How would you retrieve sth. from the seabed

Safim said:
A dawns life is determined by the will to strife, to overcome obstacles.
That's not a Dawn trait; all Solars are supposed to have that. And Lunars, too. (Sidereals, on the other hand, strive to make sure obstacles don't come up in the first place...) You have to remember that all Exalts were designed to be the superweapons of the gods. They're not supposed to just have skill and ability, but the burning desire to wield it.

The person you describe sounds much more like a Zenith to me- someone who sticks to his principles and refuses to be bent out of shape by the crude violence of the world around him, changing Creation by the sheer force of his convictions. Not a Dawn.

I mean, perhaps a Dawn can at some point recieve some shock or emotional blow that turns them to pacifism, but that's a denial of their role and of the reason they were Exalted. The Dawns were created for two purposes: to kick ass, and to lead armies. Pacifists do neither. All of the other Castes can do at least part of their jobs and be pacifistic, but not Dawns. You might as well say Lunars can be vegans.
Methinks you and Safim are arguing different sides to the same point. Safim's point, I believe (and forgive me, Safim, if I'm speaking out of turn here), as that it was extremely difficult for a pacifist to be Exalted as a Dawn caste. Some other members said it was possible, which has led us here. Reading your comments and comparing them to Safim's, they sound very similar.
Safim said:
I nowhere wrote that they should always be killing machines, so really spare me the "I did not read your post or the caste book but I will say something anyway"-crap, yes?
Duriel said:
But I think too, that Dawns could be a pacifist like(,maybe until you dis his mother  :twisted:  )
That's a funny image... I like it! A calm and composed Dawn, ready for any sort of slight to his own person and a great mediator of disputes..

Until you slam his mom. Then he breaks out the thrown and MA charms.
Jukashi said:
You might as well say Lunars can be vegans.
Leaving aside the possibility of carnivorous totems, surely a zebra-lunar could be a Vegan?

Sure, he'd have no Heart's Blood, but sacrifices must be made for principals.. :P
Why not have plant-based forms?  In the Creatures of the Wyld, there is a few vegitative creatures.  With the Wyld influence in play, I can see mutated venus flytraps actively hunting for prey.  There is also the wood spider.  Is it an actual plant or an elemental?  I don't remember.  But many different game systems have semi- and fully intelligent plants romping about.

As for the Code vs. Killing, check out the anime Ruroni Kenshen (if I spelled it right).  You have a kick butt swordsman that has vowed not to take another life.  It doesn't mean he can't take martial action and spank the crap out of someone that deserves it (lots of bashing damage), but he won't kill them.  There are times when playing a bloodthirsty killer is fun, but this can make for some interesting characters that do more than "See monster; kill monster."
The concept of a Venus Flytrap lunar is quite amusing to me. I can see a first age lunar, suffused with might and potency...waiting.
With lots of cheese sause, duh! :wink:

I guess it would be the core of the plant.  Just so long as you kill the plant and rip the center of it out and chow down, you're in business.
Flyck said:
YogoIshida said:
Dude, have you ever had a gaming session that didn't end with your character getting labeled as a WMD?
Depends on which character we're talking about.
I would love to game with you
What's freaky is that EM keeps leaving his quote tags open. If he keeps it up, I'm getting out the ban-stick.
Yes. It only seems to affect certain themes. But see, I've fixed it.
Flagg said:
EM: Learn to quote properly.
Man I am I don't know that hell is going on I tried to quote sherwood today for nearly 30 mins and it kep fucking up so I gave up
There's nothing to fuck up. Start the quote with the opening tag, and end it with the closing one. What takes 30 minutes?
I have been closing the bloody quote it dosn't seem to matter half the time.
He's been using the quote button to do this.  It happened to me today as well.
Please someone, stop them!   :D

Now this thread is useless, because, i'm done with this Quest(<--only the furniture was stolen, after we retrieved it)


:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Make a thread and write there, not here  :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Duriel said:
Please someone, stop them!   :D
Now this thread is useless, because, i'm done with this Quest(<--only the furniture was stolen, after we retrieved it)


:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Make a thread and write there, not here  :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
The furniture was stolen that blows
Ah, furniture theft. Reminds me of my first Exalted game...we'd just gotten our hands on our first Manse...but it had been abandoned since the First Age and all the furniture had fallen apart... ended up doing a mighty quest dragging furniture across a Shadowland full of hungry ghost and undead, and collecting such mighty First Age artifacts as a desk lamp to furnish our manse. Was fun playing the Zenith going all out against the undead...just to get my manse prettied up. :)

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