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Fandom HTTYD AU (Private RP between me and Flame Demon)


One Thousand Club
In a alternative version of How To Train Your Dragon 2, Toothless was able to break free from The Bewilderbeast, driven by his instinct to protect hiccup. Toothless challenged and bested the Alpha.

With the threat of Drago ended, Hiccup returns home not only with his friends, but also both his parents.
Name: Rosemary
Age: 16
Appearance: Black hair, forest green eyes, wears a green camouflage colored coat, dark brown pants, light brown boots, light green shirt and an emerald necklace she got from her father
Hobbies: Taking care of her dragons, reading, drawing, practicing with her sword and bow and arrow
Past: Rosemary lives in the forest with her mother, having lost her father during an attempt to find the dragons nest, she bore no hatred towards dragons so she only went to the village to gather supplies and food for the upcoming winter, Since she grew up surrounded by dragons they trust her since she smells like them, over the years she has learned to understand them due by watching their body language. Now that the vikings on Berk are living in peace with dragon she goes to the village more often with her own dragon Yuki, but still lives with the aging mother.
Dragon: Snow born dragon named Yuki. Tidal class, shoots ice instead of fire
Name: Patrik
Age: 6
Appearance: Patrik is a young Caucasian boy with Auburn hair, pitch black eyes, a straight nose, cleft chin. He wears a mix of fur's leather and Cloth.
Hobbies: flying with Fury, taking care of dragons, playing games, learning new things.
Past: Patrik was orphaned during a ship wreck when he was a baby. He was found and raised by a family of dragons. Patrick lived happily with them until the dragon hunters came. Patrick and Fury escaped and traveled together until they met Thornado, who told them about Berk. Patrik and Fury headed there in hopes of finding help to free their family.
Dragon: A male Night fury named Fury.
Patrik and Fury were approaching the island of Berk. "That's Berk, I thought it would be bigger." Patrik said. "Well according to Thornado, they did have to spend a lot of time rebuilding their huts." Fury pointed out. "You really think we'll find people here willing to help save our family?" Patrik askedm "positive, besides from what Thornado said, this might be a good place to live, and for you to get know more about being a human." Fury said. Fury was Patrik's older brother and cared deeply for him. The night fury was quite protective of the young human, especially since they lost their island to a group of Dragon hunters.
For Rosemary it's another day, since they needed more fish to feed the dragons she had decided to help out for a bit, after all, she could take half of what she caught home, she whistle before jumping into the water, her dragon diving in after her and with practiced ease she gets into the saddle and the two drive the fish into the nets, the snow born flying out when the net gets pulled up "You know kid" Mulch says "You can hold you breath pretty long" he adds earning a smile "Course, I'll see you back at the island later with my share of fish". She flies towards the forest and her path is blocked above her house "Geez I smell like fish don't I?" she asks earning a nod from Yuki "You will all get it later, I need my ax for wood" she says and the dragons disperse again.
Patrik and Fury landed on the island to quite a bit of fanfare. They were soon met by Hiccup and Toothless, both of whom were very interested in Fury. "see Patrik, it's just like Thornado said. "I know, another night fury, this has to be Berk." Patrick said to Fury, which confused The Hairy hooligans.

"My name is Patrik, this is my big brother, Fury, we came here looking for help." Patrick said. "Wait, you can actually talk to your Dragon?" Hiccup asked. He could understand toothless, but not to the degree this kid could with his.. brother.

"Yes, can't you?" Patrik asked. "kinda it's more along the lines of understanding his body language." Hiccup explained.

"Please, like this kid really can talk to dragons." Snotlout said dismissively.

"Yes I can, and I can prove it." Patrik said. He turned around. "While I'm turned around, your going to hold up your fingers, and fury will tell how many fingers your holding up." Patrik said.

"Easy, there's no way you'll be able to tell." Snotlout said in his typical bravado. He held up ten fingers. "Ten." Fury said. "Fury said your holding up ten."

Snotlout held up four. "Now your holding up four." Patrick said. Then snotlout gave up.

"Now Fury said you got mad and gave up." Patrik said.
Rosemary is of course interested in the commotion and she flies over with Yuki "Hiccup what's up?" Astrid asks when Rose wants to open her mouth and the twins walk over too "Hey guys" Ruffnut says "What's with the commotion?" Tuffnut asks, Yuki is very interested in the new night fury, but doesn't fly over despite her excitement "Yuki if you land and let me get off you can investigate alright?" Rose asks so the dragon lands and waits until her rider is standing next to Astrid before flying to the second night fury. This makes Rose laugh "Yuki's always interested in other rare dragons isn't she?" Astrid asks "Of course" Tuffnut says "We have yet to see another snowborn, she doesn't exactly take us to her island" "For good reason, remember when Snotlout took all the Changewing eggs" Ruffnut adds before they turn back to the newcomer.
"This is Patrik and Fury, Patrik can talk to dragons." Hiccup said as Patrik immediately hit it off with the dragons.
Yuki flies back to her rider "What's wrong Yuki?" Rose asks and she gets on when the dragon kneels down a bit "Show me" she whispers and the dragon flies off, diving into the water a bit away from the island and she stops when she sees shape above them, Rose knows what they are and she signal they have to head back "Hiccup, as nice as this is" she says mentioning to Patrik and the night fury "We have unwanted visitor approaching" she adds "He was followed, I can try to stall them with Yuki, but I can't promise anything" she says, she had the advantage that should could hold her breath pretty long, but it has it's downsides.
"I thought we lost them three days ago." Patrick said. "Who?" Valka asked, kneeling down, looking at him with a concerned look. "Dragon hunters, they took our family. We came here looking for help." Patrik said.
"Valka, can I take care of it?" Rose asks, she was already in the air anyway and they would suspect an attack from above, not below "I promise I'll be careful and it won't end up like the last time" she adds, last time she had tried what she wanted to do she ran out of air and she woke up with her mother's worried face above her, but she was younger then, so she learned from that mistake.
"no one is going out there alone." Stoik said. " We're taking a squad of dragons to investigate. If they are looking for a fight, then we'll give them one." Stoik said.
"As for you Patrik, you look like you could use a Hardy meal, as does fury." Valka said with a tenderness that could only be discribed as maternal.
"But chief, if they're dragon hunters won't they expect an assault by a large group of dragons?" she asks "What we if we lose them?", Astrid sighs "Guys this is not the time to argue, but Rose is right, they would expect an attack and we can't exactly give them more dragons then the already have, on the other hand Rose, if it goes wrong you won't have anyone to help you". Yuki turns around and freezes the water in the immediate area after seeing the fishers boats have returned.

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