soldiers' grasp.

Kane’s eyes flicked to Eve, curiosity sparking briefly before being extinguished by his usual cynicism. He approached Koran, a predatory gleam in his eye. "Ah, what have we here?" Kane's tone was falsely intrigued as he reached out, his fingers brushing against the sleek, metallic surface of the little bot.

Eve, sensing the threat, emitted a soft whirr and attempted to hover away, but the soldiers were quicker. They grabbed Eve, pulling it from Koran’s protective grip. Koran's face twisted with desperation and anger, but he was held back by the soldiers, unable to do anything but watch.

Kane examined Eve with a mocking smile, turning the small bot over in his hands. "Quite an impressive piece of technology," he mused aloud, though his voice dripped with condescension. "A little helper, is it? How quaint."

He paused, then his expression hardened. "Unfortunately, we can't have any distractions, can we?"

With a sudden, brutal motion, Kane crushed Eve against the ground, the bot's circuits sparking briefly before going dark. Koran winced, feeling the loss of his creation deeply, as if a part of his own hope had been extinguished.

"There," Kane said with satisfaction, dusting off his hands. "Now, where were we? Ah, yes—secure the room and the prisoners. We have much to discuss about your little expedition."

The soldiers finished their search, roughly shoving the team into a tighter circle, their possessions now scattered and confiscated. Chancellor Kane’s eyes gleamed with triumph as he turned his attention back to Adam’s pod, his mind already plotting the next steps in his insidious plan.

For the research team, the hope that had flickered with their discovery of Sanctuary now seemed to dim under the shadow of Kane's malevolent presence. Their journey had taken a perilous turn, and with their resources seized and their morale shaken, the future of their mission—and possibly humanity—had never been more uncertain.

monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555 Wyll Wyll MusicBox MusicBox queanbean queanbean Umbran Fumbler Umbran Fumbler


be at peace here


the world was a waking dream to the man in the pod.

adam had been asleep, in quiet stasis, for so long he would most likely no longer recognize the world outside his elliptical prison. His dreams, however strange they were, seemed more real than reality ought to me, the whispers in his mind louder than the crashes of the waterfalls and the forest creatures in his mind. To be in such a place, if he was honest, sounded unreal. And maybe it was. But Adam had no time, nor patience, for that. Whatever his dreams were, they were made of something more, for something more, like the final piece of solder that, when melted, bound together a whole work of art. He had the pieces of a puzzle that he could not yet bring himself to understand, and yet could put together perfectly, as if there were something the universe was trying to tell him.

But that was enough of that, because something had shifted. A whispering, a quiet pleading, for him to wake, to be the hero the world needed. The weight of such responsibility was heavy on his back, but eventually... eventually, someone had to push him in.

'awake... awake...'

The loud blaring of siren and alarm shook him to his senses, and he opened his eyes once again for the first time, a shade of ocean blue seen but once before. He saw the innocent, on their knees, and the guilty, on their feet, laughing, jeering, and in all but an instant he could not stand it. He swallowed, waiting barely half a moment before the top of his pod came flying off with a tremendous sound, almost like a boom, and he stepped out. The soldiers had fallen, their general had fallen, and Adam's eyes were steel cold.

"You will not harm them. Not while I am here." he warned the Commander, holding them down as he looked to the scientists. "Go."

It was not just a request, but a command, and not one to take lightly. He would ensure they all made it out alive.

♡coded by uxie♡


Chancellor Kane and his soldiers reeled from the force of the telekinetic blast. The room that had been filled with the echoing clatter of confiscated belongings and jeering laughter was now a tableau of chaos. Soldiers lay sprawled across the floor, their weapons scattered, eyes wide with shock and fear. Kane himself had been thrown back, his imposing figure now struggling to rise from the ground. His once confident expression was replaced with one of disbelief and anger.

Kane's eyes narrowed as he pushed himself up, rage simmering beneath his composed facade. "What is this?" he spat, his voice trembling with a mix of fury and awe as he looked at Adam, who stood unwavering, a living embodiment of defiance.

The soldiers, disoriented but regaining their senses, scrambled to their feet, only to find themselves unable to move under the weight of Adam's telekinetic hold. Panic flickered in their eyes as they realized the extent of the power they were up against.

"Stand down!" Kane barked at his men, trying to regain control of the situation. But the authority in his voice was undermined by the palpable fear that now tainted his command.

The research team, momentarily stunned by the sudden turn of events, quickly understood the gravity of Adam's words. Sylvanna, Koran, Olivine, and Meg exchanged looks of awe and relief before springing into action, gathering their confiscated items as best they could.

