How would you retrieve sth. from the seabed


New Member

actually my Group(All solar: 2 Dawn,1 Zenith,1Twillight) must retrieve lead furniture from a sunken ship.

But we have only a reed boat and the location is a reef (with sharks) at a cliff.

My idea was to call a god with the help of the zenith char or use occult to split the water.

Is it playable or not?

Or do you have a better idea :?:
My players once raised a sunken First Age airship by parting the sea with the help of a water elemental. First they had to negotiate with the sea god who had claimed the wreck as his own, of course ;)
I would try to convince the local gods that having a big chunk of lead in their waters is not in their best interests, and offer to do them the favor of removing it from the area if they can bring it to the surface.
Yea, lead's pretty bad for fish, you know. Those local gods might be happy to let you take it, as long as you play up their egos and make it seem a favour. Perhaps a few sacrifices wouldn't go astray either. Perhaps the gods like a sunken ship there? If you take bits of the ship away, you might do them the favour of sinking another ship nearby, a little yacht or something.

Failing all else, you could use that funny spell that animates items to make the furniture just walk away for you, no fuss.

*Blink*.. I think that spell's missing in the Black and White Treatise.. what a pity. I think I'll take it for my 2e dragonblood, just to have fun with it. It's a fun spell, after all.
You could block up the holes and pump air into it so it floats.


<.<  >.>  <.<  >.>
It'd be hard to fit enough air in there to make lead float...

Has someone been playing Myst? :)
Perhaps as payment to the local gods, you could convince a nearby village or two to believe in, and worship him.  They seem to like that.  But I'd recommend negotiating first, and use that as your leverage.
Flyck said:
Perhaps as payment to the local gods, you could convince a nearby village or two to believe in, and worship him.
Everyone pretty much believes in all gods by default. Unless you mean "believe in" as in "You can do eet!"

It would be interesting, though, if there were gods that people in Creation believed in that didn't actually exist :P
Wow, serious props to your ST on an interesting situation. On the topic of gods I can see three major gods in this equation The local water god the local shark god and the god of the reef. The water and shark gods can probably be swayed by the argument of removing the lead makes their environment better, tastier fish, and less earthen befoulment of the waters. The reef god is your sticker, he might not like you taking one of his prizes, but already we've seen some ideas on this, perhaps sinking a ship on his reef, or maybe an annual festival in his honor where all local villagers send candle boats to be sunk on his reef, so that he can claim ridiculous numbers of ships he has sunk.

You could always take the route my gaming group would most likely take...

Dive in, kill all the sharks, destroy the Reef and all it's precious ecological balance, cause a collossal explosion on the sea-bed with enough success to send all the lead furniture to shore, and somehow through this process cause Gem to be burned to the ground (again).
Given that it is lead and not some more valuable material I am going to assume the GM chose the material for its excessive weight and low economic value but has an NPC particularly wanting it for personal reasons.

The problem is you only have a read boat. Anything to heavy for 2 people to carry is going to sink such a vessel.

My solution would be to build a sled under the furniture, link a rope from the sled to a hauling crew (choose your beasts of burden, yedim, horses, oxen, slaves, zombies)

Two people guide the sled underwater (this requires magic to survive under water) one sits in the read boat and reseves instructions ‘start’ ‘stop’ in tugs on a light rope and pases these instructions to shore using vocal calls or hand signals (depending on distance), a crew of mortals controll the haling team as directed and any remaining exalts keep watch for aggressive marine life (having another boat go half a mile away and chum up the water to attract sharks would also be a not bad idea)

If the team with the sled has a couple of 12 foot stout timbers then it can even go up a 6 foot cliff with little difficulty.

The idea of bouncy balloons (made from sailcloth and sealed with you choice3 of tar or wax is also a possibility but they are hard to fill without pumps.

The only other plans I can think of are build the necessary number of windslave disks (artifact 1 or 2, you would want 2-3 artifact 2s or many artifact 1 versions) or build a specially designed heavy sea salvage catemeran capable of winching heavy objects up between its hulls.

Just out of interest what is your incentive to achieve this task

If your getting payed enough for this job you could throw demons at it. deconthropes could build you a boat, or (the beauteous wasp) can work as heavy lift choppers to raise your cargo (a wooden frame can allow multiple wasps to carry a single very heavy object without getting in each others way)

Hey there...thx for all answers!

Well, we(my Group and me) asked our ST, if we would have a chance to negotiate with a god...

:evil:  He said we wouldn't because the Zenith Solar Char ( :roll: we are really Noobs)hasn't enough Charisma(=1) against a degree of difficulty 6...  :?

We discussed about it 1-2Hours...

So we make it in a classic way... we built a lifting block, killed 1 shark(which was greater than the reed boat and had 14 healthlvls) and used a crane to lift the furniture over the cliff.

er...that wasn't really the "exalted way" at the end  :roll:
The Eclipse is supposed to be the negotiator, not the Zenith.  He's the priest.
Damn*strike himself* f*****g stupid!

Better I read the players guide again and again. :oops:

But again: Thx for all for this usefull feedback
It's what we're here for. Remember, vote for an active troubleshooter, a constant aid and a creative problem-solver. Vote for Samiel.
Yep, Zeniths are the priests. However they DO have both Presence and Performance as Caste they can make pretty fine social characters...just like the Eclipse who is supposed to be the negotiator, to do the job right they need a few out of Caste abilities to be the best they can be. Lucky for both, Solars have 5 favored abilties...
I believe the ideal build for the classical Eclipse has Presence, Performance, Integrity, Investigation and Lore as favoured skills, with some occult to understand the opposition.

The Eclipse got a good, rounded skillset with allows them to adequately perform their jobs, but to be the truly perfect diplomats, they could use the above.

By the opposite token, if the Zenith want to rule nations or religions effectively, they should take Bureaucracy and Socialise in good doses, and if they ever wanna write a good gospel, they should consider Linguistics.
You people need to get rid of your rigid mindset. Nothing stops a zenith from being a good negotiator. or a dawn, or a night or a twilight. People get exalted into these castes not only for talent, but for the will associated with it. The sun chooses warriors, natural fighters for the dawn caste. There is nothing preventing anyone from making a character who is a socialite, seeing social encounters like battles he has to win, perhaps he is the son of a trade house jealously protecting the wealth of his family or a diplomat convinced that there is only enemies in the world, who sees treaties as shields and swords. This can of course be made with any caste and nearly any concept. Just think outside the box.
Oh, absolutely. We were just discussing Caste theory, the idea that the default archetypes given for the castes are by nature incomplete. We (or at least I) weren't suggesting that these are the ideal sets, just the default when one considers the archetypical member of their caste.
There is no reason why you could not make a reed boat big enough to haul a few tons of cargo.  Egyptians made reed boats that could carry 30 tons down the Nile.  Thank you History Channel!   :)
They theorized that whoever the hell built Stonehenge used very basic wooden rafts to transport enormous slabs of stone in the open sea.
After all, you only need to displace the weight of your slab of rock in water, plus a bit, and you've got it floating. If we assume that a volume of water of similar size to the rock has roughly the same weight, then your boat need be only a wee bit bigger than the rock. A wide, shallow boat with decent gunwales should do the trick.

However, we stray here into the dangerous field of "Science in Exalted", and that's dangerous, both thematically and because CW has threatened to kill me if it happens.
Everyone knows that boats float because they contain more Air than Earth. I don't know what this "displacement" tachnobabble is all about.

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