How would you retrieve sth. from the seabed

Duriel said:
Please someone, stop them!   :D
Now this thread is useless, because, i'm done with this Quest(<--only the furniture was stolen, after we retrieved it)


:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Make a thread and write there, not here  :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Pimp slap your GM
Ah' date=' furniture theft. Reminds me of my first Exalted game...we'd just gotten our hands on our first Manse...but it had been abandoned since the First Age and all the furniture had fallen apart... ended up doing a mighty quest dragging furniture across a Shadowland full of hungry ghost and undead, and collecting such mighty First Age artifacts as a desk lamp to furnish our manse. Was fun playing the Zenith going all out against the undead...just to get my manse prettied up. :) [/quote']
:lol: LMAO!!!!! :lol:
not really I just found the idea of a desk lamp being used to bash someone or something over the head funny

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