Adam's gaze never wavered from Kane, his presence a protective shield for the team. "Go," he repeated, his tone brooking no argument. The researchers, driven by a renewed sense of hope and urgency, moved swiftly, their minds already calculating their next steps in the face of this unexpected ally.

As they retreated, the weight of Adam's silent promise hung in the air: the fight for humanity's future had only just begun, and he would be their sentinel against the darkness.

monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555 Wyll Wyll MusicBox MusicBox queanbean queanbean Umbran Fumbler Umbran Fumbler
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Marv Timmins stood in the eerie silence that followed Adam’s telekinetic blast, his mind racing as he surveyed the stunned soldiers and the bewildered expressions of his companions. He could feel the urgency of the situation pulsing through him, the need to act overriding any lingering shock.

"Everyone, listen up!" Marv's voice cut through the quiet like a knife, firm and authoritative. "We can't stay here. We need to move—now!"

His eyes darted to each member of the team, locking onto theirs, urging them into action. He stepped forward, pulling Koran to his feet first. "Koran, grab what you can. We need your skills if we're going to make it out of here."

Next, he turned to Sylvanna, who was still clutching the notebook she had picked up. "Sylvanna, that notebook might have crucial information. Hold onto it and stay close."

Marv moved swiftly, helping Olivine and Alruna to their feet. "Olivine, you're with me. We need to find a safe path out of here. Alruna, keep an eye on our surroundings. We can't afford any surprises."

He finally looked at Adam, who was already standing, his expression one of resolve. "Adam, lead the way. Your abilities are our best defense right now."

With everyone on their feet and a sense of purpose instilled, Marv took a deep breath, the adrenaline sharp in his veins. "Let's go, now! Stick together and move quickly."

Marv's firm command and decisive actions galvanized the team into motion. As they hurriedly exited the room, leaving behind the fallen soldiers and the stunned Chancellor Kane, the urgency of their escape became the driving force that pushed them forward, away from danger and towards an uncertain but hopeful future.

monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555 Wyll Wyll MusicBox MusicBox queanbean queanbean Umbran Fumbler Umbran Fumbler
Olivine Martin Alvarez

Olivine couldn’t process how fast everything happened, Eve their robotic companion aswell as Korean’s pride and joy smashed before their very eyes. Their stuff seized in a matter of minutes prior to that altercation. His head spun, didn’t help the whole situation was brought to a screeching halt by a loud boom which- thankfully, knocked the opposing side on their asses for a moment. Though, his feet remained frozen. Fuck. FUCK FUCK FUCK! Hands clutching his head as he shielded his ears that rang in a hellish blare. Screaming at him from it’s echoing torture.

Hell, he half expected to be shot and discarded like trash with everyone else in their group- after all Chancellor Kane was a force to be reckoned with but here they were still in one piece. Yet part of him reeled back into reality upon Marv pulling him and Alruna to their feet. Trying to steady his shaking legs and pay attention as the man spoke.

“..Going back the way he came likely would be a death trap so our best case is to either detour or take an entirely separate route though, without Eve we will have no clue of our surroundings.” His voice was rather monotone, Olivine trying to think logically instead of positive thoughts as that would get them all nowhere currently.

His attention snapping to the group with a nod. “Cmon, we don’t have much time before they end up back on our tails. As Marv said grab anything important or necessary and haul ass.”

Interactions: (literally everyone in some way pt 2 electric boogaloo)

monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555 Wyll Wyll Wyll Wyll queanbean queanbean queanbean queanbean Umbran Fumbler Umbran Fumbler Umbran Fumbler Umbran Fumbler Darkbloom Darkbloom Darkbloom Darkbloom


be at peace here


adam waited, for a while, looking over the commanders and soldiers that had tried to take away the innocent. Kicking them lightly to ensure that they would not rise again, he turned to the others, innocent, stalwart, smart, even. He saw this and more in them. He turned to the chancellor, an evil among these other men that he had never seen. "You will not follow." he growled, an anger and threat in his voice that he had never felt before.

He turned to the researchers, listening to them try to find their way out before one of them turned to him. They needed his help, and help he was far too willing to provide. He took another look at the men on the ground, then the researchers, giving a solemn nod.

He would help.

As they made their way out of the cave, littered with traps and other things of the like, he sighed, making sure the traps held back on the poor researchers, but left no mercy on the ones that would inevitably attempt to follow. Bringing them out of the cave would be the easy part, he supposed. What was outside was going to be far more challenging.

♡coded by uxie♡


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